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Page 4

by Maggie Walsh

  Bailey stood there and watched as Lexi’s car disappeared down the driveway and turned onto the road. He laughed to himself again and opened the door. He stepped into the dark house, closing the door behind him and locking it. He couldn’t keep the smile from his face as he slowly walked up the stairs to his room.

  * * * *

  Six o’clock came and went and his mate never showed. It was getting close to seven thirty and Bailey realized he needed to give up the wait. He couldn’t just keep standing here looking like a loser. His mate had stood him up. Bailey sighed heavily as his heart squeezed at the thought of Lexi not wanting him. He began the long walk home with his shoulders heavy and his head low.

  “Hey, Bales,” Josh said as Bailey walked through the front door.

  “Hey,” Bailey said quietly. He didn’t even look up. He walked directly to the stairs and began climbing.

  “What’s wrong?” Josh asked in concern as he grabbed Bailey’s arm to stop him.

  “Nothing,” Bailey answered softly. He pulled his arm from Josh’s grip and took another step.

  “Hey, Bailey,” Josh said and went after him. He stopped Bailey on the fourth step. “What’s going on? Why do you look like someone just stole your puppy? Did you get fired or something?” Josh asked, his voice full of worry.

  “No, I’m just really tired. I just want to go to bed,” Bailey whispered, trying to keep the hitch from his voice. He didn’t want Josh to know he had been crying. Josh always did everything he could to protect him and if he knew Bailey was upset and why, he would hunt Lexi down.

  “Is that Bailey I hear?” Evan said, walking toward them from the hall. “What took you so long? I thought you would have been home hours ago.”

  “I left late.” He continued up the stairs.

  “Hey, Bailey, how did you get home? I didn’t hear a car,” Evan asked.

  “I walked.”

  “You walked? Alone?” Josh asked in concern.

  “I am a grown man, Josh. I’ll be nineteen soon, remember? I can walk eight miles on my own,” Bailey said in frustration. All he wanted to do was get to his room and go to sleep. He didn’t want to stay and play twenty questions. He didn’t want to talk any more so he just kept walking until he reached his and Josh’s room.

  He closed the door behind him and grabbed a pair of sleep pants, a T-shirt, and a towel and headed for the en suite bathroom. That was one of the perks of sharing the master bedroom with Josh―they had their own bathroom.

  Josh walked in just as he was about to step into the bathroom. “What’s going on, Bailey?” He walked to him and put his hand on Bailey’s shoulder. “Come on, buddy. I know something’s wrong, and you know I don’t like you walking around out there on your own.”

  “I know. I just left late and I wanted to walk. Spend some time alone.”

  “Is there anything else?” Josh asked.

  Bailey hung his head and shook it. “No. I’m just really tired, Josh,” he said and the swallowed. “I just want to take a shower and climb into bed. I have to be back at the café at ten.”

  “Okay,” Josh said. Bailey could hear the doubt in voice, but he was grateful Josh wasn’t going to push him and let him go. He walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

  He didn’t even remember stripping his clothes and stepping into the shower. He found himself standing in front of the mirror over the sink, fully clean, with a towel wrapped around his waist. He stared at his eyes in the mirror and couldn’t understand why he was this sad. He had only just met the man. Sure, he was nice and funny and gorgeous, but he didn’t know him. Lexi could have lied to him. He could have a wife and kids somewhere. No, they were mates. Even if he did have a wife and kids somewhere they would still be drawn to each other. At least that’s what he had always been told about mates. There was no way the man had a wife and kids somewhere. He was part of this pack of gay wolves. Bailey needed to stop thinking like that. Maybe he had to take care of something for the Alpha? He was an enforcer after all. Maybe he was working?

  Bailey sighed in frustration. The same thoughts kept going around and around in his head since he started walking home. He just needed to go to bed. Maybe Lexi would come by the café tomorrow and tell him why he didn’t show…or call.

  If the man showed up tomorrow, he would hear him out. There was probably a perfectly good reason for him not showing up. Bailey got dressed and walked out of the bathroom. He climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to his chin. That was it. He was going with Lexi having to work. Because his heart couldn’t handle the other reason fighting to take control of his heart, that his mate didn’t want him. He pushed that thought away and closed his eyes, relaxing and letting sleep take him.

  * * * *

  The next day came and went and still no Lexi. Bailey was starting to lose faith in his theory that his mate had just been working. His heart began to feel like it was being torn in two. His thoughts were struggling against each other. He wanted to give the man the benefit of the doubt because he didn’t know his mate all that well, but at the same time he thought, that’s why he didn’t know if the man was rejecting him. He didn’t know him.

  At times his thoughts took a dark turn and he wondered if his mate had maybe been hurt and nobody knew to call Bailey because they didn’t know about him. He hadn’t said anything to anyone about finding his mate. Not even Josh. Maybe Lexi hadn’t said anything either? No, the Beta was there when they met. He knew about Bailey. Would the man come to him and tell him if anything happened to his mate? Surely he would. He had two mates himself, so he knew how important mates were.

  Bailey sighed in frustration as the bell over the door rang. He just wanted to go home. He didn’t want to deal with any more customers today. He turned toward the counter to take his customer’s order. He smiled when he saw who it was. “Hi, so I see you made it home safe.”

  “Thanks to you.” The man gave him a bright smile.

  “It was no big deal,” Bailey said with a shy smile. “So what can I get you?”

  “A fresh cup of coffee would be great right now. I’m heading out to work and could use the pick-me-up,” the man said with a slight chuckle.

  “Night shift, huh?” Bailey asked as he turned a grabbed a cup. He poured the coffee and moved to the fridge. “Cream, right?”

  “You remembered? Yes, please,” the man answered. “And yes, I have the night shift tonight. Not happy about it, but it’s work.”

  Bailey placed a lid on the cup and turned to the man, handing him his coffee. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks,” the man said and handed Bailey ten dollars. “Keep the change.”

  “No, I couldn’t do that. That’s too much.”

  “Look at it as a double tip for the one I forgot to give you last night,” the man said and winked. He then turned and left the café.

  Bailey rang up the customer’s order, placed the ten inside, and made the change, and then pocketed it for his tip.

  He began wiping down the counters. Fifteen more minutes and he could head home. His eyes kept wandering to the door, hoping his mate would make an appearance. But Lexi never did.

  Chapter 3

  “Come on, Aaron. I have things to do. I need to find my mate and explain to him why I missed our date,” Lexi whined as he sat on one of Aaron’s exam tables at the pack house.

  “I just want to make sure you have no lingering effects, Lex,” Aaron explained as he shined a light into Lexi’s eyes.

  “I’m a wolf, Aaron. I heal quickly, remember? I’m good, man. I promise.”

  “I know that. Doctor, remember?” Aaron said in frustration. He pulled away from Lexi and wrote some notes on a chart. “But Micah insisted I keep an eye on all of you after the battle at the cave. You’re all new to your powers and he said you overdid it. Plus,” Aaron said as he met Lexi’s eyes, “you were very weak and dizzy when you got back. You slept for almost twenty-four hours, brother. You should have recovered faster than that. I just want to keep an eye o
n you for a few days.”

  “It’s been two days already. I feel fine, Aaron. Well besides being freaked out about Micah and Jesse claiming each other and now being the Alpha Prime couple,” he snickered.

  “I know. Freaky, right?” Aaron laughed. “I swear Micah got bigger. That man better let me examine him,” Aaron said and turned away.

  Lexi jumped down off the table. “You want to examine him for what?”

  “To see if he actually did get bigger. And not for nothing but the two of them actually look like they’re glowing.”

  “Yeah, what’s up with that?” Lexi asked.

  “That’s why I want to examine him. Well, both of them,” Aaron answered.

  “You want to examine Micah, go to the source,” Lexi said with a smile.

  Aaron met his eyes and smiled. “Jesse,” they both said at the same time and then laughed.

  Lexi’s face turned serious as he stepped closer to Aaron and lowered his voice. “So how are you holding up?”

  Aaron looked at him with confusion. “I wasn’t there, Lexi. Maybe you should jump back up so I can look at you again.”

  Lexi rolled his eyes. “I know you weren’t there, ya ass. I meant with the whole Raith thing.”

  Aaron looked down. “Oh, you mean with the whole Raith having a child out there somewhere?” he asked and shrugged. “He’s hardly a child, right? He’s what, like eighteen by now?” He sighed. “How can I get mad about Raith having a life before me? I had a life before him. It isn’t anything he had control over. It’s not like he knew and kept it from Rory and I. Or he cheated on us and had a child with her.”

  “I know, and I think you and Rory are really great mates for being so understanding and loving to Raith. He’s gotta be freaking out about this. But I meant how are you? Even though you understand and are supportive, it must still shake you, even a little. And with all the bullshit with Storm and Seth already pissing you off, I wouldn’t blame you if you were upset.”

  Aaron sighed and looked at Lexi with troubled eyes. “I’m a little freaked about Raith having a child, but only because it’s hurting him. He didn’t have a father growing up. The closest thing he had to a father was Raphael, Micah’s dad. Even though the man was wonderful to Raith and treated him as his own, and Raith looks at him as a father, he’s still not. Raith wonders sometimes who his dad was. How different his life would have been if his dad had been around. So knowing he has a son out there who was raised without a father, too, is hurting him.” Aaron sighed again. “And as far as Storm and Seth. Well, Storm has had plenty of opportunity to come and talk with me.” He shrugged. “But he hasn’t. So I’m guessing it’s not that important to him. And you know what?” Aaron asked and met Lexi’s gaze. “It has become not important to me. I don’t have time for all the petty bullshit. I have two mates and a house full of my family that keeps me busy. Plus the opening of the clinic in a few weeks, doing all the research I’m working on, and all these battles you all keep having. My appointment book is packed and I just don’t have the strength for all their drama. Storm’s moving out soon. The pride is almost done, and Seth is busy working with my physiology friend trying to understand what happened and get well. And if I’m being honest, I do want him to get the help he needs and to be able to get past everything that has happened, but I don’t want him as a part of my life. There is way too much history of pain to just sweep it under a rug,” he finished and walked to his desk.

  “Wow, Doc. You really do have your hands full. But you sound like you’re handling it all in stride. Focusing on the positive aspects is probably the best thing to do,” Lexi offered.

  “Raith and Rory need my focus first and foremost. Storm and Seth can wait,” he said quietly.

  “Well, I think you’re doing great, Doc. And remember, if you ever need to talk, I’m a great listener,” Lexi offered.

  “Thanks, Lex. I appreciate that. And thanks for asking how I was.”

  “Anytime, Aaron,” Lexi said and they both gave each other a smile. “So, can I go?” Lexi asked anxiously.

  “Yes. You seem fine now. But if anything changes let me know,” Aaron instructed.

  “I will, Doc. Thanks,” Lexi said and headed for the door.

  * * * *

  He needed to get to his mate. Surely Bailey though he abandoned him by now. Lexi jumped in his truck and sped off toward town. He hoped his adorable mate would understand once he told him what happened. He was an enforcer and things came up that he had to run off to do at a moment’s notice.

  He parked his car in the street right in front of the café and strolled in. His eyes shifted about the interior but he couldn’t find his mate anywhere. Maybe he was in the back? Lexi walked up to the counter and greeted the young girl. “Hi, Samantha, is Bailey working today?”

  “Yeah, but he has the late shift again. Three till midnight,” she answered.

  “Damn that mate of mine works the craziest hours,” Lexi said in frustration.

  “Mate? Bailey is your mate?” Samantha asked happily.

  “Yeah. We just found out the other day,” Lexi answered with a big smile.

  “I don’t understand why he’s so upset then. If I had found my mate, I would be ecstatic,” she said.

  “Upset? Bailey’s upset?” Lexi asked in concern.

  “Yeah, he moped around all day yesterday like someone stole his puppy,” she answered.

  “Shit,” Lexi said in frustration and ran his hands through his hair. “I better get over there and start groveling. Thanks, Samantha.” Lexi turned and headed back to his truck.

  * * * *

  Lexi pulled up in front of the old Victorian and parked. Turning the ignition off, he jumped from the truck and hurriedly made it to the front door. He raised his hand to knock when a loud scream came from within. He listened and there it was again, but this time he could tell the scream came from Bailey. He raised his foot and with all the force he had, he kicked the door in. The door ripped from its hinges and flew across the room. He heard a crash as it hit, followed by smashing, cussing, and screaming. He stepped into the house and looked around for the direction his mate’s scream came from.

  “What the hell do you want?” an angry voice came from his left. Lexi turned his head in the direction to find a good-looking young man standing there. He was about five foot ten inches tall, maybe one hundred fifty pounds, dark chestnut hair, dark-brown eyes, and only wearing a pair of boxer briefs.

  “Where’s Bailey?” Lexi asked in concern, taking a step closer.

  “None of your damn business. Now get the fuck out of my house,” the kid yelled.

  Lexi took a sniff. This guy was a bobcat. “I’ll repeat myself only once, cat. Where’s Bailey?” he asked again with a dangerous growl as his eyes narrowed and his lip curled up to show his canines.

  “I’m here.” His mate’s angelic voice rang out from behind the cat.

  “Bales, get back. This asshole might be dangerous,” the cat warned as he put his arm in front of Bailey to stop him from going any closer.

  “He’s not, Josh,” Bailey said and laid his hand on Josh’s arm. Lexi’s eyes followed the movement and he clenched his jaw. He looked at his mate and saw that he, too, only wore a pair of boxer briefs.

  “How do you know? Do you know this guy?” Josh asked and placed a protective arm over Bailey’s shoulders.

  “Yeah,” Bailey whispered as he continued to stare at Lexi. “He’s a friend from work.”

  “This is the guy who drove you home the other night?” Josh asked.

  “Yeah,” Bailey answered simply.

  “Okay. It still doesn’t explain why he just broke our door and thought he could just come into our home,” Josh said as his voice took on a menacing tone.

  “You’re right,” Bailey said to Josh and tilted his head in confusion as he stared at Lexi. “Why did you break our door down?” Bailey asked.

  Lexi’s jaw was beginning to throb, he was clenching it so tight. “I heard you scream,”
was all he offered.

  “You heard me scream and came busting through the door?” Bailey asked quietly. Lexi only gave him a small nod as an answer. Bailey just stared at Lexi in confusion.

  “You look okay,” Lexi whispered and turned, heading back out the door. “Send me a bill for the door,” he threw back over his shoulder as he descended the porch steps.

  “Wait!” Bailey called out and ran after him. Lexi froze halfway to his truck and turned his head slightly. Bailey remained on the porch looking at him, with the cat standing behind him.

  “Let him go, Bales,” Josh whispered.

  “Why did you come here, Lexi?” Bailey asked nervously.

  Lexi turned fully to face his mate and their eyes met. Lexi cleared his throat. “I stopped by the café and they said you weren’t due in yet. I came by to see you.”

  “Um…yeah, I don’t have to be in until later,” Bailey answered shyly.

  “Yeah, that’s what Samantha said. So…I’ll just…leave you to whatever you two were doing,” Lexi said with hurt in his voice and looked away. He turned and continued to walk to his car.


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