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Basement Level 5: Never Scared

Page 7

by L. R. Wright

“Since then,” she continued. “I told myself I would never put them in harm’s way again. I would never place my children at risk. I was never scared of anything until your brother threatened my child’s life.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Tommy asked.

  She picked up her gun again and aimed at his head. “Because you threatened my children’s lives by coming here—all in the name of your brother. I just thought you should know who your brother really was. He stole from us for over three years and he worked with a competitor who was trying to put us out of business. He was a coward in every way. And you want to be just like him. The way I see it, I’m giving you what you want—to be like Paul.”

  Although Alexa had rage on her face and her gun aimed at Tommy’s heart, Dro knew she couldn’t kill him in cold blood.

  She was a fierce defender of those she loved, yet the days of sweeping her own emotions under the rug for a job were long gone. But before he could tell her he understood and he’d handle it from here, Nicholas stormed in and put two bullets in Tommy’s head.

  “What the hell was that?” Alexa growled. She whirled around and trained her gun on Nicholas, pressing the tip to his temple.

  Nicholas’ eyes widened. “I just wanted to help. I thought—”

  “Why are you here?” she asked. “I told you to monitor the cameras. What makes you think we need your help? We had this situation under control and you jeopardized our safety by leaving your post and coming here.”

  Dro glared at Nicholas. “I’d really like to know the answer to that myself. But now is not the time. Take your ass back down to B5. Now.”

  Nicholas turned and left without a word. Dro stepped over to Alexa and gently squeezed her arm. When her arm grew lax, he gripped her hand and took her gun. He secured the safety and tossed it over to Chase.

  “Clean this up,” Dro ordered.


  Alexa fled toward the stairs, leaving them to clean up the mess.

  “Baby?” Dro’s voice stopped her in her tracks. She clinched her fists together and forced herself to breath slowly. “Baby, don’t run from me,” he said. “Remember, I’m the only one who knows you cry after every mission.”

  With tears in her eyes, she whirled around to face him. His thumb caught the first teardrop that escaped as he gathered her close. She sobbed openly into his shirt while he whispered nonsensical words in her ear.

  It seemed like they had stood there forever when she eventually broke away and gazed into his smoky eyes.

  He stroked her moist cheeks. “It’s okay, baby.”

  “It’s not, Dro.” She cleared her throat when her voice cracked. “I told myself I would never raise a gun to kill again. That I would never put my family in harm’s way again, never put myself in the position to have to do something like that!”

  “You didn’t put yourself in that position. He came here to kill you. That’s on him, not you.”

  “Dro, you can’t seriously believe that. He came here to avenge his brother’s death. You know as well as I do that was a direct result of my actions.”

  “That’s not true. Paul tried to rape you. He knocked you down. He ripped your underwear off. He cut your stomach. Killing him was self-defense.”

  “Maybe,” she admitted. “But there were many others that weren’t self-defense. Besides, Paul flipped out because I made him think I wanted him. I played him just like all the others. Others who didn’t deserve what I did to them. I told you, we have done so much dirt. It was bound to come back on us. And I can’t—” She swallowed, trying to ease the lump in her throat. “—I can’t help but feel like we deserve everything that comes to us.”

  “Alexa, you heard what Tommy said. The person who hired him was Melissa. This has nothing to do with our business.”

  “That we know of. We don’t know who the other person is, the man she’s working with.”

  “But we’ll find out and stop them.” He rested his hands on her folded arms. “Don’t do this to yourself. We made decisions based on the life we led then and the choices our parents made for us. We’re trying to make it better, and sometimes it just doesn’t work. But we can’t give up on that dream. And we can’t stop fighting.”

  She shook her head and stepped back from him. But when she tried to turn away from him, he grabbed her head with his hands so she couldn’t avoid eye contact. She sighed. “Dro, please, you know I’m right. That’s why I can’t do this anymore.” She pushed him back, pulled her knife out, and dropped it on the floor. “I promised myself I wouldn’t harm another human being. I made that promise for my children. We made these changes so our kids could have a better life.”

  “You’re right,” he agreed. “We’re parents, and no, we can’t act like we used to. We’ve done things in our lives that...I don’t even need to say it. I understand where you’re coming from. I don’t particularly like that the kids are involved. And I know you don’t want Ky and Alex to see this side of you or to grow up striving to be like you. But we do want them to grow up, baby. That means we have to protect them.” He searched her face. “It’s fine to want something better for our children. I do too, baby. But you can’t keep hiding, running from the past. You shouldn’t deny who you are, Alexa.”

  She choked back another sob. “I’m a killer, Dro. Do you want me to wear an assassin’s badge? If there was ever a past someone should hide from, it’s mine. What if Ky sees me like this and decides she wants to follow in my footsteps.”

  “So what? She would do good to follow in your footsteps. She doesn’t have to kill to be like you. Somewhere along the line you forgot who you are because you were so busy pretending. The fact that you’ve killed does not define you. Our kids could do so much worse than to be like you.” Dro cradled her face again, smoothing his hands over her hair. “You’re intelligent, fearless, and strong. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. And you’re never more beautiful to me than when you are being yourself. I love everything about you, even the worse parts. I’ve known since I was ten-years-old that you would be my wife. I’ve loved you for so long, I can barely remember what it was like to not love you. And our children love you, too. They need us to fight for them.”

  “Dro, I’m scared.”

  He smiled down at her and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. “No, you’re not. Remember, you are never scared.”

  She appreciated his attempt to lighten the situation. “I am, baby. We have so much to lose. If something were to happen to our kids because of me, I don’t think I could survive it.”

  He pulled her back into his arms. “I know. But it’s going to be alright. We just have to believe that.”


  August 22, 1997:

  Dro stifled a groan when Alexa walked into his room and hopped up on his desk. At seventeen, she was even more beautiful. He had to remember to breathe every time she smiled. Her hair was styled in a long, layered cut. But he preferred it in a mound of messy curls, like it was today.

  She closed the book he was reading. “It’s my birthday tomorrow, Dro. What are you getting me?”

  “Do I ever tell you what I’m going to get you?”

  “No, but do I ever stop trying?”

  “I guess not.” He leaned back in his chair. “What’s up?”

  She picked at the torn edges of his textbook. “I have a question to ask you.”

  “What is it?”

  She fidgeted, a rare occurrence. “Well, as you know I’m turning seventeen tomorrow, and there are some things I want to accomplish.”

  He took a sip from his glass of water. “Like what?”

  “I want to lose my virginity.”

  Choking on the water in his mouth, he pounded on his chest. “W—What?”

  “I’m ready to lose my virginity.”

  Trying to compose himself, he rubbed the back of his neck “I heard you, but I’m wondering what the hell your problem is?”

  She shrugged then giggled when he rubbed his hand down his face. “I don�
��t have a problem, Dro. I’m seventeen tomorrow. I’m the only one I know that hasn’t had sex. It’s time.”

  He frowned, wondering where the hell this was leading. “So, what does this have to do with me?”

  “Well...I want you to be my first.”

  Immediately, his gaze traveled down her body. “Okay, let’s just pencil that in between cake and ice cream.” Clearing his throat, he sat up straight. “You’re really trippin’.”

  “No, I’m not.” She slid off the desk and onto his lap, straddling him. “I’m ready. And I trust you, so I want you to be the first.”

  His hands fell to her thighs. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not? You’re not attracted to me?”

  He gazed into her expressive brown eyes, tilting his head. “That’s not what I’m saying. It’s just...I don’t know if we should...”

  She placed her finger against his lips and he had to fight the urge to suck the digit into his mouth. “I have a reason for this request. I already had Kendrick give me my first kiss.” He was so distracted by her finger lingering over his lips that he almost missed her comment about who gave her that kiss. Almost.

  Dro arched an eyebrow at her. “So Kendrick was the first kiss?”

  She trailed her tiny fingers up his arms, distracting him from planning Kendrick’s beat-down. “And then Chase took me to second base,” she continued, obviously not realizing that she was sealing Chase’s fate as well. “He felt me up one day last summer and played with my boobies a little. And well, he kissed me too.”

  Dro rolled his eyes. He didn’t want to hear this. She adjusted her position on his lap, not realizing she was dangerously close to feeling just how attracted to her he was. He gripped her thighs tighter.

  She placed her hands on his shoulders. “So I figured I might as well skip third base, cause...Ewww. I don’t want to do that with just anybody. And since we’re already supposed to get married, I figured you should be my first.”

  Dro mulled over her words. When they were children, their parents agreed they should marry. Pop thought of it as a way to ensure Alexa’s protection. And Dro’s father agreed. Dro found out about this on his tenth birthday. But his father always told him he would never force him to marry her if Dro felt strongly against it.

  In Dro’s mind, however, he never thought he would marry anyone other than Alexa no matter what his father said. He knew Pop would still insist she marry someone in the Organization, and Dro wasn’t going to let it be Chase or Kendrick—or anyone else for that matter. He knew she trusted him and he wouldn’t let her marry someone she didn’t trust.

  Dro realized Alexa was staring at him quietly. “What?”

  “Are you thinking about it?” She traced small circles on his shoulder. “Because I know you have women—a lot of women. But the thing is I trust you—you know that. And more importantly, I trust you with my body.”

  Instinctively, his gaze slid over that lovely body again. “Sex isn’t something we can turn back from. Once we do it, it’s going to change things.”

  She smiled, and Dro...melted a little? He frowned at that realization, but tried to remain focused.

  “Well,” she whispered, leaning in. “I figured it would change a few things. I’m ready, though. I want my first time to be soon. With you.”

  His focus shifted to her plump lips. For a second, he wondered if she was wearing that fruit flavored lip gloss she was always gushing about. It wouldn’t be much trouble for him to lean in just a little bit more and taste her. “I’m not sure you’re ready to be with me.”

  She rubbed his chin with her thumb and he prayed she would just stop touching him. His mind was already in the gutter. One more push and her virginity would be a long lost memory.

  She arched a brow at him. “I know I am. But maybe it’s the other way around. Maybe you’re not ready to be with me?”

  “Lex...” He sighed. “I’m not sure. I have to think about it.”

  She shrugged and jumped off his lap. “Okay, but don’t think too long though. I may decide to ask someone else. Something tells me whomever else I ask may not be so noble.”

  He watched her walk out of his room then dropped his forehead on the desk and took a few cleansing breaths, willing himself not to focus on the temptation that was Alexa.


  November 4, 2011, B5:

  B5 was still quiet when Alexa and Dro arrived. Chase, Kendrick, and Lei were still up in the house. Nicholas met them in the foyer. They stood in silence for a few minutes. She surveyed Nicholas, still suspicious of his motives for charging in and killing Tommy—especially when it wasn’t necessary. The situation was obviously under control. Even if she wouldn’t pull trigger herself, one of them would have done it. She wanted to give Nicholas the benefit of the doubt, though. He’d been there for her more times than she could count, proving himself loyal to the family.

  “The background check came back,” he said softly. “I went through it quickly and highlighted some things I thought you should look at.” He handed a file to Dro.

  Dro scanned the documents briefly, and gave the folder back. “Do me a favor and give it to Lei first. I’ll look at it later.”

  “Will do. I have to get back in the security room and make sure everything is okay.”

  “Aside from that, your actions tonight were inappropriate and I don’t appreciate it. If you can’t do the job I hired you for, you’re no good to me. You’re certainly not gaining any trust by disregarding my orders, despite your intent. Do what you’re told. Period.”

  “Nicholas?” Alexa said, clearing her throat. “You’ve never given me reason not to trust you. I’m choosing to accept your reason for coming up to the house. But don’t let it happen again. It’s been a long day. When they get back, why don’t you get some sleep? You haven’t had much rest.”

  Nicholas nodded and walked into the security room without a word. Alexa hurried to her bedroom, leaving Dro to finish the conversation.


  Lei opened the door to B5 quietly. His head was pounding courtesy of Tommy. He was irritated, so he left Kendrick and Chase to clean up. He skimmed his temple with his fingers and frowned when he felt the blood. Stalking into a small bathroom, he surveyed the damage on his head.

  “What happened to you?” a soft voice asked.

  Lei peered at Ari’s reflection in the mirror. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it. What are you doing up?”

  Ari watched him in the mirror. “Don’t tell me not to worry about you? What happened?”

  “I got caught slipping, Ari.” He turned to face her. “Someone clocked me in the head.”

  Ari gasped and pulled Lei down the hall into her bedroom. Pushing him down on the toilet, she grabbed her medical bag and immediately went to work on his head. As her fingers skirted over his wound, he gripped the edge of the commode. She stilled, but eventually continued to clean it.

  He held his breath as she dabbed antiseptic over the cut. Closing his eyes, he waited for more pain, but it never came. Instead, he felt her cool breath against the cut. He opened his eyes, and she smiled at him. He could tell she wanted to say something, but he knew she wouldn’t make the first move.

  She rummaged around in her bag and pulled out some gauze and tape. After rubbing salve on his cut, she gently placed the gauze on top and taped it. She held his gaze for a minute before tossing the waste in the trashcan.

  Lei continued to watch her as she moved around, throwing away more soiled cloths, and cleaning her instruments. He knew she was aware of his scrutiny, but she still remained quiet. She only stopped when he placed his hand on her arm.

  He moved his fingers down her arm to her hand and squeezed gently. “Ari...Stop.”

  “You need to go,” she whispered.

  He pulled her down on his lap. “I’m okay.”

  She looked at him then, tears standing in her beautiful brown eyes. Although Ari and Dro were siblings, Dro was the only one who inher
ited his mother’s startling bluish-gray ones. But Lei didn’t care because he loved Ari’s expressive brown eyes. They were eyes he saw in his dreams, too many times to count.

  “Lei, what if...never mind.” She tried to get off of his lap, but he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her there.

  “I’m all right,” he repeated softly. He placed a gentle kiss below her ear. “It’s okay.”

  She wiped an errant tear from her cheek. “Lei, I can’t do this.”

  Lei whispered to her, “Yes you can. I need you.” He kissed her again, this time on her neck.


  Ari closed her eyes and sighed deeply. There was one thing she was sure of in her life and that was Lei. He’d always been there for her, since they were children and she loved him with all her heart. But theirs was not a love story for the books. Most of their romantic relationship existed behind closed doors.

  He was a married man. And she hated herself for needing him the way she did. Makayla was one of her closest friends in the world, but Ari would sooner die than ever give Lei up. She opened her eyes to find him watching her intently. Lifting her hand, she stroked his brow. “Makayla is in the other room. You should go to her. She’s probably worried.”

  “You’re worried, and I’m concerned about you, Ariana.” She knew he was telling the truth. Even though they couldn’t be together like they wanted, he always made sure she remembered what she meant to him. They had both made decisions long ago that prevented them from exploring a full relationship. Ari married, at the young age of nineteen, to Makayla’s brother, Jackson. She was pregnant with Alana and she thought it was Jackson’s baby. Once Alana was born, however, her striking resemblance to Lei was unmistakable. But it was too late. Her father forced her to marry Jackson before the baby was born, even though she begged him not to.


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