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Basement Level 5: Never Scared

Page 18

by L. R. Wright

  Lei nodded, hating the fact that the child would grow up without her parents. That was just one of the downsides to this life. They took parents away from children too many times to count. He knew Alexa was thinking about that as well, with her own children being gone. That’s why he had a feeling that she wouldn’t be around much longer. “Did you tell Alexa?”

  “Yeah,” Kendrick confirmed. “She wanted to know as soon as I got word. I wish...never mind.”

  Dro stomped over to them. “What the hell was that drug that you gave Melissa, Kendrick? She’s still out cold.”

  Kendrick shrugged. “It was a simple horse tranquilizer. She should come to any minute.”

  Dro pinched the bridge of his nose. “Who thinks of that? A horse tranquilizer? The woman weighs one hundred and five pounds wet. She could be out the whole night.”

  Kendrick sat at the table. “I didn’t give her that much. I do know what I’m doing. She should come to in a few hours.”

  Lei parked in a seat next to Kendrick. “Great, I’m going to try some more of Pop’s contacts again to see if he has surfaced.” He picked up his phone and punched in a number.

  Alexa walked over to the table. “I know we said we were going to stay together, but can someone get us some food? I’m starving.”

  As if on cue, Chase barreled into the safe house holding bags of food. “I stopped at the store and bought food. I saw Kendrick give Melissa the horse tranquilizer, and figured we would be here for a while.”

  She smiled and rifled through the bags. “Thank goodness for you, Chase. You’re so dependable.” She pulled a burger out of the bag and sat down next to Kendrick.

  Chase smiled. “You’re welcome. I’m going to tell the guards that there is food here.”

  Lei slammed his phone on the table. “Damn. I had our contact in the police department look in the trucks to see if Pop left any hints. He just told me there was blood on one of the seats.”

  Alexa gasped. “Was it a lot of blood?”

  Lei knew she couldn’t take much more of this situation. She already broke down once, which still haunted him. “He said the amount of bloodshed could indicate anything from a bloody nose to a small stab wound.”

  “Well, which truck was the blood in?” Kendrick asked.

  Lei paused, glancing at Alexa. “It was the truck Pop was driving, the gray Navigator.”

  “Oh, my God.” She dropped her burger on the table. “Daddy was driving the kids.”


  November 6, 2011:

  Chase lowered his head. “Ari and Makayla had Kendrick’s wife and kids. Pop and Ma had our kids.” He sat in the chair closest to him. His son, CJ, was in the car with Pop. He felt Kendrick come up behind him and place his hand on his shoulder. Then he looked over at Alexa, who was sitting oddly calm while Dro massaged her shoulders.

  Chase had never married. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to marry though. It was quite the opposite. He’d been harboring feelings for Alexa for much of his life. When he met CJ’s mother, he thought he’d found someone—the one woman he could love that would love him back. When she was killed in a car accident after CJ was born, he had never found anyone that made him feel that way again.

  After she died, he poured that love into his son, choosing little league and cub scouts over bars and women. The only time he didn’t have CJ was when the boy was with his grandparents. Chase was really good about letting CJ’s maternal grandparents spend time with him every year. That’s why he had gone to pick him up from the airport. CJ had just spent four weeks at his grandparents’ house and now he was caught up in this mess.

  All along Chase had tried to remain calm. When he was separated from Pop, he kept telling himself that everything was going to be okay. Now, as much as he wanted to maintain that positive attitude, it was getting harder by the minute.

  “Well, we don’t know whose blood it is,” Kendrick reassured them. “So let’s not jump to any conclusions.”

  Chase looked at his younger brother. Kendrick was the “down for anything, and cool under pressure” brother while Chase was always considered the calm, dependable brother. Kendrick could be shot and still remain composed. He guessed they both got their unruffled demeanor from their father.


  May 29, 1998:

  Chase watched as Alexa and Dro argued outside of the pool house. He had driven home with Dro from school for the holiday and Dro had just found out Alexa was entertaining another guy at the pool. Dro was livid, but Chase couldn’t understand why. Even he knew that Alexa was in love with Dro even though she never voiced it out loud. He could see it in her eyes when she looked at Dro. And he could feel it in his heart when she didn’t look at him.

  Chase felt stupid. He’d fallen in love with Alexa when he was twelve-years-old even after Enrique told every one of them that she would marry Dro when the time was right. Chase had been so naïve he thought if he remained reliable and patient she would pick him one day. He believed all these things even though the other boys teased him about it—even though she never gave him any indication that she thought of him as more than—calm, dependable Chase. In fact, he couldn’t even be first in her “friend” book because she always chose Kendrick over him in that area.

  Of course, he saw a lot of other women. None of them made him feel like Alexa did. As corny as it sounded, she could chase all his storm clouds away with one smile. He was doomed to live a life in love with someone that would never be his—someone that was in love with his best friend.

  Chase, Dro, and Lei had been partners in crime since they were toddlers. They’d spent countless time playing RISK, Dungeons and Dragons, hunting, and other things little boys did. He trusted them more than he trusted his own brother sometimes. And that bond only grew stronger as the years flew by.

  Only as they got older, they stopped playing with toys, started following Enrique’s orders, and sometimes ended up in adjoining jail cells for the night.

  Yet, even though they all were loyal to Martinez, they all shared the same vision for the future. They all wanted to take Martinez in a different direction once they were able to control it. They didn’t want to run the same business as their parents. Chase wanted to be like his father though. His father was the president of Martinez Construction and very good friends with Pop and Enrique.

  He always knew, though, that he wanted to take his education one step further than his father. He wanted an architecture degree. He wanted to design, not just build. And although he could do both, choosing to major in construction management and architecture, he loved the challenge of design. In fact, he was currently working on his biggest project yet—underground lairs. He wanted to design a complete underground city if he could.

  He was jarred from his thoughts when Alexa nearly mowed him down on her way back into the pool house. She turned to him. “I’m sorry, Chase. Your friend just pissed me off.” She glanced back at Dro. “Last time I checked my Dad’s name was Leiland Sr.,” she yelled loud enough for Dro to hear.

  “It’s okay,” Chase assured her, unable to hide his smile. “What’s going on?” Here he was still vying for the calm, dependable friend award. He had to roll his eyes again at his stupidity.

  She crossed her arms in front of her breasts, tapping her foot on the cement. “Dro comes and pulls me out of the pool house, to cut the fool on me, for daring to have company.”

  “Why?” Of course, he knew why— but he loved to hear her talk. Stupid.

  “How the hell should I know, Chase? He’s your friend. Ask him. Matter of fact, can you ask him up at the house? My friend is waiting for me.”

  Dro stalked toward them, fury etched in his face. “All I want to do is meet Jon.”

  “See,” she shouted, placing her hands on her hips. She glared at Dro. “Why do you need to meet Jon? He goes to my school and he’s a good guy.”

  Dro looked at her incredulously. “He may not be as good as you think. I think it’s important that we know who you�
�re hanging out with.”

  She threw up her hands. “Why? I’m not marrying the guy. He’s just a friend.”

  Chase interjected, “I think Dro just wants to know what kind of friend this Jon is.” He wanted to know too. And he was almost sickened by his own response.

  She scowled at Chase. “Do you think that gives him the right to come out here acting all deranged?”

  Is this a trick question? “No?” Chase answered and asked at the same time.

  “See!” Alexa shouted at Dro.

  They were all rendered speechless, however, when Jon picked this moment to step out of the pool house. Chase was floored at the sight of him. And then he was immediately irritated. If Alexa was with Jon, there must be something seriously wrong with Chase. Jon was pretty ordinary. He was short, skinny, and...white. Not to mention, he was probably the president of the math club or something. He was definitely nerdy. Chase looked over at the shocked expression on Dro’s face and couldn’t help it—he laughed out loud.

  Alexa turned to Jon. “I’m sorry, Jon. Don’t mind them. They’re just being assholes.” She grabbed Jon’s hand. “Let’s get back to work on this project.”

  “Project?” Dro stopped her from moving past him. “You’re working on a project? Why didn’t you just say that?”

  She shoved Dro. “Because I don’t owe you an explanation. I hate to keep stating the obvious, but you’re not my man. Even if Jon and I were going to have hot sex by the pool all afternoon, it would still be none of your business. And you know why? Cause you’re not my boyfriend.”

  “What is wrong with you and Lei?” Dro asked. “Who do you think I am to you?”

  “Not my boyfriend,” she repeated.

  “Would you say I was her boyfriend?” Dro asked Chase.

  Chase shrugged. “Sort of. I mean, you act like you are.”

  “See,” she stated. “The key word is ‘act.’ You act like you’re my boyfriend. But that doesn’t make it a fact, right Chase?”

  Chase threw his hands up in frustration. “Actually, I don’t care. I don’t even want to be having this conversation right now. What difference does it make anyway?”

  Alexa frowned at his answer and he immediately felt stupid—again.

  “I need to talk to Alexa alone?” Dro glared at Jon, who quickly scurried back into the pool house. “Chase, give me a minute.”

  “No, Chase, don’t leave,” she said, giving Dro the evil eye. “Dro may be jefe, but he’s not the boss of you or me.”

  Dro cursed. “Listen, I’m not going to argue about this anymore. You’re my girlfriend, okay? I don’t want you seeing anyone else at all. I thought we already went over this?”

  “Like hell we did. We agreed that neither of us would see anyone else when you were in town or vice versa. We never agreed that I couldn’t see anyone at all. And why don’t you just clock me over the head and drag me to your room by my hair?”

  Dro stepped closer to her. “Ha Ha. I guess I’m just having a hard time understanding why this is even a problem. You told me you didn’t particularly want to see anyone else. So why are you getting so mad?”

  “Why do you want to change things now?”

  Dro rolled his eyes and let out some sort of growl before he pulled her in for a kiss. She flung her arms around his neck. When Dro pulled away, he rested his forehead on hers.

  “Because I love you and the thought of another guy experiencing you the way I do makes me want to kill somebody.”

  She stepped back. “What?”

  “You heard me. I’m in love with you, and I need to know that you’re with me. I don’t want to see anyone else, and I don’t want you to see anyone else.”

  “Oh my God!” she squealed. “You’re in love with me? I knew that.”

  She kissed him.

  “I bet you did. You should have said something and put me out of my misery.”

  She burst out in a fit of giggles. “Nope, it was yours to tell. Now I’m going to have to get rid of Jon.”

  “I’m thinking that’s a pretty good idea.”

  “Give me five minutes,” she said, holding up her hand. Turning on her heel, she bolted toward the pool house.

  Chase watched her sprint to the pool house and sighed. He really was stupid.


  November 6, 2011, Safe House:

  Chase addressed the group. “Lei, have you had any luck with Pop’s contacts?”

  “No.” Lei plopped down on the old, dingy couch. “There’s no information on Pop anywhere.”

  Chase slammed a fist on the table. “Well, we just continue like we have been. End this and then focus on finding them.”

  “He’s right,” Kendrick agreed. “We don’t even know whose blood it is. We can’t assume it’s one of us.”

  Melissa moaned from the other room.

  Alexa pulled her gun out of her holster. “Well, let’s break this bitch so I can find my kids.”

  Chase followed Alexa and the others into the bedroom.

  Melissa peered up at them through hooded eyes. Her eyes widened and she sat up. She opened her mouth to say something. Too late. Alexa backhanded her.

  “You better start talking, bitch,” she warned. “I’m not in a good mood.”

  Chase wrapped a piece of Melissa’s hair around his fist. “And she’s not the only one in a bad mood.”


  May 2, 1999:

  The party was in full swing. Melissa felt on top of the world. It was graduation and she was ready to start her life. Dro had rented out the entire club on Fifth Street and thrown a graduation party on campus instead of in his home town. It was the event that everyone was dying to get to.

  Melissa had put on her slinkiest dress. It was a halter dress, no straps, and it fell an inch above her knee. She was hoping to lure Dro into her bed. Melissa wasn’t fazed by Dro’s “girlfriend.” She knew that she had more sex appeal in her pinky finger than Alexa had in her whole body. Dro would be begging for her company before she was done.

  She breezed into the party feeling cool and sexy. The base in the music was pumping, and the dance floor was packed as Juvenile’s “Back That Ass Up” started playing. The VIP section was above the dance floor. It was crowded with those closest to Dro and Chase. Although, she wasn’t invited to the VIP, she was going up anyway because one of her girls was cool with Chase.

  As they walked up the stairs, she was excited. She could feel it. This was going to be her night.

  Chase greeted Melissa’s friend with a hug. “Licia, glad you could come. I saved you a table over by the bar.” Licia and Chase had been kicking it for a few weeks. Licia nodded and Chase led them over to their table.

  Melissa waved. “Hi Chase.”

  He looked her up and down, his dislike of her obvious. “What’s up, Melissa? I didn’t think you were coming.”

  She didn’t care that didn’t like her. She wasn’t going to let anyone ruin her mood. “I graduated, too. Can’t I get out and party like everyone else?”

  “Don’t start anything,” he warned. “I want a peaceful night. The best thing you can do is stay away from Dro.”

  “Where is Dro?” Licia asked.

  He tilted his head in the direction of the VIP dance floor. “Over there on the floor.”

  Melissa looked on the dance floor and narrowed her eyes at the sight of Dro and Alexa. They were dancing very intimately. She was in front of him, and his hands were wrapped around her from the back. The worst part was that it appeared he only had eyes for her.

  When the song ended, an old school slow jam oozed from the speakers. Melissa watched Alexa turn around and wrapped her arms around Dro’s neck. He slid his arms around her waist, resting his hands on her butt. She saw him bend lower and kiss her, slowly and thoroughly, as if there were no one else in the room. A pang of jealousy shot through Melissa’s entire body.

  For the first time ever, she felt like a second class citizen in her town. That fact infuriated her. She was rai
sed like a princess. Her father told her he ran this town, and everyone would have to show her respect. That was the reason why she had so many friends. That was the reason why everyone knew not to cross her. Yet Dro and his family didn’t seem to care about her family’s reputation. By the time the song ended, she was downright livid. Before she could talk herself out of it, she stalked over to them.

  Dro must have seen her coming because he stopped dancing and stepped in front of Alexa. Melissa looked around and realized others had stopped as well.

  Dro’s graphite eyes bore into her. “Melissa, don’t start.”

  She heard Licia beside her begging her to return to the table, but she wasn’t budging. She just knew she couldn’t sit there any longer, watching the happy couple fall all over each other. She wanted to let it be known that she thought this whole thing was bullshit. “I’m not starting anything. I just want to talk to her.”

  Dro opened his mouth to speak, but Alexa peeked around him. “How can I help you?” she asked stepping out from behind him.

  He placed a hand on Alexa’s shoulder and Melissa’s irritation rose to new heights. “I can’t stand you, little girl.”

  “Really?” Alexa asked, sarcasm evident. “Thanks for sharing.” And then she turned her back on Melissa and pulled Dro back to their table.

  As the music played on, the other people started dancing again. But Melissa could barely control her anger. She stalked back over to her table, picked up her cell phone, and placed a call.

  About an hour later, after witnessing countless dances, Melissa perked up at the sight of her cousins strolling into VIP. The Calvary had arrived, and Alexa was going to stop disrespecting her in her town. She stood up and pointed her family in the direction of Alexa and Dro on the dance floor. She instructed her cousins to follow her lead and led them over to where they were. Once again, activity on the dance floor ground to a halt. Dro must have spotted her again because he was flanked by his family before Melissa made it over to them.


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