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Forbidden Desires

Page 12

by Jodie Griffin

  She took a long sip of ice water, hoping to cool her raging hormones. Marcus slid one hand over the back of her chair, and she leaned into his embrace, listening to the band play traditional Italian love songs while they waited for their meals. Marcus slowly relaxed, and the edge of her own arousal softened.

  The waiter brought their meals, and for the next half hour, they talked as they ate, and she realized how much she enjoyed listening to him speak. He was intelligent and insightful, and he was attentive too, waiting for her to finish speaking before he spoke. Trent had never been like that. He’d talked only to hear himself talk. She shoved that thought aside. Memories of Trent had no business here. Not tonight.

  “So tell me about this bed and breakfast.” She took another bite of the best shrimp parmesan she’d ever had. “What did you mean by private?”

  Marcus’s smile spread slowly across his face. “It’s, well, unique. It has a name, although you’ll never find it on a sign anywhere. Gabe calls it Bondage and Breakfast.”

  She stopped with the next forkful halfway to her mouth. “Excuse me?”

  He grinned. “It caters to Doms and subs, voyeurs and exhibitionists and multiples.”

  She blinked, completely nonplussed. “I have no idea what to say to that.” A sudden thought crossed her mind. “Have you been here before?”

  He flushed. “Yeah.”

  “With Teresa?” As soon as the jealous words were out of her mouth, she wished she could call them back. Just as thoughts of Trent didn’t belong here, neither did ones of Teresa.

  Shock colored his words. “Oh, hell, no. Alone.”

  God, she couldn’t believe this conversation, but she had the feeling he was sharing something important, so she continued. “As a voyeur?”

  “Not exactly.” He swore under his breath and looked down at his empty plate.

  She blinked again, intrigued by the guilty look on his face. She waited until he made eye contact again before speaking. “I don’t understand.”

  “Gabe had a party here one weekend and invited me. He knew I was interested in the whole D/s thing.” He fiddled with his wineglass, looked around, fiddled some more. “Fuck, how do I explain this? I wanted to see what it was all about. So I came.”

  She stared at him for a long moment, put her fork back down on her plate. “There’s more to this story than you’re telling me, I think. You did more than watch?”

  He scrubbed his hand over the back of his neck by way of answering.

  She rolled her eyes, exasperated, wanting to shake some sense into him. “Marcus, why is this a big deal? I mean, I know you’re interested in D/s. Why wouldn’t you explore it? Why shouldn’t you explore it?”

  His eyes widened, and then he shook his head ruefully. “You really aren’t Teresa, are you?”

  A completely unladylike snort burst free. “No more than you’re Trent. Thank God.”

  “No kidding.” He laughed, most of the tension draining from his face. He finished the last of his wine and leaned back in the chair. “So. Dessert? Dancing? What’s your heart’s desire, Bella mia?”

  “You.” The words slipped out without any hesitation, straight from her heart. “I want you.”

  With a devilish glint in his eye, he motioned the waiter over and asked that the bill be charged to their room. He signed the slip, stood and held out his hand. “Then let’s head back to the inn.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Marcus had to stop himself from hurrying Bella along. Each step on the walk back over to the inn was pure torture. His dick throbbed, and the more he thought about what he had planned, the more erect he became, and the tighter the cock ring squeezed.

  When they reached the porch, he led her up the stairs and inside, veering off to the front parlor of the old home. Gabe was probably in the small front room he used as an office. The light was on, but the door was mostly closed. Good. He wasn’t sure he wanted an audience if Bella read him the riot act.

  He led her to the sofa in front of the fireplace, helped her off with her coat and sat down next to her, drawing her into his arms.

  She leaned into him, her head against his chest. “This is nice.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Gabe did a good job with restoring the house.”

  “The house is nice, but that’s not what I meant. Being here with you is nice.”

  He was quiet for a minute or two, long enough that she pulled back and sat up, facing him.

  “What’s wrong, Marcus?”

  How to explain? “I don’t want to screw this up.”

  She looked perplexed. “Screw what up? I’m having a great time.”

  Jesus, he needed to just spit it out. He took her hands, squeezed them, lifting one to his mouth for a tentative kiss. “I want to try something different this weekend.” Nerves bounced around his stomach like a frenzy of angry hornets. “Last time I tried without asking, you got mad and everything went to hell. I don’t want that again, but I want to take control tonight, Bella. Will you let me?”

  She arched an eyebrow at him and he flushed but waited her out. “It depends on why you want to.”

  His turn to be puzzled. “What do you mean, why? Because I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel last week. I want you to be able to focus on nothing but your own pleasure. It’s incredible.”

  She smiled. “Okay.”

  He blinked. “Okay? That easy?” He shook his head, trying to wrap his brain around it. “Not that I’m complaining, but shit, Bella. I thought you were going to tell me to fuck off.”

  She laughed, but her face turned serious. “Trent only wanted to tie me up and withhold my orgasms because it gave him power. He didn’t care how I felt, or what I wanted. Hell, he didn’t care if I got off at all. For him, it was all about ego and control. He got off on the manipulation, both emotional and physical. So I tried to turn the tables on him, and it didn’t work. He hated that I even tried, and he got nasty.”

  She took a deep, shuddering breath. Her hands trembled in his, and Marcus wanted to hit something for the pain the asshole had caused Bella.

  She frowned. “I thought I needed to be the one in charge all the time, but I wanted it for the wrong reasons. I loved it last week when you submitted to me. Loved. It. But you gave me that freely. I didn’t take it. And that’s what I’ve wanted. It wasn’t until I met you that I realized something really important, Marcus. I don’t want to be in control all the time. Not with the right person. Not with you.”

  It took Marcus a few moments to get his careening thoughts in order. “Remember how I told you I like being submissive, but only sometimes?”

  Tentatively, she nodded.

  “Those other times? I imagine tying you up, making you beg.” He reached out and squeezed her hand. “I think we both want the same things.”

  She bit her lip. “I guess the question is, can you live with being submissive sometimes? Because for this relationship to work, I need you to accept that part of yourself.”

  His dick jerked, and the cock ring pinched. Fuck, even just the words coming from Bella’s mouth turned him inside out. “I’m not really comfortable with the world knowing about it, but you? Yeah. And if they found out?” He shrugged. “Fuck them. What I do in my own bedroom is my own business.” Funny thing was, for the first time he meant it. Meeting Bella—falling in love with Bella—had changed everything. “What about you? Do you want to give this a try? Can you live with me being dominant sometimes?”

  The fierceness in his voice was exactly the affirmation Bella had been looking for, and she’d expected the question. Even so, she wasn’t prepared for the flood of heat that coursed through her body at the thought of being submissive to Marcus. Could she live with it? “Without question.”

  His eyes went molten hot and locked on to hers. She never
broke eye contact as she slid off the sofa onto the floor, kneeling at his feet. Never broke it, until she lowered her head.

  The air in the room went totally still, as if the moment were frozen in time. Then he leaned forward and whispered softly in her ear. “Up.”

  She stood, trembling, using his knees to brace herself so she wouldn’t topple off the higher-than-usual heels of her shoes.

  “Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back.”

  The trembling got worse, and she had to force her knees not to knock together. She opened her legs and clasped her hands behind her.

  “Good girl.”

  He’d used those words on her before, and just like then, they sent a thrill down her spine. She’d never imagined getting off on something like that, but it struck a chord deep within her.

  The next thing she knew, his hands were on her thighs, palms against the stockings, fingers teasing bare skin under the hem of her skimpy dress. He slid them higher, pushing the dress up slowly as he went.

  “Marcus?” She knew she sounded scared, but she couldn’t help it.

  “This is a safe place,” he murmured. He continued to raise the dress until the hem sat just below the curve of her rear, barely hiding her ass from anyone walking by. “Gabe doesn’t restrict play to the bedroom here.”

  Her heart raced, and she felt faint. “What if he comes in?”

  “Then he sees you, naked, legs spread for me. I like the idea of showing you off, anyway.” He paused for a moment, made eye contact again as his fingers pressed into her skin. “But if you want to stop at any time, give me a safe word. What word do you want to use?”

  A bubble of panicky laughter escaped. “Can I use elephant too?”

  He grinned. “More like elephant trainer, but sure. Elephant it is. Now, where was I? Oh, right.” He slid his hands higher, and within seconds the skirt of her dress was around her waist. Cool air blew against her skin, causing goose bumps to rise.

  He leaned back against the sofa, the grin all but wiped off his face. “Fuck, you look gorgeous in those stockings and heels.” His lazy perusal sent her arousal flowing from her body, coating the inside of her thighs with its wetness. He took his time looking, and then he leaned forward, hands on knees. “But I want to see you in nothing but them.”

  She swallowed nervously. “Marcus...”

  “Shh,” he murmured, standing. “It’s going to be fine. You’re beautiful, Bella mia. You have nothing to hide.” He looked her straight in the eye again. “Do I need to stop?”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. “No.”

  His kiss was soft on her forehead. “Put your arms up over your head.”

  With a silent prayer, she did as he ordered. He lifted the dress up and over her head in one smooth move. A full-body shiver hit her, and the trembling started in earnest. It was so different on this side of the D/s coin. Scary, but anticipatory, too. She opened her eyes, not sure what she’d see.

  Pure pleasure lit Marcus’s face, starting in his eyes and ending in the slight smile he wore. “Fuck,” he said again, his voice thick with need. “Forget naked.” His fingers lightly traced the edge of the demi-cup bra that didn’t quite cover her nipples, then trailed down the center of her abdomen, tangling in the short hair that covered her mound. “I want you just like this.”

  She was panting now, watching him watch her. He tucked a hand into his pocket and pulled it back out. In his palm were two metallic balls. Oh. My. God. She shuddered, hard, and he slipped them into her pussy, their weight and heat filling her in a way she’d never felt before.

  He sat back down on the sofa, shifting the bulge in his pants. It had to be excruciating for him, because his voice was gruff as he unbuttoned his pants, painstakingly drew down his zipper and pulled out his cock. Her mouth watered with the need for a taste, but he didn’t seem to be in any hurry for her to move from her position.

  He stroked himself, wincing slightly, then spoke. “Put your hands behind your back, and walk around the outer edges of the room, until I tell you to stop.”

  With her heart pounding, she clasped her hands behind her back again, and did as he bade. The pressure of the balls inside her was excruciating in an erotic way, but it made her feel sexy and wanton. The more she walked, the hotter she became, her arousal drenching the insides of her thighs. She was halfway around when she heard footsteps in the hallway.

  She froze mid-step.

  The only noise in the room was the thudding of her heart in her ears. Then Marcus spoke, his voice low and demanding. “Keep walking, Bella mia.”

  Oh. My. God. What to do? She vacillated between panic Gabe might see her like this, and the absolute, all-consuming desire to do exactly what Marcus commanded. She swallowed hard and put one foot in front of the other, then again, and then again.

  “Good girl,” he murmured again. The warmth of his approval flooded her body with heat, and she found herself lengthening her stride, confidence making her hips sway, which in turn made the balls inside her hit some really interesting spots. She couldn’t hold back her whimper.

  Her next two steps brought her back in front of the fireplace, with a full view of Marcus on the sofa, his hand still stroking his cock, his eyes hooded and his muscles taut with tension. Gabe stood in the doorway, leaning against it with arms crossed, appreciation in his eyes and an obvious erection behind the placket of his dress slacks. She stumbled to a halt.

  “So fucking beautiful.” Gabe’s voice was low and deep. “An amazing mix of innocence and sensuality, of obedience and stubbornness. The perfect switch, perhaps?”

  “Wait...what?” Bella asked hesitantly. “What do you mean?”

  “Both dominant and submissive. For most of the couples who stay here, someone is obviously a Dom, and their partner is obviously a sub. Switches can take on either role, and both turn them on.”

  Her glance flew to Marcus. Switch. The word felt...right.

  “She’s gorgeous, my friend. I would love to make her beg.”

  Marcus flicked his glance toward the door. “You can watch, but you lay one finger on her and I’ll break it.” His words were mild and amused, belying the threat. “Unless I invite you to touch, Bella is hands off.”

  Invite him to touch? She swallowed, lightheaded, suddenly very, very nervous.

  “And I suppose there’s no chance of that tonight?” Gabe asked. Marcus shook his head. “Pity.”

  Marcus’s voice turned husky and deep, rough with unspent desire. “Come here, Bella.” He tugged a pillow from behind his back and dropped it on the floor. “On your knees, in front of me, hands behind your head.”

  Good God, being discussed as if her opinion didn’t matter was a huge turn-on. Her womb clenched, and her breasts ached with the need to be touched. Unless she safe-worded out, her opinion didn’t matter. She’d do whatever Marcus ordered, knowing he’d never ask anything of her that would harm her, either emotionally or physically. She trusted him. As she stood in front of him, another thought hit. Thank God there was a pillow in front of her, because the thought alone brought her to her knees.

  She trusted him, because she loved him.

  She bowed her head forward, letting her hair hide her face, giving her a minute to blink back stunned tears. She loved Marcus Aiello, with every ounce of her being.

  He leaned close and swept her hair back, tilting her head up by the chin so he could see her face. Concern darkened his eyes. “You okay, Bella mia?”

  She sank her teeth into her lip, blinked and nodded. Now was not the time.

  He kissed her forehead, then took the hair he’d pushed back and wrapped it around his fist. His smile was sweet, but his words were demanding. “Suck my cock.”

  Her eyes flicked to the door where Gabe stood, just watching them, then back to Marcus’s face. She lowered her head slowly, flicking
her tongue out to catch the drops of liquid seeping from the tip of his swollen length. The musky smell of man flooded her senses and made her ravenous. She nibbled along his cock from tip to root, teasing him, licking around the cock ring until his body shuddered.


  She froze.

  “I said suck my cock, Bella. Not play with it. Suck it.” He tugged at her hair, not painfully but enough that she felt it, drawing her back up. “This is for my pleasure, not for yours.”

  She heard the harsh words but knew they weren’t true, understood Marcus didn’t really mean them, except as role play. Ultimately, this was pleasure for both of them. “Yes, Marcus.”

  He loosened his hold and she lowered her head over the crown of his cock. He was engorged, hot and heavy in her mouth, already leaking his desire. He tasted wonderful, and she wanted more. She sucked, and he bucked his hips. She sucked again, and he groaned.

  “Fucking gorgeous,” Gabe said from the doorway, the heated tone of his voice drawing her attention to him. She glanced up to see him rub at his erection through his pants, but it barely registered. She didn’t care anymore if he was there watching. She lowered her eyes again and focused only on what she’d been told to do.

  “Go away, Gabe,” Marcus ordered.

  Gabe laughed ruefully, but she heard the sounds of his footsteps as he did just that.

  “Stop.” Marcus drew her up from her knees until she was standing. “Come with me.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Painfully aware of his throbbing erection and the edge on which he’d just stood, Marcus pulled up his zipper, taking special care not to hurt anything he intended to use later.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Up to our room. As much as I enjoyed having Gabe watch you, now I want you all to myself.” He scooped up her coat and her dress, took her hand and started to walk. Fully expecting Bella to walk with him, he was surprised when she didn’t move. He turned to her. “What’s wrong?”


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