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by NJ Flatman

  I had to find out myself. I had to know if I was right.

  “If ya can’t sleep…ya wanna….” His words were the same as always, but they suddenly weren’t as quickly pushed away.

  I looked at the lines he had on the table. The temptation I’d faced every single fucking day since I’d quit. Right there in front of me. Right there waiting to be had.

  The only way I could understand and help Avery, was to get on her level. I had to know if she was into drugs for real and that meant that I just might have to dive back into that world myself. She’d never trust me otherwise. But could I do it? Did I want to go that far.

  I gave my brother a smile. One he hadn’t seen in a long time.

  “Well, I’ll be damned,” he said, heading towards the table— excited to have me back. I followed, making one promise to myself. This wouldn’t last.

  Only for a short time. Only for Avery.


  Addicted to You— Book 4

  She was his strength. He was her weakness. They couldn’t be apart and they couldn’t seem to make it work together. It’s hard to fight for love when Addiction is taking over…

  When Spencer Phillips suspects that the love of his life has a drug addiction, he gets worried. But unlike most people, he doesn’t seek the help of those who know. He doesn’t have to. He is one of those who know.

  Sure that he can change her mind, Spencer decides to tackle the issue himself. But that means gaining her trust— something that doesn’t come without a price.

  Diving back into the world he left behind, Spencer fights an inner struggle to stay away from addiction himself while trying to pull Avery out of the problem she refuses to admit she has.

  Battling addiction to drugs and each other, both take to lying in the effort to protect a love they can’t walk away from. But when the situation becomes a matter of life or death— changes have to be made and truths have to come out. No matter what it costs them.

  Join Avery Bradfield and Spencer Phillips as they venture through a love that tests their limits, pushes them through their fears and shows them that sometimes addiction takes on many forms.

  Coming December 10, 2015

  If you don’t know by now, I am known to most of the world as Jenni.

  I am a slightly crazy, seriously overdramatic, extremely emotional, hopelessly romantic, just a touch perverted, creative genius.

  But it is my belief that all of the best storytellers are.

  I was raised in the mountains of North Carolina, but the western side of Michigan has been my home for more than a decade. I currently live walking distance to our version of the beach with my sixteen year old daughter, all of our combined personalities and whatever stray people I tend to take in.

  From the time I was old enough to hold a pen to paper, I have dreamed of writing novels. I achieved this dream first as a ghostwriter and then decided to jump in and try it for myself.

  And here I am.

  One of my favorite quotes is from none other than Stephen King.

  "Love isn’t soft, like those poets say. Love has teeth which bite and the wounds never close."

  If you are a handsome prince swoops in and saves me kind of girl then my stories are probably not for you. They are romance, and they show real and true love, but they show all sides of it-including the dark and not so soft and happy parts.

  When I'm not pouring my heart and soul into romance and perversion I spend the majority of my time carting my kid back and forth to theater and music obligations, hanging with the crazy people I call friends, out enjoying various stuff in town, killing things on xbox and trying to find a minute to actually sleep.

  My house is never clean, calm or quiet, but I've discovered I work best in chaos.

  I've always been a firm believer that life is for living, not existing and I’m on a mission to live mine to the fullest or die trying. For me, this means loud music, from the gut laughing, unconditionally loving and trying my damndest not to have to cook

  Stay in touch with me:

  Blog: Facebook: Http://

  Twitter: @njflatman Email:




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