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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 15

by Mj Fields

  ���Pull in the driveway. I���ll run in and be right back,��� Tessa said.

  Becca pulled in and Tessa jumped out. She ran to the side and walked through the gate. He was in the hot tub.

  ���Hey,��� she said. ���I missed you for dinner so I thought I would…��� She froze.

  Lucas groaned, hissing through his teeth as he lifted his head. Sadi���s head came out of the water. She smiled at him. She tried to kiss him, but he pulled away and stood up, yanking his shorts up with him. ���Damn it Sadi!���

  Move, just move, Tessa cried out in her head. But her body wouldn���t listen.

  His voice broke the deafening ring throughout her body.

  ���Fuck, Tessa!��� Lucas yelled.

  She turned and ran.

  ���Bye, Tessa,��� Sadi called after her.

  Lucas ran after her, grabbing her by the arm. Tessa smelled alcohol on his breath. ���I didn���t fuck her, Tessa. Don���t be mad.���

  ���I���m not mad, Lucas. I���m broken.��� She tried to turn away, but he pulled her toward him and tried to hug her. ���Get your hands off of me before I scream.���

  He shook his head no.

  Tears filled her eyes. ���You are so much better than this. You need to let go of me now!���

  Jade saw her shaking and jumped out. ���Tessa you okay?���

  Tessa held up a finger, asking her to give them a minute.

  ���Now Lucas. Let go of me now.��� A tear fell from her eye. He wiped it off her face. ���Don���t. I���m not one of those weak, needy, sick bitches that is going to chase you. This is over. Take your hands off of me ��� NOW.���

  ���Tessa, I know you hate me right now, but I love you,��� Lucas pleaded.

  ���I don���t want that kind of love.��� Her tears were in her throat. ���I was devastated when I met you, and now I���m broken. If you ever thought you loved me, I���m begging you to leave me alone.��� She turned and walked away.

  Sadi ran out and waved. Jade ran toward her.

  Tessa grabbed her arm. ���Don���t. I need you now, and this is done.���

  They drove home in complete silence. They pulled into the driveway and Jade and Tessa jumped out. Alex was waiting; Phoebe had texted him.

  He grabbed her and hugged her.

  She cried and whispered, ���I���m not going to fall apart.���

  ���No, you aren���t,��� Alex said.

  * * *

  Tessa grabbed a garbage bag from the kitchen and took it upstairs, where she filled it with everything he had given her. She set it by the door, kissed Kendall, and lay down in her bed. Jade climbed in and hugged her.

  ���You���re going to be fine,��� Jade whispered.

  ���I am, but what a waste of a bikini wax.��� They laughed. ���I have to sing the national anthem tomorrow at the game. Do you think they���d be pissed if I sang something like I hate everything about you?���

  ���I think that���s a good plan.��� Jade hugged her tightly.


  They walked onto the field just before the homecoming game started.

  ���Thank god, you���re here, Tessa. You���re on in five minutes,��� the announcer told her. He shuffled her off to the center of the field and did a mic check. A few seconds later, the music started. She looked up and smiled. She decided to look to the sky as she sang, and she breathed and sang perfectly, hitting every note.

  The crowd stood and clapped and cheered.

  ���Thank you��� Tessa said into the microphone.

  As she walked off, Toby Green, Homecoming King and star quarterback from two years ago touched her shoulder. ���You have an amazing voice, Tessa Ross.��� Toby used to help with the hay on the farm. ���Wow,��� he said, looking her up and down. ���You are gorgeous���.

  ���And you���re better looking than I remember,��� Tessa said, flirting and totally out of character for her.

  ���Do you have a date for tonight���s dance?���

  ���Actually, I don���t. Why do you ask?���

  ���That���s criminal,��� Toby dropped to one knee and took her hand and kissed it. ���Tessa Ross, can I escort you to the dance tonight?���

  ���I think you���ll have to ask my brother. He���s over on the bench.���

  ���Stay here. I���ll be right back.���

  Jade came up beside her. ���Toby Green, Tessa? He���s hot!���

  Tessa smirked. ���And right now he���s asking Alex, who happens to be standing next to Lucas, if he can escort me to homecoming.���

  They watched as he ran across the field. He grabbed her, swung her around, and kissed her cheek. ���He said I could take you as long as I was a gentleman.���

  Tessa smiled. ���Great, we can meet here at eight.���

  ���No, Miss Ross. I���ll pick you up at seven thirty.��� Toby smiled at her. ���I have to go announce homecoming court.���

  When Toby was announced he ran out on the field to a standing ovation. He announced the court. Tessa���s heart sank when Lucas was called and he stared at her as he headed onto the field. He mouthed I love you; she shook her head no. A moment later, Tessa���s name was called. She took a deep breath and walked onto the field. Lucas walked through the crowd in his uniform, helmet in hand and up to her. ���Yes I do, Tessa. Don���t give up on me. I fucked up, but I love you.���

  ���Good luck today, Lucas.��� Tessa forced herself to smile at him. He stared intently into her eyes before walking away, shoulders slumped, head hung down low.

  ���What was that, Tessa?��� Jade asked.

  ���I want him to be okay,��� Tessa said. ���Head in the game, you know.���

  The game started and Toby came to sit with her. He put his arm around her. ���So that QB out there; was he your date?��� She nodded. ���Did he hurt you?���

  ���First love thing, you know,��� Tessa choked out.

  ���Did he cheat?��� Toby asked.

  She nodded again.

  ���We���re going to have a lot of fun tonight to make him jealous, but for now I���m going to sit down there so we win our game. Then you���ll see I���m a way better catch ��� when you���re ready.��� He winked at her. ���By the way, what are you wearing?���

  She laughed. ���I have no idea.���

  The Saints won the game. Tessa walked out and hugged Alex. Lucas stood with his head down, peering out at her through his beautiful long eyelashes.

  ���Could you come with me, please?��� she asked him.

  He followed her to Jade���s car. She pulled the bag out from the back seat and handed it to him.

  Lucas stepped back, looking wounded. ���Those were gifts, baby.���

  ���I don���t want them.���

  Lucas grabbed her hands. ���Tessa, what can I do to fix this?���

  ���Can you turn back time?��� He shook his head no. ���Then nothing, Lucas.���

  ���I won���t accept that.���

  ���Then you never knew me. I���m not the do- over kind of girl. I���m not like them, Lucas,��� Tessa said, trying not to cry.

  ���I know that, Tessa. You told me I broke you, and I���ll do anything to put you back together. Fuck Tessa, I wish I was like you. You make me want to be better, and no one has ever made me feel that way. P
lease baby, just let me explain,��� Lucas pleaded.

  ���I went for a pedicure and came to see you because I knew by the texts that something was wrong. I walked into see a girl who attacked me, a girl who you had just apologized to and someone you profess to despise, with her mouth was full of you. I will never be that person for you. Even though it was only six weeks, I did love you, Lucas. I would have done anything for you. You thought so little of me that of all the people in the world, you chose to fuck her,��� Tessa said, disgusted.

  ���I did not fuck her, Tessa ��� .��� he started.

  ���Okay Lucas, you fucked her mouth, the same mouth that spewed disgusting comments about the person you profess to love. Do you know how wrong that is? Do you?���

  ���I do.��� He looked down and his eyes began to fill with tears.

  Tessa���s heart raced. She didn���t want to see him cry. ���Don���t,��� she said. ���Please don���t.���

  ���What can I do, Tessa? Just tell me what I can do.��� Tears fell down his face. She wiped them away, leaving her hand on his perfect lips and rubbing them gently.

  He pulled her into him and hugged her. ���I have never cried over a girl,��� he whispered in her ear. ���I have never loved another, not truly loved them. I���ve never wanted someone the way I want you, Tessa, and I didn���t take you even when you offered yourself to me on a silver platter. You deserve a better me, and I���ll prove that I can be that person for you, even if it takes me forever. And I won���t fail once I have won you back. I love you.���

  She wanted to believe him, to kiss him; she wanted him in every way ��� but they were just words.

  He pulled her away and gently kissed her forehead.

  She looked at him. ���Do it for you Lucas, not for me.���

  ���I will, and then it���s you and me forever,��� he said. ���See you tonight.���

  ���Lucas, I���m going with someone.���

  ���I know, but I also know you���ll be okay. You���re not like me.���

  * * *

  Jade brought down a dark brown halter dress that was open in the back. Jades hair was swept half up and she wore gold accessories. Jade helped her with her makeup.

  Jade wore red, of course, and very high heels. She looked amazing and with her that was effortless. Tessa looked in the mirror and almost didn���t recognize herself.

  ���Good work, Jade.��� Tessa smiled at reflection and turned to Jade. ���You���re stunning, Jade Ross, as usual. Tommy is a lucky boy.���

  Her phone chimed, she looked down to see Lucas���s picture.

  - I wish it was me taking you tonight, I wish I could let you see what I know is there, deep underneath the black in my heart, Day 1 without Tessa Ross breaks my heart���.LYA Lucas

  She turned off her phone. I need to change that picture.

  She heard a knock on the door and she and Jade walked into the kitchen, it was Tommy was wearing a black suit and his hair was a little more styled than usual, he looked amazing. The way he looked at Jade was absolutely priceless. His eyes sparkled as he tried not to smile to big. He was in awe of her and she of him.

  ���See you at the dance, Tessa. Text me when you pull in so I know to look for you,��� Jade said as she and Tommy left for dinner.

  Alex smiled. ���Tessa, you look amazing.���

  ���And Phoebe is a lucky girl to have arm candy like you tonight.���

  Alex frowned. ���What did he do to you?���

  ���Nothing physical, Alex. I���ll be fine. First crush��� that���s all.���

  Alex hugged her and left to go pick up Phoebe. Tessa looked out the window and thought of how awful her senior year had been so far. But somehow, she knew it would be okay.

  Tessa watched as Toby pulled up in in his Blue Jeep wrangler. She walked out the door and he met her on the porch.

  His eyes lit up. ���Tessa, you look stunning.���

  ���Well, thank you. You look hot, Green,��� she said as she went for the Jeep door.

  He beat her to it and opened it for her.

  She got in. ���Thank you, sir.���

  ���Where���s your Dad?���

  ���He���s in the shop.���

  ���Can we go say hi?���

  ���Of course.���

  They pulled out back and her father walked out of the shop. ���Hey Toby, how are things,��� John said, wiping the grease off his hands before shaking Toby���s hand.

  ���They���re great. I���m off for the long weekend and then back to Annapolis,��� he said. ���I wanted you to know Tessa is in great hands tonight, John.���

  ���I have no worries.��� John patted his back.

  ���Could you take a picture of us?��� Toby handed his camera to Tessa���s dad.

  They stepped out of the vehicle.

  ���In front of the barn?��� Toby asked.


  John took several shots in front of the barn. Some silly and some a little more of the typical posed type photos. When they were done Toby opened the door for her again and they drove out.

  ���You���re going to be okay Tessa,��� he said, squeezing her hand. ���That boy is going to regret messing with my date. Are you ready to put on a show?���

  Tessa smiled. ���I am.���

  * * *

  They pulled into the school and she texted Jade. Toby jumped out and ran around the Jeep, opening the door for her and helping her out. She took his arm. A little red convertible parked a few feet away, a tall leggy brunette got out of the car, the passenger door opened and Lucas got out. He had a black suit and sunglasses on.

  Tessa looked away quickly and she and Toby started walking toward them.

  ���Is that him?��� Toby asked.

  She nodded.

  ���Show time,��� he whispered.

  He slid his hand around her and placed it very low on her back, then took her hand and shoved it in his back pocket. He kissed her and held her close as they walked by Lucas and his date.

  ���I think you chose the wrong profession, Green. You should have been an actor.���

  ���Are you kidding me? And miss this? Besides, I���m only half acting.��� He winked. ���The rest is real. I���m going to show you what it���s like to be treated like a princess, and someday when you���re older, hopefully we can try it out for real.���

  Toby held the door open for her. ���After you, princess.���

  Jade met them just inside the door. She saw Lucas and the brunette walk in, and her eyes narrowed.

  ���Don���t Jade,��� Tessa said quietly.

  ���Hello, Tessa. Hey, Tommy,��� Lucas said as he walked in behind them. ���Tommy, you remember Marie?���

  ���Hello, Marie,��� Tommy said, he looked at him as if to ask why he brought her.

  ���Tessa, this is Marie,��� Lucas said.

  Toby reached out his hand to Lucas. ���Hey, I���m Toby ��� Tessa���s date and future husband,��� he said, laughing.

  ���Oh, really?��� Lucas laughed haughtily.

  ���I���ve known Tessa for years. She���s grown into a stunning young woman, don���t you think?��� Toby asked.

  ���Yes, she is,��� Lucas said. ���Young being the operative word, Toby was it? And this is Marie. I have known her for years, too.��� He leaned toward Tessa and whispered into her ear. ���Number one.��� She c
ould smell alcohol on his breath.

  She glared at him. ���Very cool. We both brought our number one; yours already used up, mine will be soon enough.���

  ���You two need a minute?��� Toby asked.

  ���Nope, we���re done here,��� Tessa took his hand.

  ���Good, because I don���t like to share,��� Toby said. He caressed her back and it rested on her rear as they walked away. ���You okay with this?��� he whispered.

  She reached around and squeezed his ass. ���You better plan on stepping it up, Green.���

  ���My pleasure.��� As they rounded the corner he turned her around and kissed her. She held his face and kissed him back.

  ���Get a fucking room!��� Lucas said when he turned the corner.

  Tessa smiled at Toby. ���That was nice.���

  ���Keep walking, Links,��� Tommy gently pushing Lucas toward the gym.

  ���Yes, it was,��� Toby said.

  ���I���m sorry. This must be weird for you,��� she said, blushing.

  ���I asked you to the dance before I knew all this, Tessa. You���re hurting and I���m here, and don���t think for a second that I���m not enjoying myself. I���ve watched you for years grow into what you are today. I���ll be damned if I will let some punk screw with that perfect heart of yours. And that future husband stuff, file that under things to do after college.��� He winked at her. ���You kiss like an angel.��� He took her arm and they walked down the hall into the gymnasium together.

  Jade and Tommy sat with Marie and Lucas. Alex, Phoebe, Becca, and Joshua sat at the table across from Jade them.

  ���Let���s sit with Alex,��� Tessa suggested.

  Toby pulled out a chair for Tessa and then sat next to her.

  They all looked stunning, Phoebe was in a hot pink sleeveless dress that came to just above her knees. Becca wore a pale pink A- line dress.

  ���We should do pictures,��� Becca said standing up.

  They stood in line for pictures. Tommy and Jade followed and so did Lucas and Marie. The girls went together first. They did a Charlie���s Angels type pose and laughed. They did one arm and arm and one as they all jumped in the air.


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