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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 37

by Mj Fields

  Tessa had made albums for each of his sisters that included the same photos as Lucas���s and a few of Tessa and the girls. She had also made empty pages to be filled in later.

  Under the tree was a large box To the Ross family, it was from the Links family. It was full of beach items and gift cards. There was a certificate for a family getaway to Myrtle Beach to be used whenever they chose. There was a hand written note from Landon thanking them for taking Lucas in, and to Tessa for all her kindness. Tessa cried when she read it.

  - please thank your family Lucas, it again was too much, give them our love��� Tessa


  Lucas pulled into the farm on the twenty- seventh at around seven at night. He got out of the SUV and stretched. Tessa bolted out of the house and dove on him knocking him into a snow bank. She hugged him, and Chewy jumped on him and licked his face.

  After they went inside, they sat in the toasty house and talked about Christmas while he unpacked. She asked him if he wanted to ride a snowmobile and meet Jade and Tommy for dinner.

  ���That sounds like fun,��� Lucas said smiling at her.

  * * *

  Tessa drove, and he held on tight. She was wild on the green sled. Lucas was thankful she had all the layers of clothes on because he had to hold tightly around her. They pulled in, and Jade was straddling Tommy on their sled as they made out.

  Tommy and Jade stopped when they saw Tessa and Lucas standing there looking incredibly uncomfortable. They all went in and sat by the fire and ordered dinner. The place was packed, and it took a while to get their food but as always it was well worth it. At the end of the meal, the waitress brought out a cake that Tessa had made and brought up earlier that day. It had nineteen candles and the whole restaurant sang happy birthday to Lucas. He smiled and looked at her and mouthed Thank you, Tessa. They laughed and joked for three hours before they decided it was time to leave.

  Tessa let Lucas drive home, she held tightly to him, and he drove much slower than she had. He was sucking up every second that her arms held tightly to his body; he wished this moment could last forever.

  * * *

  They finally got to the farm, and he pulled the sled into the barn and turned it off. She took her helmet off and her golden hair fell down her face. He looked at her and wanted so badly to stay here with her forever.

  ���Lucas you drive like my grandma.��� The zipper on her bibs was stuck and she was having a hard time getting it down, she scowled and stomped her foot.

  ���Let me help you.���

  He was very aware that the only thing that was between his fingers and her chest was the zipper and a very tight, thin layer of clothing. His breaths became deeper and slower until he finally freed the zipper. The mounds beneath her shirt were pebbled and extremely visible. Tessa closed her eyes and arched her back ever so slightly until she felt his finger slowly rub across her taut nipple. He looked into her eyes, and they both stood still trying to control their breathing. Tessa closed her eyes, and he kissed her hard pulling her lip down to open her mouth, she moaned softly. Lucas picked her up and sat on the snowmobile with her on his lap. She grabbed his head and kissed him deeper. His hands lightly skimmed over her shirt, and she kissed him harder.

  ���I love you Tessa,��� Lucas kissed her neck.

  ���I love you Lucas��� so much,��� Tessa climbed on his lap and rubbed against his rock hard pants and whimpered when he pushed against her. He stood and held her against him and walked deeper into the barn as she pushed his bibs down and pulled him free, ���Baby I��� we������

  ���I just want to feel you Lucas, I need to feel you,��� Tessa stroked him softly as they pulled her bibs off; she had thermal long underwear on under them. He cupped her ass in his hands and lifted her wrapping her legs around his waist. Tessa grinded against him and whimpered.

  Lucas kissed her hard as he pushed her against the wall and rocked against her, feeling the warmth between her legs.

  ���You���re real hot Baby,��� he groaned, ���Fuck Tessa this is…���

  ���Please don���t stop, please Lucas it feels so good��� Oh God, I wish you were inside of me.���

  ���I would give anything to be baby,��� his hips moved closer, grinding into her even harder. ���Aw, fuck yes just like that Tessa.���

  ���I wanna lay on you, I need you closer.���

  Lucas held her tight and knelt down and sat back watching her face flush, he pushed her hair back, ���I need to make you come, Tessa.���

  ���I think������

  ���What���s it feel like baby?���

  ���Hot, burning��� Lucas��� she threw her head back and he caught it in his hand.

  She started pulling away, ���No baby, you���re right there ��� stay with me, fuck��� go off with me.���

  He pushed against her harder and reached between them and rubbed his thumb against the outside of her, hitting her clit. She gasped and pulled back, ���No baby, let me be the first to make you come, really come,��� her teeth clenched tightly and she pushed against him and he rubbed harder. She screamed as her body shook.

  ���Fuck,��� Lucas’s mouth opened and his nostrils flared as he came.

  Tessa hugged him tightly around his neck as they continued to kiss each other. She hugged him again and didn���t let go as he rubbed her back and kissed her head over and over again.

  He carried her to bed and he started to walk away.

  Tessa grabbed him, ���Please don���t go, please stay with me tonight.���

  Lucas changed into pajamas and so did she. He climbed in beside her. She laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him and fell asleep to him running his fingers through her hair.

  Lucas woke before her and snuck into his bed and fell back to sleep.

  * * *

  Lucas came into the kitchen, ���Good morning Tessa.���

  He looked in her eyes, and she blushed.

  ���Good Morning,��� she hugged him quickly and grinned.

  ���Tessa I���m sorry about������ he started.

  ���I���m not,��� she smirked.

  Tessa looked in his eyes and stopped smiling as she saw his eyes glaze over as if he had constructed a wall.

  ���Tessa, I am,��� he said, ���Do you know what today is?���

  ���Yep, three days before your birthday,��� she turned her back to him.

  ���The sonogram��� the fucking sonogram Tessa,��� he cursed as his hand slammed down on the counter.

  Tessa jumped, ���I���m sorry Lucas I forgot,��� she said as her eyes started to burn.

  ���Okay, don���t, no water works, Tessa,��� he barked.

  She looked shocked. He had never spoken to her like that.

  ���Damn it, I���m sorry,��� Lucas said softly.

  Tessa swallowed hard and turned around and cleared her voice.

  ���No big deal we can forget it happened, just a mistake, sorry. Breakfast is in the oven, it���s a casserole. I need to go to the bathroom,��� she walked quickly past him.

  * * *

  He stood up and went to find her. She was standing at the washing machine folding clothes.


  She quickly wiped her eyes, ���Lucas, do you need something?���

  ���Tessa look at me.���

  ���I���m a little busy ��� just give me a minute okay?��� she asked again in the same sweet voice.

  He lightly touched her shoulders, and she tensed up and started to shake, ���I���m sorry.���

��You don���t have to be, it���s not a big deal.���

  ���Look at me baby,��� he whispered.

  ���Nope, look last night was fun. I know you’re leaving and I know you���re going to have a baby, but for just a few minutes,��� she stopped and took a deep breath and swallowed. ���I forgot, so my mistake, I���m sorry. I���m not mad and I hope you can forgive me,��� he wrapped his arms around her.

  She took several deep calming breaths.

  ���I���m not mad at you, Tessa, I���m mad at me,��� he whispered.

  Tessa began to cry again and shook her head. She put her hands over her eyes and quietly continued to cry. She stopped and turned around and looked at him.

  ���I don���t want that, Lucas,��� she said, ���The reality is that this sucks. The whole thing. You���re trying to tiptoe around me because you don���t want to hurt me and I���m doing the same thing. It sucks, and what really sucks is that I believe we love one another, and there isn���t a damn thing either of us can do about it. It���s the forbidden fruit.��� she laughed. ���We never even got a chance to bite the damn apple because we actually give a shit about each other.��� She was laughing harder now. ���Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would fall for the hottie football rock star and this craziness would have happened,��� she put her head on his chest and laughed. She looked up at him with a grin, ���You got anything Lucas? You’re being awfully quiet,��� He shook his head no and looked at her, ���Please give me something ��� I���m like Jekyll and Hyde right now.���

  ���You astound me,��� he said looking at her.

  ���Well, that���s not helping,��� she laughed, ���You were pissed at me in the kitchen and now I astound you. I was a crying little child a minute ago, and now I���m laughing. There is seriously something wrong with us.���

  He just looked at her and took a deep breath, his arms still around her as he continued to look at her, ���You don���t have to be so strong for me.���

  ���This is not strong, this is wrecked,��� she admitted. ���I don���t even know who I am right now, don���t you see that?���

  He hugged her and kissed her head, ���I���m sorry I couldn���t be who I desperately wished I could be for you. We could���ve been amazing together, so yes Tessa, you astound me.���

  ���Who can you be without me? I need to know that the guy I fell in love with was real, please don���t prove me wrong,��� she reached up and grabbed his face and kissed him.

  He stood there staring at her. She took his arms and put them to his sides and walked around him.


  Sadi lay on the table, and Lucas held her hand, just like Tessa would expect. The radiologist couldn���t see much in the sonogram, so she decided to do an ultrasound. Lucas���s eyes widened when he saw her pull out the stirrups, all he could think of was Tessa���s Vagatron experience. She then took out a device that was shaped like a penis and put a condom over it. She inserted it inside Sadi, and she gripped his hand tightly.

  ���You okay?��� Lucas whispered.

  ���No,��� Sadi hissed.

  ���Okay, here is your uterus and the little one is right here,��� the radiologist pointed at the screen.

  ���Is it a boy or a girl?��� Lucas asked anxiously.

  ���Too early to tell,��� she smiled at him.

  She clicked a few buttons taking measurements.

  ���It looks like you are about twelve weeks so we won���t be able to tell for at least another two months,��� she said. ���Excited daddy, huh?���

  ���Actually I���m a bit confused,��� Lucas said, ���Sadi is five months pregnant, not three. Can you check again?���

  She looked at him ���Sure. No��� she���s twelve weeks, so just through the first trimester.���

  ���No, that���s not right. Is it possible that something is wrong with our baby?��� Lucas asked concerned.

  ���Actually everything looks great, the heartbeat is strong, all the measurements are good, everything is perfect.���

  ���Okay, could we please talk to the doctor? She���s five months, she came here about two months ago, and you guys told her she was pregnant so obviously something���s not right, and I would like to make sure our child is healthy.���

  ���Okay, I���ll get the Doctor��� she left the room.

  ���Are you alright Sadi?��� he asked

  She looked at him and turned away.

  ���Sadi, are you okay?��� Lucas asked again firmly.

  The doctor walked in and introduced himself, ���So you���re concerned about the size of your child?���

  ���Yes, Sadi was here two months ago, and she was told she was three months pregnant. Now that woman said twelve weeks. I���m confused as to why it���s not a concern and that we shouldn���t be doing further testing.���

  ���Sadi I���m your doctor so if you would like to discuss this with me in private, please say so.���

  ���Sadi, do you need a minute or are we in this together?��� Lucas looked confused.

  ���Go ahead,��� she whispered to the doctor.

  ���Sadi is twelve weeks pregnant. She was in here a few months ago and had a false positive home test. We did blood work and found she wasn���t pregnant, and we clearly told her that.��� The doctor explained.

  Lucas sat down and was stunned, shocked, and speechless. Finally, he spoke, ���Do you know what you have done? Do you?���

  ���Mr. Links,��� the doctor said in a warning.

  ���No, no, no! You aborted a baby behind my back about eight months ago. I brought you here and paid to get you on the pill and still dated your crazy ass. Then I finally find someone who I love and you fake a pregnancy?��� Lucas started to laugh, ���Doc she���s crazy, what the fuck?���

  ���Listen son, did you sleep with her two and a half months ago?���

  ���Yes, I thought she was three months pregnant, and I fucked her.���

  ���Well then you had sex with her and you have a 12- week old baby growing in her body. I would suggest you take responsibility and stop talking to her like that,��� he scolded Lucas.

  ���Holy Fuck! Sadi- ��� what is fucking wrong with you?���

  Sadi looked at him, and tears fell down her face, ���I love you.���

  ���What the fuck ever, get dressed. Doc can she be put on Meds to fix her fucking head before my helpless child is born?���

  ���That���s enough son,��� the doctor said.

  ���No shit!��� he said, ���After I pay your fucking bill I���ll be in the car, hurry up.��� Lucas walked out the door.

  * * *

  Lucas dropped her off at her house and went to his. He took his little pipe and flopped on his bed. What the hell was he going to do now? This was crazy. What had he done? How was he going to tell Tessa, his family, Tommy? What was he going to do?

  Lucas walked out of his house and drove to the farm. When he got out he realized, Sadi left the sonogram picture in the car and he grabbed it. He walked around outside and tried to wrap his brain around what had just happened.

  Tessa walked outside, ���So is it a boy?���

  Lucas walked past her and flipped the picture at her and walked towards the back of the farm.

  Tessa caught up to him, ���Hey Lucas, what���s going on?��� He laughed and squatted down and looked at her, his eyes were r
ed, and he was pissed. ���Lucas are you stoned?���

  ���Maybe buzzed,��� Lucas laughed again.


  ���Hey, Tessa wanna hear a funny story?��� Lucas asked running his hand through his hair.

  ���Sure?��� she said with concern in her eyes.

  ���Oh, wait first check out the picture baby. Look at all the cool numbers at the top.���

  Tessa looked at the due date and all the numbers, ���Hey my little stoner buddy, I think you got the wrong picture.���

  ���Baby you���re smarter than that, look at the name on it,��� Lucas laughed.

  ���Okay Lucas, I���m confused.���

  ���Don���t be Tessa��� ask the questions I���ve never lied to you.���

  ���Is she twelve weeks?���

  ���Yep��� I fucked her when I was living here. She got pregnant then, as a matter a fact she had a false positive pregnancy test and had blood drawn, they told her she wasn���t pregnant. Sadi fucked with the paperwork and flat ass lied to me. Oh, but remember as the good doctor pointed out to me, I fucked her, it���s my responsibility. I���m sure my hot bodied little blonde here would agree, wouldn���t you baby?���

  She just looked at him.

  ���And that���s what I thought,��� he stood and walked away.

  ���Lucas wait,��� Tessa said and ran up to him, ���Is he healthy?���

  ���Sure is,��� he said laughing.

  ���Okay ��� that���s good right?���

  ���Are you fucking insane too?��� he snapped. ���That���s good? Fuck Tessa! She���s put me��� us through hell, I would prefer she go play in the fucking road right now instead of fucking caring about how that nut job is going to take care of my child.���


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