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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 63

by Mj Fields

  ���You seriously think this can hold me?���

  ���No, but I am thinking about getting a gag,��� they laughed, and she jumped on him.

  They lay in each other arms naked and asleep. Chewy barked alerting them to the fact that someone was coming in.

  ���Love you, Baby,��� Lucas jumped up to get dressed.

  He pulled her up and helped her into her pajamas and they ran downstairs. He sat in the recliner, and she lay on the couch. Both pretended to be asleep.

  John shook his head and walked by. ���Lucas, you awake?���

  ���She���s fine John, the drugs and the fact that she probably hadn���t eaten since breakfast didn���t help, but she���s fine. She ate and was awake for a while,��� he looked over at Tessa.

  ���No hands Lucas?���

  ���No sir, none at all.���

  John walked in his room, and Tessa opened her eyes and winked at him and patted the couch. He smiled and lay behind her.

  * * *

  The next week Tessa brought him lunch every day. They ate in the construction trailer with Ryan and his father, Jade rode with her most of the time. They snuck away for a few minutes each day. After class, Tessa would take Jade home two days a week, the other three Jade would drop her off and take the Jeep home.

  * * *

  On Friday, Jade had an appointment. Tessa and Tommy���s Mom would be there with her. Jade was excited. Her doctor was in Ithaca, and they promised to stop and tell the boys the baby���s sex after her appointment.

  Jade lay on the bed, and the technician rubbed the cold jelly on her stomach.

  The tech took the paddle and moved it around. She smiled when she saw what she was looking for. She went through each part measuring and taking photos.

  She looked at them and asked, ���Do you want to know what you���re having?��� Jade shook her head yes, ���Any guesses?���

  Tommy���s mom guessed girl and Tessa guessed a boy, Jade said a baby.

  ���Well, two of you are right��� she laughed. ���It���s a boy!���

  Jade immediately started crying and rubbed her belly, ���Tommy��� we���re having a little you.���

  Tessa and Tommy���s mom cried each hugging Jade. The technician even became emotional. She knew the story of the accident from the first ultrasound.

  ���Thomas James, you���re going to be the most loved boy in the world,��� Jade said as she rubbed her belly.

  ���Is that the name you picked Jade?��� his mother asked.

  ���Of course it is. Actually, I think you picked it first.���

  Jade was naming their son after his father. The most perfect person she���d ever met.

  The doctor went over the ultrasound and talked to her about appetite increase and the fact that her hormones were changing and to expect her emotions to intensify. Her baby was healthy and growing; he was absolutely perfect.

  They left and went to lunch, none of them ate much. As happy as they were that he was healthy it was one of those days that the loss hurt so very badly that it could not be ignored.

  Tommy���s mother asked Jade to come over after her class to look through things that she had kept of Tommy���s. She agreed and got in the Jeep, and they drove to the job site.

  ���You sure you want to do this right now?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Of course, I am,��� Jade smiled.

  * * *

  All the guys were at the picnic table out in front of the trailer; Lucas was giving instructions for after lunch. They sat and waited until they knew they were done. Ryan wasn���t paying attention to Lucas but staring at the Jeep. Lucas looked back and saw them. He smiled and motioned them over.

  ���You ready?��� Tessa asked Jade.

  Lucas dismissed the guys.

  ���Well, what���re we having?��� Lucas smiled.

  ���It’s a boy,��� Jade���s smile was precious; she was so excited to share the news with Lucas, Tommy���s best friend.

  Lucas hugged her and Ryan picked her up and twirled her around.

  ���Of course it is��� he smiled and bent down and rubbed her belly.

  ���Hello, little TJ,��� he laughed, ���Oh wow!���

  ���He just kicked,��� Jade said. ���Ryan, I think he likes you.���

  ���Either that or he didn���t want my hand on your belly,��� he laughed.

  ���Come on buddy kick again,��� she rubbed her belly and nothing. ���Tessa you try,��� she said grabbing her hand again nothing. ���Lucas come here! It’s Lucas Tommy, kick him I know you���d wanted to many times before��� she laughed and so did Lucas and nothing. ���Ryan will you come here please,��� she said, and she took his hand and put it on her belly and he kicked. ���He likes you��� she laughed.

  ���I like him, too,��� he smiled.

  ���No way ��� let me try again.���

  ���Give me your hand Lucas,��� Ryan smiled, he put Lucas���s hand under his, and he kicked.

  ���Wow, that was so cool!���

  She put her hand on her belly and nothing.

  ���Ryan could you help me out? My future Godson seems to prefer your hand,��� Tessa laughed.

  Jade looked at Ryan and smiled and blushed. Tessa smiled, and she felt his kick. Ryan couldn���t look at Jade, but he was smiling when he pulled his white hat down covering his eyes.

  ���He���s going to be an amazing kid Jade,��� he walked away, head down and hands in his pockets, ���See you all later��� Ryan called over his shoulder.

  * * *

  They had planned to all hang out at Lucas���s on Saturday. His mom and her friend were going away for the weekend. A first Lucas thought they normally just hung out at the pool or in the bedroom. He was happy for his mother.

  Tessa���s phone rang and as she was in the kitchen cooking while Lucas cleaned the pool. It was Jade, and she needed her to pick her up from Tommy���s. Jade seemed very upset. She pulled in and jumped out of the car.

  She was about to knock when Jade opened the door.

  ���Jade, please don���t go,��� Tommy���s Mom pleaded, ���I���m sorry.���

  ���It���s okay I just have plans today, I���ll talk to you later,��� Jade walked out quickly.

  ���Yes you will, I have rights to that child too Jade- ��� don���t you forget it!���

  Tessa turned around and looked at her, ���Is everything okay?���

  ���No, it���s not, she took my baby away and now she doesn���t think I should have the right to have this one under my roof. I told her she could stay, too!���

  ���With all due respect ma���am, this is her child,��� Tessa said cautiously.

  ���Who���s going to help her, to make sure he is alright, her drugged up Mother?��� she yelled at Tessa.

  ���I���m very sorry for your loss, but she is carrying a child. You shouldn���t be upsetting her right now. She has dealt with a lot lately. She made the choice to keep this baby. Her mother won���t be involved, but I���ll help her,��� Tessa said softly.

  ���Oh great��� two hormone filled little whores raising my grandson!���

  ���Ma���am, would Tommy want you to treat her like that?��� she asked.

  She slapped Tessa across the face and was shocked by her reaction, ���Well then I���ll see her in court!��� She slammed the door in Tessa���s face.

  Tessa got in the Jeep ���T
essa, I���m sorry are you okay?��� Jade cried.

  ���I���m fine, it takes more than that to push us Ross���s down. Remember that Jade- ��� we got this��� Tessa held her hand.

  The rest of the ride was quiet, and when they got to Lucas,’ everyone was there.

  ���You ready for this or should we drive for a while?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Let’s just sit here for a few minutes,��� Jade said. ���Oh, Tessa her fingerprints are on your face, we should go get some ice on that.���

  ���We can wait a few minutes,��� Tessa hugged her.

  Lucas and Ryan walked out, and both were in swim trunks, sunglasses, and white hats.

  ���What���s going on ladies?��� Lucas asked.

  ���We���ll be in, in just a few minutes��� she smiled still hugging Jade.

  ���Alright then,��� he said and bent in to kiss her.

  ���Alright see you in a few.���

  Tessa noticed Jade checking out Ryan as he walked away.

  ���Whatcha looking at Jade?��� she laughed.

  ���Is he hot, or is it the hormones?���

  ���He has always been a doll Jade.���

  ���White hat and hormones are not helping,��� Jade laughed as she wiped away her tears.

  They walked in the house a few minutes later and changed into bathing suits. They went out to join their friends. Jade had a perfect pregnant body, she was tall and had only gained weight in her belly and boobs, from behind you wouldn���t even know she was pregnant. She wore a bikini with a cover over it and looked so damn cute.

  ���Baby, you look hot,��� he kissed Tessa���s cheek.

  Tessa looked at him and shook her head no and mad a sad face and looked at Jade.

  ���But Jade I have to tell you I have never seen you look more beautiful,��� he said, ���Can I touch your belly?���

  Tessa smiled.

  Jade sat down, ���Sure, but he hasn���t moved a lot today.���

  ���I can make him,��� Lucas said.

  He tried, but he wouldn���t move.

  ���He might be upset; it���s been a rough night. What if something is wrong with him Tessa?��� she asked.

  Ryan walked over, ���He���s fine Jade, may I?���

  ���Please do.���

  ���Ok, little guy you���re freaking your Momma out,��� Ryan put his hand on her belly.

  He didn���t kick. Ryan rubbed her belly a little and he kicked. Ryan smiled, and Jade grinned and bit her lip and immediately realized how she was looking at him.

  ���Thanks, Ryan,��� she stood up and walked into the house.

  She grabbed a glass of water and took some deep breaths.

  ���Not cool, Jade,��� she said aloud.

  Tessa laughed ���Hormones Jade?���

  ���Maybe Tessa but he has always been around, since my brothers. He���s always been so nice, quiet but nice. I just don���t know. Tommy has been gone for three months and I miss being touched and feeling ���loved. I don���t want to lose my friend because I���m a freaking ball of hormones right now.��� She hugged Tessa, ���But he is cute right?���

  Tessa laughed, ���Always has been, Jade.���

  They walked outside, and Phoebe, Alex, Becca, Cassidy and Becca���s boyfriend Joshua were there.

  ���Tessa ��� what happened to your face?��� Alex asked.

  Lucas walked over and grabbed her chin moving her head, ���What the fuck happened to you?���

  ���Tommy���s mom slapped her��� Jade answered, ���hard too.���

  ���Fucking cu������ Tessa put her hand over his mouth.

  ���Why?��� Alex asked.

  Jade told them about waking up in the middle of the night and she was sitting on the bed looking at her. That she had asked her to live there when the baby was born so that she could help raise him and teach her how to be a mother. It scared Jade. Then she told them about what she had said to Tessa. And then she finally broke down and cried. Ryan walked behind her and rubbed her head.

  ���Jade don���t cry. Crazy ass grandma can be dealt with,��� he said.

  ���She is fucking crazy!��� Lucas spat as he paced back and forth.

  ���What do you mean?��� Jade asked.

  Lucas told stories about when he used to stay with them, and Tommy���s older sister used to sneak in and kiss him at night. He was twelve, and she was fourteen, every time they got caught she would freak out.

  ���So one night, Lucy came in and climbed in bed with me and kissed me, and she walked in. She brought me back here at three in the morning at thirteen years old. Tommy was pissed and snuck out, he spent the night here. She never got over it, and I never stayed with them again. Tommy knows his Mom���s a judgmental bitch Jade, he wouldn���t be mad at you if you didn���t speak to her again. He couldn���t wait to get out of there!��� Lucas explained.

  ���That���s crazy, he never told me,��� Jade said. ���But I have heard of grandparent���s rights before.���

  ���I have a great lawyer who specialized in custody; I���ve known her for six years. I���ll call her Monday morning, and you can sit down with her,��� Ryan said still rubbing her back.

  ���Thank you, Ryan. You have a six- year- old?��� she asked.

  ���No, Jade��� he laughed. ���I met her when my crackhead parents got out of jail. They were fighting to get me back, and the Brooks��� had already started the adoption process. She is very smart and will answer all of your questions. So stop stressing, and maybe little TJ will move for you,��� he said and patted her head and walked away.

  She took a deep breath and Tessa laughed.

  ���Get that hat off his head,��� she whispered.

  ���It���s not the hat Jade, it���s the whole package,��� she laughed. ���Hey, Lucas why didn���t you tell me about Lucy?���

  ���Tessa you know everyone I have had sex with, you really want to know about all that I did with everyone else with?��� he laughed.

  ���Yes, and now please,��� she stood up and walked inside.

  He walked in with his head down and grabbed a cold pack out of the freezer and put it on her face.

  ���That���s going to bruise. We really need to do this?��� he asked.

  ���No, just let me know if we are in the same room or at the same function or something, I just don���t want to feel like an idiot,��� she said.

  ���Okay, no problem. You want to go back out now?��� he asked, taking her hand.

  ���They think I���m pissed. We have at least a half hour,��� she said and grinned.

  ���Sounds like a great idea,��� he said and pulled her upstairs.

  * * *

  The next week was crazy for Tessa; she worked and went to school, three weeks and counting. She didn���t see Lucas nearly enough, but when she did��� it was wonderful.

  The six went to camp the following weekend. They spent every evening by the fire, during the day they helped around the farm. Lucas learned to drive a tractor, and for some reason he loved it. Tessa loved to ride with him, and she made sure he loved her there too.

  Jade was meeting with an attorney on Monday, Lucas insisted that Ryan take her, not that it took much effort to convince Ryan. Ryan had bought a new vehicle, a blue Tahoe; he had been saving for a while.

  ���Nice ride Brooks. When did you get this?��� Jade asked gettin
g in.

  He shut the door and ran around and jumped in.

  ���They delivered it this morning,��� he said acting nervous.

  He was quiet the whole ride watching Jade out of the corner of his eye while she played with all the buttons.

  ���This is cool,��� she said as she opened the moon roof and stood up.

  He lightly took her hand and pulled it down, ���Jade careful.���

  ���Sorry,��� she sat quietly.

  She watched him as he drove. He felt her eyes on him and got very uncomfortable. He grabbed his white hat off the dash and shoved it down blocking his eyes. If he couldn���t see her, he may not feel so damn nervous.

  ���TJ hasn’t moved today,��� she said reclining the seat.

  She took his hand and put it on her belly. He let out a breath and left his hand there. He still wasn���t moving so Ryan rubbed her belly gently.

  He kicked, and Ryan smiled ���Hey, buddy!���

  He smiled. ���I���m sure he likes me.���

  ���Me too,��� she said and put her hand over his, ���I mean��� I���m sure he does, too.���

  ���I get it Jade,��� he smiled.

  They pulled in, and he jumped out and opened her door.

  ���Wow ��� this is very high off the ground.���

  He helped her down and she did her best to hide her grin. They walked towards the office and she slowed down.

  ���Ryan, I���m scared,��� she admitted.

  ���You���ll love her, and whatever she says we���ll figure it out,��� he said finally releasing her hand.

  They walked in, and the secretary seated them in a small room to wait. Jade fidgeted the whole time. A tall, pretty redhead in her forties walked in.

  ���Ryan,��� she hugged him, ���I was glad to hear from you.���

  ���Thank you for seeing us, I mean Jade. She has a lot of questions and needs you to tell her what she���s in store for legally,��� he said.

  ���Well let���s talk through it. Hi Jade, you look nervous, kind of like you did the first time we met Ryan. Look at him Jade, he got through a very difficult time, and he���s still here.���


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