The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 94

by Mj Fields

  ���Lucas don���t touch me, just let me do this.���

  ���I don���t want you to, we have a month until the end of the semester. Give it a month baby, please. If you feel the same then I will help you move without a fight.��� he rubbed her back, ���I���ll move into the baby���s��� spare bedroom,��� he corrected himself.

  She turned to look at him.

  ���Sorry, damn it I didn���t mean to say that. I’m sorry,��� he said he saw the anger in her eyes which turned to pain and his turned red, ���Tessa I mean it. I am sorry.���

  ���But I can���t keep doing this and you Lucas, can���t expect me to be any different than you, it���s unfair.���

  ���Tessa give it a month, I didn���t promise perfection. It���s unfair for you to expect that from me,��� he kissed her head and started to walk out. Lucas stopped at the door and turned towards her, ���I put it all back last time, it���s only fair you do this time. I need to leave, or I���ll be late for class.���

  What was that? She laughed and thought he thinks he just won. I���ll give it a month she thought, and you will regret it. She moved all her stuff into what would have been the baby’s room. She went to work and taught her Friday class and went home. Lucas was there watching TV. She said nothing to him and walked upstairs and grabbed her clothes and showered downstairs. She went into the kitchen.

  ���What���s for dinner, Tessa?��� he called to her.

  She walked in with a bowl of cereal, ���I am having this, you���re welcome to help yourself it���s in the cupboard, milks in the fridge.���

  He grabbed is phone and called a nearby steak house and ordered himself dinner.

  ���No, that���s cool I got mine coming. Oh, darn baby did you want something?��� he asked.

  There Tessa how did you like that, he thought.

  ���No, I���m fine thanks for asking though,��� Tessa smiled, asshole she screamed in her head.

  He ate dinner and went and showered and came down in shorts and laid in the recliner.

  She went upstairs and changed into a nightgown and some lace panties. She lay on her back on the couch and rested her left foot on her right knee. He looked over and saw the light blue panties and smirked. She was getting uncomfortable and flipped over on her belly and put her ankle behind the right knee and read. Three chapters later she got up to get a drink and dropped the book on the floor. She came back in and laid on the floor positioning herself where she knew he would be able to see her. She laid down on her belly and hooked her ankles and read she could hear him periodically shifting uncomfortably.

  ���Are you watching this?��� she asked over her shoulder.

  ���Uh huh,��� he said and swallowed loudly.

  ���Oh, I was thought it was boring.���

  He cleared his throat ���Do you want me to turn it?���

  ���No��� I���m going to read anyways,��� she arched her back and stretched.

  ���Your back sore?���

  ���No, just stretching.���

  Tessa went up on her knees and stretched her hands out as far as she could reach. Her nightgown raised and she laid back down and rolled to her back and put her feet flat and held the book up to read. She rolled to her side and started to fall asleep. She rubbed her eyes and sat up and went to bed.

  ���Tessa,��� he jumped up and walked after her.

  ���Yes?��� she said yawning.

  ���Come to bed with me.���

  ���No Lucas,��� she yawned. ���Give it a month.���

  She smirked as she walked into her new room.

  ���After that little show, you really expect me to wait five minutes?���

  ���I was reading,��� she said and shut the door behind her.

  ���Fine, just lay with me,��� he said walking in the room, ���Let me rub your back.���

  She turned and looked at him sternly, ���Nope. Goodnight.���

  Two weeks went by and Tessa and Lucas both continued to walk around and tease each other. Tessa always won and she would shut the door in his face every night. She still dropped him and his friends off at the bar Monday nights and even Thursdays again. She wouldn���t walk in to pick them up, she���d text him when she pulled up out front, he asked why and she reminded him that he had told the bartender she wasn���t twenty- one.

  Thursday night she pulled up and texted him. He walked out with the dart girl and the body shot girl walking behind him.

  ���Tessa come here, please,��� she was pissed and got out, ���These ladies have something to tell you.���

  They told her they knew she and Lucas were engaged and that they were just friends.

  ���So when you licked salt off his neck you knew he was living with me and engaged to me?��� Tessa asked and she shook her head yes.

  ���And when you called him hot buns as I was hugging him, you knew that as well?��� she also shook her head yes.

  ���Lucas dear, do me a favor,��� she said and he knew she was pissed. ���Don���t bring bar trash out on the street it���ll dirty your reputation and don���t you ever again think it���s alright to discuss you and me with nasty bar whores.���

  ���Who do you think you are?��� body shot girl screamed.

  ���Someone with a lot more class than you���ll ever have,��� Tessa turned to walk away.

  ���You might want to shut your mouth bitch,��� she said to Tessa.

  ���You may want to bring more than this bitch over here to help you,��� Tessa turned back and stomped towards them.

  The guys walked out and grabbed the body shot girl.

  ���Tessa, get in the vehicle,��� Lucas was mad.

  ���Goodbye bitches,��� Tessa got in the driver���s seat.

  Everyone else climbed in. He looked at her.

  ���What was that?��� he asked.

  ���Just like I said Lucas, don���t bring trash to me,��� she hissed through her teeth.

  ���What makes ������ he started and she cut him off.

  ���You really don���t want to do this right now,��� Tessa warned.

  ���Let���s do it, I was trying to show you that it was nothing,��� he warned.

  ���And you���re wrong,��� she said, ���Haven���t you learned by now not to push dirty ass bitches in my face? Oh no, you haven���t! I���d never been in a fight in my life and I had defended myself against all sorts of crazy, so forgive me Lucas if I didn���t greet them with open arms.��� she looked at him, ���are you embarrassed Lucas? Because I certainly am.���

  ���Sorry Tessa,��� he whispered.

  ���I know,��� she said. ���You and your friends will need to find another ride, I won���t be going back there.���

  They dropped the boys off and they thanked her. They drove home in silence. They got out and walked in the house. She went to the bathroom and washed her face and brushed her teeth.

  ���Tessa I���m sorry, I wasn���t thinking,��� he said looking down.

  ���Okay Lucas,��� she said and walked by.

  ���I���m trying Tessa,��� he said quietly.

  ���Well, two more weeks Lucas, and you won���t have to be bothered anymore,��� she said and walked in the room and shut the door.

  She sat on the bed and buried her head in the pillows and screamed.

  Lucas walked in.

ssa I miss you and I need you and not just for two more weeks.���

  ���What do you need, Lucas?���

  ���Can you just tell me it���s going to be alright?���

  ���How am I supposed to know what it���s going to be?���

  ���Tessa��� come sleep with me, I want to hold you, I miss you.���

  ���Lucas you need to get laid. So here,��� she said taking off her clothes, ���Have at it!���

  His jaw dropped and he closed his eyes.

  ���That���s not what I was asking for Tessa,��� he swallowed hard.

  ���That���s what you want, though,��� she said and grabbed him. ���Right Lucas this is what you want.���

  She undid his pants and pulled them off of him. She grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He was trying to steady his breathing.

  ���Right here Lucas?���

  ���Tessa stop,��� he said, ���That���s not what I was asking.���

  She grabbed his hand and led him to his room.

  ���I just want to hold you.���

  He went and brushed his teeth.

  He walked out and she was going through the bag of toys.

  ���How about this Lucas? Am I a dirty enough bitch now to entertain you?��� she asked and opened the package with her teeth and turned it on.

  She laid back in bed and opened her legs,

  ���Will this make you want me and only me, will this make you not want all that attention from all the women you surround yourself with Lucas, will it?��� she asked and started to tear up. ���Come on Lucas, get over here.��� Tears rolled down her face.

  He sat on the bed and took the vibrator from her and dropped it on the floor. He laid next to her and covered her up. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into him and kissed her. She pulled away.

  ���Just fuck me and get it over with!��� she snapped.

  He kissed her, ���I love you.���

  Lucas kissed away her tears.

  ���I love you,��� he said again.

  He continued to kiss her and tell her he loved her until she wrapped her arms around him and fell asleep.

  She woke up in the morning and tried to sneak out of bed.

  He held her tighter, ���I love you Tessa.���

  He rolled her over so she was facing him. She put her head against his chest and took a deep breath. She got up and walked to her room and got dressed and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat on the counter. He walked downstairs and looked at her.


  ���Lucas,��� she said. ���Do you want cereal?���

  ���No thank you,��� he sat next to her. ���Is that all you eat anymore?���

  ���It���s fine, I don���t need a variety,��� she said smugly.

  ���Can I take you out to dinner tonight?���

  ���No actually I think I���m going to drive home after class, I miss my family.���

  ���Can I come with you?���

  ���Why Lucas?��� she asked rolling her eyes.

  ���Because I want to see you happy.���

  ���Then you������ she stopped, ���It would be uncomfortable.���

  ���Okay, can I take you out to lunch?���

  ���You have class,��� she said.

  ���I don���t want to go, it���s just review.���

  ���Finals are next week,��� she said quietly. ���You���ve worked hard, don���t screw it up.���

  He smiled, ���I���ve been screwing up far more important things than that.���

  She looked at him, ���Don���t do that.���

  ���Do what Tessa?���

  ���Don���t put that on me,��� she said looking down.

  ���I didn���t say you were screwing things up, I said I was,��� he looked sincerely into her eyes.

  She looked away.

  ���Tessa I know I have said this a hundred times, but I really am sorry, I get too comfortable and things get messed up.���

  ���So you should be uncomfortable, on edge? How will that make you happy? That sounds like a pretty sad life.���

  ���Tessa are you finished with me?��� he swallowed hard.

  She looked down and shook her head no.

  ���I don���t like feeling like this, I don���t like being angry and jealous and mad about my actions and myself. I don���t like you feeling that way either. Have you ever thought that maybe we should take a break and maybe��� I don���t know Lucas see if there is something else out there that would make you happier? You seem to like having someone around all the time now, maybe you need to try a real relationship with someone else and see if it���s really me or just the relationship that you love.���

  ���You���re not being serious, are you?��� he asked trying to figure out what she was saying.

  ���Well, I just thought about it but I���d rather know now than five years down the road wouldn���t you?���

  ���No Tessa I wouldn���t,��� his jaw set.

  ���Well, Lucas neither one of us should feel like this. I have to drop you off at a bar when I take an hour lesson so that you can do whatever it is you do there?���

  ���I won���t go anymore,��� his response was quick.

  ���That���s not what I meant, obviously our relationship is lacking if you������ she stopped, ���I���m sooo sick of hearing myself talk when all I���m doing is thinking out loud, problem- solving. I need to get some things done, and you need to eat something before class.���

  She laughed and grabbed the cereal out of the cabinet and made him a bowl.

  ���Tessa I am not hu������ he started and she shoved a spoon full in his mouth.

  ���It���s very good,��� she laughed.

  She shoveled a bigger spoon full in his mouth and he smiled at her. ���I love your smile.���

  He swallowed, ���I love you.���

  Lucas grabbed her and hugged her. She breathed and wrapped her arms around him.

  ���I love you Lucas,��� she said and he held her closer.

  ���I can���t lose you, Tessa.���

  ���It shouldn���t be like this,��� Tess looked up at him, ���Why is it?���

  ���I told you before if it���s worth having, it���s worth fighting for,��� He frowned. ���I love you so much, Tessa. You���re precious to me. I promise,��� he turned her face back to him, ���I promise to do better. Let me do better.���

  Lucas kissed her softly on her nose. He kissed her ear and then her neck, ���I can do better Baby, let me show you.���

  The sound of his voice heavied her heart. The touch of his lips, the heat in his eyes, and the way he moved closer to her body. His softness lifted her fear of losing. His kisses deepened and she pulled back and closed her eyes.

  ���Can I take you out to dinner tonight?���

  ���Yes please, because that stuff is awful,��� he smiled softly.

  ���It���s good for you.���

  ���I don���t think it could possibly be,��� his smile deepened.

  ���Do we have to do dinner before we have sex?���

  He laughed, ���No.���

  ���Good, it���s been an awful few weeks
��� she quickly took off his shirt.

  ���Dreadful,��� he took hers off.

  ���Horrible,��� she pulled her bottoms off.

  ���Horrendous,��� stepped out of his.

  ���Lucas do you have to make love to me or could you fuck me until I can���t walk?��� she laughing and she jumped up in his arms.

  ���I want to make love, but after you take me out to dinner, I promise to do the other,��� he smiled and they ran upstairs.

  When they finished, they both laid in bed and smiled looking at each other.

  ���I���m very lucky that you love me, I want you to know that I���m aware of that.���

  ���Lucas I feel the same until we fight, and then I get so pissed.���

  ���We can make this work,��� he said. ���So dinner tonight and your family���s this weekend?���

  ���You���ll go with me?���

  ���Yes, Tessa. That���s where I want to be. With you��� He kissed her and put her ring back on her finger. ���Please don���t ever take this off again.���


  ���Thank you for doing this,��� Tessa said and kissed him as they walked into the restaurant to meet Ben and his girlfriend.

  Lucas smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist.

  ���Hey Tess,��� she heard from behind and she smiled and turned around.

  ���Hi Ben,��� she hugged him.

  She looked at the beautiful tall blonde standing next to him.

  ���You���re beautiful,��� Tessa hugged her.

  ���Well, thank you,��� she laughed.

  ���Tessa this is Oxona and this is Lucas,��� Ben said, and they shook hands.

  ���Nice to meet you,��� Lucas she hugged him.

  ���You too, Lucas.���

  They ate dinner and talked about Europe; they had met in London at school and have traveled across Europe. On every break, they would backpack or ride the train to a different country. Her family was from Germany, and he���d spent a lot of time there. They ate dessert and decided to go dancing. Ben asked Lucas if he could dance with Tessa, and he agreed and danced with Oxona.


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