The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 95

by Mj Fields

���Wow, you look so happy Ben,��� Tessa smiled.

  ���I am Tess, she���s amazing,��� he smiled.

  ���I���m so glad, I don���t get crazy creepy vibes from her either,��� she laughed.

  ���Thank God,��� Ben chuckled, ���And you Tess are you happy?���

  ���Yes,��� she smiled. ���Things are good.���

  ���Is he the one forever?���

  ���That���s the plan,��� she giggled.

  ���You make sure he doesn���t crush you,��� his eyes showed worry. ���I know people change and that he loves you, but you deserve the best, Tess.���

  ���Thank you, Ben. So do you,��� she closed her eyes and swallowed.

  ���What was that?���


  ���Are you sure you���re alright?���

  ���Of course,��� she said. ���Ben, I want you to be happy.���

  ���I really am Tess, but if you have doubts about you and him I need to know,��� he said.

  She smiled, ���I don���t.���

  ���Alright then,��� he smiled back.

  The summer went by quickly. Kendall had graduated, and Tess and Lucas helped move her to Albany, to Pharmacy school. Sydney was walking and had to be one of the happiest little girls in the world. Jade and Ryan were having their second child. Alex had proposed to Phoebe. And Jake was going to be a junior, and he was amazing at everything he did. He had a girlfriend who was two years older than him, but then again Jake had many since she could remember. Becca was engaged as well, and Cassidy was dating a guy she met at college.

  They hosted another season beginning party at their house and then football was in full swing. Lucas spent a lot of time at the gym, and they spent every Saturday at his games. Sundays they spent on the couch watching NFL teams and the recorded college games from the previous week. Tessa would cook and clean and do laundry as he and his friend watched the games. She always went home the weekend before hunting season and cleaned and cooked with her mother. Landon, Audri, and the girls came to every home game and so did his mother and Bob. They were engaged and getting married on Christmas Eve.

  Tessa continued her lessons, she and Adam were very close. Lucas had given her tickets for Adam and his daughter to come to a game and although football wasn���t Adam���s thing, he came.

  Jade and Ryan welcomed their little girl into the world on Valentine���s Day, which seemed very fitting, they were an amazing couple. Tessa and Lucas were there for the birth and also Godparents to Riley May Brooks. Spring break they spent with Landon, Audri and the girls skiing in Aspen.

  * * *

  ���Tessa,��� Lucas yelled as he walked in the door.

  She ran down the stairs, ���Is everything alright?���

  ���It’s more than alright,��� he lifted her up and spun her around.

  ���Okay, tell me,��� she laughed.

  ���How would you feel about moving to Cortland?���

  She smiled, ���I would love to but why?���

  ���Coach Brown called me down today, and the Jets want me, baby,��� he smiled.

  ���Are you serious?���

  ���Yes and they���re training at Cortland State this summer,��� he said gushing. ���Isn���t that perfect?���

  ���Yes it is pretty perfect,��� she hugged him. ���I am so happy for you.���

  ���For us baby, happy for us,��� He smiled and kissed her.

  ���What about school?���

  ���Online courses and a short spring sessions.���

  ���You���ve gotten it all figured out,��� she said and smiled.

  ���I do and as long as you���re with me, everything will be perfect. Oh and will you please marry me sooner?���

  She smiled, ���Of course.���

  ���Christmas time?���

  ���Lucas, that���s football season,��� she laughed. Lucas was beaming, he was doing it, living his dream and she couldn���t have been happier for him.

  ���Okay, Spring break?���

  ���We���ll figure it out; let���s enjoy this victory right now. We should go to Jersey this weekend and surprise your family.���

  ���Sounds amazing,��� he smiled and traced her lips with his fingers.

  ���You just made a touchdown, huh?��� she bit his finger lightly.

  ���I just made ten,��� he kissed her and looked down.

  She smiled and kissed down his chest.

  Lucas laughed, ���Touchdown!���

  * * *

  Tessa got done packing, and he walked in.

  ���Change of plans baby.���

  ���What���s going on?���

  ���They are coming up for the weekend, so I thought that we could invite your family over and tell them all together,��� he smiled.

  ���You���re so sweet.���

  ���Because of you, besides ten, hours in a vehicle is a waste when we could spend it here celebrating��� he smiled. ���But first I want to go see my Mother, is that alright?���

  ���Of course, let���s go now,��� she smiled.

  ���How about we stay here for a while,��� he grabbed her.

  ���Alright,��� she laughed.

  She was so happy for him, and he was ecstatic!

  * * *

  Kate was extremely happy for Lucas, and she hugged Tessa and thanked her.

  They stopped to see Ryan and Jade.

  Tessa held Riley as Lucas and Lukie played.

  ���Links, we���re looking into buying a house so if you guys want this place you should take it.���

  ���No, this is your place is yours.���

  ���No, it���s not Lucas we appreciate it but have saved more than enough to buy our own home.���

  ���Buy this place, then,��� Lucas suggested.

  ���I don���t know if we can afford this.���

  Tessa looked at Jade, and she smiled.

  ���You want to move?��� Tessa whispered.

  ���No, we love it here, but enough charity,��� Jade smiled.

  ���Alright so what are you looking at?��� Lucas asked.

  They showed him some homes they had looked at and Lucas looked confused.

  ���You really want to leave this for those places?��� he laughed.

  ���Lucas,��� Tessa said and shot him a look.

  ���What? They should just buy this place, you don���t want to move do you Lukie? I will cut you a sweet deal as long as you agree that if you sell the kids get ten percent each in their college fund.���

  ���We would have to start those first,��� Jade laughed.

  ���No, you don���t, we already did,��� Lucas laughed.

  Tessa smiled and looked down, ���Yeah, we did.���

  They told them that each holiday or birthday they put money into an account for Luke since his birth; they were doing the same for Sydney.

  ���You should go get their statements out of the glove box; I haven���t opened them this month.���

  Lucas came in and handed them to Jade and was smiling.

  ���No way,��� Jade gasped and started to cry, ���This isn���t alright.���

  Lucas had put two grand into Riley���s when she was born and did the same to Luke���s. Tessa shook her head and kissed his cheek. Lucas had
a different idea of holidays than Tessa. He and she both put a couple hundred dollars in for birthdays Easter, and Christmas. But Lucas put money in for Valentine day, Presidents day Columbus Day the Fourth of July and many others. Luke had eight thousand dollars, and Riley had twenty- five hundred.

  ���Do you know how proud Tommy would be of you Lucas, not just because of this, but because of who you have become?��� Jade asked through tears.

  ���Momma we don���t cry when we talk about my father,��� Lukie said, ���We are happy like he is.���

  ���You���re right buddy,��� Ryan said. ���But sometimes girls cry when they���re happy, look at Aunt Tessa.���

  ���That���s just wrong,��� Lukie said, and they all laughed. ���Boys too?��� he asked looking at Lucas.

  ���Sometimes, buddy,��� Lucas said, and Tessa hugged him.���Oh man, you���re right ��� this is wrong,��� he laughed. ���But I miss your father. Aside from Tessa, he believed in me more than anyone else in the whole world. You���re so lucky Luke, you have a father watching you from way up there and a Daddy, who will make sure you are happy forever, right here.���

  ���And an uncle who cries happy tears like a girl,��� Lukie said excited and hugged him.

  They all laughed.

  ���When did you start talking all the time?��� Lucas laughed and picked him up and swung him around in a circle.

  Before they left Jade and Ryan agreed to consider the deal.

  * * *

  Tessa and Lucas walked out to his SUV.

  ���Do you want to stop at the cemetery?���

  ���Which one?��� he asked quietly.

  ���Both,��� she said. ���Share your news with Tommy and David.���

  ���Are you sure?���

  ���Of course Lucas. I ���m going to drive.���

  They stopped at both cemeteries after buying flowers to leave at each. Lucas didn���t say much. But they spent at least thirty minutes at each stop before heading back to Syracuse.

  They pulled into their driveway, and Lucas woke up.

  ���I fell asleep,��� he laughed. ���Wow ��� what an emotional day, do you think I am getting my period?���

  ���No, Lucas, but I know I fall more deeply in love with you every day,��� she looked down.

  ���And that makes you sad?���

  ���No,��� she whispered. ���I love you.���

  ���I love you, can we do something fun? Little Luke kind of destroyed my manhood today,��� he laughed and got out.

  ���Oh Lucas, there is nothing lacking in that department,��� she looked down at him and smiled.

  ���Perfect,��� he said and ran upstairs.


  ���I just don’t like any of them,��� Lucas said

  She laughed, ���Do you realize in two days we���re going to be homeless?���

  ���Fine, let���s go for a drive and check some of them out,��� he pouted.

  They spent the next five hours driving from house to house, none of which either of them liked.

  They drove into town, ���What are we doing here?���

  ���Do you trust me?���


  ���Good close your eyes,��� he grinned, ���And no peeking!���

  They pulled onto a bumpy road.

  ���Are you taking me out to the middle of the woods again?��� she laughed.

  ���Sort of,��� he said with a smile in his voice.

  He stopped and turned off the SUV.

  ���Okay, keep them closed. So you know that training camp is here, but the Meadowlands are in New Jersey right?���

  ���Yes,��� she said.

  ���I thought about it, and maybe we shouldn���t buy a big house yet until we see what happens with the Jets. You know trying to think like you do,��� he laughed, ���Well I thought it would be nice to have a place here, and we could always build something bigger if this is where we decided to stay, but this could be our start. Could you open your eyes please, baby?���

  She opened her eyes and looked around, ���This is my family’s land.���

  ���It���s ours now, your Dad gave me a pretty sweet deal on ten acres,��� he laughed and jumped out of the SUV and ran around and helped her out.

  ���When did the garage get built?��� she asked.

  ���It was finished last week, Tessa, do you like it?��� he asked.

  ���Yes but a three bay garage��� I am so confused,��� she laughed.

  ���Alright come on,��� he lead her around back, ���this is pretty plain, but I know you can make it perfect. Check this out��� he said and turned the corner.

  She smiled when she saw the wall of glass facing the west, it was beautiful. He opened the glass doors, and she walked into a very open area. The floors were wood and tile, everything was open. The kitchen, a dining room, and a living room, were almost as big as the garage. Stairs lead up to an open area which had two small bedrooms and a large master suite.

  ���Lucas, this is breathtaking,��� she said, and she cried. ���How did you do this?���

  ���With lots of help��� he laughed. ���But I designed it for you. I didn���t pick colors, I thought you would want to, but our furniture should be here in an hour. And I thought,��� she kissed him passionately.

  ���Does that mean you like it?���

  ���No, Lucas, I love it,��� she kissed him again.

  She walked upstairs and leaned over the railing and looked down at him. She took her shirt off and threw it at him. He smiled and ran up the stairs.

  * * *

  She came out of the bathroom,

  ���You look amazing,��� he said. ���I think we should have a no clothes policy.���

  Lucas stood up, and she looked at him and smiled. He was beautiful and sweet and as much as he drove her insane she loved him.

  ���I think we could do that,��� she hugged him.

  They heard cars pulling in, and he grabbed his pants and got dressed. She laughed and looked down at her clothes. She started running towards the stairs, and Alex and Phoebe walked in,

  ���I got it,��� laughing he ran down and grabbed her clothes.

  Alex and Phoebe walked in as he was grabbing her bra.

  ���You���ve only been here an hour man,��� Alex closed his eyes.

  ���She likes the house,��� Lucas laughed, ran upstairs, and helped her dress.

  They walked downstairs just as the rest of the family walked in.

  ���So does she like it?��� John asked.

  ���Apparently, she loves it,��� Alex walked out.

  They had moved everything in, and Maggie had brought dinner. Jade pulled in with the kids Tessa ran out to meet her.

  ���Do you love it?���

  ���Yes, I just worry about the way he spends money,��� Tessa laughed.

  ���He sold the house, Tessa.���

  ���Really?��� she asked.

  ���Yeah and Ryan���s been here every night for a month and on weekends. He gave us an amazing deal Tessa he is such a good guy, most of the time,��� Jade laughed. ���We can afford the house of our dreams and this one well it is amazing, and on the land you love so much.���

  * * *

  They lay in bed and watched the sunset entangled in each other���s arms.

  ���Are you happy, baby?��

  ���Beyond happy,��� she yawned and fell asleep in his arms.

  He woke up, and she was sitting on the edge of the bed naked with his breakfast.

  ���Good morning Baby,��� his eyes moved over her body.

  ���Good morning,��� she said beaming, ���I made you breakfast, naked.���

  ���Perfect,��� he laughed.

  She pulled down the blankets and smiled when she saw him getting hard. She sat on top of him and fed him bites of eggs. He looked down as he chewed and his fingers spread her as his thumb rubbed her clit. His swallowed hard and his jaw clenched as he watched his fingers rubbing her now wet pussy.

  ���Fuck your gorgeous Baby,��� Lucas started to sit.

  ���Oh no, not yet, I���m going to feed you.���

  Lucas pulled his hand away and licked his fingers, ���Exactly what I was thinking.���

  Tessa sat forward and put the fork full of eggs up to his mouth, ���Open up Lucas.���

  He reached between them and rubbed his cock against her opening as he chewed the eggs and watched her eyes close momentarily.

  ���Are you finished with the eggs?��� she moaned.

  ���Fuck the eggs Baby,��� Lucas tossed the plate on the floor and flipped her on her back.

  ���So is that a yes?���

  ���Not yet.���

  She laughed, and laid back and enjoyed herself.

  ���Breakfast of champs,��� he said and watched her try to gain control again.

  She rolled over and sat on him.

  ���Mmm,��� he groaned as she moved slowly up and down on him until he finished with her.

  * * *

  ���How did you do all this without me even knowing?��� she asked as she walked around.

  ���I like to surprise you,��� he kissing her neck.

  ���I love your surprises but could they ever be like, ���hey we are going out to dinner or look I picked you flowers���?��� she laughed.

  ���Probably not,��� he smiled at her, ���So I need to go to practice in the morning, what are you going to do?���


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