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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 97

by Mj Fields

  Tessa saw Landon, and his eyes mirrored hers. He followed them down.

  They waited just inside the tunnel and watched as they brought Lucas in on a stretcher. She pulled away from Jessie���s grasp and grabbed his hand.

  ���Wake up Lucas,��� she cried ���Wake up now!���

  The team doctor told her to meet them at the hospital. Landon grabbed her pulling her away.

  They walked into the ER, and he was already getting a CT.

  Jessie text messaged her,

  - please let us know what���s going on when you find out, our prayers are with you��� Jessie

  She had messages from everyone in her family coming in. She started to cry, and Landon hugged her literally holding her together.

  ���He���s going to be fine,��� Landon���s smile was forced.

  Her phone rang, and it was Ryan, she quickly answered it.

  ���What���s going on Tessa, is he alright?���

  ���We don���t know anything yet he is in getting a CAT scan,��� Tessa cried, ���I fucking hate the Giants!���

  She heard Lucas chuckle and she looked up, ���Ryan he���s awake. I will call you back.���

  Tessa grabbed his hands as they wheeled him down the hall. ���Are you okay?���

  ���I���m okay Baby,��� he kissed her hand.

  * * *

  They sat and waited in his very full exam room. Doctors, nurses, coaches, and family surrounded Lucas. The amount of concern and love in the room overwhelmed Tessa. She was standing in the back trying to keep her emotions in check.

  ���Come here, baby,��� Lucas smiled.

  Tessa made her way past everyone and he patted the stretcher. She sat, and he hugged her.

  ���I didn���t walk off the field,��� he whispered.

  ���No, but you made the touchdown.���

  ���The first voice I heard was yours;��� he kissed her and laughed, ���Saying that you hated the fucking Giants.���

  ���I do, and now I hate them more,��� she said very seriously.

  Landon turned on the TV and Lucas watched as his team won by seven. Tessa smiled as she watched Lucas light up with pride.

  He winked, ���We won by seven baby.���

  The doctor came in and told Lucas he had a concussion, a broken rib and a severely damaged tendon in his shoulder. Lucas had to stay overnight for observation and Tessa stayed with him. He didn���t talk all that much he was hurting physically, but worse than that he was angry. His coach came to Landon���s the next day with the sports doctor. They had a plan for his recovery and told him he could probably be back in by the end of the season.

  * * *

  Tessa spent a lot of time in New Jersey at London’s, and they had planned to marry in July. When she wasn���t at school or in New Jersey, she was busy planning her wedding.

  - I���m home, and I miss you Lucas��� LT

  - Baby, you don���t have to be there, I can take care of us, but I know your stubborn ass won���t see that��� LL

  - My stubborn ass?... LT

  - Mmm, ass talk again, lol��� LL

  - naughty boy, maybe a wedding gift will be one that doesn���t cost anything but my dignity, lol��� LT

  - promises promises��� LL

  - We shall see��� LT

  - Really? ���. LL

  - Probably not, lol!���. LT

  - I love you anyways, baby��� LL

  - You better! In less than eight months, I can change my sign off, your wife, Tessa��� LT

  - Sounds great, I can���t wait. A few of the guys want me to go out tonight, is that okay?��� LL

  - Yes, have fun. I love you��� LT

  Tessa sat at the piano and played, she missed Adam���s scrutiny. She wondered if he would play at the wedding, maybe his band could play at the reception. She was nodding off as she sat thinking about everything she needed to do.

  Chewy rested his head on her leg and she pet him.

  ���Mommy and Daddy are getting married soon, Chewy. I have you back, life is good.���

  * * *

  The next day Tessa sat down and went through her list of to do���s. Tessa couldn���t get the venue she wanted until September, she had her heart set on it. She realized Lucas had not called her last night and wondered if he was alright.

  ���Hello,��� he said quietly.

  ���Good morning, is everything alright?���

  ���Yeah why?��� he asked.

  ���You didn���t call me last night.���

  ���Oh, shit I was wasted baby Dad had to come get me, I���m sorry.���

  ���Okay, what did you do?���

  ���Promise you won���t get pissed?���

  ���Okay, you’re freaking me out Lucas.���

  ���We went to a strip club, but I didn���t know that���s where we were going Tessa.���


  ���You���re mad,��� he knew she would be, but his honesty usually earned him points.

  ���Why did your Dad have to come get you?���

  ���They were all staying for the after party, I wasn���t interested. I didn���t want the lap dances and whatever else they do, so I called him, are you mad?���

  ���I guess not,��� she said quietly.

  ���You shouldn���t be, I was very well behaved. I love you.��� She was quiet. ���Tessa say whatever you want to, I know you’re mad.���

  ���Lucas I���ve been planning our wedding,��� she started.

  ���And you���re going to keep planning right?��� he asked nervously.

  ���Yes Lucas, but if I���m going to marry you, I should probably be able to trust you.��� She heard him let out a breath. ���On that note, I called to schedule the place on the Lake, and they have nothing until September, how do you feel about that?���

  He was surprised she was even still talking to him. ���If that���s what you want baby I���m perfectly fine with it. I love you.���

  ���You better or all this planning isn���t for nothing, I would like Adam���s band to play at the reception. I haven���t asked him yet, but they���re really good. Is that okay with you?���

  ���Whatever you want, Tessa,��� he laughed.

  * * *

  Tessa was working on a new routine, and Chewy was dancing with her. The music was cranked, and she didn���t even notice he came in. Lucas watched her dancing in her underwear and sports bra in front of the wall of windows the sun was setting, and her hair glimmered in its ray. The song stopped.

  ���Alright Chewy one more time.���

  ���I don���t think I can watch anymore, you look so hot baby��� he walked towards her.

  She jumped and smiled when she saw him. ���Hi.���

  ���Hi,��� he grabbed her and held her tightly against him.

  ���I need a shower.���

  ���Me too,��� he said.

  They lay in bed laughing.

  ���I missed you.���

  ���I like when you miss me,��� she laughed, ���It always feels so good.���

  * * *

  The next day he left early, and she went to camp. The girls all met there and got things ready for the busy upcoming weekend. Tessa was upset that she wouldn���t be there Sunday��� the first in years, but Lucas needed her there whether or not he was playing.

  ���So ladies I have an ann
ouncement to make,��� Phoebe said. ���Alex and I are going to get married next month!���

  In typical female fashion, they all hugged her, laughed, and Tessa even shed tears.

  Tessa was over the moon excited.

  ���A month?��� She asked. ���How are we going to pull this off?���

  ���It���s going to be at your church, and the reception will be there too,��� Phoebe laughed, ���The wedding isn���t what I am excited for. Alex and I don���t want to wait anymore.���

  ���You seriously haven���t had sex?��� Jade asked.

  ���No Jade he is a perfect gentleman. A very frustrated perfect gentleman, but perfect just the same,��� Phoebe smiled.

  ���When will you start trying to give me a niece or nephew?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Probably that night��� she laughed. ���I���m done with school in May, and well, your brother wants a ton of kids. I think he believes he���s genetically superior to the rest of the world and wants to repopulate it.���

  ���Well duh,��� Tessa and Jade said together.

  They ate, sang, and even planned for the now two upcoming nuptials.

  ���Well, I have to get going Ryan wants to go to bed early tonight, and I do too,��� Jade winked, ���Phoebe you���ll understand soon enough.���

  Jade and Cassidy left, and Tessa looked at Phoebe, ���You okay future sister in law, current BFF?���

  ���I���m a little scared of you know��� my wedding night,��� Phoebe admitted.

  ���Phoebe it���s not scary, it���s beautiful. I know that���s not what you experienced, but between two people who love each other, it is the most amazing feeling in the world.��� Tessa hugged her. ���You two can learn that together. My brother is going to make an amazing husband and father. I���m so happy he met you Phoebe. I feel blessed to have you becoming an official part of my family.���

  Tessa looked at the clock it was only nine.

  ���Man we���re getting old,��� she said as they walked out.

  ���It���s so early,��� Phoebe laughed.

  ���Come up to the house with me and we can do some more planning. They jumped on the four wheeler and rode through the woods and up the field. They sat up until midnight planning and Phoebe stayed the night.

  His phone chimed, and it was her,

  - Hey, hot stuff what are you doing?... YFWT

  - What does YFWT mean��� LL

  - Your future wife silly boy��� LT

  - Just got home I went out to dinner with Miguel and Jessie, did you have fun at Doe camp?... LL

  - I did and guess what; Phoebe and Alex are getting MARRIED in a month!!... LT

  - Wow, is she pregnant?... LL

  - LOL no, but sex has something to do with it. I guess my brother is a bit frustrated. See if we had waited we would have already been married��� LT

  - Your fault you attacked me remember?��� LL

  - I remember very well, tell yourself whatever you need to��� attacked you, lol��� anyway one of the top ten moments of my life��� LT

  - I think it���s my second��� LL

  - what���s the first?... LT

  - It���ll be in September, when you say I do��� LL

  - Awe very sweet. I Love you Lucas Links��� LT

  - I love you baby, I can���t wait for my wedding present, are you home?... LL

  - Yes and ready for bed, without you��� LT

  - I think you should be done with school, and then it won���t have to be like this��� LL

  - I have one semester left Lucas, and so do you. We can handle this for a few more months right?... LT

  - Sure��� LL

  - Just think wedding night ;) lol, Goodnight Lucas I love you��� LT

  - I will, love you too baby��� LL


  Tessa woke and went to the bathroom she looked out the window, and there was an orange glow in the distance. She rubbed her eyes and saw what she thought could be the camp. She threw on a sweatshirt and sweatpants and yelled to Phoebe.

  ���Call my parents Phoebe and meet me at camp. I think it���s on fire��� she yelled and grabbed a fire extinguisher from the kitchen and one from the garage and jumped on the four wheeler.

  It was blazing, and Tessa was panicking. She grabbed the fire extinguisher and ran inside. The fire was at the back near the kitchen but spreading fast. Tessa grabbed curtains and tried to smother it. She used the extinguishers, but it wasn���t working. She turned to run out and was overcome by smoke. She covered her mouth and tried to figure out where she was. She dropped to the floor to try to get beneath the smoke. She heard her father���s voice and Phoebe screaming and moved towards them. She knew she was near the door. She felt a sharp pain as she was she struck on the back of the head.

  Tessa woke up in an ambulance, and she tried to pull the oxygen mask off.

  ���Leave it on, Miss Ross,��� she heard someone say as she fell back to sleep.

  She woke up, and her parents and Phoebe were standing in the ER exam room.

  ���What happened? Did we leave something plugged in?��� Tessa asked.

  ���No,��� John said, ���They aren���t actually sure, but it���s looking like a bunch of kids started a fire behind camp. There were beer cans and a couple of our tables were used as firewood.���

  ���Thank God it wasn���t us,��� she started to cry. ���Why would someone do that?���

  ���I don���t think it was on purpose,��� Maggie rubbed her hair, ���You should rest honey, you took a pretty bad blow on the back of your head.���

  Tessa felt the lump.

  ���Wow, that hurts,��� she said. ���Does Alex know?���

  ���Yes, he���s on his way,��� Phoebe said.

  ���It’s not necessary,��� looked at Phoebe.

  ���He called Lucas too,��� Phoebe quietly spoke.

  ���Oh great,��� she said, ���This is just what Lucas needs.���

  Tessa woke up to Lucas���s head on her hand. She reached over to touch his head, her arms and hands were bandaged

  ���Ouch,��� she cringed and he jumped up.

  ���Hey Lucas,��� she said and smiled.

  ���What the hell were you thinking,��� he said, ���You could have been killed!���

  ���Nice to see you, too,��� her tears started flowing down her cheek.

  ���Damn it, sorry Tessa but you can���t do shit like that,��� he kissed her cheek.

  ���I���m fine,��� she said.

  ���Yeah, you���re great, you have stitches in your head, a concussion and burns on your arms. What would have happened if your dad didn���t drag you out of there, or if Phoebe weren’t there last night Tessa?��� he asked furiously. ���I���ll tell you what ��� you would have been dead.���

  Lucas���s eyes burned, and he put his head down.

  ���I���m sorry Lucas,��� she whispered.

  * * *

  They walked in the house, and he made her lay down.

  ���I need to make some phone calls.���

  ���Who are you calling?���

  ���My coach I am going to stay with you for a couple weeks,��� he said, ���Because you can���t be trusted.���

  ���No,��� she said getting up, ���You���re not. You need to be ready in a month, Lucas.���

wn,��� he said sternly.

  ���Hang up,��� she fired back.

  He walked over and sat down, and she sat on his lap.

  ���I���m going to be fine; my whole family is extremely close by. Besides it���s not like there will be any hunting festivities.���

  ���That really breaks your heart, doesn���t it baby?��� he pulled her hair away from her face.

  ���Of course, I hate hunting, but they love it, and I love them.���

  ���I think I have a solution. I���m just not sure how you will feel about it,��� he laughed.

  ���Let���s hear it.���

  * * *

  Deer camp was moved to the garage, one of the three bays became a processing center, and there would be cots in the other two. There was already a bathroom in the garage, so it was perfect.

  Her family would be arriving in a couple hours to set everything up. Alex was extremely happy that it was all coming together.

  ���You need a nap?��� he grabbed her hand and led her upstairs.

  She laughed when he tucked her in and had to look at anywhere but the bed or her.


  ���You need to get laid? She asked.

  ���That���s crude,��� Lucas���s his eyes lit up.

  ���But true,��� she laughed, ���You have to be nice.���

  ���I know.���

  He took his shirt off and stepped out of his pants. He lifted her shirt and kissed her breast. She closed her eyes and reached down to pull his boxers down.

  She laughed, ���It���s like an oven mitt.���

  ���Shhh,��� he kissed her and pulled down her pants and underwear.

  They lay down and he caressed her. One of her breasts with one hand and the other in his mouth, his hand traveled down. She arched her back and breathed rapidly as she moaned. He looked up at her, and she smiled.

  ���I love you,��� she said softly.

  He kissed down her belly and slid his arm underneath one of her legs and kissed her stomach. He lifted her legs, and she stiffened.


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