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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 119

by Mj Fields

  ���No shit,��� she went to turn the channel.

  He pushed her hand away. ���You need to calm the fuck down, this may help you out a bit,��� he growled. ���So while I���m away you get loaded, and strip in front of my assistant! Do you think I want him looking at what I have been resisting for the past week now, what the Fuck Tessa?���

  Tessa began to sing along in tune with the wordless music. ���Collin���s mad and I���m drunk that���s kind of weird, I am going to throw up if you don���t pull over dear.���

  Tessa went on; he downshifted and pulled off the road. The minivans followed suit. She opened the door and got out and ran and jumped into Phoebe���s van.

  ���Go now,��� she yelled.

  Phoebe pulled out. Tessa pushed the button and opened the moon roof, Collin was right behind them. She stood out of the moon roof lifted her hands in the air. Her hair was blowing wildly in the wind. She kept her hands in the air as they drove the wind felt good the fresh air welcome. He was close enough that she could see his eyes, and he was pissed off, more so than she had ever seen him. I���ll show him she thought and she undid her bra and let it go. She then lifted her dress and flashed him. She blew him a kiss and then sat down. Jade and Kendall were laughing so hard they thought they would wet their pants.

  Phoebe pulled into the parking area. And the van stopped. They got out as he pulled up behind them. He walked by and again grabbed her by the waist and threw her over his shoulder. He walked into his house and set her on the counter.

  She raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms in front of her. ���I had my bra on last night, I was with my girlfriends, and Tomas is someone who you trust enough to let stay in your home, alone. He didn���t see my tits, I am not a whore! You managed to make me feel like one with this shit tonight. You went away, I heard you on the phone that night on the boat don���t come here I will come to you, let���s see, I miss you, a business trip? Doesn���t sound like business to me!���

  The kitchen door swung opened, and without looking he snapped, ���We���re busy!���

  ���Sure we���ll see. Hey Tessa, you ok?��� Jade asked in a silly cute voice.

  ���I am Jade, Collin, Jade���. Jade, Collin,��� Tessa said looking down smiling.

  Collin turned and looked at Jade and shook her hand.

  ���Hello Jade, Tessa and I need to finish our conversation, could you please give us a minute?��� he asked as he turned back and glared at Tessa.

  ���Maybe, maybe not, Tessa is this man scaring you?��� she asked in a little girl voice.

  ���No Jade he isn’t,��� she tried not to laugh.

  ���Are you afraid of him?��� she asked in the same cutesy tone.

  ���No, I am not,��� Tessa started laughing.

  ���Do you trust him enough for me to leave you alone with him?���

  ���Yes Jade,��� Tess answered.

  ���Do you trust yourself not to take advantage of him,��� Jade asked.

  Tessa started laughing and hugged Jade, ���Yep��� I have this covered. I won���t hurt him either.���

  ���Now you two kids play nice. If either of you need me, I will be right next door trying to seduce Tomas, who hasn���t said more than yes or no ma���am the entire night,��� Jade laughed. ���Nice to meet you Collin.���

  She could still feel his glare as she looked down at the floor.

  ���Here���s the deal I have no reason to be getting angry at you, you owe me nothing. So I truly just want you to stop playing games with me. I can���t lie next to a man and wake up with him when there is obviously a sexual tension between the two of us. I told you I���m a mess. I���m jealous as all get out of the thought of you with another woman. Yet I just got out of a five- year relationship with a man who phoned me to tell me he was in a new relationship, and I am not angry. I hate being lied to and made a fool out of so please, I beg you, please just leave it alone. I am going to go back home next Friday. I���d be leaving sooner, but I made a commitment to an old friend. I will be out of sight out of mind, and you can go on with your no strings attached way of life,��� Tessa felt a huge relief.

  ���Tessa that���s three,��� he said abruptly. ���I was with my mother,��� he scowled.

  She could feel the blood drain from her face, and she couldn���t speak. He looked at her and even though he was angry at her he thought she was the most beautiful thing on the planet. She continued looking at the ground and tried to come up with something.

  ���Tessa, I���m not lying to you.��� He grabbed her, bringing her down on his lap; he dialed his phone, ���Tomas could you please tell Tessa where I was the past two days. Yes, Tomas��� the truth.���

  He held the phone to Tessa���s ear and said go ahead Tomas now ���Ma���am, Mr. Abraham was in NJ helping his mother get settled into her new place after a fire in her home.���

  ���Thank you, Tomas, that���s all for tonight how are things going over there? Yes, she���s tenacious.���

  Tessa���s phone rang. It was Jade, ���Hey could you ask Collin if I can take Tomas upstairs to play.���

  Tessa laughed, ���Goodnight Jade.���

  Collin was looking at the ground, he looked vulnerable. It wasn���t something she was used to seeing in him.

  He spoke softly, ���Do you believe me?���

  Tessa said, ���I don���t feel like I have the right not to. I���ve known you for������

  ���A week and two days, Tessa,��� his eyes stared at the floor.

  When he said nothing else, she swallowed and continued, ���And in one week you���ve made me, almost completely forget about the hurt of the past five years of my life. It scares me. My heart says yes my head says no, you don���t owe me anything do you understand that? Not one thing.���

  Collin dialed his phone and put it on speaker; she heard the reception answer, ���Sea Brook House rehabilitation center, how may I help you?���

  ���This is Mr. Abraham how is my mother doing.���

  ���One moment please Mr. Abraham.���

  ���Hey, Collin this is Jim, is everything alright you left today and seemed very tense?��� the man said.

  ���Everything is fine now Jim, how is my Mother?���

  ���She���s good, sleeping now. I think it was a good step for both of you that you were here to see her and help her through the first few days of detox. Will you be back next week?��� He asked.

  ���Maybe I will call back in a couple days, thanks, Jim,��� Collin hung up the phone and looked at Tessa finally.

  ���Do you believe me now?��� he asked and she shook her head yes.

  Tears began falling from her face immediately.

  ���Then maybe it���s your heart you need to listen to and keep your head out of it,��� he grabbed her face and kissed her.

  With his tongue, he asked for her mouth, and she allowed it. She climbed onto his lap and kissed him harder. She wanted to make him forget all the events of tonight, she wanted him to know she believed him. He pulled away.

  Collin took her face, ���Tessa you have a feisty group next door who needs to know you���re ok. I���ve acted like a Neanderthal in front of them and think we should go over there and let them see that you���re ok.���

  He picked her up and sat her on the couch; he stood, let out a breath that sounded an awful lot like a growl and adjusted himself. He squatted down and closed his eyes for a few minutes.

  ���I���ll meet you there
in a minute,��� he groaned and looked as if he was in pain.

  * * *

  ���Well, look there���s our little Tessa,��� Jade smiled, ���Should we call an ambulance or is he going to be alright?���

  ���He���s fine; he���ll be over in a few minutes. I���m going to go change,��� she said as she skipped into the house.

  ���Wow Tomas, what did your boss do to her?��� Jade asked.

  ���I am not sure Ma���am but I see she is fine,��� Tomas said.

  When Tessa came outside, he was sitting with jeans and a Hoody on surrounded by her friends being grilled. They had given him a beer and he was drinking it down pretty fast.

  ���So Collin, how long have you known Tessa?��� Jessie asked.

  ���Just met last week,��� he answered and flashed that smile that could melt anyone into a puddle in less than two seconds.

  ���Sort of, this is Ann���s Joe,��� Tessa smiled at him.

  He turned and smiled at her. He scooted back and patted the spot between his legs as she walked out. She sat, and he let out a deep breath.

  ���So Collin, are you married, divorced, have any children?��� Jade asked.

  ���No none of the above,��� he another long drink of his beer.

  ���Do you go to church?��� Becca asked.

  ���No, not recently I did as a child,��� he answered, ���Just been really busy the past few years.���

  ���What do you do for a living?��� Sarah chimed in.

  ���I���m a doctor, MD, but recently I have been working in the research and development field,��� he answered.

  ���How old are you?��� Molly asked looking shocked.

  ���I���m 28,��� Collin answered.

  ���No shit,��� they all said at the same time.

  He smiled, and Tessa turned around and looked at him.

  Tessa leaned back and whispered in his ear, ���Anytime you want this to stop let me know.���

  ���I think I���ll be alright,��� he said and pulled her back, so her back was snug against his chest.

  ���So when was the first time you wanted to tear Tessa���s clothes off and do her?��� Jade asked.

  ���When she opened the door and smiled at me, last week,��� Collin said without hesitation.

  ���So when did you two first do it?��� Jade pushed.

  ���Hasn���t happened, sorry to disappoint; Jade, right? But if and when we as two consenting sober adults make that decision, I promise to let you know,��� he winked at her.

  There he was��� the haughty Collin has now shown up to play Tessa thought.

  ���Will you videotape it for me?��� she asked.

  ���Probably not, just not my thing,��� he retorted.

  Kendall handed him a beer, and he drank it down fast.

  ���What is your thing?��� she asked.

  ���Tessa is my thing, but not until she���s ready,��� he answered.

  ���Okay, let���s change the subject��� Jade!��� Tessa glared at her. ���Have you all introduced yourself to Collin?���

  The sister���s chimed in ���We have.���

  And he smiled at them ���Molly, Cory���s wife and mother to the beautiful Sydney. Kendall future world traveler, Jose is your guy, right? Sarah, Jake���s girlfriend. Phoebe Alex���s wife. How am I doing so far?���

  They all smiled.

  ���I���m Becca, wife of our youth minister, Joshua,��� she introduced herself.

  ���I���m Jessie, friend,��� Jessie said.

  ���I���m Jade married to Ryan. I���m a therapist and a mother of two and a half,��� Jade rubbed her belly.

  ���Nice to meet you all,��� he said, ���I should apologize about earlier.���

  They sat and talked as Collin���s finger rubbed gently up and down Tessa���s arm. It didn���t go unnoticed and Tessa was a little uncomfortable worried what Jade might say.

  Tessa stood up, ���Time for the bonfire ladies.���

  They all threw their dresses into the fire Tessa went last.

  ���Out with the old,��� she said, and they clinked glasses.

  Everyone except Jade and Jessie went to bed and Tessa was falling asleep curled up in Collins lap. Jade and Jessie were showing Collin the pictures they took the day before.

  ���She looked beautiful in her wedding dress,��� he stroked her hair.

  The two girls kept looking at the pictures, and they came to the ones he had taken.

  ���Collin, these are the ones you took,��� Jade smiled.

  ���Oh, I don���t think those were mine, but whoever took them seems to have a real thing for Tessa,��� he kissed the top of her head without caring who saw him.

  She wrapped her arms around him she fit perfectly against his body, she fell asleep. They smiled at each other knowing their friend was going to be alright and both fell asleep in the night air as well.

  It started to downpour outside, and they all woke up and ran inside.

  Tessa grabbed towels out of the bathroom and gave them each one to dry off. Jessie and Jade said goodnight and went upstairs to bed. Collin walked into the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water and some Tylenol; they both took some and drank them down. Collin grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

  ���I���m sorry, Collin,��� Tessa said again.

  ���Tessa don���t be I get it, the fact that you have been hurt I get it. But please do me a couple favors. First listen to your heart, second know I will never intentionally hurt you, third don���t try to make me jealous, fourth never lie to me, and last never try to make me jealous.���

  ���Collin, you said that twice.���

  ���I know, and I mean that, I never knew what it was until now,��� he said with all seriousness in his voice. ���I���m going home now, I need to sleep and so do you.���

  ���I don���t want you to leave I want you to stay,��� tears formed in her eyes. ���I need you to stay.���

  ���Tessa don���t do that, you have friends here. I interrupted your night, I���ll share you tonight, but not again,��� he kissed her and walked out the door.

  She walked upstairs and went to bed.

  * * *

  The next morning she came downstairs ready to go for a run. They were all in the kitchen talking; when she walked out they were all quiet and smiling.

  ���Good Morning, ladies. Anyone want to go for a run?���

  No one answered and they were all still smiling, and she wondered what was going on? She smiled back.

  ���So is that a no?��� she laughed. ���Ok, I���ll be back soon.���

  Tessa headed out the door and started to run; Leia was used to the routine now and simply followed along.

  She had run about 4 miles before she returned home. She walked into the kitchen and breakfast was on the counter, a huge spread. They were all standing there waiting to eat.

  ���You hungry?��� Phoebe asked.

  ���Yes I���m starving, this looks great I will do dishes,��� she said they all filled their plates and went to the patio.

  They all sat quietly.

  ���Is everyone hung over? Why are you all so freakishly quiet?��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Just wondering how last night went,��� Phoebe asked.

  ���We got drunk, had a blast, Collin showed up, a little upset,��� she laughed. ���He and I talked, everything
is fine, you all questioned him I think he passed. We fell asleep, got poured on, came inside got dry, you two went to bed he and I talked a little and he left and I went to bed that���s it.���

  ���That���s all?��� Jade asked.

  ���Yes, that���s all, sorry,��� she smiled at Jade, ���What do you guys want to do today?���

  ���The hotty neighbor came over this morning and asked us if we wanted to go whale watching, we said we would have to ask you, can we please go, please, please, please?��� Jade asked.

  ���Oh and Phoebe is really tired, I miss Sydney and Jessie has some stuff to do, so we���re thinking about leaving after breakfast, will you be okay with that?��� Molly asked.

  ���Yeah ��� I had a great weekend. Today should be pretty relaxing I don���t want you to feel like you have to stay, go really it���s no big deal. Are you rested enough to drive?��� Tessa asked.

  ���We’ll be fine Tessa, as long as you���re ok,��� Molly began to tear up.

  ���Molly I���m great! Sitting here in our families��� beach house with friends and family, and the view is great,��� she smiled, ���I truly am great.���

  They finished breakfast and helped pack the car, Collin was outside helping load the van. He hugged Molly and Phoebe and nodded to Jessie as she got in the car and waved as they drove off. He turned and looked at Tessa.

  ���How was your run?��� he asked.

  ���Quite boring,��� she said, ���you should have come with, I would love to actually run with you some day. You���ve run with my dog what am I chopped liver?��� she laughed.

  ���I need to talk to you about something. Would you come over for a few minutes?���

  ���Sure just let me tell the girls,��� she said turning around.

  He gently turned her towards his house, ���Already did.���

  She looked over her shoulder and saw them all lined up waving and smiling and she laughed.


  They walked into the house, and he took her to the couch he squatted down in front of her and took her hands.


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