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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 121

by Mj Fields

  ���I���m going out of my mind thinking about how good this is going to be,��� and he kissing her stomach and thighs and everywhere except where she really wanted his kisses. She grabbed his hair and moaned, and her body arched back.

  He stood and took her head in his hands, he heard the girls behind him and he kissed her.

  ���Good night Tessa,��� he looked behind him and yelled, ���goodnight ladies.���

  Tessa sat there as her body exploded as it never had before.

  The girls walked out on the patio.

  ���Wow Tessa, what the hell is going on?��� Jade asked, ���Have you been Tessa the tease? Looks like he is wound pretty tight girl, and look at your eyes, Tessa did you?���

  ���Shut up Jade,��� she answered breathlessly and felt her face turn red.

  ���Wow, he really is the shit, huh?��� Jade laughed.

  Tessa stood up and walked in the house and grabbed some water.

  ���Goodnight,��� her face flush and red she walked up the stairs and into her room.

  She could not believe what just happened, and she was still pulsing as she lay down and tossed and turned until she finally fell asleep.

  She woke in the morning feeling like a million bucks. She stretched and they were all sitting there looking at her.

  ���Ok, Tessa I know we are not kids anymore, but you better spill the beans about what the hell happened out there last night. Holy shit, I couldn���t sleep just thinking about it!��� Jade exclaimed.

  ���You have got two questions, make them count,��� she said still needing to stretch as she rolled to her side stood up and ran down the stairs.

  ���Did you have sex?��� she asked.

  ���Nope,��� she smiled.

  ���Did you orgasm?��� Jade asked as if in disbelief.

  ���Oh yes, for about 20 minutes after he left,��� she covered her face and laughed out loud ���That���s two.���

  ���No way girl not fair, did he touch you, I mean your clothes were on, I���m so confused?��� Jade was in utter shock.

  ���Alright this is going to be quick, and then we will promise not to talk about it again right?��� They all shhok their heads yes. ���Every time I drink I come on to him. He told me one of the first nights we met that I would be begging for him before he had sex with me, he gave me a specific number of times. Five. Well I told him he would be on his knees before God and my family before he would ever have what I had to offer. Well, I don���t know if he is trying to win a bet or wants me sober, or is trying to be respectful or something. Anyway last night I was drunk and well you know nothing has happened again. When we got back here and long story short he showed me where and how he wanted me and then he licked my belly, just beneath my button, and it was over. I swear to you no hands, no heavy petting, no grinding just the thought of him is all it took,��� Tessa sighed and they all did at that same time.

  She looked towards the door and he stood there holding a tray with breakfast for them all, he was biting the inside of his cheeks trying not to smile. Their faces all beat red as they looked down.

  ���Good morning Tessa, Good Morning ladies,��� he walked in and set the tray on the table.

  ���Good Morning, Collin,��� they all chimed in.

  Jade looked around, ���Doesn���t that damn dog bark anymore?���

  ���No, she now likes him more than she likes me,��� Tessa said quietly.

  ���I think I might, too,��� Jade said laughing.

  ���How much did you hear?��� Tessa asked quietly.

  ���Probably more than you wanted me to, and by the way I was protecting her virtue,��� he kissed her head and walked out the door.

  They all laughed.

  Collin walked out and began gathering their bags and carried them down to the car.

  Jade looked at Tessa. ���You look happier than I���ve seen you in years, even though yesterday was supposed to be the happiest day of your life,��� she said in a way too chipper tone. ���I think it was, he is amazing, so amazing that you lose yourself in just the thought of him. That���s pretty special Tessa��� tears formed in Jade���s eyes, she shook her head as if she was bringing herself back into reality. ���And besides if you had married that Lucas, there���s no way you would have had an orgasm like that on your wedding night.���

  Jade winked and hugged Tessa.

  Definitely, not like that she thought.

  They all walked outside and hugged and said goodbye, he walked inside and let them have their moment.

  Tessa stood and waved until they were out of sight and she walked into the back porch and sat down and pet the dog. She thought about what Jade said and knew she was right, except the no orgasm part. With everything, she was she knew that Lucas and she would have been miserable. She thought about Jessie and couldn���t be mad, she actually felt sorry for her. Lucas was a good man, good looking, hard working, but so emotionally unattached to her if she weren’t right there with him, her heart never would have felt full.

  Collin walked out and said ���Are you alright, Tessa?���

  ���I am. I don���t think I can ever make eye contact with you after what you heard me tell them about what I did this morning, but I will be fine,��� she smiled looking down.

  He lifted her chin, ���Just so you know, it was not news to me. I knew exactly what happened last night, I could see it in those beautiful eyes and felt it in that hot, sexy body of yours.���

  He kissed her gently and turned to walk into the kitchen.

  She followed.

  Collin lifted her to sit on the counter and was looking very seriously at her, ���Alright, this is what���s going to happen. We are going for a run, a long hard run together, which is going to kick both of our asses. Then we will get showered and dressed for lunch. We will go to a very public place to eat. When we get home, it should be about two. We are going to take an afternoon nap. When we wake, it���ll be between 3 and 4. I���m leaving at five to fly down and see my mother; her doctor called and suggested it. You will hang out and rest and I���ll be home tomorrow night by seven and I will take you out to dinner, the next day we are going to run hard again. I may have my trainer come over, and you can learn how to box. One of my favorite releases and that is how we are going to get through this, alright is it a plan?���

  She laughed at him, ���Only one problem, I���m volunteering at the church in town. I���m going to help at their Evening Bible School program this week.���

  She jumped off the counter and went into the living room, and sat on the couch he sat next to her and pulled her into him.

  He thought for a moment ���Alright when is it?���

  ���Sunday through Thursday from 6- 8pm. I will be there from 5:30 until 8:30,��� she said with a smile, ���and at their Thursday service they present a little skit for the congregation.���

  He looked confused, ���Ok, why? I mean what brought this on?���

  ���I have done this at my church and enjoy it a great deal. I went to VBS as a kid and really learned a lot,��� she shrugged. ���It makes me happy.���

  ���Did your ex go with you?��� he asked

  ���Sometimes he went to church but in the end he said that was my thing, and I left it at that,��� she said with a sad smile. ���I hoped it would be his thing someday, but it wasn���t.���

  ���It���s important to you isn���t it?��� he said studying her face.

  ���I was raised believing, I never stopped. I turned my back so that I could do what I wanted to and not feel accountable.
You know you go through life thinking you know what���s best and working to get what you want or think you want if it���s not God���s plan, it���s not going to work. I spent five years working for something that started all wrong. Pleasing him and giving myself to him, every part of myself, it didn���t work. I���m grateful that I returned out to church, had I not��� I wouldn���t have had the strength to walk away. I would have married him maybe had a child, and been angry at myself for not listening,��� she stopped.

  ���To your heart, to God?��� he asked.

  ���I think they���re one and the same. Sorry, that���s kind of a heavy conversation isn���t it?���

  ���Yes it is,��� he said softly.

  ���And I feel like such a hypocrite acting the way I have been, drinking and allowing myself to go after you. I haven���t been true to what I believe or want.���

  He sat quietly for a long time looking at the floor, he didn���t know what to think or say. ���You know Tessa, I am at a loss for words, and I feel like I’m hindering your desire to be who you want to be. I don���t want that to be the case.���

  Tessa felt her heart drop to her stomach, what had she done, she wanted him here

  ���Are you alright?��� he asked, ���Tessa you���re shaking.���

  ���No, I���m not alright, I feel sick to my stomach, and my head is spinning and I���m terrified that I have just pushed you away.��� She stood up and ran out the door.

  Collin wasn���t sure what to do; he wanted to go after her but wondered if she wanted him to go away. This is why, he thought, this is why I don���t play fucking head games, this is why I don���t get involved, this is exactly why. He felt the switch turn off inside like it had done many years ago. He stood up and walked out the door and went home.

  When she knew he had left, she went back in and closed the door, walked up the stairs and cried herself to sleep. She woke at 4:30 to the dog barking, she went downstairs and answered the door, it was him. He stood with his glasses on, and she wanted desperately to see his eyes.

  ���I���m leaving. Tomas will be looking after my house if you need anything let him know,��� he said very businesslike, ���And thank you for the work you did on my deck.���

  Collin turned to walk away.

  ���Wait, Collin, fly safe��� her voice cracked.

  Collin stopped and turned and looked at her. Then he turned back around and walked away.

  Tessa hadn���t eaten since this morning, and she needed to pull herself up by the bootstraps and get her head back where it should be. She turned on some happy girl music and cleaned, she didn���t need to worry about her beautiful distraction anymore for a while. She was going to hang out with some kids and have fun, good, upbeat, praising Jesus, fun.

  * * *

  Tessa walked into the church, it had changed a lot over the past few years. It seemed bigger, which is odd because as a child things always seem bigger not the opposite. She saw Pastor Lou walking over to greet her.

  ���Hello Tessa, could I ask you to do something different tonight?��� she nodded yes, ���Our musical director has the flu; could you do the sing- along with the kids?���

  ���Sure I guess I could try, don���t expect miracles though,��� Tessa laughed.

  The night flew by; she had the older group last. They were all a bit hesitant to just let go, she understood, she couldn���t seem to be herself either around certain people. Their song for the night was one she knew from church. She decided to have a discussion about the song with them before trying to make them sing it. She asked questions and explained what she thought the song meant. They seemed to open up, and she couldn���t wait to see them tomorrow night. They ended the night with music and dance. The younger kids stood and danced and sang along, she had an absolute blast with them. She met a few women that she hit it off with, and they had planned to get together for dinner tomorrow night after VBS.

  She pulled into the driveway and parked in his spot, ha, she thought to herself. It���s not hurting anything, and it���s not like he would know anyway. She went in and took Leia out and tossed the stick in the water so she could burn off some steam. When they were done, she went in and soaked in the bath for a long time and went to bed.

  The next day she decided to check her email and return some calls. The first person she called was her Mom. They chatted, and her mother asked about Collin, her sisters spilled the beans. She explained that she had slowed that down and was getting her head back where she thought it should be. She told her about volunteering at the church for VBS, and her mother seemed very pleased.

  Tessa went for a very long run and waved to Tomas, who sat on the deck all day long. Leia was completely exhausted when they got back. Tessa checked her phone, and there were three missed calls from Lucas. She ignored them and decided she would put up a clothesline in the backyard to hang towels on. She worked all day tinkering when she realized she needed to get ready.

  After she showered and got dressed. She went downstairs and made a sandwich and grabbed her laptop, it was four thirty and was almost time to get going, she popped online and decided to check out her Facebook page. Saturday lots of people left little messages and Jade posted plenty of pictures of them on Collin���s boat, a few had him standing in the background looking in her direction intensely. Several people commented on them, and several asked about the hotty in the photo. Tessa smiled reading Jade���s responses.

  They varied ���The First Mate,��� ���Her cousin��� lol,��� ���someone they picked out of the ocean��� and Lucas responded, ���My replacement.��� Jade followed with ���You���re a dumbass Links��� She clicked on Lucas���s link out of curiosity and was shocked at what she saw. Several pictures of him with his arm around her and Jessie, he had photoshopped an X over Tessa���s face in every photo. His relationship status was ���It���s complicated��� and was changed on the day before they were supposed to get married; today���s last update was ���seriously answer your phone!��� She was so annoyed, really how redneck could one be. She was embarrassed for him. She posted, missing my girls.

  She logged off and pet her fuzzy friend and put on her sandals, and off she went.

  Tessa did the same thing tonight, music. It was the same as the night before; just a different song and she had gotten the ok from Pastor Lou to do different music with the older group. She chose Casting Crowns, a Christian Rock band that she was digging right now, they loved it. She felt a great sense of accomplishment. That was the smallest group and the one she seemed to be drawn to.

  She met the ladies and went to a lovely little restaurant on the water. They sat on the dock overlooking the ocean. Tessa ordered the Cobb salad, which was great. They talked about their families, and the sports their children were playing. Lily, a mother of two teenagers, asked what brought her here. She gave the edited version.

  They all seemed concerned, but she smiled and said ���It was a leap of faith. I know it���ll all be ok.���

  They had the waiter take a picture on Loral���s phone; Tessa had left hers in the Jeep. They exchanged numbers and would be forwarding photos to each other. Tessa asked if she could post it for her friends back home to see so they would know she was busy and having fun. It was ten thirty at night when they left and planned to do it again Wednesday evening.


  Tessa pulled into the 24- hour chain store and went into the music department; she grabbed ten Casting Crowns CD���s and a couple Addison Road. She went and grabbed some clothes pins and tried to waste as much time as she possibly could before she went home. She knew Collin would be there and wanted to avoid an uncomfortable situation. I
t was about midnight when she finally pulled in. She saw his car and her heart dropped to her stomach again. She grabbed all her bags and sprinted to the house. Leia greeted her and they went inside. She put her bags down and grabbed the wet laundry out of the washing machine; she wanted to hang them before they started getting that funky smell. She let Leia out and she started hanging the laundry. When she was finished, she heard someone loudly clear their throat and she jumped. She turned to see him standing just as he was the first night he gave the peep show.

  ���Someone going to pop up from behind that fence again?��� she said loud enough for him to hear.

  ���Not tonight, you want to come over and try it out?��� he slurred.

  Uh oh, he���s drunk.

  ���March that fine ass on over here and beg Tessa!���

  ���Pig,��� she yelled as she walked in and slammed the door.

  Damn it she forgot Leia, who was standing at the gate begging to go see him; she stomped out the door and ran to grab her collar.

  ���Come on traitor,��� she said dragging her very unwilling dog towards the house.

  ���You coming over here or am I coming over there?��� he laughed ���Oh��� I forgot you���re in church until almost midnight! Tessa you make my head spin!���

  ���And Collin, you break my heart,��� she said as she ran into the house.

  She went inside and slammed the door and locked it, she ran into the bathroom and began to cry.

  She heard a loud knock on the door ���Tessa open the door.���

  ���Go away!���

  ���Damn it really? I know the code, I can get in if I want to,��� he yelled.

  ���If that���s what you need to do then go ahead Collin. But I would prefer������ She heard Leia tap dancing on the floor.

  ���Where are you Tessa,��� he asked tauntingly.

  ���In the bathroom, please don���t come in.���


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