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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 126

by Mj Fields

  ���Collin that wasn���t necessary.���

  ���I don���t know how or when yours will be returned to you. So yes it was. I wanted to.���

  She looked at him and tried not to be angry, ���Ok, but you truly didn’t have to do that Collin.���

  ���I wanted to just like I wanted to get you some new clothes to wear today. I want everything cleaned who the hell knows what she did when she was in your house. I picked them out myself. See for yourself.���

  She looked in the bag, inside were two pair of Capri pants, one Khaki the other black, two crew tees, one blue the other a light green, a black strapless dress with a black shawl, running shorts, with matching shirt, and a blue dress. In a satin baggy were three lace bras. One black, one red, and one powder blue each had a pair of matching boy short style underwear. There were two small boxes underneath them. In one was a white silk extremely short nighty. The other the same but a powder blue version.

  She could feel his eyes watching her. She looked at him and could tell he was trying to read her thoughts, she finally spoke. ���You really do like blue huh?���

  He smiled ���I like blue on you.���

  ���Thank you, Collin, they are all wonderful and mysteriously they are all the right size that was very thoughtful of you.���

  ���Yes this is Collin speaking, seriously? Unbelievable! It has to be now, do these idiots know that we have made their case. Are you going to be available to be here Tomas? Fine, this is ludicrous! See you then.���

  ���When will I see you, Collin?���

  There was a knock at the door. Collin answered it, the bellboy brought in several packages. Collin thanked him and tipped him.

  ���I think it’ll be a couple hours tops Tessa; I need to sign a few things. I have to be there at five, half an hour before our date,��� he said, ���I���ll be a little late, but I will be there, I promise.���

  This was all to Pretty Women like, at a hotel with a hot, wealthy man, being showered with gifts; he bought me under clothes for crying out loud. Her head spun as she sat trying to make sense of the past two weeks of her life, it was like something out of a movie.

  Collin called for room service, and Tessa hung the clothes on hangers in the closet. She was tired and really could just go to bed; she walked into the bedroom area as he was going through the packages, she lay on the bed and fell asleep.

  He looked around wanting to show her the new phone he got her, she was not in the room, must be in the bathroom. There was a knock at the door, the bell boy brought in the food, Collin tipped him and went to see if Tessa was in the bathroom, she wasn���t. He went into the bedroom and she was asleep curled in a ball.

  He connected the phone to the MacBook. He downloaded the necessary software and set up an online account he downloaded a bunch of music. He set up an email. He lay next to her and took a picture of them as she slept and set it as wallpaper. He took a picture of him and added his contact information. What am I doing he laughed at himself I���m acting like a fool? Collin added the vet���s contact information.

  He let her sleep, and he went in and showered. He got out and wrapped a towel around his waist and brushed his teeth. He walked out drying his hair. She was awake and sitting up in the bed.

  ���Good afternoon beautiful,��� he walked in and kissed her head. ���Give me a second and I will be right back.���

  Damn he smelled so good and left little to the imagination in that white towel. She watched him from behind as he walked out; his feet were large and strong leading to his muscular calves and thick thighs. His ass was a perfect bubble that leads to his waist that was in perfect proportion with his body. You could see every muscle in his back, each step was graceful. She smiled and hugged her knees, she needed that nap, and she was getting cranky.

  How could she be that way to him, how could anyone ever want to be nasty to him?

  He returned in jeans that sat on his hips and food. He looked more delicious in the towel then that food in his hands. He sat at the head of the bed and pulled her up to sit against his chest. He fed her artichoke hearts and pieces of chicken, and then moved onto strawberries and grapes.

  ���Tessa how are you really?��� he set the plate on the bedside stand.

  ���Right now Collin, I���m happy, I feel rested and nourished and safe in your arms.��� she spoke softly.

  ���You say right now, Tessa, what does that mean?���

  ���It���s been a crazy couple days��� she admitted, ���My emotions have certainly been on high alert, and I���m sad. Two weeks from now I will be saying goodbye to someone who makes my heart and head do flips each time I see you.���

  ���I���m really sorry things have been such a mess Tessa, I love you. Things will be okay, I hope you can believe that, things will be ok,��� he held her tighter a knock on the door interrupted them.

  ���Damn, Tessa I think it���s time we get you ready to go to church.���

  Collin got up and answered the door, ���Come on in Tomas we will be ready in a bit, Tessa I have to leave in a few minutes. I need to show you a few things,��� he grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom, ���everything you need is here.���

  He pointed to the counter and led her into the living room, ���Computer is set up, your phone is set up, old number transferred, and your family should be able to contact you now. I put the Facebook app on, but you���ll have to enter your username and password,��� she was annoyed, ���I needed a new one anyway, don���t be cross with me. I saw you hung up the clothes; there are bags and shoes in the same closet. I have to go, call if you need anything.���

  Collin pulled a black tee shirt off of the hanger in the other side of the closet. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into him.

  ���I���m very excited for our date, even if it includes one hundred and fifty kids.��� He kissed her gently ���I love you Tessa, I���ll see you soon, let Tomas know if you need anything.���

  He walked out the door as always, leaving her wanting more.

  Tessa dressed and brushed her teeth. She walked to the closet to check out what he had picked out for her. A coach messenger style bag, a Vera Bradley quilted mail bag, a vintage Louie clutch, unbelievable, the shoes he had handpicked for her were not her comfy Berks or old Navy flip flops. There was a pair of black strappy heals, a pair of metallic silver sandals, a pair of brown sandals, a pair of linen wedges, and a pair of running shoes. She dressed in the khaki Capri���s and blue shirt, she grabbed the brown sandals and the coach messenger.

  The phone rang and the ring tone was a beautiful instrumental piece, she picked up the new phone, and his smiling face looked at her.

  ���Hello Collin.���

  ���Hey Beautiful, I forgot to tell you that off of the lobby there is a spa. You have an hour to kill, run down there and get a massage or manicure, whatever you want, they���re expecting you in 5 minutes, got to go, I love you Tessa.���

  ���Collin I love you as well however this is all overwhelming,��� she began.

  ���All the more reason to head downstairs, see you soon.��� he hung up.

  Tomas stood in the doorway and opened it.

  ���Ma���am��� he pointed to the hallway. She didn���t have it in her to argue, so she did as she was told.

  She walked past the front desk and smiled at the lady who had been ogling Collin when they checked in. The women at the spa met her at the door and swept her into the back, a private room where three of them were at her disposal. They worked fast, she had a manicure and pedicure at the same time, and they were finished in fifteen minutes. She decided to have her eyebrows cleaned up a bit and knowing he wo
uld be getting the bill decided on having them wax her bikini area. They must have been confused because she was pretty sure that was the most thorough bikini wax she had ever received, all in 15 minutes. They finished with a thirty- minute massage and mini facial. When she was done, she felt amazing.

  Thank you, Collin, again it was a beautiful distraction, all except for the unexpected visit to a South American country, and she thought and laughed.

  She got dressed and was swept into the Lexis by Tomas and arrived at the church on time.

  She walked in and was greeted by Pastor Lou, ���How are you Tessa? I���m so glad to see you���re ok. What an awful experience for you.���

  ���I���m, just sorry the kids had to miss out on a day here.���

  ���Better safe than sorry��� he winked, ���Let���s give them a great time tonight.���

  She sang and danced with the little people, she loved their energy, their innocence, and their enthusiasm. She sat and talked and dissected songs with the older kids. She enjoyed herself so much and was secretly thrilled that the normal musical director wasn���t available. She was excited to see them stand in front of their parents to show them the music and dances they have learned in the four well three nights they were there. All of the kids were there tonight, and it was almost seven thirty when she realized Collin still wasn���t there. Her last group of kids went down with their leaders. She grabbed her gifted bag to get her gifted phone to see if she could get a hold of Collin, who she was sure was a gift from God.

  She had three messages from Collin

  - hey beautiful I will be there at seven

  - you look stunning dancing and singing with those children

  - when you get a minute come to the window, I���m the man in the apron

  ���What are you doing?��� she asked leaning out the window.

  ���Lou here thought I would be just the man to grill two hundred hot dogs,��� he said with a smile.

  ���I���m done in here can I come out and help?���

  ���We would love that,��� Lou smiled.

  She ran outside and helped them load the warmers lined up on the picnic tables. They set out rolls and condiments, bags of chips and lemonade.

  ���Thank you both for the help now go wash your hands and get into the sanctuary, the kids are ready to show us what they have learned. Maybe we���ll all learn something today,��� Lou winked.

  They walked in together and went into the bathrooms and washed their hands. When Tessa walked out of the bathroom, Collin was waiting, she smiled at him and was whisked away by several little people. She looked back hopelessly at him, and he smiled. She was brought to the front by the preschoolers.

  The program started with some students reciting memory verses, it was amazing to see them focus and learn something that they would carry with them forever. Next up was the mission story; a school in Haiti would reap the benefits of all offerings collected this week. The music began and the little guys and girls watched the big screen as they danced, and they were not alone Tessa was pulled up on stage by the children and they laughed and danced and sang. He thought she looked beautiful. They sang three songs and sat, three sat on her lap and several others hung off her arms.

  Pastor Lou took the stage, ���I���d love to thank our amazing group of volunteers for donating their time this week to help you each take a step on your walk closer to God. Let���s give them a hand.���

  All the kids clapped and yelled.

  ���I want to thank the parents for bringing all of these beautiful children here; you have given them a gift by doing this. I have some wonderful news to share with you. We have a man here tonight who wishes to remain anonymous. He would love you all to have the opportunity to attend a week of winter camp in February or a week next summer. All you need to do is fill out an application for whichever week you choose, your registration here this week at VBS is proof that you are eligible, it���s a gift, please accept it.���

  Tessa looked behind her and saw him looking down, she knew it was him. She stood and ducked out of the swarm of children and went to the back and sat with Collin.

  ���I wanted to share a slide show from the past 15 years of VBS. Kids- ��� we have some pretty fantastic pictures of you all towards the end so pay close attention you may see yourself.���

  Pastor Lou came and stood behind them as the slide show started.

  The pictures started passing slowly, and Tessa saw a couple of her from her summer with Aunt Ann, she was ten years old, she laughed. She saw the boy who interested her so much that year. She thought he was the cutest boy she had ever seen, he looked sad, and she wanted to make him happy, to bring him happiness.

  The next picture was a photo of a little girl with a blue ribbon tied in her hair, kissing a little boy with wavy brown hair on the cheek. The audience said ���awe���, and Tessa leaned towards Collin and Collin towards Tessa and at the same time they smiled and said, ���That was me.���

  Pastor Lou stood behind them and squeezed their shoulders, ���He works in mysterious ways if he intends for it to be, it will be. Sometimes the things worth having are worth waiting for.���

  He walked away and they sat staring into each other���s eyes, no expression on either one of their faces. The sanctuary emptied as Collin and Tessa sat lost in each other eyes.

  Pastor Lou brought a small photo album into the sanctuary and handed it to Tessa, ���This is a thank you gift for all your help this week. Collin, thank you for your very generous donation today, what a blessing it will be to all of these children.���

  Tessa turned to Pastor Lou and thanked him and gave him a hug. He left the sanctuary.

  Collin stood up and hugged Tessa, ���Unbelievable, it was you.���

  Tessa hugged him back ���I love you Collin Abraham, I think I always have.���

  They walked out into the yard hand in hand; Collin grabbed Tessa a hot dog and one for himself. He led her over to the tree in the back of the yard, and they sat on the ground. She couldn���t stop smiling, and neither could he. They finished their hot dogs. She moved closer to him so that they could look through the book together. She opened the book and the first page was a picture of her smiling with her hand in the air. The next was him sitting next to Pastor Lou both playing the guitar in front of the group as she sat with her hands under her chin grinning. He was looking in her direction with a half smile on his face. The next was a picture of them swinging on the swing set next to one another; the next page was her handing him her snack. Next was a picture of him staring up at her smiling as she sang her solo at the weekend program. The last was the picture that was on the screen, her kissing his cheek.

  ���Tessa,��� he finally spoke, ���I���m pretty sure this is the best date, well the best day I have ever had.���

  She laughed and smiled looking at his eyes.

  She bent over and kissed him on the check.���I think for me as well.���

  Several little people came over to hug her and say their goodbyes. She smiled at him and stood as they lead her to meet their parents. He watched her as she shook hands and smiled at all the people she met. She was incredibly beautiful, her smile was genuine, and the way she made everyone around her feel love was incredible. He stood in appreciation of her.

  Everyone had left, and Tessa looked around to see where he was, she saw him shaking hands with Pastor Lou. He turned and walked towards her. His hair moved in the wind, he ran his fingers through it and continued to walk her way. Never in a million years would she have imagined that little boy she met all those years ago, the first boy she ever kissed, would be standing in the same churchyard walking towards her all these years later.

  ���Let���s get out of here,��� he flash
ed her his gorgeous smile.

  She let him lead her to the Lexus; she would follow him anywhere, without a doubt. He opened the door for her, and she got in.

  ���Alright,��� he grabbed her hand and kissed it, ���let���s go back to the hotel.���

  Her stomach did a flip and all of a sudden she felt like she was eighteen again; she was going back to the hotel with him.

  They pulled in front of the hotel, and he jumped out and opened her door, he took her hand and helped her out. The valet took the car. They walked into the hotel and walked to the elevator. They stepped in and were followed by three women. They stood in the back against the wall, holding hands. She noticed the women turning around and checking him out, she was so annoyed, do they not notice me standing here?

  He looked up and obviously noticed how she was bothered by this. He grabbed her and pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed the back of her head and pulled her hair gently towards him and her head turned up and he kissed her, he bit her lip and she opened her mouth, and his tongue entered. The elevator stopped and he pulled his lips away from hers, they women stepped out, and the door shut. Collin turned her around and kissed her, when the door opened they were on their floor. He took her hand and walked to the door and she watched as he slid the key into the lock.

  They walked in, and he took her bag and set in on the table. Hers eyes wide and nervous and his eyes never left hers. He pulled her to him and kissed her head down her cheek and to her hot waiting lips. Her hands found their way to his hair as he pulled her tighter against him.

  Pulling her even closer, he lifted her to him and began walking towards the bedroom. No longer afraid, nervous or second guessing her feelings towards him she was ready to give herself to him. Heat intensified inside of her as his soft groans escaped into her mouth. He pulled back and looked into her eyes, ���I want you Tessa, right here right now������


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