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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 132

by Mj Fields

  ���How is this going to turn out? ���Jade laughed.

  ���It���ll be fine, my brother will make it all better,��� Tessa smiled confidently.

  She watched as he shook hands with them and smiled. His smile, that beautiful white perfect smile it could melt an iceberg, she thought.

  He scanned the crowd and didn���t find what he was looking for. He did notice the women in a circle next to him all checking him out. She smiled as she saw him dismiss them and continue looking around. She saw him spot someone, and he glared. Tessa followed his line of vision and saw that he was looking at Lucas. She could tell Lucas was drunk. Lucas raised his glass to Collin and flipped him off. Collin���s jaw clenched and Lucas and gave him a look.

  ���There���s trouble brewing Tessa,��� she said shaking her head.

  ���I see that,��� Tessa replied.

  ���Is it a turn on to you,��� she said seductively.

  Tessa laughed nervously, ���No ��� not really.���

  She grabbed her phone and texted Collin.

  - You���re looking fine Cowboy��� XOXOXO

  She watched as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and smiled as he read the message.

  - Where are you Tessa���. XXX

  - Taking in the view��� XXX

  - How is it?��� XXXX

  - It���s a great view��� XXX

  He laughed and looked around.

  Lucas caught his eye and knew he was looking for Tessa, he pointed down and mouthed.

  ���She���s right here��� and pretended to grab her head and move it back and forth at waist height.

  Jade and Tessa looked at each other and then back at Collin he looked like he was going to explode.

  They both jumped up and walked quickly through the crowd toward Collin. Jake got there first when he saw what was going on, and just in time Collin was starting to walk towards Lucas, who was beckoning him with his hands. Tessa ran and jumped in his arms; she wrapped her legs around him and kissed him.

  Collin smiled at her as she slipped down his body and he pulled her to him and kissed her head. He looked up, and Lucas was walking towards them.

  ���Tessa I need to deal with this,��� Collin looked and put his finger to her lips when she tried to protest.

  Jake stood in front of them and then the boys stood with Jake.

  ���You hiding behind these little fucks?��� Lucas yelled.

  They all smiled at Lucas and shook their heads yes.

  ���Tessa, want to come over here and show that bitch what I made you so good at?��� Lucas yelled.

  A crowd had gathered around, and all eyes were on them, Tessa looked up at Collin, who looked like he was ready to kill Lucas.

  ���You want to leave?��� she asked.

  ���No, Tessa I want to tear his fucking head off,��� Collin growled.

  ���I���m pretty pissed right now Collin, and would love to say a few words myself, but it���s really not worth it,��� she said. ���He doesn���t deserve any more of my attention, can we please leave, please Collin?���

  He looked down at her, held her head in his hands, and kissed her deeply; he put his forehead to hers.

  ���If that���s what you want then yes,��� he took her hand and they turned to leave.

  Jessie grabbed Tessa���s hair from behind; Tessa turned swinging and punched her in the nose. Jessie fell to the ground.

  ���Put your bitch on a leash, Links,��� Tessa yelled over her shoulder. ���Come on everyone let���s get out of here,��� Collin looked shocked.

  ���LUCAS, cut the shit!��� Jade yelled.

  Lucas scowled and looked down.

  * * *

  Collin opened the door and strapped Tessa in and kissed her hand and jumped in the back. Jade drove and threw Ryan the keys to their SUV, ���To the farm, love.���

  ���Anywhere you want Jade,��� Ryan replied.

  The boys all jumped in with Ryan.

  They got to the farm and Jade drove down back to the edge of the woods, Collin jumped out of the back and opened the door for Tessa and unbuckled her. He grabbed her hand to help her out, and she winced.

  ���You okay beautiful?��� he asked, ���Did you hurt your hand?���

  She laughed, ���Actually, I did.���

  Jade laughed, ���So out of character for you Miss Ross.���

  Jade grabbed some ice out of the cooler and wrapped it in a towel.

  The boys pulled in as Collin started a fire. They all sat and laughed about the events of tonight, except Collin, who watched Tessa. She laughed and enjoyed herself except when she felt her hand throbbing.

  ���Collin I���m really tired, I am going to head up you can hang out here if you want.���

  ���I will take you up to the house Tessa for some reason I���m exhausted too. I wanna hear you sing that song again.���

  ���Oh yeah,��� she laughed.

  ���Yes Tessa,��� he stopped and looked down at hear, ���I do.���

  Tessa blushed, ���Sorry Cowboy, the buzz wore off.���

  He smiled and then closed his eyes, ���I really like that song.���

  ���It’s country you know, not usually my thing.���

  ���It should be Tessa,��� he took a deep breath, ���Busy day tomorrow?���

  ���Church, and then whatever.���

  ���Then whatever,��� he repeated and shook his head up and down slowly giving a mischievous little smile.

  Tessa laughed and they walked with his arm around her in the moonlight to the house.

  ���You look beautiful everyday Tessa, but today you look especially beautiful,��� he said as he kissed her at the bottom of the stairs.

  ���Church in the morning kids,��� her mother yelled.

  ���Yes Ma���am��� Collin replied and smiled at Tessa. ���Now how about you walk up the stairs and I���ll stay here so your Momma knows I am not following you in.���

  ���Collin I���ll be up to check it out myself,��� Maggie yelled, ���Goodnight.���

  ���Goodnight,��� they said in unison.

  At the top of the stairs, he kissed her head and then her lips, and stepped back holding her hands.

  ���Goodnight beautiful,��� he turned and walked in and shut the door.

  * * *

  Tessa woke in the morning and felt stiff. She ran downstairs and jumped in the shower. Wrapping herself in a towel and ran upstairs, she knocked on the door, ���if you want hot water you���d better get up now Mr. Abraham.���

  She went in and started to get changed she heard him knock on the door. She peeked her head out; her hair was wrapped up in a towel, he kissed her face and smiled.

  ���Good morning Beautiful.���

  ���Good morning Cowboy,��� she winked at him.

  ���Cowboy huh? Why is that?���

  ���I���ll show you later,��� she shut the door in his face laughing.

  Collin walked into the bathroom with his clothes and showered. He was a bit nervous about church this morning. He shaved his face and brushed his teeth. He found mouthwash on the counter and gargled. He pulled his tan suit out of the bag and hung it on the shower curtain and put on his crisp white shirt and buttoned it. He took out his powder blue tie and watched in the mirror and carefully tied it to ensure it was perfect. He slipped on his pants and buckled his belt. He took one last look and a deep breath. He grabbed his jacket as he went out the door.

  He walked into the kitchen and sm
iled as he saw her sipping tea, leaning against the sink staring out the window. She wore a light blue strapless dress that just hit her knees, the one he had bought for her. She had a cream sweater and sandals with a small heel. She smiled as she looked out the window daydreaming. She was beautiful and happy and his.

  Collin walked up and wrapped his arms around her around the waist, and she giggled and reached her hand back and ran her hands through his perfect hair and he kissed her head.

  ���I hope you’re thinking about me,��� he whispered in her ear.

  ���It was a day wish,��� she said whispering as she turned. She tugged his hair gently towards her and whispered in his ear ���If I told you it may not come true, and that���s not a chance I���m willing to take.���

  She kissed his cheek and walked away, ���Would you like some tea or coffee?���

  Right now he wished she had offered tea or me, he wanted her so bad it made him crazy. Patience he told himself.

  ���Tea please,��� he said instead.

  They drank their tea and stared at each other smiling. She crossed her eyes, and he laughed.

  ���I could sit here all day and have a staring contest with you,��� possibly all year she thought, ���but Mom would have a fit if we showed up late for church.���

  ���Alright I���ll meet you out there you have to bring Leia in right?��� he asked nervously.

  ���Yes, she is so happy being home,��� she smiled.

  Before she could finish, he was out of sight. She got Leia in the house and walked to the Jeep, she reached to open the door and he opened it before she could,

  ���That was quick,��� he held the door and shut it behind her.

  They drove to the church in silence. It was sunny, and sixty- five degrees, a beautiful fall day and they both appeared to be enjoying the quiet. They got to the church, and he hopped out of the driver���s seat and opened her door, he took her hand, and they walked into church.

  ���There are a lot of people here today,��� she said to him, ���Harvest dinner. If you don���t want to stay, I can come up with an excuse for us to leave.���

  ���If you want to stay, we will stay,��� he told her.

  They walked in, and Tessa looked for her family, they were in the normal pew on the left. She saw her Mom at the front, as they walked in hand in hand. The whole family was there. Tessa giggled.

  ���What���s so funny?��� he whispered as they walked up to the front of the church.

  ���My whole family is here, I think it���s because we did all that hay yesterday.���

  He looked so handsome in his suit, she looked around, and everyone was staring at them.

  ���Do you know the effect you have on women Collin, even at church they���re checking you out?���

  ���No, Tessa I don���t and I can promise you it doesn���t matter,��� he put his arm around her and kissed her head.

  They stood and sang the opening hymn. The Pastoral assistant asked for joys and concerns. People asked for prayers for sick family and friends and issues in the community. They announced birthdays and all things that they wanted to share. Tessa raised her hand and the little girl with the microphone handed it to her.

  ���I wanted to share that Phoebe Ross gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Friday a bit early, but he���s healthy, and Alex, Phoebe, and Remington will be home today.���

  She sat, and the Pastor asked if anyone else had anything Collin took a deep breath and stood. Tessa smiled and wondered what he was doing, she looked back at her Mom, who was dabbing her eyes, and she was about ready to ask her if everything was alright when she heard Collin…

  ���Hello, everyone I���m Collin Abraham, I came today with Tessa and the rest of the Ross family,��� he took a deep breath and smiled down at her. ���A few weeks ago I met Tessa and I think I came on a bit too strong because out of her beautiful mouth came, something about me being arrogant, pompous, and full of myself.���

  Everyone laughed.

  ���Tessa told me that I would be on one knee in front of God and her family before she would ever consider my proposition. So here we are in a church and in front of your family Tessa.��� Collin smiled at her, her eyes were wide as he took her hand and pulled her up to him. He knelt down on one knee and handed the microphone back to the little blonde girl, ���On one knee.��� He pulled a box out of his pocket ���I���m asking you to be my partner in all things in life. The only woman I would ever consider asking to become my wife. I love you Tessa Ann Ross, will you please make me the happiest man on earth, will you marry me?���

  She looked down at him in shock she took a deep breath and shook her head yes. He placed the ring on her finger, and he stood up she hugged him. He picked her up and twirled her around and kissed her.

  Sydney walked up and grabbed the microphone from the little girl, ���In case you did not know, she said yes!���

  The congregation clapped and laughed, and many cried.

  They sat down and held hands and smiled at each other. She squeezed his hands and leaned into is arm, ���What do you think my parents are thinking right now?���

  ���They’re thinking, he is one lucky man.���

  ���I can���t even look at them, I bet they���re in shock.���

  ���I asked your father for your hand last night, he said yes. I���m pretty sure he told your mother since your whole family is here��� he whispered quietly.

  ���You asked my Dad for my hand?���

  ���Of course, I did��� he whispered.

  ���You amaze me,��� she said, ���I can���t wait to be your wife.���

  ���Me either,��� he said and looked at her raising his eyebrows and winking.

  They sat quietly listening to the rest of the sermon on forgiveness and healing. Holding each other���s hands and smiling.

  ���When?��� she whispered.

  ���Name the day and time Tessa,��� he smiled.

  His phone vibrated in his pocket he pulled it out and looked down at it.

  - 911��� Tomas.

  He looked at Tessa, and she gave him a questioning look. He let out a deep breath and text back.

  - Give me twenty minutes?... CA

  - I���ll make arrangements you are needed��� Tomas

  He brought Tessa���s hand to his mouth and kissed it lightly.

  When the sermon ended, he left Tessa with her family and excused himself.

  ���What the hell is going on?��� he asked Tomas.

  ���Issues that needs your attention, the flight out of Ithaca leaves in three hours,��� Tomas reported.

  They talked for a few minutes, and Collin hung up.

  Collin walked back into the church and looked for Tessa. She was surrounded by her family and her church family smiling and showing them her ring. She was glowing and beautiful.

  She felt his presence and turned towards him and smiled. She saw his face and even though he smiled back she knew something was wrong. When he smiled at Tessa, it touched his eyes, it didn���t now.

  Tessa looked concerned and excused herself from the group that surrounded her and walked up to him. ���Are you alright?���

  He pulled her into his arms, ���Something came up, and I need to leave for a few days.���

  ���Is it your mother?��� Tessa pressed her head against his chest.

  ���No, it���s work. The project is on hold until I go fix it. A lot of people are depending on me. Tessa I have to leave in about two hours,��� he lifted her chin, so she looked at him.

��� she said softly.

  ���I need to go get packed, you should stay with your family,��� he said quietly.

  ���No, I���ll go help you,��� she offered.

  He accepted quickly, relieved that she wanted to leave with him.

  They walked into the farmhouse, and Collin looked at Tessa, ���I didn���t anticipate this happening Tessa. I had a much more romantic day planned.���

  She smiled and kissed him, ���I understand������

  Collin kissed her neck and she stopped talking.

  Her breathing became quick, and his hands entwined in her hair. Collin grabbed her with both hands just under her butt and lifted her pulling her into him. Tessa wrapped her legs around him, and he groaned. She kissed him as he walked with her wrapped around him up the stairs into her bedroom. He laid her gently on the bed and knelt between her legs.

  Tessa opened her eyes and looked into his. His eyes were dark and hooded his mouth slightly opened and breaths hard and deep. He took her right foot and removed her shoe and threw it over his shoulder. He bit the inside of her foot lightly. She moaned and threw her head back into the pillow.

  ���Look at me Tessa,��� he growled, ���I love you, look at me.���

  Tessa opened her eyes and watched him as he started at her pinky toes and nipped the tip and then sucked hard. The sensation was felt between her legs and she whimpered as he moved to the next toe and the next. When he finished on her right foot, he started on her left. She tried to sit up and he gently pushed her back down his hand holding her still just below her belly button.

  ���Collin,��� she whispered.

  He moved back to her right foot and kissed and nipped from her instep to her knee. He moved to her left and teased her again from instep to knee, his hand still pressing and gently rubbing just beneath her belly button. Her hips swayed slightly as she felt the throbbing between her legs. She tried to pull her knees together to relieve the pulsing pressure building, and he grabbed her inner thighs and pulled them apart swiftly.


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