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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 134

by Mj Fields

  ���No Mom, no I���m not,��� she cried.

  Maggie held her, ���Are you second guessing things?���

  ���No, I love Collin I���m going to Marry him. I just need Lucas to be okay,��� she cried.

  * * *

  Tessa woke to her phone.

  ���Hello,��� she whispered.

  ���Well, hello beautiful,��� Collin’s voice made her smile.

  ���Collin,��� she whispered.

  He laughed, ���So I���m here. What plans have you made today?���

  ���Oh well, Lucas stopped here. He���s having a difficult time with me getting married,��� she laughed.

  ���Is he,��� Collin was short.

  ���Collin, he knows I love you. It���s just going to take some time for him to get through this,��� Tessa explained.

  ���Not your responsibility, Tessa. Unless you want it to be and if you do������ he stopped.

  ���Collin I. Love. You,��� she said sadly.

  ���So you say���.��� He snapped.

  ���Collin, please don���t do this,��� her voice broke.

  ���I didn���t,��� he said sharply.

  ���Neither did I!��� she snapped.

  ���Why was he there?���

  ���He just showed up, he was actually here when you called. I walked in the other room and talked with you and forgot he was sitting in the kitchen,��� she giggled, ���He heard our conversation, which hurt him. But I told him������

  ���Why didn���t you tell me he was there Tessa, when I called, why didn���t you tell me?��� he asked in a clipped tone.

  ���I was happy to hear your voice, happy to talk to you. Collin you can trust me,��� she said sadly.

  ���We���ll see, I have to go,��� he hung up.

  Tessa tried to call him back, and he didn���t answer.

  The next day she tried again three times before he finally answered.

  ���Hello,��� he said.

  ���Should I still be planning a wedding or is this it, Collin?��� Tessa snapped.

  ���Excuse me?��� he asked shocked.

  ���Forget it, have a great life Collin,��� Tessa hung up.

  Her phone rang.

  ���Tessa, this is not a great time to have this chat. You told me I could trust you. I do, it���s him I don���t trust. The church is set. I���ve ordered flowers. I���m going to arrange a caterer. Our reception will be at the church. Invite who you wish. Money has been transferred into your checking account. I also ordered your dress, shoes, and undergarments!��� he snapped.

  ���Collin������ Tessa began.

  ���Do you still want this?��� Collin asked in a harsh tone.

  ���Forever,��� Tessa cried.

  ���Excuse me, please,��� Collin said and Tessa heard a door shut.

  ���Don���t cry. Tessa don���t cry. I am beyond pissed at the audacity of that��� You need to tell me if he so much as breathes in your direction!���

  ���I��� I������ Tessa was sobbing.

  ���I love you,��� he whispered softly.

  ���You have to������ Tessa began.

  ���I trust you Tessa,��� he sighed.

  She sat breathing trying to calm herself down and he waited.

  ���Okay, I���m sorry if I hurt you,��� Tessa said and cleared her throat.

  ���Tessa, it���s just jealousy. I want to be there with you. I asked you to marry me and left. That���s inexcusable. So let���s throw in some guilt as well. This emotional shit is for the birds,��� he said exasperatedly.

  ���Tell me about it.���

  ���I Love you,��� he said sternly.

  ���I love you,��� Tessa spoke softly.

  ���I have to get this wrapped up so I can get back to you. I���ll call you soon alright?��� he asked.

  ���Please,��� she said.

  ���Goodbye Tessa,��� he sighed.

  ���See you soon.���


  It had been a busy week for Tessa and Collin. Lucas had left her alone, after several failed attempts to get her to message him back.

  ���Hello beautiful,��� Collin said with a smile.

  ���Collin it���s Thursday,��� Tessa giggled as she held the phone tightly to her ear.

  ���It is, and tomorrow��� it seems like I should remember something I have to do, hmm. I can���t seem to remember. Tessa could you tell me, do you remember what I will be doing tomorrow?��� he teased.

  ���Me,��� she laughed.

  ���You? What will I be doing with you?��� he asked softly.

  ���I have a few things in mind,��� she whispered.

  ���I want to hear all about them,��� he said softly.

  ���Well, I would prefer to show you, and my family will be here any minute so you���ll just have to wait,��� she giggled.

  ���I can���t wait for you to ��� show me. I have a few things I want to show you as well,��� he chuckled.

  ���I Love you. Fly safe, see you tomorrow,��� Tessa said and hung up.

  ���If not sooner,��� he laughed when he realized she hung up.

  * * *

  Tessa walked outside and to the water and kicked her shoes off. She watched Leia splash in the cold ocean water and smiled.

  ���Tessa Ross,��� she heard from behind her.

  She turned and saw Lucas walking towards her. Leia growled.

  ���Lucas what are you doing here?���

  ���We need to talk,��� he jogged towards her, ���Well hello, Dog.���

  ���Lucas no we don���t,��� she said sadly.

  Lucas looked at her and took a deep breath and turned towards the water as Leia splashed around.

  ���It���s beautiful here,��� he stood next to her and crossed his arms across his chest.

  ���It is. Lucas��� you shouldn���t have come here,��� Tessa said looking at him deeply concerned.

  ���I needed to tell you a few things, and I heard he was not around until tomorrow. If what I tell you don���t change your mind I���ll let you be Tessa,��� he smiled softly at her.

  Leia shook off and soaked them both.

  Tessa laughed and so did Lucas.

  ���Do you have any dry clothes?��� Tessa laughed as they walked into Ann���s house.

  ���No, wow, this is amazing. Not what I expected. No plastic covering furniture huh?��� he smiled.

  ���Not anymore,��� Tessa laughed as she ran up the stairs to grab him a sweatshirt. He followed.

  ���All I have is this one,��� she rolled her eyes.

  He took off his shirt and smiled at her, ���It looks familiar.���

  She looked away from him quickly, ���I guess I forgot to give that one back.���

  ���Or you just wanted to hold onto it for old time sake. I get it,��� he laughed.

  She turned around, and he still stood shirtless.

  ���You like what you see Tessa?���

  ���You���ve always been a lot of fun to look at Lucas. Put that shirt on boy,��� she handed him a pair of sweats and walked out the door.

  ���Did you forget to give these back too?��� he laughed as she walked down the stairs.
/>   She was making tea when he walked in the kitchen.

  ���Would you like some?��� she asked over her shoulder.

  ���I would love some,��� his smirked and looked her up and down.

  ���Are you high?��� she asked as she handed him the tea.

  ���Maybe, why did you want some of that��� too?��� he laughed and drank his tea.

  ���No, I���m good thanks,��� she laughed, ���You shouldn���t drive like that, Lucas.���

  ���Okay Mom, I won���t do it again,��� he nodded, ���Do you know everything reminds me of you Tessa, everything.���

  ���Lucas we������ she began.

  ���No, let me talk, please. I hate that I did this to us, more than you���ll ever even begin to imagine. We were so good together baby, so perfect. I know I messed it all up. So much happened,��� his voice broke and tears began to fall.

  Tessa held his hand, and tears fell from her eyes as well, ���We���re both going to be fine.���

  ���Tessa what we lived through that first year together, it still hurts so bad������ he began.

  ���I know Lucas��� it was hell. I hated seeing you hurt. I still do,��� Tessa hugged him, and Leia barked alerting her to company.

  ���My family is coming,��� she wiped his eyes and then hers.

  ���Please give me a few minutes, leave them a note��� I really need to talk to you and I don���t want them pissed that I���m here,��� he pleaded.

  ���Okay Lucas,��� they walked out the back door and ran down the beach.

  They walked to the lighthouse and stood on the rocks.

  ���I looked into your��� Collin Abraham. I feel like you���re not thinking clearly with him Tessa. He has a very dark past baby, and you can���t marry him,��� Lucas looked at her.

  ���I know everything about Collin������ Tessa began.

  ���You can���t possibly Tessa. You���re not stupid,��� he grabbed her hand, and she pulled it back.

  ���God Damn it Tessa Ross,��� Lucas snapped, ���I won���t let him fuck you up!���

  Tessa stepped back away from him and saw someone running towards them. It was Collin.

  ���I know everything I need to,��� she smiled, and he followed her eyes to see what she was smiling at.

  ���Bullshit,��� Lucas grabbed for her hand, ���Tessa you���re going with me!���

  ���No, I���m not!��� she stepped back.

  Tessa began to slip, and Lucas grabbed for her and watched in horror as she fell to the rocks below.

  ���TESSA!��� he screamed as he made his way to her.

  Lucas slipped and hit his head and scrambled to grab Tessa, ���Wake up baby!���

  ���Get your fucking hands off of her,��� Collin said grabbing him and Tomas pulled Lucas away.

  ���No, I don���t think so you piece of shit,��� Lucas screamed as blood poured from the wound on the back of his head.

  Tomas had Lucas���s arms behind his back cuffed before dragging him to the house

  ���Tessa wake up, come on Tessa open those beautiful blue eyes for me,��� Collin whispered in her ear as he checked for her pulse.

  He picked her up and ran down the beach towards the house.

  ���Tomas! Call an ambulance!��� he screamed.

  Tessa���s families were all watching from the deck. When they saw Collin carrying Tessa, Maggie started running towards them.

  He lay her on the couch, ���Come on Miss Ross we have a big day tomorrow wake up beautiful.���

  John watched as Tomas put Lucas in a car, ���What happened?���

  Collin didn���t respond, ���Tessa I love you wake up, please!���

  * * *

  Collin sat in the emergency room holding and caressing her hand.

  ���Any word?��� Maggie asked as she handed him a cup of tea.

  ���Not yet,��� he kissed her hand gently.

  ���Why don���t you take a walk? You���ve been sitting here for three hours Collin. I can stay,��� Maggie said rubbing his back.

  ���No, thank you,��� Collin kissed Tessa���s hand.

  The doctor came in and checked her chart, ���She should wake up soon, Dr. Abraham.���

  ���I know.���

  Maggie walked out and gave the family the update.

  The police brought Lucas from the exam room in handcuffs and walked him towards the door.

  ���Is she okay?��� he yelled.

  Ryan looked at John who said nothing. He stood up and followed Lucas out the door.

  ���She���s going to be, you need to let this go Lucas. Please man. That girl loved you forever and it didn���t work. Now look at you. Lucas get it together, for yourself, your God children for me man. I���ll call your father,��� Ryan hugged Lucas quickly and walked away.

  * * *

  ���Her eyes are fluttering,��� she heard Collins voice, ���Maggie she���s waking up. Come on Tessa Ross open those beautiful eyes, please!���

  Tessa wanted to open her eyes, she wanted to see him, to explain about Lucas. She couldn���t lose him��� he was probably hurt, and she didn���t want to ever hurt him. She fell back into the rocks.

  ���Stop giving her those pain meds. Just let it go half an hour. She almost woke up before and then you put that shit in her IV! Tessa has a low tolerance you should have seen her the first day I met her��� well met her again. Just trust me please,��� Tessa wanted to laugh when she heard him talking.

  ���Hey, are you smiling at me beautiful? Open your eyes please Tessa. I haven���t been able to see them in four days. I���m back now Tessa and you���re making me wait even longer,��� she felt him kiss her lightly, and he laughed. ���You seem to like to make me wait,��� he whispered in her ear.

  ���No, damn it ten more minutes, does she look like she is in fucking pain!��� he snapped.

  Tessa heard another voice.

  ���I don���t give a fuck what the orders say, I���m a doctor, and I say if she is in pain she���ll tell you,��� Tessa squeezed his hand. ���Hey, now you���re playing with me Tessa ��� open your eyes before this��� nurse��� shoots you full of drugs again. Watch her eyes she is fighting to wake up, are you watching!���

  Tessa heard an irritated voice, ���You are not her husband yet Dr. Abraham, we could ask you to leave this is a courtesy.���

  ���You can ask, but it won���t happen,��� he sneered.

  Tessa tried to clear her throat, and she squeezed his hand harder.

  ���Please just once Tessa before I end up in jail? I love you please Tessa,��� he pleaded.

  Tessa blinked and whispered, ���I��� love��� You���

  ���You love me? Prove it, open your eyes Tessa now damn it,��� he insisted.

  Tessa opened her eyes and rolled them, ���Water.���

  ���Get her some water!��� he snapped.

  Tessa closed her eyes and felt the straw between her lips she drank and coughed a little.

  Collin sat her up and climbed behind her in the bed.

  ���Dr. Abraham!��� the nurse scolded.

  ���WHAT!��� he snapped.

  Tessa let out a breath, ���Please excuse him. Sometimes he can be difficult.���

  ���Sometimes?��� the nurse laughed, ���Welcome back Miss Ross. And by t
he way that one is known for being an ass to nurses.���

  ���Really do tell,��� Tessa giggled as she felt his lips on the back of her neck.

  ���Well, he thinks he knows everything, and even if he does he should not be so damn self- righteous,��� she laughed and put the blood pressure cuff on Tessa.

  ���Does he hit on them?���

  ���Are you kidding? He hates nurses,��� she laughed.

  Tessa smiled, ���That���s going to cause problems than for us Dr. Abraham.���

  Collin continued kissing her neck, ���Tessa is a nurse.���

  They all laughed, ���Well good luck with that honey, the doctor will be in shortly.���

  Tessa turned and looked at him, ���You were not nice to her.���

  ���SHE did not listen,��� he kissed her and ran his nose down her cheek.

  ���I love you,��� Tessa ran her hand through the side of his hair; ���You came home early.���

  ���I wanted to surprise you. I couldn���t spend another night without you. God I don���t know what I would have done if he������ he shook slightly.

  ���He didn���t hurt me Collin.���

  ���Tessa we���re not going to discuss him right now. You���re alive, and I thank God for that,��� Collin kissed her again.

  Tessa relaxed into his embrace and held his arms tightly around her.

  ���You���ve got to get me out of here. I have a hot date tomorrow,��� Tessa smiled and closed her eyes.

  Her entire family walked in the door. Collin read the report from his perch behind her.

  They released Tessa against doctor���s medical advice and went back to the beach house.

  * * *

  ���Hey, I���m staying at Ann���s house Mr. Abraham,��� Tessa laughed as he carried her towards his house.

  ���No, you���re not,��� he rolled his eyes.

  ���It���s the night before my wedding Collin,��� she whispered shyly, ���I would prefer to stay out of my marital bed on the night before my fairytale starts.���


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