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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 144

by Mj Fields

  ���Congratulations on your marriage, Landon won���t admit it, but I think he likes your husband, Collin right?��� she asked.

  ���Yes pleased to meet you,��� he stood and shook her hand. Lucas smirked at Tessa.

  ���Have a great night,��� Lucas smiled.

  ���Lucas, if you two want to join us feel free,��� John offered.

  ���Thanks, John, we���re going to let you guys eat though, we haven���t ordered yet,��� Lucas smiled.

  ���Well, stop over tomorrow, both of you��� we���re all going to be there,��� Maggie smiled.

  ���Alright, we���ll definitely try,��� Lucas said, and he and Ashley went to their table.

  ���Maggie, Tessa, and Collin are having all of us over tomorrow dear,��� John said.

  ���Oh, my I forgot, I feel awful.���

  ���Tessa are you alright with them coming over to our place?��� Collin asked.

  ���Only if you are,��� she looked confused.

  Collin stood up and walked over to their table, ���Lucas, we���re actually hosting dinner tomorrow at two, we would like it if both came over.���

  Lucas laughed and looked at him; Collin just looked back at him.

  ���Oh, you���re serious. Is that okay with you, Ash?��� Lucas asked.

  ���Sure,��� she smiled at Collin.

  ���Alright thanks, Collin, we���ll be there, what should we bring?��� Lucas asked.

  ���Nothing Tessa and Maggie have it all covered. Enjoy your meal,��� Collin walked away.

  * * *

  They walked into the house, and Tessa smiled at him, ���You surprised me tonight, Collin.���

  ���It���s a New year,��� he smiled. ���Besides your mother looked like she was going to cry.���

  ���Its eleven fifty Collin Abraham,��� she took off her coat. ���We have ten minutes to be up in that big old bed.���

  ���I���ll meet you up there,��� he smiled.

  He walked into the bedroom with two glasses of sparkling cider and sat them down. He and turned on the television and slipped his clothes off and got in bed.

  She wrapped herself around him and smiled, ���I love you.���

  ���You are going to love me more in five,��� he said as he rubbed his hand lightly across her chest, ���four,��� he said moving to her stomach,��� three,��� he said as he rubbed between her legs gently ���two��� he positioned himself on top of her ���One��� he kissed her as he slowly moved into her.

  She smiled and moaned as they slowly met each other thrust for thrust.

  * * *

  ���Good morning beautiful,��� he said kissing her, ���I wanna show you something.���

  ���I would prefer feeling something,��� she opened her eyes. ���Damn it what���s with the clothes?��� she laughed.

  ���Come on,��� he smiled as he held up her robe.

  They walked into the nursery, and he had two beautiful round canopy cribs set up in the middle of the room, both cherry wood draped in white.

  ���Oh, Collin they���re beautiful,��� she walked over and touched them, ���They���re perfect.���

  Tessa hugged him tightly.

  ���I am glad you like them, you know we leave in two days. I think you should tell your family. Phoebe already knows, I think it would make them almost as happy as we are,��� Collin smiled.

  ���I agree,��� she kissed him. ���I have never seen anything so beautiful, well besides their very handsome, no ��� hot, Daddy. The way they sit in the center of the room makes my heart smile. You know they���re going to be the center of our world, very symbolic.���

  ���You���re the center of mine now, I hope you know that will never change, I love you. They will fit right perfectly into it.���

  * * *

  Everything was ready and the family started rolling in. Lucas and Ashley walked in after the others got there. Lucas had a bag in his hand.

  Leia growled at Lucas, and he laughed.

  ���Well, hello Dog��� still mean as ever huh? This place is amazing, Ryan you do great work,��� Lucas smiled.

  ���Tessa did you decorate?��� he asked.

  ���She actually designed most of it,��� Collin said.

  ���Yes and he decorated it, Happy New Year, come in,��� Tessa wore a long brown dress that showed her belly and it had grown.

  She noticed Lucas looking at it shocked, and she laughed, ���Yes it���s big.���

  ���It���s perfect,��� Collin rubbed her belly.

  Ryan showed Lucas and Ashley around the house, and they all sat and ate. After dinner, they sat in the family room and talked.

  ���We would like to thank you all for coming to our very first New Years Day party. Things will be a little different next year,��� he said rubbing Tessa���s belly, ���Each of you mean a lot to us. We would like to show you all something upstairs,��� Collin winked at her and pulled out her chair, ���Tessa you first.���

  They stood outside the door, and Tessa smiled at Collin. ���Mom do you want to open the door?���

  They all walked around and smiled.

  ���You���re having twins Tessa?��� Maggie asked.

  ���Yes we are, we can find out in a couple months what they are, but there are definitely two. Collin, are we going to find out?��� she asked him.

  ���That���s up to you��� he smiled, ���I already know.���

  ���No, you don���t��� she grinned, ���It���s a surprise remember?���

  ���No, I���m pretty sure,��� he laughed.

  ���Alex, do you have a guess?��� Tessa asked and laughed.

  ���I���m trying to forget that day,��� Alex rolled his eyes

  * * *

  They all walked downstairs, and Lucas grabbed the bag.

  ���Collin, do you have a minute?��� Lucas asked.

  Collin and Lucas stood in the kitchen, and Ashley and Tessa looked at each other and laughed as they left the room.

  Lucas handed the bag to Collin; it had the two albums that she had made for him. ���These don���t belong to me anymore.���

  Collin opened one and his eyes widened. ���Thank you, Lucas.���

  ���No problem. I have a favor to ask, I���m going to be moving to New Jersey for a while. I need to tell the Ross���s that I���m ready to sell the house. I want to tell your wife first. If you want to be there, that���s fine, but I would like to do this now.���

  * * *

  Lucas asked Tessa if they could talk.

  They went into the living room, and he sat across from her.

  ���I���m going to move to New Jersey,��� he said her eyes widened. ���Dad bid on some much bigger jobs in the city, and I need to be there. I���ll be selling the house. I���m going to tell your family so they can decide what they want to do.���

  ���Okay,��� she said and looked at him.

  ���I asked your husband to let me tell you first.���

  ���I know he told me you wanted to talk to me,��� she said sadly.

  ���What���s wrong?���

  ���I ���m going to miss you,��� she said and tears formed in her eyes.

  ���Now don���t do that, Tessa. You���ll get us both in trouble.���

� Tessa tried to control her breathing. ���Does she make you happy?���

  ���Yes very much so,��� he looked down.

  ���Good, I���m so glad,��� she smiled.

  He knew she was being sincere. ���Who would have thought Tessa, less than a year ago, I would have never guessed.���

  ���I guess this is what was supposed to be.���

  ���You think so?���

  Tessa nodded yes, ���So is Ashley the one?���

  ���It was different with her than the others. It was my way of dealing with my Daddy issues. You know��� screwing his girlfriend���s baby sister,��� he laughed. ���But there was always a mutual respect.���

  She was smiling, ���Good Lucas.���

  ���Just weird, my Dad and her sister are married,��� he laughed.

  ���Maybe you should consider moving further south, I hear that���s acceptable in some parts south of the Mason- Dixon line,��� she laughed.

  ���Not funny ba���Tessa,��� he smiled.

  ���I���m just joking, I���m very happy for you. And, by the way, she didn���t even try to kick my ass, I think she is actually sane,��� Tessa laughed

  ���I bought land next to Ryan and Jade. If I have a family, I want them raised around here,��� he told her.

  ���That���s great, maybe our kids will be friends someday,��� she laughed.

  ���I���m sure they would be. I���m in no hurry, that kind of still scares me you know,��� he said, ���Four years ago today Tessa.���

  Tears immediately welled in her eyes, ���I know Lucas. I���m sorry if this was hard for you today. God, I���m so sorry.���

  He wiped her tears, and she smiled, ���You will make a great Daddy someday Lucas. You deserve that.���

  ���Thanks, baby, who knows maybe you���ll have a girl and I���ll have a boy and������ he started.

  ���I���ll move far away,��� they both laughed. ���Or maybe I���ll have a boy, and you���ll have a girl. Have you met my husband?���

  ���Okay, now it���s not so funny,��� he looked at her and let out a deep breath.

  ���I want you to know Lucas Links I will always love you like I do my family,��� Tessa wiped tears away quickly.

  ���I feel the same Tessa��� he stood up and hugged her, ���Your belly just kicked me.���

  ���I think they were saying close enough,��� she giggled.

  He grabbed her face and brushed her tears away, and she closed her eyes.

  ���You ready to go back in there?���

  ���I���ll be out in a minute okay?��� she smiled.

  ���You���re going to be okay?���

  ���We���re both going to be fine, better than fine,��� she smiled, ���These hormones are kicking my ass I just need a few minutes. I���m going to the bathroom, be out in a minute.���

  Tessa walked into the bathroom and sat on the floor and cried. She was overwhelmed and didn���t want anyone too see her. She wasn���t sure if she was happy or sad. Her husband had been amazing. He invited them here today; she couldn���t possibly love him more. And Lucas, well��� she knew she was right that they were meant to be friends. Regardless of what had gone on between them, she���d always love him ���anyways. People break up every day and walk away, never looking back, but because of who Collin was and who she always knew Lucas could be, she had the love of her life and the boy who taught her how to be loved. It hurt her that he still felt the same pain she did, but she wouldn���t change it. He would be happy with Ashley and she prayed that they would be as happy as she and Collin were.

  There was a knock on the door, and she wiped her face as the door opened. Collin looked at her and shook his head. He walked in and shut the door.

  ���Are you alright?��� he asked and stood away from her.

  She blew out a breath and looked up at him, ���Yes, no. Four years ago today I lost a baby.���

  ���Is that what he wanted to say to you? He upset you on purpose?��� Collin snapped.

  ���No God no, I remember it. I wasn���t excited about my pregnancy with him until a few weeks before I lost the baby. He was happy and wonderful then, one of the few times,��� she laughed. Collin looked confused, ���He has lost a couple and one of his crazy ex- girlfriends had an abortion behind his back. He doesn���t think he deserves to be a father, Collin.���

  ���He needs to leave; he shouldn���t be laying this on you. I���m done with being������ Collin was interrupted.

  ���COLLIN it wasn���t him ��� it was me! I brought it up. He simply told me he was selling the house and that he was very happy with Ashley. I���m happy for him. He mentioned moving here and raising his family and well��� I said he deserved to be a father, he���ll be a good father. He doesn���t believe he deserves it. He wasn���t looking for pity. It���s me damn it. I hate to see him hurt. Not just him, you, my family. I need people to be happy!��� she yelled.

  He looked at her and took a deep breath, ���Is this the pregnancy causing this emotional outburst?���

  Tessa laughed and wiped her eyes, ���The emotional shit no, the outburst���possibly.���

  He smiled at her, ���Okay, should we stay in here all night or do you think you can keep it together?���

  ���You did NOT just say that to me?��� Tessa snapped.

  ���Yes I did,��� he said looking at her.

  ���Collin,��� she sneered.

  ���Beautiful crazy wife,��� he growled.

  She tried not to laugh, and a smile spread across his face, ���I���m not crazy.���

  ���Okay,��� he chuckled.

  ���God, you drive me������ Tessa started.

  ���Where do I drive you?��� he asked and stepped towards her and she crossed her arms, ���Say it, Tessa.���

  She laughed and turned away from him.

  ���Say it,��� he said louder.

  ���No,��� she smiled.

  ���I will then, CRAZY,��� he grabbed her and turned her towards him and kissed her.

  ���You���re not funny,��� she pouted.

  ���I���m,��� he said and kissed her neck.

  ���You’re hot,��� she laughed.

  ���And I���m yours Tessa, always,��� he kissed her again, ���Even when you act like a crazy woman.���

  Tessa laughed, ���And I���m yours.���

  He hugged her and kissed her, ���Let���s go ��� Cybil.���

  She stood and scowled at him, he laughed and picked her up and set her gently on his shoulder. He opened the door and smacked her ass.

  Ashley stood waiting in the kitchen with Jade for the bathroom.

  Collin smiled when he saw them and slowly set Tessa on the ground.

  ���If you smack my ass again������ Tessa started.

  ���We have company Tessa,��� Collin kissed the top of her head.

  ���Well, I wasn���t going to tell them what I was going to have you do to my ass to make up for ������ Collin covered her mouth.

  Jade laughed, and Tessa gasped.

  ���Please excuse my wife she is kind of������ Collin began.

  ���Crazy?��� Jade laughed.

  Tessa took a deep breath and looked up at Collin, �
����Is my Dad standing back there, too?���

  Collin shook his head no.

  ���Have we scared Alex again?��� Tessa sighed.

  Collin smiled and shook his head no, ���Just poor Ashley, who doesn���t know you like the rest of these people do. She probably really thinks you���re crazy now.���

  Tessa turned around and smiled widely, ���Sorry.���

  ���I wasn���t trying to listen to your conversation, but������ Ashley started.

  ���You were very loud Tessa,��� Jade laughed.

  ���He loves you. I���m over the moon happy for him and you. I just worry and I know I should not, it���s not my place, sorry. I understand if you want to kick my ass, go ahead,��� Tessa sighed.

  Lucas walked out into the kitchen, ���Everything alright, Ash?���

  Ashley smiled and laughed, ���Yes its fine thank you.���

  ���Alright then I will be in here with Ryan, right in there, okay?��� Lucas walked away.

  ���He thinks we���re going to fight?��� Ashley asked Tessa.

  ���Yep,��� Tessa yawned.

  Jade laughed, ���You tired Tessa?���

  ���God this has been an exhausting day,��� Tessa closed her eyes.

  ���For some reason, I feel like I should go in the other room as well, please don���t���over do it Tessa,��� Collin kissed her and walked away giving Jade a look.

  ���You want him to be happy. You think I am the one to do that?��� Ashley smiled.

  ���I do, and if that upsets or hurts you I���m sorry,��� Tessa looked down.

  Ashley laughed, ���Why would that upset me Tessa?���

  ���I don���t know, but I���m not going to promise you ass play, in order for you to get over any stupid jealous notions that might be constructed in your head,��� Tessa yawned again and giggled.

  ���WHAT the HELL is going on in here?��� Lucas laughed as he walked into the room


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