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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 148

by Mj Fields

  ���Pump and dump?��� he asked.

  Jade laughed, ���They sleep better if you don���t.���

  ���Is she being serious?��� he whispered in Tessa���s ear. She laughed and shook her head no.

  ���Thank God��� I was going to have to change my opinion of her,��� Collin scowled.

  Tessa wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed her back.

  ���I love you,��� she said, ���Dance with me?���

  ���Of course.���

  He looked at her and smiled as they danced.

  Tessa saw Jade pointing to her and Adam smiled, ���Tessa Ross.���

  Jade whispered to him, ���Sorry, Tessa Abraham��� she shook her head no.

  ���You got five minutes,��� Adam walked down and shook Collin���s hand and hugged Tessa.

  ���I haven���t sung in forever. I���m not going up there.���

  ���Why aren���t you singing?��� he asked and looked at Collin.

  ���I���ve been a little busy. We have twin babies at home,��� she drank the slushy and Jade handed her another, and she drank that down too.

  She looked at Collin, and her jaw dropped.

  He laughed, ���You���re fine there���s enough in the freezer to feed a whole village.��� She grabbed her head and looked like she was in pain. ���Are you okay?���

  ���Brain freeze,��� he laughed, ���Don���t let me drink anymore.���

  ���Okay, are you going to sing?���


  ���But you want to,��� Collin smiled.

  ���Of course, she wants to,��� Jade said, ���And she will.���

  Jade handed her another drink.

  She started to drink it, and Collin shook his head no.

  Tessa handed it to him and smiled, ���Thank you.���

  She was buzzed, and Adam called her up she smiled and kissed Collin, ���Changed my mind.���

  ���I knew you would,��� he smiled.

  Collin smiled as she sang the same song she had almost a year ago, Cowboy Take Me Away, by the Dixie Chicks.

  She hugged Adam, ���Thanks ��� that was fun.���

  ���One more?��� he asked.

  ���Not tonight, I need to get home to my boys,��� Tessa walked off stage and ran and jumped on Collin.

  ���Did you have fun?��� he asked and she shook her head yes, ���You love to sing, you���re very good, and you should do it more often.���

  ���I want a piano.���

  ���You play?���

  ���Not well, but I���d like to try again.���

  Adams band started playing a song she loved.

  ���Dance with me,��� she jumped down.

  ���Sing to me,��� he replied.

  As they danced, she sang to him. ���I want you tonight,��� she whispered in his ear.

  ���We have to wait,��� closed his eyes and kissed her.

  ���I���m fine,��� pressed into him and grabbed his hair and pulled him down to kiss her again.

  He smiled, ���Yes you are, but we���re waiting.���

  Tessa stomped her foot and pulled away from him and turned around. He laughed. Lucas and Ashley were standing with Jade and Ryan, Tessa looked, and Lucas looked down and tried not to smile. Collin grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder and smacked her ass.

  ���We���re going home, thanks we had fun.���

  ���I think that���s the same position she was in the first night we met you,��� Jade said, and Tessa flipped her off.

  Collin walked away, and Tessa grabbed his butt. He pulled her down and she wrapped her legs around him and kissed him, ���You���re going to make this impossible.���

  ���I want to sing another song,��� she laughed.

  ���I bet you do,��� he laughed and set her down.

  Tessa ran to Jade and grabbed her drink and slammed it. Collin walked over biting his cheek trying not to laugh at her. She ran up and whispered into Adam���s ear, and he laughed.

  ���What did you do, Collin?��� Jade asked laughing, ���Did you tell her no?���

  He smiled and looked away.

  ���You know you could always do that trick you did at the Cape, she seemed to like that, no touching, no kissing, no������ she said.

  ���I remember Jade,��� Collin laughed.

  She started singing Whenever, Wherever by Shakira. She was buzzed and a lot less self- conscious as she had been earlier. She shook her hips and half way through it he walked up and motioned for her and she jumped in his arms. She smiled and turned around and shook her ass some more and finished the song. She jumped off the stage laughing.

  ���There are other places that could go,��� and bent over in front of him and laughed when she turned around, and he looked shocked.

  She jumped on his back and smacked his butt, ���Take me to bed!���

  * * *

  By the time, they got home she was asleep.

  He carried her in and Kendall whispered ���Is she ok?

  ���She had a couple drinks. How are the boys?��� he whispered.

  ���They just ate about a half an hour ago. I���ll stay tonight if that���s okay,��� Kendall smiled.

  ���You don���t have to.���

  ���I want to. Go to sleep, I���m going to finish this movie, and I���ll make sure they are fed. Go to sleep,��� she insisted and smiled.

  ���Thank you, Kendall.���

  He brought Tessa upstairs and dressed her for bed.

  She woke up, ���Hey��� what���s going on?���

  ���You���re tired and going to bed. Kendall���s staying the night,��� he kissed her, ���I���m going to grab some water and Tylenol and the pump.���

  He came back, and she wasn���t in the room, she was in the nursery looking at the boys.

  ���Look at them, they���re perfect,��� Tessa smiled. ���Their Mommy is a lush.���

  ���You better not wake them up, come on.���

  He flipped on the monitor so they could see them. ���Your sister is going to do the next feeding; you���re going to pump and go to sleep.���

  ���No, I want to feed them.���

  ���Tessa four weeks and a day with no more than three hours of sleep at a time,��� he said getting the pump setup. ���We���ll get four hours maybe five tonight, she wants to, please let���s go to sleep.���

  ���Wow, you���re very excited about sleep,��� she laughed.

  ���Aren���t you?��� he asked propping her up with pillows. ���Pump.���

  Her eyes narrowed, ���I think you could do better than this pump.���

  ���Really?��� he asked his eyes widened with excitement.

  ���Yes, please.���

  ���Nice Collin.���

  Tessa woke up every three hours, and she let him sleep. She chatted with Kendall and pumped and dumped as they fed them.

  Collin woke to Leia licking his face, and he looked at the clock it was eight in the morning he had slept nine hours. He jumped up and ran into the nursery, and she was feeding CJ.

  ���Good morning,��� she smiled.

  ���Morning? It���s almost afternoon. Why did you let me sleep so late, did you turn off the monitor?
��� he asked agitated.

  She smiled, ���I got up and pumped and dumped when Kendall was feeding them, so I had help.���

  ���So you didn���t get any sleep?���

  ���Yes actually, they slept for seven hours after I breastfed them,��� Tessa laughed, he looked concerned. ���I���m joking, but they did sleep for five hours straight, it was very nice. I think they like their room. We should put a twin bed in here. See if that makes a difference.���

  ���Alright,��� he said.

  He took CJ and burped him as Tessa fed Matthew.


  CJ and Matthew���s six- week checkup went perfect. They were growing like weeds and the pediatrician suggested they supplement one bottle before bed with formula if they started eating more often. They were sleeping five hours straight every night in the cribs. Tessa and Collin slept in the twin bed between feedings. Tessa���s appointment was just as good, she could resume regular activity as soon as she felt up to it.

  They came home and fed the boys and looked at each other. They both laughed as they rocked the boys to sleep.

  ���I don���t understand why I���m so nervous.���

  ���Tessa realistically when is the last time you went six weeks without sex?��� he smiled.

  ���I don���t know,��� she said, ���A year ago?���


  ���And how about you?��� she laughed.

  ���Awhile,��� he said.

  They were both asleep. He laid Matthew down and went into the bedroom and showered. She came in and got in the shower with him. He kissed down her neck and caressed her breast.

  ���Can we do this is the bed, please?���

  ���Uh huh,��� he kissed her again.

  His hands reaching low and she gasped.

  ���This okay?��� he asked softly.


  ���Tessa, I���ve missed you,��� he kissed down her belly and lifted her leg to his shoulder. She leaned back against the shower wall as he kissed the outside of her sex. His tongue parted her and she moaned his name. He looked up at her and smiled and started again.

  ���Collin stop, please,��� Tessa gasped.

  ���Do you really want me to?���

  ���Let���s go to the bed,��� her eyes closed.

  He put her in bed and went down again until she pulled away and moved up the bed.

  ���What���s wrong?���

  ���I am afraid it���s going to hurt.���

  ���Okay,��� moving up next to her. ���So we go slowly.���

  He leaned into her and she pulled back.

  ���I am not trying to be a pain but just let���s do this,��� and he stifled back a laugh. ���Just get on me and do me.���

  ���Alright, that was so romantic,��� he laughed.

  He held her face between his hands and positioned himself over her and slowly started to enter her. He felt her knees closing and he stopped and kissed her until she relaxed and moved slowly again until her knees squeezed him.

  ���I need to feel your warmth, beautiful,��� he kissed her neck; ���I love you so much. Feel me, Tessa, let me make������

  ���Collin you need to put a condom on,��� she scooting back again.

  ���I���m not sure I���ll need one.���

  ���I���m sorry,��� she said and looked down.

  ���Don���t be, we can work at this all day. I have no problem with that,��� he grabbed a condom and took her hand placing his above hers they rolled it on and he groaned.

  He resumed his position and she wrapped her arms around him and moved her hips into him slowly.

  ���Tessa, you���re shaking,��� he slowed.

  ���Don���t stop, please. I���m fine, nervous but fine. Does it feel the same?���

  ���Of course, hot wet tight, real fucking tight,��� he hissed, ��� If you want to stop we can,��� he said, ���Your move.���

  Collin kissed her neck and shoulders. He avoided her breasts and rubbed her sides gently.

  Tessa slowly began to move, and he moaned against her neck and they began slowly pushing into each other together. She laid back and closed her eyes and enjoyed her moment. He knew she was ready and moved faster until they both finished.

  She sat up, ���Sorry,���

  ���For what?���

  ���That couldn���t have been enjoyable for you.���

  He laughed and pulled off his condom and looked at it.

  ���I beg to differ,��� he kissed her and went into the bathroom.

  When he walked out, he was naked and fully erect and ready again. Tessa was standing up, ���Please stay in that bed. I���m not done with you yet.���

  She smiled and did as she was told. By round three, she felt normal again. She was sure it was mostly psychological, and now it was all better.

  ���See?��� he said. ���Perfect.���

  * * *

  Within a week, the boys were sleeping five hours every night and eating a lot more. They had to supplement formula for two feedings. They had one night a week that Maggie came up and they went out. As much as they tried not to talk about the boys, conversation always led them there.

  Collin had written two articles that were published in the past eight weeks and Tessa was working on grants again. He would be flying back to Nicaragua in a week, but he would stay only one week. While he was gone, Joan would be there more��� Collin insisted.

  Tessa���s sole focus was on the boys while he was gone. They Skype several times a day, and although she missed him, she knew that having him home for nine weeks was more than she could���ve ever dreamed. She was playing piano again, and her babies seemed to enjoy it. Their life was perfect, better than perfect.

  They had decided to attend Lucas���s wedding in New Jersey, it just so happened to fall on the anniversary of the very first day they met. Collin was in Haiti for the week before the wedding and would be flying in and meeting her in Jersey. Tessa and her family all rode together, Joan and Tomas followed they would stay the day of the wedding and then take Leia back to the Cape with them. Tomas was picking up Collin from the airport, and Joan would watch the kids while Tessa and Collin attended the ceremony.

  The Ross family all sat together, Ryan was the best man and Alex and Jose were ushers. Tessa kept checking her phone to see if she had any messages��� it wasn���t like him to be late. The ceremony ended, and Lucas and Ashley walked down the aisle as man and wife. She looked beautiful, and he was as handsome as ever. When they waited in the receiving line, Tessa saw Tomas, he was pacing back and forth across the room. She texted him:

  - where is my husband?

  He looked at her and motioned for her to come to him.

  ���Tessa, there has been an accident,��� Tomas said.

  ���Is he okay?���

  John and Maggie were hugging the bride and groom and turned to look at her, they saw her stumble and Tomas grabbed her, and they walked out the door.

  They all ran to her, and Lucas watched, ���Dad, go see what���s going on.���

  Landon followed them as Tomas told them what happened.

  Collin���s convoy was ambushed while leaving the village, they had lost communication.

  Tessa walked into the room, and her family followed. She grabbed her babies and held them as she quietly sobbed. No one said a word; they let her cry and stood beside her helplessly.

  Lucas knocked on the door and came in, Tessa lo
oked up, and Leia growled.

  ���Sorry,��� Tessa said.

  Ashley followed him in, she knew this wasn���t good.

  ���Tessa,��� Lucas hugged her.

  They sat for almost an hour Kendall, Phoebe, and Jade surrounded her and Lucas sat at her feet feeling helpless. Leia walked up to him and put her head on his lap, and he looked shocked.

  ���You need to get back downstairs,��� Tessa told Lucas again, ���This is your wedding day.���

  ���I know, but you need me now,��� Lucas said struggling.

  ���No, Ashley needs you, my boys need me, don���t be an ass,��� Tessa snapped.

  Lucas smiled softly and patted Leia, ���I���ll be back.���

  He and Ashley walked out the door.

  ���Are you sure this is what you want?��� Ashley asked him with tears in her eyes.

  ���Yes, Mrs. Links,��� he said and kissed her, ���I just need a few minutes, is that alright?���

  Ashley got on the elevator, and Lucas sat in the hallway and heard Tessa sobbing. He crouched on the floor wishing there was something he could do. Realizing he could do nothing to help her right now.

  * * *

  He walked towards the elevator and saw Ashley getting off crying. He walked down the hall towards their room and Lucas sat at the door wiping his face.

  ���Something I should know about, Links?���

  Lucas looked up and smiled.

  ���I���ve never been so happy to see your face in my life,��� Lucas stood and hugged him.

  Collin pulled back.

  Lucas knocked on the door, and John opened it and laughed.

  ���Thank God,��� John hugged him.

  Collin heard Tessa crying and walked to her, ���Everything okay, beautiful?���

  She looked up and grabbed him, ���You���re okay.���

  ���Sorry, I���m late I missed my flight,��� Collin smiled.

  She couldn���t stop crying and kissing him, ���I don���t know what I���d do without you.���

  Collin sat on the bed and held her, ���You���d be strong. You���d live for you and for the kids Tessa. But I have to tell you, I���m not going anywhere for a very long time.���


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