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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 151

by Mj Fields

  Tessa went up and laid on the bed in their room she fell asleep. She woke when he called and so did the CJ.

  ���Hello,��� she whispered.

  ���Hello, are you in the boy���s room?���

  CJ started babbling Dada and Collin laughed.

  ���Come here buddy you���re going to wake up your brother,��� she said softly and Matthew started babbling dada too, she laughed.

  ���Okay let���s go you,��� she dropped the phone when she picked him up and laughed, ���Sorry.���

  ���Was that Matthew?���

  ���Yes, and you didn���t miss it.���

  ���Can you put me on speaker?���

  ���Yes just give me a second,��� she was laughing as she juggled babies and the phone.

  Collin talked to his son���s, and they looked at the phone like it was magic. They hung up on him once, and he called back.

  ���Sorry, they were playing with your picture,��� Tessa giggled.

  ���You need to sleep,��� Collin spoke softly.

  ���I will��� their teeth are probably bothering them,��� She said and rocked them. ���How was your flight?���

  ���Interesting,��� Collin said.

  ���What���s that mean?��� she asked curiously.

  ���Remember the girl from the first day we met?���

  ���How could I forget?���

  ���She is a flight attendant and was on the flight, it was very uncomfortable.���

  ���Oh,��� she said quietly.

  ���Are you jealous?��� he chuckled.

  ���Should I be?��� she snapped.

  He laughed, ���No.���

  ���It���s not funny,��� she said quietly.

  ���I get to rub elbows with your ex several times a year. I was on a six- hour flight with her and you���re jealous,��� he laughed again.

  ���I know how much you like airplanes,��� she said annoyed.

  ���I like you on airplanes,��� he said with a smile in his voice.


  ���Tessa, I love you.���

  ���You too,��� she said and he laughed, ���You know it���s not that funny.���

  ���I���m sorry,��� he said trying to mask his amusement.

  ���No, you���re not but let me tell you why you should be. My ass has been pregnant for almost two years, hormones raging, puking, exhausted, and you all fine looking and well��� just you. So if, you get jealous over them you���re a jackass. I���m mad now and tired, and I���m going to sleep. I���m glad you���re there safe, are you in for the night or are you traveling more?���

  ���Tessa, don���t be mad I���m sorry,��� Collin tried to calm her down.

  ���I accept your apology, but sorry doesn���t always make it better. Are you in for the night?���

  ���No, I���m going to the village. I slept on the plane,��� he said softly.

  ���Well let me know when you get there, please. Say goodnight to Daddy,��� she said. ���Collin you���re on speaker tell them goodnight.���

  ���Goodnight boys, please tell Mommy that I am sorry I upset her, I love you all goodnight,��� he said softly.

  ���We love you,��� she said, and her voice broke.

  ���Tessa don���t,��� he said.

  ���Sorry, I���m just tired. We will call you tomorrow, please text me and let me know when you get to the village.���

  ���I love you,��� he said.

  ���We love you, be safe, goodnight,��� Tessa hung up.

  * * *

  John came up the next day and rototilled the garden Tessa had asked for, and the boys played in the fenced in area he had put up earlier that morning. Tessa watched as Leia continued walking around the fence as if she were on guard.

  ���Thanks, Dad,��� she said and hugged him.

  ���You really going to plant this whole thing?���

  ���Yep,��� she smiled. ���I have a week before Collin comes home, and I want to be busy.���

  ���Alright just don���t do it all in one day, if you need help give us a call,��� he went and played with the boys.

  Her phone rang.

  ���Hello Collin.���

  ���Hello Tessa, you sound better. Did you get any sleep?���

  ���Yes I did. I���m sorry about last night.���

  ���So am I.���

  ���Listen, I shouldn���t have been rude to you. I know we love each other, and I also want you to tell me things like that. So by being bitchy you second guessed yourself and that was wrong on my part. Thank you for telling me. That said the boys are playing with Grandpa John right now. He came here very early this morning and made a surprise for them.���

  ���I love you so damn much Tessa,��� he said as if it physically hurt and took a deep breath, ���What did Grandpa make?���

  ���He fenced in a small area for them to play in,��� she smiled at John.

  ���Tell him what else you made me do,��� John yelled.

  ���What else Tessa?���

  ���You���ll see when you get home,��� she said. ���It���s really no big deal.���

  ���But you won���t tell me?���

  ���No, not yet.��� she said, ���Hey boys Daddy is on the phone say hi dada.���

  They both babbled dada and John laughed.

  ���Hi baby boys. I miss you,��� Collin sounded emotional.

  ���You���re going to make me cry if you keep sounding like that,��� Tessa whispered in the phone.

  ���They���re getting so big so fast,��� he laughed. ���I sound like a girl.���

  She laughed, ���You better get your head in the game, Abraham.���

  ���It is, I will talk to you later, I love you Tessa.���

  Tessa planted pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and lots of them, she wanted pictures of her three little loves surrounded by them this fall. She planted zucchini, squash, cucumber and tomatoes. She fed the boy’s lunch, and they took a nap. When she woke up, she was sore and laughed thinking she was getting too old for this.

  * * *

  The four girls got together that night to exchange info. They all brought a dish to pass and met at Doe camp.

  Jade and Phoebe were having boys and Tessa and Ashley were having girls. Tessa was shocked that Lucas was capable of creating a girl, he was the king of finishing doggy style, but, of course, she didn���t mention that. They ate, and the kids played near the pond. Tessa took lots of pictures, and Jade suggested they do a maternity shoot.

  ���What���s that?��� Ashley asked.

  ���Hot Prego pictures,��� Jade laughed, ���That���s how I told Ryan about baby three, Tessa���s idea.���

  They planned to meet the next night.

  * * *

  Tessa finished the garden and was exhausted again but when the boys slept she started researching ideas about places in the US that they may be able to help. She found several and wrote all her ideas down, she wanted to focus on healthcare and women and children���s empowerment. She spent several hours on it and even applied for some grants. She wanted to see the response she got before mentioning it to Collin.

  ���Hello Tessa,��� Collin sounded tired.

  ���Hello Collin,��� s
he said exaggerating his tone and laughed, ���Are you tired?���

  ���I���m actually. It���s been kind of hectic here.���

  ���You���re safe right?���

  ���Yes I am.���

  ���Then go to sleep and call me later. I want you rested when I see you in five days.���

  ���Really? Why?��� he asked sounding better.

  ���Because I miss you very much,��� she said playfully.

  ���Tessa, I���m missing you too,��� he said, and she heard a smile in his voice.

  ���So we got together and exchanged baby news tonight.���


  ���Phoebe and Jade are having boys and Ashley, and I are having girls.���

  ���Lots of Ross boys,��� he laughed.

  ���And a little princess for them to all look after, by the way, what do you think of a white crib like the one you picked out for the boys?���

  ���I like it, antique white?��� he asked imposing his idea.

  ���More like a worn Cape Code kind of beachy white, I want her room to be beachy,��� she said, ���Does that make sense?���

  ���Perfect sense, will you let me work on that?���


  ���So you miss me very much still?���

  ���Uh huh,��� she smiled.

  ���Please tell me all about what you miss,��� he said softly.

  They spent an hour on the phone, and he seemed happy.

  ���I love you beautiful.���

  ���I love you,��� she said, ���You do know how hot you are, right?���

  ���So you tell me.���

  ���And so I���ll show you in a few days.���

  * * *

  Tessa, Jade, Phoebe, and Ashley did the photo shoot as Joan fed the kids. They had fun, Ashley even loosened up. Tessa ran into camp and grabbed the Doe Camp sign. They stood in a line and bared their bellies. Ashley and Tessa wore pink camo ribbons with a bow wrapped around their bellies and Phoebe and Jade wore green camo. They set up the tripod and did shots of them together. Tessa and the girls went to her house, and Joan had the kids watching TV. Remington was asleep on Lukies lap, Riley and Jackson were asleep on the couch, and CJ and Matthew slept on Joan���s lap. Tessa took a bunch of pictures and then took the boys upstairs so Joan could leave and laid them down. They went into the office and went through the photos.

  Kendall walked in, ���Whatcha doing?���

  ���Come see,��� Tessa said.

  ���They���re amazing,��� Kendall said. ���You should do Christmas cards from Doe Camp to all the hunters with that or open season two invites,��� they all laughed.

  ���So what are you doing here?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Well, I kind of wanted to talk to you,��� Kendall said smiling.

  ���Ben?��� she asked.

  ���Yep,��� Kendall blushed.

  ���You didn���t?��� Tessa said.

  ���No, Hoe,��� Kendall said laughing. ���But I, well he and I really like each other and I want to go visit him on my next trip, so how do you feel about that?���

  ���Kendall I love Ben, and I love you, the thing with him was high school and a long time ago, like a hundred years almost. I would love for you two to be together,��� she said. ���His idea of what relationships should be is perfect, well then anyway, and you Kendall would never be bored, he is absolutely perfect for you and you for him.���

  ���So what would you say if he and I became boyfriend and girlfriend?��� Kendall asked and grinned.

  ���I would say I am so happy for both of you,��� Tessa hugged her.

  ���Safe to come in?��� Ben peeked around the door.

  ���Yes Ben, I���ve missed your face,��� Tessa grabbed his cheeks and hugged him.

  ���So you���re giving us your blessing?���

  ���Yes and a warning, if you ever hurt her I will shoot you through the heart. Oh and she and you can both wait right?���

  ���Tessa, you were banging Lucas for years and look how that turned out, I think I can wait,��� Kendall said Tessa���s jaw dropped, ���Oh God Ashley��� I���m so sorry, Tessa sorry.���

  ���You had sex with Lucas?��� Ashley asked sounding surprised.

  Tessa looked at her shocked and Ashley laughed.

  ���Ashley I���m sorry,��� Tessa said.

  ���Kendall,��� Ben scolded.

  ���Don���t scold her,��� Tessa snapped at Ben.

  ���Don���t yell at me, Tess,��� Ben laughed.

  Tessa shook her head and started laughing so hard she cried. She sat down and felt her belly and her mood completely changed.

  ���Everything okay, Tess?��� Ben asked.

  ���Yeah, I think, so I just need to sit for a minute,��� Tessa grabbed her phone to time what she was terrified were contractions.

  ���Tessa, is everything okay?��� Jade asked, ���Because I’m overdue and if you go before me I will freak out.���

  ���No, I ���m sure its fine,��� she said and her face showed otherwise.

  ���Alright you need to go to the damn hospital,��� Ben said. ���Kendall, I don���t do babies yet can you?���

  ���Ben I���m fine, I could use some water, I think I just overdid it today. Phoebe can you please call mom?��� Tessa looked nervous even though she was trying not to show it.

  Maggie and John came right down, and they took Tessa to the hospital. Her blood pressure was elevated, and she was having contractions.

  ���Dad could you give me my phone please, it���s in my bag.���

  ���Are you going to call Collin?��� John asked.

  ���I���m going to check on the boys. I���ll call him if I need to,��� Tessa warned him.

  She went to call Kendall, and her phone rang, it was Collin.

  ���Hello, Collin how are you?���

  ���I���m good how���re you beautiful?���

  ���Well, I want you to listen and not freak out okay?���

  She told him where she was and that she didn���t know anything yet but as soon as the doctor came in she would put him on speaker, and he would know when she did.

  ���I���ll wait, who is there with you?��� he asked calmly.

  ���Mom and Dad.���

  ���Are you alright?��� he asked just as calmly.

  ���Scared. Mom could you give me a minute alone, please? Sorry. I have some good news. Kendall and Ben are dating.���

  ���That���s great,��� Collin said and she heard him slamming drawers.

  ���Collin, this could be nothing stop packing.���


  The doctor came in, and Tessa put it on speaker, ���She���s showing signs of pre-eclampsia, although there was no protein in her urine, her blood pressure is high. We���re going to keep her in the hospital and continue to check her urine for a few more hours. She���ll then be home on bed rest until she delivers.���

  ���Dr. Brown this is Collin, I would like you to keep my wife in the hospital until I come and pick her up. She���s stubborn, and bed rest won���t work unless someone ties her ass down in it. If that���s a problem in regards to insurance not covering it, I don���t give a fuck I���ll pay for it. Tessa keep your ass in bed, and
I���ll be there as soon as I can. I���ll call Joan and give her instructions,��� Collin was slamming doors.

  ���Dr. Brown is there any way that I caused this to happen?��� She asked knowing the answer.

  ���No, it just sometimes happens.���

  ���Did you hear that Collin? I didn���t do this!��� she yelled.

  ���Regardless I���ll be picking you up,��� he snapped.

  ���Like hell you will. I���m going home as soon as I can. I���m so pissed at you right now. Have a safe trip��� hopefully, it���s a full- service fucking flight!��� she hung up.

  ���Tessa you need to calm down,��� Dr. Brown said. ���Blood pressure remember? I���m going to give you some Meds for your blood pressure and then some to rest.���

  ���No, I want to go home,��� Tessa started to cry.

  John and Maggie walked in, and John was on the phone.

  ���Tessa, don���t cry,��� Maggie hugged her.

  ���I���m so mad Mom,��� she hugged her. ���He thinks it���s my fault.���

  ���No honey��� I���m sure he���s just scared,��� Maggie soothed her.

  ���Well, that���s great ��� what does he think I���m having a great time here?��� she cried.

  Her phone rang, and she ignored his call.

  ���Tessa, he needs to know what is going on,��� Maggie said.

  ���No, he needs to be supportive, and I need to calm down and that certainly isn���t helping.���

  The nurse put meds in her IV, and she immediately felt it.

  ���Nice,��� she smiled. ���Mom I���m high, please go take care of my babies. I need them to see you if they wake up. Ben will have them bouncing off the walls.���

  ���She���s asleep now, yes you heard right she is pretty out of it,��� John said to Collin.

  Tessa woke up, and her eyes were heavy, she started to stand up and take out her IV.

  ���Tessa don���t do that,��� John said

  ���Daddy, please take me home,��� she pleaded, and he pushed the call button. ���I���m going home I���ll sign whatever I need to.���


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