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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 157

by Mj Fields

  Lila looked towards the bathroom and Emma followed her look. Once again, Brody stood witness to her goofy ways.

  ���Listening to your happy music again Emma?��� He joked.

  She jumped off the couch and laughed. Lila laughed and said, ���No, Emma just got some good news. She put in a bunch of resumes and has to schedule interviews tomorrow,��� Lila smiled. ���I���ll be seeing much more of you if you accept an offer.���

  ���What kind of work are you looking for?��� Brody asked earnestly.

  ���Editor positions, entry level of course. It seems companies don���t want to hire people like me who���ve been out of the workforce for seven years. Sorry again about the show. Goodnight,��� Emma smiled as she quickly walked to her room.


  Brody woke in yet another hotel room. He had changed hotels again, and it seemed no one knew where he was. No slew of fans outside in the streets screaming for him. There were no packages delivered, wishing Brody good luck today, or letters offering to take his mind off of the train wreck of a day. He showered and shaved and grabbed the suit Lila had picked out for him. He wasn���t looking forward to his court appearance but he was grateful to his new friend Lila and for her friend that seemed to be occupying his thoughts lately. Emma was wonderful, kind, sweet, and funny. Even though she didn���t seem to have to try, he thought and laughed to himself remembering the two incidents last night in which he���d caught her dancing.

  Brody stepped out of the black town car wearing a gray suit and woven tie. He had on sunglasses, and he plastered his signature smile across his face. There were about a hundred women standing behind the police barricades screaming and yelling to him. Lila, his lawyer, and his manager followed him into the courthouse. He waved and walked past the masses trying to grab him. They may mean well, but he certainly never asked for this, he wished his personal moments like this could be his own. Like Emma, he wished they could feel his discomfort and just sit back and watch but only if that���s what they felt they needed to do, he thought.

  He sat in the large court room behind a wooden desk next to his lawyer when Ariel walked in with her lawyer. He glanced up and immediately looked away. He expected to be angry when he saw her or disgusted as he was when he saw her in print with another man. He hadn���t been alone with her sense the day he left, after the affair came to light. Brody avoided all the calls and only answered text messages that concerned the divorce. Ariel was beautiful. She was almost six feet tall and extremely thin. Her long black hair was in a ponytail today. She wore a tan skirt and jacket, making her brown skin look even darker.

  The judge looked over the paper work and asked if any changes had been made since the previous hearing. There hadn���t been. His decision was that Brody would pay spousal support for the same number of years they had been married, at fifty thousand dollars a month. Ariel would get the New York home, and he would keep the one in Liverpool. No future earnings would be taken into consideration, as the marriage had only lasted three years. Brody was to pay a three million dollar settlement. All parties accepted the decision. Brody and Ariel signed the paperwork. Brody was relieved that he wouldn���t have to sell the home in England near his family. He was not happy with spousal support ��� three million dollars and their shared home should have been enough. When they left the courtroom, Ariel looked at him and smiled sadly as she walked into the arms of the man she was now shacked up with.

  Brody walked out of the courtroom and looked down. He didn���t want to acknowledge the swarms of fans or the press. He and his lawyer sat in the car as Lila worked her magic.

  ���It has been a rough few months for Mr. Hines. Although he adores all of you, he needs his privacy ��� time to reflect, heal, and move on from this chapter of his life. Both he and Ariel came to an agreement today. Brody is currently working on a new album.��� Lila smiled as the crowd cheered. ���Its release should be within the next few months. We���ll definitely keep you all informed, thank you for your show of support today.���

  Lila got in the car and looked at Brody, ���Are you alright?���

  ���Sure, I just don���t look forward to sitting in that damn hotel room. I���m considering going home for a few months to finish the album instead of just a month,��� Brody said looking out the window.

  The car dropped his lawyer off at the Manhattan office and started down the street. ���I think you should stay with me Brody, just for a few days,��� Lila smiled. ���Would you like to do that until you leave?���

  ���A few of my friends are coming in to the city tonight, to celebrate the demise of my marriage,��� he laughed. ���Are you up for lots of company?���

  ���The more the merrier.��� Lila laughed.

  * * *

  Emma walked into the courtroom with the arresting officer and saw Troy sitting in a chair next to a lawyer. He looked up at her and scowled. Emma sat and waited for Troy to be called. They were the last case on the docket.

  ���Mr. Fields, you are being charged with endangering the welfare of a child, child neglect, and felony possession of a narcotic, how do you plead?��� Judge Owen asked.

  ���Not guilty sir,��� Troy said and looked at Emma.

  ���Really, so you want to go to trial over this?��� Judge Owen laughed. ���Officer White, could you approach the bench and remind Mr. Fields the evidence you have against him?���

  ���Yes, Your Honor,��� Officer White said and read through the paperwork.

  ���You want to rethink that son? Your seven year old daughter locked herself in a bathroom and called her mother to come get her when it was your responsibility to keep her safe. You threw a party with cocaine and alcohol for a rowdy group of townies. Mr. Fields, you were so intoxicated that you didn���t even know that she spent over an hour in the bathroom scared out of her mind waiting for her mother to travel from New York City to help her. Mrs. Fields, although it was incredibly stupid to wait to call the police, I can tell you it certainly helped to build a strong custody case for you. What is your visitation agreement?���

  Emma handed him the custody paperwork, ���Your Honor, I wasn���t thinking of anything except getting to her quickly. It was a suggestion from a friend when we were almost there. I agreed because I knew Troy wouldn���t be happy if I showed up. I knew that London was safely waiting locked in a bathroom talking to me on the phone. I wasn���t thinking,��� she whispered.

  ���So Mr. Fields, I could put you on the docket, and we are booking about two months from now, or you could get some help. Get your ass into a rehabilitation center and get better for your child,��� Judge Owen looked at him.

  ���I���m not going to rehab,��� Troy laughed.

  ���Alright then: I hereby order that your current custody agreement is null and void until after your trial for these charges,��� Judge Owen said looking at him, ���Mrs. Fields, visitation is at your discretion. I would suggest you contact your lawyer about this. There are several options, including supervised visits.���

  ���Your Honor, I think you���re stepping outside of your job description,��� Troy���s lawyer said warning Judge Owen.

  ���No, I���m merely telling Mrs. Fields to weigh her options. Case postponed until a trial date is set,��� Judge Owen stood up and walked out of the courtroom.

  ���You can���t keep me from her Emma, she���s my daughter. I have rights,��� Troy said in a superior tone she was so used to hearing.

  ���London has rights to Troy; she has a right to be safe and loved. Get some help,��� Emma said as she turned to walk out.

  ���Don���t you walk away from me, Emma,��� Troy yelled afte
r her.

  ���I���m leaving to take care of my daughter Troy. Damn it ��� could you do the right thing, please?��� Emma said pleading as she walked out.

  Emma drove back to the city and parked in the garage at Lila���s. She looked in the mirror and wiped the smudged mascara from her face and grabbed her bag. She had left a message for her lawyer so that she could figure out her next move. What a mess, London would be alright but Troy?

  What the heck was she going to do?

  * * *

  Emma walked into the apartment and saw a bunch of people. She didn���t see Lila and tried to hide from the group of guys listening to loud music, laughing as they drank in the living room. Emma walked down the hall unseen towards the bathroom.

  ���Hello, Emma,��� Brody said smiling as he walked out of the bathroom.

  ���Oh…hi,��� she said pushing past him as she walked in the bathroom and shut the door.

  Shit, Emma thought as she washed the makeup from her eyes and tried to pull herself together.

  She called her mother, ���Hello Mom,��� she said as her voice cracked.

  ���Emma, are you alright honey?��� Caroline said in a deeply concerned tone.

  ���I will be, is London home yet?��� Emma asked.

  ���Well you must have forgotten she had a dance tonight, so she���s upstairs getting ready. I���ll stay with her tonight and meet you tomorrow night,��� Caroline said.

  ���Oh, how could I have forgotten,��� Emma began to cry.

  ���Emma you have a lot going on. She doesn���t know you forgot, and we���re enjoying our time. How did things go with Troy?��� Caroline asked.

  Emma took a deep breath and told her what had happened. Her mother agreed to support her in any way she could help, which Emma knew she would. Her parents were amazing. Emma knew how lucky she was to have them, especially now.

  ���Good luck with your interviews tomorrow, Mommy,��� London said with a smile in her voice.

  ���How did you know about that London?��� Emma asked.

  ���Grandma,��� she laughed.

  ���Of course she told you. It���s not definite London. I���m just weighing our options okay?��� Emma asked cautiously.

  ���Mom, I���m okay with moving if it would be better for us. Plus, it would be fun to live with Grandma and Grandpa,��� London said happily.

  ���Oh…Grandma talked about that huh?��� Emma laughed.

  Emma chatted with London and promised that they would do something fun when they saw each other in a couple of days. She said goodbye and looked in the mirror again, good enough she thought.

  Emma walked out of the bathroom, and Brody was standing against the wall in the hallway.

  ���Are you alright Emma?���

  ���How did things go for you today,��� Emma said changing the subject.

  ���As expected, it���ll be fine. Are you alright?��� Brody asked again his voice was deeper.

  Emma laughed, ���I will be, I have to be.���

  ���What happened?��� Brody asked.

  Emma wasn���t sure if it was the accent that made him seem more together than her at this moment, but it made her uncomfortable.

  He could sense that. ���If I���m asking questions you don���t wish to answer, I apologize.���

  Emma knew she had made him uncomfortable and felt awful, ���No need to apologize. I just haven���t had time to process it all yet. The judge left a lot of decisions in my hands. I just don���t know what���s best for London; I just need to figure it all out. And honestly I���m tired of being an adult and trying to figure every damn thing out. I wish I could run away with my daughter and not deal with all the nonsense,��� she looked up when she heard the music start again. ���You have a raucous group out there,��� she laughed, ���You better get back to them.���

  ���Emma, I didn���t consider that you would be here or in this state of mind,��� Brody said. ���However, you did mention needing a break from being responsible. This crew is the best at being rash. You should join us,��� Brody smiled.

  ���I would love to meet your friends, Brody,��� Emma looked up at him.

  ���Oh, yes…meet my friends,��� he said looking confused.

  Oh wow, that so didn���t come out the way it was meant to. He must think I���m into him. Why do I open my mouth? This silence is painful quick Emma fix it, she thought.

  ���If you don���t want to share your people I get it,��� she smiled. ���I have my people too.���

  ���Emma that���s not what I meant I just������ Brody began.

  ���I know, Brody,��� she laughed, her phone rang. ���Give me a few minutes and I���ll come out. Hello, this is Emma,��� she answered the call and walked to the room she had been staying in.

  Emma woke up hearing yelling and a knock from outside the door. She jumped up and opened the door.

  ���Troy, what are you doing here?��� she asked still sleepy.

  ���Lila���s friend huh?��� Troy yelled.

  ���Yes, Lila���s friend. Are you drunk Troy?��� Emma pushed past him, ���You need to leave.���

  ���You’re coming with me, we have a lot to talk about,��� Troy laughed pulling her arm.

  ���Release her,��� Brody warned.

  ���Fuck you,��� Troy laughed.

  ���Enough!��� Emma yelled, ���Troy, do you want the police to be called again?���

  Troy laughed, ���Why the fuck not, what else can you do to me?���

  Emma���s eyes felt like they were on fire, ���Haven���t you done enough?��� She asked as tears started to flow down her face. ���What can I possibly do Troy, to make your life any easier?���

  ���Take me back Emma, I���ll be better,��� Troy asserted.

  ���No,��� Emma said sternly looking down.

  ���How the hell am I supposed to fix this then, huh? How?��� Troy pleaded.

  ���By admitting you have a problem and getting help. Get help,��� Emma said and he hugged her.

  Her body stiffened as he clung to her.

  ���I will. For us, Emma,��� Troy said softly in her ear.

  Brody looked at her and could tell she was appalled. Emma took a deep breath and opened her eyes and saw the five guys standing there. How embarrassing, she thought.

  The music turned off, and Lila yelled, ���Is there a party here without me? You know I do have neighbors,��� she laughed and turned the corner and saw them all.

  ���Well hello Troy��� how the hell did you get in here?��� Lila asked pissed.

  ���Lila,��� he said and tipped his head. ���Did you ever tell Emma what happened between you and me?���

  ���You mean when you tried to get me to go home with you, no I spared her the details. Emma we can discuss this later? In the meantime your ass needs to leave,��� Lila said to Troy.

  ���Can we please talk about this Emma, please?��� Troy pleaded.

  ���Lila, can I have a minute?��� Emma asked.

  ���Sure Emma. Come on boys,��� Lila said and they all left the hallway and went into the kitchen, all except Brody who walked into the bathroom.

  ���Emma, can we work through this. If I go to rehab, can we be a family again?��� Troy pleaded.

  ���I think you should go to rehab Troy. As far as you and I are concerned ��� it���s over. However, we have London so for the rest
of our lives we���re bound. You need to want to fix things for her and for you, do you understand?��� Emma said in a concerned tone.

  ���If that will help us, then that���s what I���ll do.���

  ���You don���t get it. London is your daughter, Troy. She deserves to have a healthy relationship with you. For that to happen you need to be healthy,��� Emma said with pleading eyes.

  ���How about this, what are you going to do when I sit in rehab getting the help you think I need? What are you going to do for money without my child support? When I get out am I going to owe you all the back support and what about health insurance ��� do you ever think? Jesus Emma,��� Troy snapped.

  ���Here���s the deal Troy. I want nothing if you���re not getting a paid leave, I want nothing but for my daughter to have a healthy father. Get better Troy. We���re done here,��� Emma said.

  ���What about visitation Emma? When can I see her?��� Troy asked.

  ���I talked to my lawyer, and she suggested supervised visits. But Troy, if you think the nonsense you put her through the other day was alright? With telling her that I had a boyfriend and trying to make her mad at me. Telling her I was at fault for this divorce and not that your several girlfriends played a major role in our marriage falling apart. She���s seven years old, maybe while you are at rehab you could take a fucking course on growing up as well!���

  ���You’re pushing me Em, I wouldn���t if I were you,��� Troy growled.

  Emma laughed, ���Time for you to leave.���

  ���Why, so you can go fuck the rock star?��� Troy yelled.

  ���Oh yes, the same way I fucked you for the first four years we were together, remember that Troy?��� she looked at his eyes. ���Oh and the endless blow jobs, I can���t wait to get started on those. Oh and anal ��� lots and lots of that, I never thought I would like it, but people change over the years. You certainly did. I think I���ll give it a try,��� Emma said seductively.


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