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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 186

by Mj Fields

  ���Clear the room,��� the head nurse yelled and brought a crash cart into the room.

  ���Brody, Rebecca, we need to let them work,��� Emma said softly and pulled them both into the hallway.

  No one said a word.

  Emma held their hands as they leaned against the wall.

  Emma heard a woman crying in the room across the hallway. A stretcher was being brought out of the room with a child on it attached to a ventilator.

  ���We can���t lose him,��� the woman cried into what appeared to be her husband���s chest as he rubbed her back.

  ���We have to be prepared,��� he held her tighter.

  ���No,��� she cried.

  Doctor James walked past them and nodded.

  ���Anything?��� the woman grabbed his arm.

  ���I���m sorry,��� he said and patted her hand.

  Emma closed her eyes she didn���t want to see Brody���s reaction.

  The nurses exited Robert���s room and Emma looked up.

  ���Go ahead in,��� the nurse said.

  ���Could you tell us anything?��� Emma asked.

  ���You don���t have a lot of time, his heart is giving out. His brain waves are slowing down. He is only alive because of the machines. You should be prepared to say your goodbyes,��� she rubbed Emma���s back and walked away.

  ���Rebecca, you go ahead in, we���ll be in momentarily,��� Brody said and kissed his sister.

  Emma hugged Brody, and he hugged her back.

  ���Please tell me what I have to do, I can���t make that decision Em,��� he said quietly.

  ���You have to, you and Rebecca have to make the decision together,��� Emma kissed him.

  ���Brody Hines?��� the woman who was crying earlier looked at him.

  ���Yes,��� he said quietly.

  ���My son is a huge fan, he���ll be back soon. He doesn���t have long, but it would mean a lot to him if you said hello,��� she said and cried.

  ���Of course,��� Brody smiled softly.

  Brody looked at Emma and shook his head and pulled her tighter into him.

  ���If he were ours������ Brody started.

  ���He isn���t,��� Emma ran her hands through his hair.

  ���My father isn���t going to wake up,��� Brody said searching for answers in Emma���s eyes.

  ���No,��� she said in barely a whisper.

  ���I need to talk to Rebecca,��� Brody said pulling her head against his chest.

  ���I���ll give you a few minutes alone,��� Emma offered.

  ���No, I need you Emma unless������

  ���No, unless, I just thought you may want a few minutes, of course I want to be there for you,��� Emma took his hand and they walked in.

  ���We need to make a decision,��� Brody said and hugged his sister.

  ���I think we both know what we need to do Brody,��� Rebecca said, her facial expression unchanged, ���He isn���t here.���

  ���Emma would you go speak to Doctor James, please?��� Brody asked.

  ���Of course,��� Emma said and hugged him.

  All the paperwork was signed and they began to wheel the stretcher out of the room.

  Brody held his hand tightly to his chest, and a look of panic crept into his eyes.

  Emma couldn���t stop the tears from welling up even though she tried.

  ���Stop,��� Brody���s voice echoed down the hall as he ran to the stretcher and held his father, ���I love you, I forgive you.���

  He looked at the monitors hoping for a change, and nothing had changed. Brody stepped back and watched as the operating room staff took him through the doors and they shut behind them. Brody crouched down and leaned against the wall and hugged his knees.

  Emma ran down the hall and knelt down in front of him and held him as he cried.

  Another stretcher passed them as they held each other.

  Brody stood, and Emma wiped away his tears, ���Get me out of here,��� he whispered in his ear.

  ���Mr. Hines!��� The woman yelled.

  Brody turned to see the woman motioning her into a room, he closed his eyes and took Emma���s hand and walked towards them.

  ���This is my son Johna,��� she smiled.

  ���Hello Johna,��� Brody shook his hand.

  ���Wow, it really is you, are you here to see me?��� Johna asked.

  ���I am,��� Brody smiled.

  Dr. Green entered the room and looked curiously at Brody. ���Johna ��� we have some great news for you, we have a match, and you���re getting your transplant.���

  Johna���s mother cried and fell to her knees in prayer. Emma held Brody���s hand tightly.

  ���That���s good news, I mean I���m happy but someone died? Mom I don���t know if I can,��� Johna said with tears in his eyes.

  ���Johna, you don���t have a choice darling,��� his mother said as she stood and held his hand.

  Brody stood and stared at the floor, ���Mr. Hines, what would you do?���

  ���Well Johna I would take it, you have many years ahead of you. Things happen for a reason. Think of it as a gift from God,��� Brody smiled and kissed his head.

  ���Okay, are you sick? Why are you here?��� Johna asked as curiously as any eight year old would.

  ���I���m here to see you, and now that I know you���re going to be okay I can leave,��� Brody smiled.

  * * *

  Brody, Emma, and Rebecca walked into the house and Henry met them at the door, he looked at Emma and then Brody.

  ���What can I do to help?��� Henry asked.

  ���Thank you Henry but there isn���t much we can do at this hour. Rebecca why don���t you go rest, and call our brother and Bo. You and I will make the arrangements and get back to them,��� Brody looked at Emma, ���You should rest, we can���t do anything for a couple more hours.���

  ���I will when you do, I���m going to make some tea,��� Emma kissed him and disappeared into the kitchen.

  * * *

  The funeral service was small and private, held graveside. It was held two days after Robert���s passing. Bo, Bobby, Rebecca, and Brody stood together quietly. London and Emma behind them and Caroline and Henry were there as well. The minister read several passages and shook their hands before he walked away.

  ���Emma, Dad and I are going to take London back and get lunch set up,��� Caroline said hugging Emma.

  ���Grandma I want to stay with Brody,��� London said and started to cry.

  Emma hugged London, ���We have to let him grieve, London. We���ll be there very soon okay?���

  London looked up, and Brody took her hand, ���London, thank you.���

  London hugged Brody tightly, ���Brody, I���m so sorry.���

  Brody scooped her up in his arms and held her, ���Me too.���

  ���Do you need me to stay?��� London asked.

  ���I need you all the time, but maybe Grandma Caroline needs your help setting the table,��� Brody wiped London���s tears as he put her down, ���Sometimes I wonder if she knows where the fork goes.���

  ���I know where it goes,��� London smiled and wiped his tears.

  ���I know you do,��� Brody kissed her finger.

  ���Okay but if you need me, Brody,��� London said raisin
g her eyebrows.

  ���I know where to find you and I can promise I���ll need extra hugs this evening,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Okay, like a hundred?

  ���Maybe a hundred and fifty,��� Brody winked.

  Brody took Emma���s hand and walked towards Bobby and Rebecca.

  ���Bobby this is Emma, Em this is my brother,��� Brody introduced them.

  ���I���m so sorry for your loss,��� Emma said and shook his hand.

  ���Thank you, I���m sorry this is how we had to meet,��� Bobby smiled slightly.

  ���Me too,��� Emma said softly.

  They stood looking at the grave quietly, ���Well he���s with Mom now.���

  Bobby shook his head, ���Yeah, what the hell happened? Did he have a heart attack, was he drinking?���

  ���He hadn���t drank in a while, he left our home and hit a tree,��� Brody said scowling down.

  ���He stopped drinking?��� Bobby asked surprised, ���What caused the accident?���

  ���I haven���t had time to get a copy of the accident report,��� Rebecca said quickly.

  ���We���ve been busy, Rebecca it���s alright,��� Brody said and hugged her.

  ���I���ll look into it, I know a few people in the police department,��� Bo offered.

  ���No, I can do it,��� Brody scowled.

  ���Brody let him, you guys leave in two days. I���ll call you as soon as we know anything,��� Rebecca patted his back.

  ���Fine.��� Brody let out a breath.

  They all drove back to Brody���s and ate. Bobby was staying the night and Bo and Rebecca left shortly after dinner.

  * * *

  ���He stopped drinking?��� Bobby laughed.

  ���Yes,��� Brody smirked.

  ���Well I guess miracles do happen,��� Bobby laughed.

  ���So tell me how are things with you?��� Brody asked.

  ���Great, busy but great,��� Bobby smiled.

  ���Do you hear from Sally anymore?��� Brody smiled.

  ���Not in a while, I kind of messed that up huh?��� Bobby chuckled.

  ���I guess you did,��� Brody laughed.

  ���I���m settling down, work has me very busy, not a lot of time to get into trouble. And you���re married…again,��� Bobby winked.

  ���Yes, this one���s forever, we���re having a child, and then there���s London. It couldn���t be any more perfect. Dad was here before the accident, he was going to move to the States with us. He and I talked, things were good,��� Brody said staring into the fire.

  ���I���m glad that you two patched things up. He hurt for many years and then there was Bo,��� Bobby looked at Brody.

  ���Yeah, about that, father was no longer a fan of Bo���s. Do you know why?��� Brody asked.

  ���Well if he was sober maybe he saw what truly was going on around him,��� Bobby scowled.

  ���The parties?��� Brody asked.

  ���Yeah, the parties,��� Bobby laughed.

  ���What am I missing?��� Brody asked.

  ���From what I remember nothing, you were ass deep into the lifestyle until Jemma���s death,��� Bobby rolled his eyes.

  ���Things change, Bobby,��� Brody looked away.

  ���I���m glad, none of the Hines family wants anything to do with him anymore, and he is out of control. They cut him off. I have no idea how he is able to afford that place and that lifestyle anymore and honestly I don���t want to,��� Bobby sat back, ���Stay away from him Brody.���

  ���Well what about Rebecca?���

  ���She���s running that charity for you now, she knows better,��� Bobby patted his brother���s knee.

  ���And you are knee deep in Hines family business now,��� Brody laughed.

  ���It���s legitimate Brody. And you���re a rock star,��� Bobby smiled.


  It had been a few weeks since they had returned from England. Brody and London had been working on a piano piece, writing it and practicing every day for London���s end of year recital. Emma was busy with work and Lila.

  * * *

  ���You���re sure you don���t want to find out what we are having?��� Emma smiled as they drove into the city for Lila���s ultrasound appointment.

  ���I thought we���d agreed Em, but if you want to we can,��� Brody kissed her head and pulled her closer to him.

  ���No, that���s fine, how about names?��� Emma smiled up at him.

  ���You choose,��� he smiled.

  ���No, I want to discuss it, I want you to tell me what you want,��� Emma rubbed his chest.

  ���I want you, all the time,��� he kissed her lips.

  ���Focus Brody, names, let’s have it. I���m sure you have some ideas, I want to hear them,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Lexington Avenue is where I bought the ring, Lexington Grace, Grace after������ Brody started.

  ���Your mother. Brody it���s perfect. Lexington Grace, London and Lexi,��� Emma���s eyes danced, ���Yes?���

  ���Yes,��� Brody kissed her gently on the lips.

  Emma laughed, ���Okay and for a boy name?���

  ���Robert Henry?��� Brody asked.

  ���Yes, it���s perfect. God I love you!��� Emma kissed him.

  Brody laughed, ���The nursery?���

  Emma laughed, ���Whatever you want will be perfect, just like you.���

  ���I have a surprise,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Okay, I like surprises,��� Emma sat up and turned towards him.

  ���Your birthday is the same week as London���s mid- winter break from school yes?��� Brody smiled.

  Emma shook her head, ���Well I bought you a present and well I want to take you both to see it that week.���

  ���Okay tell me,��� Emma sat on her knees in front of him and clapped.

  ���Oh no, you���ll have to wait,��� he smiled.

  * * *

  ���Brody wake up, Brody please wake up,��� Emma shook him.

  Brody sat up and looked around, his body was drenched in sweat, and he shook slightly. He looked around the room and then at Emma. He held her tightly against him and let out a breath.

  ���Damn it Em, I���m sorry, I���m soaked, I need a shower,��� Brody stood up quickly and walked into the bathroom.

  Emma followed him, ���Do you remember this one?���

  ���No,��� he said and turned on the shower.

  ���Brody������ Emma began.

  ���I don���t remember,��� he snapped. Emma turned to walk away, and he grabbed her hand, ���Sorry Em, it���s just���I don���t remember.���

  ���Okay,��� she said pulling her hand from his, ���I���m going back to bed.���

  * * *

  Emma walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. She began making London���s lunch and felt Brody wrap his arms around her from behind.

  ���Good morning,��� he said and kissed her neck.

  ���Good morning, I had a late start, I need to get this done sorry,��� she said and pulled away from him.

  Brody quickly turned her to face him, ���Emma, I really don���t remember.
I���m sorry I was rude.���

  ���Okay,��� she said and started to pull away again.

  ���Em, I love you,��� Brody kissed her.

  ���Gross, do you two ever stop?��� London laughed as she walked in.

  ���Good morning London. We���re running late, let���s go get those teeth brushed, and wow look at that hair,��� Brody laughed, ���Alright back up those stairs, get dressed, I���ll be up in a minute. Mom will finish making you lunch, wild one.���

  London laughed, and Emma hugged her quickly before she continued making her lunch.

  ���Em������ Brody began.

  ���I���m not mad Brody, just worried. You���ve had those dreams, nightmares since we got back, I���m just worried,��� Emma smiled and turned back and finished making London���s lunch, ���Since your Dad….���

  ���I know, it���ll get better. Maybe it���s a good thing I don���t remember,��� Brody kissed her, ���Wish me luck, I���m off to try to tame the wild one���s hair.���

  Emma turned and smiled, ���I love you.���

  ���Much better Em,��� Brody kissed her again and ran to the stairs, ���You better be ready Miss London!���

  * * *

  ���It���s so beautiful,��� London squealed and clapped.

  ���No fair…I can���t see,��� Emma laughed.

  ���It���s your surprise, you���re not supposed to see,��� London laughed, ���And it���s a very big surprise, wow Brody it���s amazing!���

  ���Perfect huh?��� Brody laughed. ���Do you think she���ll like it?���

  ���You two are horrible and extremely lucky I don���t take this off,��� Emma laughed.

  ���If you try I���ll pull over and tie your hands up, Em,��� Brody snickered.

  ���You wouldn���t dare,��� London laughed loudly.

  ���I would,��� Brody smiled and looked over at Emma who was holding her breath.


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