The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 207

by Mj Fields

  ���Hmmm,��� Emma responded sarcastically.

  ���What���s that supposed to mean?��� Brody yelled.

  ���I���m awful because of an accidental kiss, but your ex- Domme…well that���s just business!��� Emma snapped.

  * * *

  ���Take care Emma,��� Brody snapped and the line went dead.

  ���Look into him, I want to get home so I can ���FUCK!��� Brody snapped.

  ���Okay,��� Clive said and made a call.

  Brody stood in the dark hotel bathroom looking in the mirror when Clive knocked, ���Elizabeth was gone for four days. Henry says she���s back now and she���s not talking. We leave in the morning.���

  Brody nodded and continued staring, ���Can I help you with anything?���

  ���Sure, answer a question, how the fuck am I supposed to be angry about a fucking kiss when I���ve done so much worse. And how the hell am I supposed to not be?��� Brody shook his head and walked out the door.

  ���She loves you Brody,��� Clive said as he walked into the room. ���She wouldn���t have waited if she didn���t. And now all this, she can���t know Brody, it would put her in more danger. It���ll all work out.���

  * * *

  Emma sat crying when her phone rang. It was an unknown number, ���Brody, I���m sorry…please������

  ���I accept whatever apology you���re giving that ass Emma, but it���s Oliver. Can we use the studio for a few days?��� He asked.

  ���Of course,��� Emma sighed.

  ���And stay in the apartment over the garage?��� Oliver asked with a smile in his voice.

  ���Yes,��� Emma said softly.

  ���We have to redo a few tracks, Zach needs to be included. So where is he?��� Oliver asked.

  ���I have no idea,��� Emma���s voice broke.

  ���Emma, we���ll be there shortly. Remember we can get anyone in a better mood love, see you in a bit. And when I say a bit, I mean like thirty minutes?��� Oliver squeaked that in.

  Emma laughed, ���Yes please, and thank you Oliver.���

  Emma���s phone rang again, an unknown number, ���What ��� will you be here sooner?��� She laughed.

  ���Who the fuck are you expecting EM?��� Brody snapped.

  ���Brody������ Emma said softly.

  ���Yes Em, your fucking husband!��� They sat silently neither saying a word.

  Emma heard Brody release a long breath and tears began to fall.

  ���Brody������ Emma started.

  ���Em, I know this is a bit much, all of this. But please tell me what it is that you find so appalling about me. Are you no longer in love? Are you disgusted by the way I look? Can you not see past what has happened?��� There was deep desperation in his voice.

  ���Brody, it was an accident. And I don���t know what possessed me������ Emma said.

  ���Did he push you into this Em?��� again his voice was angry.

  ���Not at all, he stopped it,��� Emma said quietly and Brody did not respond, ���He thinks it���s because I���m lonely or that������

  ���Enough, Em I can���t do this on the phone. Maybe you need to ������ Brody started.

  ���NO Brody I don���t need to fucking come! I need a relationship with the man who made me believe and trust again, not sex. I need my friend, my partner, I need to know I wasn���t wrong trusting you. I need to know that you truly are different than he was,��� Emma began to sob.

  ���I���m doing this for us Em,��� he said softly.

  ���That���s great, the last time you tried to surprise me by doing something for us you were gone for months. I can���t live with the lies and deceit anymore. I have two beautiful girls that are getting far less of me than they deserve. The last time I felt like this I changed it, I can do that������ Emma started.

  ���I���m coming home Em, I am coming home,��� Brody said softly.

  ���For how long Brody, how long this time?��� Emma cried.

  ���See you soon, I love you,��� Brody hung up.

  * * *

  Clive was packing when Brody walked into the darkened motel room.

  ���You ready?��� Clive asked.

  ���Yes.��� Brody said softly.

  ���Okay so we know he���s involved,��� Clive pointed to a picture, ���And we now have to figure out who the people Elizabeth met with are, and the young man. We need to find Max.���

  ���Clive this isn���t answers ��� it���s a damn puzzle!��� Brody groaned.

  ���One we���ll piece together, we know who owns the spa, we just have to dig a little deeper and figure out who owns him. We know he also owns the bar and that it���s very likely that place is just a front.��� Clive was exasperated, ���When we find Max, we find answers. I know you���re right about that.���

  ���Me as well, we���ve been here long enough, you have someone trying to get an ID on Elizabeth���s people?��� Brody asked.

  ���Yes, that shouldn���t take long,��� Clive answered.

  ���With that we can get her talking. It���s a waiting game and we can wait at home,��� Brody said as he grabbed his bag and they walked out the door.

  * * *

  Emma sat in the basement listening to the band play, they sounded great. Of course it was different with Brody singing but Zach was pure entertainment. Hot and flirtatious and he had a great voice. Not as amazing as Brody���s but he was good.

  ���You making us dinner Emma?��� Zach asked pecking her on the cheek.

  ���It���s in the oven,��� Emma smiled at them.

  ���Little one in bed?��� Oliver asked.

  ���Yes,��� Emma smiled holding up the video monitor showing them Lexington.

  ���And London���s with her now sober father?��� Joe smiled.

  ���Yep,��� Emma said looking down.

  ���Why the face Emma? You don���t like him?��� Zach laughed.

  ���I don���t like her being gone. He���s better now and putting her first, so for that I can���t dislike him,��� Emma smiled.

  They sat in the dining room eating when the door opened and Brody walked in with flowers.

  Emma looked up and her jaw dropped.

  ���Well hello everyone,��� Brody smiled at the band.

  ���Welcome home Love,��� Joe jumped up and hugged him tightly, ���Flowers for me? Oh and three bouquets, how thoughtful. Now I think I���m going to have to put out,��� he laughed.

  Brody looked at Emma, ���Are the girls both in bed?���

  Emma nodded her head yes and then shook it no.

  ���Well which is it?��� Brody asked.

  ���Lexi���s asleep, London���s with her father,��� Emma was trying not to cry, ���Excuse me, please.���

  Emma was in the pantry grabbing vases when Brody walked into the kitchen, ���They���re lovely, I���ll put water in these.���

  Emma brushed past him and went to the sink and filled them with water, Brody walked up and handed her a mixed bouquet and she smelled it and closed her eyes and began to cry.

  ���Em,��� Brody began and she shook her head no.

  ���They called this morning, sorry. I���ll ������ Brody took the vase and lifted her
chin, ���Don���t.���

  Brody let out a frustrated breath, ���May I hug you or would that be too much to ask after three weeks?��� Emma didn���t respond, ���I see.���

  ���You should go see them, I���m tired and don���t feel much up to entertaining,��� she quickly left the room stopping briefly.

  Emma wanted to turn around but she couldn���t, she grabbed the monitor and stuck her head in the dining room, ���Goodnight.���

  * * *

  Emma was asleep in the rocking chair holding Lexington when Brody walked in. He gently took her out of Emma���s arms and held her tightly against him.

  ���I love you Princess,��� he said kissing her head lightly before laying her down.

  Emma sat up and looked at him nervously. He grabbed her hand, pulled her up, walking out the door with her hand in his he closed it softly behind them.

  ���I need to…Em I can���t bear that his or anyone else���s lips were the last ones on you. I���m going to kiss you,��� Brody held her face tightly in his hands.

  Emma���s bottom lip began to quiver, ���Please just let me go, I can���t take this anymore, Brody it hurts. Please, just please…���

  He looked into her eyes and wiped the tears not releasing her face, ���I won���t ask more of you Em. I���m sure I disgust you and I���m more than certain it���ll get far worse, but please don���t deny me a kiss.���

  Emma didn���t have time to reply and his mouth covered hers. Softly he drew her lower lip out between his own and caressed it lightly with his tongue. He moved to the top and did the same, slow gentle strokes, cleansing the memory that Troy���s may have left. He let go of her face and took her arms and lifted them, wrapping them around his neck. When she stiffened he didn���t release them, he took them both in one hand and used his other hand to gently stroke the side of her face as he kissed down her jaw line and across her collarbone, she whimpered and pushed her face into his hand.

  He moved back to her lips and she opened her mouth to breathe, his tongue continued to trace her lips and her tongue met his, he groaned. Brody pushed her against the wall holding her hands above her and kissed her harder. She pushed her body into his and he pulled back leaving a distance between them. He continued to kiss her until he felt her body shake slightly and stiffen, she cried out and started to feel her legs wobble.

  Brody released her hands and held his forehead tightly against hers looking directly into her eyes.

  ���There���s nothing in my life that���s more important than you and the children. Nothing! If we get through this, and damn it Em, we have to. Your lips are MINE, and mine are YOURS alone. Always and Forever,��� Brody watched as her eyes filled again and he closed his eyes and let out a breath, ���Goodnight.���

  Emma watched as he walked to the stairs, ���Where are you going? Brody ��� please don���t do this again, where are you going?!���

  Emma fell to her knees and cried with her head in her hands.

  She finished crying and sat up wiping her eyes, she looked up to see he sat at the top of the stairs.

  ���I have a room in town,��� he said softly.

  ���Oh,��� was all she could manage.

  ���I���ll see you in the morning if that���s alright,��� he looked up at her.

  She nodded her head and stood up wanting to tell him to stay but she couldn���t take the disappointment.

  ���I love you Em,��� Brody said and turned to walk down the stairs.

  ���Brody���.��� Emma stopped herself and he looked at her searching, seeking something from her, ���Stay, please stay���I won���t ask again, I couldn���t take it if you said no������

  He let out a breath, ���Are you sure?���

  ���Please, I can sleep in Lexington���s room tonight, we can work slowly���just don���t go,��� Emma pleaded.

  ���Sleep next to me. Please Em, please love,��� Brody closed his eyes until she whispered ���yes.���

  Emma followed Brody into the master suite and he walked into the closet and grabbed her a nightgown and himself pajama pants.

  ���Here Em,��� he said handing her the nightgown.

  Brody walked to his side of the bed and took his shirt off and looked up and saw Emma watching him. He let out a breath and she turned and walked into the bathroom and changed.

  Emma climbed into the bed and curled into a ball hugging her pillow and he sat on his side and watched her.

  Brody shifted uncomfortably several times and Emma hugged her pillow tighter each time. He pulled his knees up and rested his head on them and rocked slowly back and forth.

  Emma sat up and looked at him. He looked over at her and closed his eyes and sat back running his hands through his hair. He opened his eyes and looked into hers. They stared at one another for several minutes until Emma crawled across the bed and sat against the head board next to him. She reached over and took his hand and held it stroking his fingers gently as she looked down at them. He watched her curiously.

  Emma opened her hand and held it up and placed his against hers, ���You have nice hands Brody, strong hands.���

  ���Em?��� he said softly and she let go and wrapped her arms around him and put her ear to his chest and listened to his heart beating against her ear.

  Brody scooted down and wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly to him, ���I love you Em. I hope you know that.���

  ���I love you,��� Emma said and he released a breath into her hair kissing her and rubbing her back.

  ���Goodnight Love,��� he whispered against her hair.

  ���Goodnight,��� she said and fell asleep.

  * * *

  Emma woke still wrapped in his arms and kissed his chest. He held her tighter and looked down and smiled.

  ���You didn���t leave me,��� Emma kissed him again.

  ���I almost forgot how beautiful you were. My God, Em.���

  Emma rolled her eyes, blushed and pulled away sitting up and looking at him, she smirked, ���What is it Em?���

  ���It���s you, in our house, in our bed, and always here,��� she held her hand to her heart, ���I���m so sorry, about what I did. That���s not who I am, I was just so lonely and���angry with you and…���

  ���Please let���s not do this, please just forget it okay?��� Brody stood and walked to the bathroom.

  Emma sat on the bed and grew frustrated. She grabbed her robe and walked down the hall and peeked in on her sleeping child. She walked down the stairs and started the coffee. Brody walked in and looked at her.

  ���Em������ he started.

  ���No, I don���t think I can do this now Brody. I just wanted you to know I���m sorry,��� Emma grabbed a Sippy cup and walked up the stairs to Lexington���s room.

  Brody quickly followed behind her, ���She���s using a cup now?���

  ���She���s almost a year old, I thought it was time,��� Emma said opening the door.

  ���Dadadada!��� Lexi screeched.

  ���Princess,��� he picked her up and held her tightly, ���Oh Princess you stink.��� Brody laughed, ���Really bad!���

  She laughed and Emma got her clothes ready. Emma changed her clothes and kissed her and handed her a cup.

  Lexington smiled and reached for Brody, ���Dadada.���

  ���May I, Em?��� Brody asked.

  Emma looked confused, ���Yes Brody of course.���

started leaving the room and he grabbed her hand, ���Let���s do something fun today love.���

  ���I think we should talk Brody.���

  He looked down and then up at her, ���Not today Emma.���

  ���Then when?��� Emma asked and his expression went blank.

  Emma shook her head, ���You talk to Dadada, and I���m going to get some work done. I���m very far behind.���

  Emma spent most of the day in the office, at lunchtime she came out.

  ���Eat with us, Em?��� Brody smiled.

  ���When you���re ready to talk Brody: when we can move forward ��� then I���ll be more than happy to be your wife but playing house hurts just as much as you being gone,��� Emma said sadly as she walked away.

  * * *

  Emma���s phone rang as she was taking a break outside in the sun, she jumped, it was an unknown number.

  ���Hello���yes this is Emma Hines���where���are they alright?���I���ll be there in two hours���yes whatever needs to be done,��� Emma hung up the phone and stood up and walked towards the house.

  Brody watched as she ran to the bushes and threw up, her body shook and she stumbled.

  ���Em?��� he said as he grabbed her hair away from her face.

  ���Don���t, don���t!��� Emma screamed.

  Her body continued to tremble and he scooped her up and she clung to him. He walked into the kitchen and she said, ���Rupert we need to go���Troy���London…Ann, get Lexi ready. Brody put me down please.���

  ���Clive!��� Brody yelled, Clive walked into the room and looked at him. Brody looked at Emma, ���Where are they?���

  Emma told him and he grabbed the car seat and diaper bag, he walked out and walked to the car. Rupert and Ann followed in the other car. Emma watched Lexi sleep and caressed her face.


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