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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 212

by Mj Fields

  ���Soup, you���re making soup like in his letter,��� Brody smiled gently.

  ���Oh good God Brody,��� Emma laughed, ���It���s quick and easy.���

  ���Okay but you can talk to me about anything, right?���

  ���I know, silly man,��� Emma said putting the soup in the pot to heat up.

  ���Sorry, I just…��� he started.

  Emma turned around and kissed him, ���Even he knew you were perfect for me. I love you,��� she kissed him again and then handed him the note, ���Read this, this is what I���m thinking about, he���s trying to tell me something. Could you get London her pain meds? Then we���ll eat and then we���ll go check out the safe.���

  Brody looked at her confused, ���Trust me Brody, Troy was trying to tell me something. We need to get back to our home I want that computer back.���

  ���Double O Emma���s kind of bossy and very, very, sexy,��� Brody kissed her and walked away.

  * * *

  The next day Emma sat on the couch playing with the computer and entered several variations of the hint that he had left. ���This is insane, maybe he was just���no damn it I know him it���s a damn number. He was a numbers guy.���

  An hour later Brody sat and looked at the note pad she was looking at, ���Emma let���s take a break.���

  ���No damn it, we need to������ Emma started and he grabbed her and walked into the bathroom. ���What are you doing Brody we need to������

  ���Take a break, we need to take a break Emma,��� he kissed her and pulled back.

  Emma sat on the counter and crossed her arms and scowled at the ground. He grabbed a washcloth and washed her face and she laughed, ���Shh,��� he said and ran a bath. He undressed her and helped her in. He undressed and joined her.

  ���We needed a break,��� she laid back against his chest and relaxed.

  After they washed each other she kissed him straddling his lap. ���We need this too,��� she smiled.

  ���Yeah, I think that���s a great idea, too,��� Brody smiled and pushed his finger gently into her, ���Always so hot and wet.���

  ���Have you looked in the mirror Music Man? I melt just being in your presence,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Well you���ll be happy to know I won���t put you through multiple orgasms before I do this,��� he said slowly pushing into her, ���I need to be inside you for a long time Em, just slow okay?���

  Emma smiled and leaned into his neck and slowly lowered herself circling to spread herself around him. He held her up and used his fingers to circle her clit making her moan. He tugged at her nipple with his mouth and she felt her body tense up, ���Brody,��� she moaned and he lowered her onto him slowly rocking himself at an angle hitting her deeply causing her to come hard and loud. He covered her mouth with his to absorb the sound so the girls wouldn���t wake up.

  Emma sat up and smiled, ���I think you just got me pregnant,��� she laughed and he cocked his head to the side and looked at her curiously, ���Okay we both know that���s not possible, I just thought������ she started.

  ���I���m going to fuck you hard Em and then were going back to work.��� He didn���t wait for a response he lifted her hips up and down hard and fast. Water spilled over the sides of the tub making a mess on the floor and Emma started to speak and Brody took her breast roughly in his mouth and the other in his hand calling her body to climax again as he joined her.

  ���Damn music man,��� Emma said after she caught her breath, ���You just rocked my world.���

  ���Twice,��� he smirked and winked at her. ���Out you go.���

  ���Oh now you���re in a hurry, when my legs feel like rubber.��� Emma laughed and grabbed them both a towel.

  ���Love, when did you get pregnant with London?���

  Emma told him and he smiled, ���Get that sexy ass clothed and lets go,��� he said swatting her bare butt.

  Brody was on the couch with the laptop on his lap. ���Your date of birth plus her conception date.���

  ���Like he would remember that,��� Emma laughed.

  ���Emma he was lucky enough to have you in his life for more than fifteen years. You have no idea the effect you had to have had on him. He loved you the best he knew how, now spill it Mrs. Hines.���

  Emma looked at him and shook her head, ���Wow you���re smart.���

  ���And������ Brody asked.



  ���All mine,��� Emma laughed.

  ���Always?��� Brody asked.

  ���And forever,��� Emma kissed him.

  ���We���ll wait for Clive,��� Brody said in his sexy in control voice.

  ���But������ Emma started.

  ���No buts,��� he said warning her.

  ���Or what?���

  He looked at her sternly, ���Enough Emma,��� he sat back and took her hand.

  She tried to pull it away and he held tighter, she lifted it to her mouth and bit him, he laughed a deep throaty laugh, ���I think you need to revisit the bathroom Emma,��� he warned narrowing his eyes. ���Third time could be a charm,��� he grabbed her other hand and pinned her hands behind her back and straddled her and nipped her neck.

  Emma laughed, ���You���re such an ass.���

  ���Hmm, Emma ��� but I���m your ass,��� he kissed her hard on the mouth.

  Clive cleared his throat, ���Sorry Clive, I was just distracting my feisty little piece of ass,��� Brody smiled and sat back down and looked at Emma and winked as her face turned red.

  ���You ready for this Em?��� he asked, ���We can do this without you and I could give you a brief after.���

  ���Shut up Brody and start the damn thing, we don���t even know what it is,��� Emma grabbed his hand nervously and kissed where she bit, ���Sorry,��� she whispered.

  ���Don���t be, I liked it,��� he winked.

  The video started with Brody in that purple robe and he looked at Emma and rolled his eyes, Emma laughed.

  The woman in the gray robe was with him and crouched in the corner, ���You may come,��� he said and untied his robe, ���On your knees, and don���t look at me, you haven���t earned that privilege. Now show me what you can do.���

  He looked down and watched her, ���Slow now don���t be so greedy���.much better,��� He took the back of her head and held it firmly and thrust into her mouth, ���That���s good, now stay still and I���m going to fuck that mouth,��� he moved in and out of her mouth harshly and she started to gag a bit, he stopped, ���Is there a problem? You may answer.���

  ���No you���re just very big,��� she panted.

  ���Well does that bother you?��� he asked and waited, ���Answer me!���

  ���No I find it amazing, I just want to please you master,��� she answered.

  ���Then do so, now!��� he snapped and looked angry.

  ���Easy, I said your mouth not your hands,��� he moaned.

  ���Stop now,��� he said through clenched teeth, ���This is not for you, but it���s now your mess to clean up��� he said and pulled her head back and came on her chest.

  ���Now go clean yourself up and you���ll be rewarded,��� he deman
ded and she scampered away.

  Brody looked at Emma ���Do we need to stop Em?��� he asked sounding angry.

  ���How long is this?��� Emma asked and pulled her knees to her chest.

  ���Clive,��� he growled.

  ���Another forty minutes,��� Clive said with regret in his voice.

  The video came back on and he was fucking the gray robed woman. He finished on her back and cleaned it up with a cloth and gently cleaned between her legs. He pulled her up and helped her put on her robe.

  ���How do you feel?��� he asked gently but still his eyes were distant.

  ���Wonderful Master,��� she said smiling down.

  ���You deserved it, now go,��� he said in a lighter tone, ���I want to see you again tonight, rest up.���

  The next scene was of the four women from before, he was paddling and berating them for their insolent behavior. The grey robe girl was then brought in and she went to her knees and sucked him off. ���See how it���s done?��� He yelled at them.

  ���Thank you pet,��� he purred in her ear, ���I���ll come for you later.���

  ���Thank you Master,��� she said with her head bowed.

  ���You may all leave,��� he dismissed them.

  The next scene was of the four women same as before all being given a second chance individually. When he finished on their chest he rewarded them. He didn���t have intercourse but instead used different tools, vibrators, beads, anal plugs, and one requested fisting.

  Emma stood up and ran to the bathroom and locked the door and threw up, ���Em, open the door,��� Brody said softly.

  ���I���ll be out in a minute,��� she said and threw up again and sat on the floor and sobbed.

  She heard the lock pop and Brody walked in, ���I���ll finish this up when you���re in bed. I can hardly stomach it and you obviously can���t. What you must think of me Emma,��� he said, his voice sounded so raw and hurt.

  ���No, if I don���t see it I���ll wonder. I love you, even though you shoved your whole damn fist in that woman���s…��� Emma stopped, ���She asked for that, what the hell is wrong with people?���

  Emma pulled him up, ���Look at me Brody.���

  ���I may have been there Emma but that���s not������ Brody said and tears filled his eyes.

  ���I HATE whoever it is that did this to you!��� She hugged him.

  ���They did it to us Emma. How can you move past������ Brody started and Emma kissed him.

  ���You can���t do that Brody, don���t you do that to us please.���

  He took a deep breath and hugged her, ���Let���s go.���

  The rest of the video was similar but it appeared that Brody was enjoying himself more and more with the gray robed girl, Alexandra.

  ���You liked her,��� Emma swallowed hard.

  ���Don���t, I don���t even know her, I don���t even remember her Emma. I fucked her that���s it okay?��� Brody stood up, ���Let���s sleep Emma.���

  He pulled her up and walked to the bedroom. Emma checked on Lexi, ���I���m going to sleep with London again, just in case okay?���

  ���Sure Em,��� he smiled and turned around.

  She stared at his back and saw him let out a breath and watched his shoulders slump and then he ran his fingers through his hair and stepped next to the bed and flopped back, ���Fuck!���

  She walked over and sat next to him, ���I thought you������ he stopped.

  She looked at him and began to cry and shook her head and laid next to him.

  They both stared at the ceiling and Brody grabbed her hand and kissed it, ���Emma I���m sorry. I won���t blame you if you want to run now. That was awful and I don���t know how I would feel if I were you. I don���t know what you���re thinking Emma…I love you so much, I never would have left you to go there if I knew this was what was going to happen.���

  ���We���ll be fine, you just can���t pull away from me Brody,��� Emma whispered.

  ���You left the room Em, I just thought…I wasn���t mad. I worry about you, about what I���ve put you through. This wasn���t what I expected to happen.���

  ���We need to trust each other, Stalin, this is a democracy.���

  ���That���s shit, you���re saying that because of those fucking videos,��� Brody sat up.

  ���No I���m not,��� Emma tried not to laugh as she sat up.

  ���And now you���re fucking laughing?��� Brody walked out of the room.

  Emma jumped up and ran into the hallway and jumped on his back, ���Listen to me, it had nothing to do with the videos, it���s about the fact that you suck at the whole trusting me thing,��� Emma laughed.

  ���Emma,��� he growled, ���I need a moment,��� he said and kept walking.

  ���Tough,��� she wrapped her arms and legs around him tighter.

  He walked down the stairs in silence and went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, acting completely oblivious to her being on his back. He walked into the living room, ���Hey Clive,��� Emma laughed.

  Brody sat down and pushed into her with his back, Clive looked at him and saw he was annoyed, ���You got something stuck to you.���

  Brody gave him a dirty look and drank his water and stood up, she clung tightly to him, ���Goodnight Clive,��� Emma giggled.

  Brody went in the bathroom and stood at the toilet and pissed, ���Hmm impressive,��� Emma laughed looking over his shoulder.

  He washed his hands and walked back up the stairs into the bedroom. He sat on the bed and she didn���t let go, he laid down and rolled to his side, she stayed put and he let out a breath, ���Are you quite finished?���

  ���Are you?���

  ���What���s the point in that?��� He asked in an exasperated tone.

  ���I���m sticking with you, Music Man. Like it or not.���

  ���How… why…Christ Emma, it made you sick,��� Brody said in a low tone that was full of sorrow and fear.

  Emma sat up and looked at him as he continued lying on his side with his eyes closed.

  ���Please don���t,��� she whispered.

  ���I just need a moment Emma, just one damn moment to try and sort this out in my head,��� he stood and walked into the hallway and she got ready for bed.

  She looked in the mirror and studied her face and then closed her eyes and sat on the ground with her back against the wall. He was pulling away, and she knew it. It was a feeling she���d grown accustomed to over the past year and a half. Not one that was welcome or deserving.

  Emma grew frustrated at herself, wondering what she could do to pull him off this path that she knew always led to destruction for them and when she could come up with nothing she stood and looked in the mirror, brushed her teeth, and walked out of the bathroom and walked out to check on Lexington and London one last time before heading to bed.

  She woke up two hours later and he wasn���t there. She checked on the girls again and walked down the stairs to find him.

  ���Ma���am can I help you?��� Rupert surprised her and she jumped and then quickly tied her robe tightly around her.

  ���Sorry I was just wondering where Brody was,��� she whispered.

  ���In the studio, I believe Clive���s with him. I���m going to head to bed now if that���s alright with you,��� he said.
  Emma smiled and gave a quick nod before walking to the stairs to go check on him.


  Clive was at the computer and Brody was pacing back and forth across the floor.

  ���You���ve got to be kidding me?��� Brody sat on the chair next to Clive���s.

  ���I wish I was, but look at the picture, he looks like Lexi. Same skin tone, hair and eye color������ Clive said.

  ���Well of course, but how the hell is this possible? Forget it, just get me answers damn it and I need them now!��� Brody snapped startling Emma who jumped and snuck up the stairs.

  ���How old is he?��� Brody asked.

  ���Jonathan is fifteen,��� Clive answered.

  ���I can���t do this shit to her, damn it. I need answers,��� Brody slammed his fist on the desk.

  ���I���d like permission to take off for a couple of weeks. I���ll get answers Brody, and I won���t take long,��� Clive said sternly.

  ���Alright, I know she���ll have issues if I go,��� Brody whispered, ���I need to speak to Elizabeth in the morning, set it up.���

  ���I will,��� Clive said softly.

  ���Fuck,��� Brody snapped and he stood up, ���I should have never������

  ���I know,��� Clive sneered.

  ���I can���t lose her,��� Brody snapped at him.

  ���Which is worse man, she���s ass deep in this shit now. When I get back we���ll make a plan to keep you all safe,��� Clive said as he made reservations online.

  He clicked a few more keys on the keyboard and sat back, ���I leave at eight in the morning.���

  ���Clive, I need you to look into a drug called Forget Me Not,��� Brody breathed out, ���I want to know if it���s the same or similar to what I was injected with.���

  ���Of course, is it new? I have never heard of it,��� Clive asked.


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