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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 216

by Mj Fields

  He bent to kiss her, ���Oh Em, I���m so sorry.���

  He pulled out and she gasped, ���Brody damn it.���

  ���I hurt you,��� he scolded himself.

  ���No, not like that Brody,��� Emma sat up, ���Here, it hurts here.���

  She held his hand to her chest, ���Okay Em.���

  Brody kissed her lightly and massaged her breast, ���Better?���

  ���Oh Brody,��� Emma whispered sadly.

  He moved into her again slower.

  ���You feel like heaven Em,��� he kissed her gently, ���I love you so much.���

  * * *

  Emma sat and watched him sleep hugging herself tightly. Can���t he see? I could never walk away.

  She buried her head in her knees and wiped her tears away with a tissue.

  ���Em,��� Brody sat up, ���Why are you crying?���

  ���I don���t know…where I went wrong Brody.��� Emma closed her eyes.

  ���Emma, don���t blame yourself for all this, it was me damn it,��� he snapped.

  Emma looked at him and let out a breath, ���You need to know what Brody? You said you need to know.���

  ���Could we not, please,��� he looked down.

  ���No, answer me Brody,��� Emma demanded.

  ���That you still want me Emma, that you still want me. If I can please you������ Brody started.

  ���Brody, here,��� she held his hand to her heart again, ���My heart Brody belongs to you.���

  ���You no longer desire me?���

  ���Of course, Brody that���s not������ she began.

  ���Em, I overstepped I���m sorry. It won���t happen again, I just thought������

  ���That if I have sex with you?��� Emma scowled.

  ���Make love Em,��� Brody scowled back.

  Emma threw herself back on the bed in frustration.

  ���I���m sorry,��� he stood and walked towards the door and Emma threw a pillow at him.

  ���Em,��� he turned and gave her a warning look.

  ���You���re an ass,��� she sneered.


  ���Shut up and listen to me! I love you, I love you when you���re in me and when you���re not. I love the way you love me, be it in bed or in the middle of the street. My heart Brody, it hurts when I see that shift in you, your armor. It���s as if you don���t get it, that you don���t believe me. I���m failing you and I don���t want that to happen not ever,��� Emma cried into a pillow.

  ���Answer me this Em, is this the life you signed on for with me? This isn���t fucking happy, and there���s no damn fairytale to be seen in a distant land either Emma. So if we���re comparing failures I think I take the cake, love. So this Armor is for self- preservation love. I need it for when you walk away, okay Emma there you have it,��� he sneered.

  ���Is that what you want, is that what you���re waiting for Brody?��� Emma gasped.

  ���It���s going to happen anyway, and I can assure you I���ll be the one ���he never put you through the hell I have Emma and you walked. With all this, I���m expecting you to fucking run,��� he snapped.

  ���It was different Brody don���t you see������ Emma sat up.

  ���He cheated, I cheated, he didn���t put you first, neither am I. He won idiot of the year, and me? I won for the whole damn decade,��� Brody sneered.

  Emma closed her eyes and tried not to laugh.

  ���This isn���t funny Emma,��� Brody stepped towards her.

  ���Brody it was ���okay yes you win idiot of the decade,��� Emma giggled.

  ���Thanks Em,��� Brody turned away and stood to walk away.

  ���Get back here or I���ll jump on your back again, and then you���ll be walking around with me on your back in front of all those people and I���m half naked.���

  ���It���s alright for you to change the subject by side tracking me with sex Emma but not if I do?��� Brody snapped.

  ���You need to������ Emma grinned.

  ���Em,��� he warned.

  ���Okay sit please Brody, just sit,��� Emma patted the bed beside her and he sat.

  Brody looked at her with his arms crossed and eyebrow raised.

  ���This needs to stop,��� she said rubbing the crease in his eyebrow down.

  She uncrossed his arms and looked at him, ���Much better.���

  He looked at her and closed his eyes and hugged her.

  ���I love you Brody,��� she said rubbing his back, ���Always and Forever.���

  ���Em how could you?��� He whispered softly.

  ���How could I not?��� She pulled back and kissed his lips softly.

  ���I���m no better for you than he was,��� he said softly against her cheek.

  ���It���s not the same Brody. You love me better in all ways. You make me smile,��� she said looking into his eyes.

  ���And cry Em,��� he scowled.

  ���Oh gee Brody I���m a girl,��� she smiled softly, ���We cry.���

  He looked at her and smiled, ���You won���t leave me?���

  ���Never,��� she said reassuringly, ���Never, ever, ever.���

  ���You���re stuck with me Em,��� his smile finally hit his eyes.

  ���No place I would rather be stuck,��� Emma kissed his nose.

  ���It���s still going to be tough for a while Em.���

  ���We���re tougher,��� she kissed his cheek causing Brody to shift slightly.

  ���Your smile Em,��� he kissed her, ���I can���t help wanting you all the damn time.���

  ���Then have me.���

  * * *

  They lay tangled in the bed sheets and each other.

  ���You���re smiling Em,��� Brody���s eyes twinkled.

  ���So are you,��� she kissed his chest and looked up at him.

  ���We need to rest because in just a few short hours we have some serious conversations to have with three children,��� Brody looked at her cautiously.

  ���Our children will be fine as long as we are Brody,��� Emma giggled.

  ���What is it?��� he sat up, ���What���s so funny?���

  Emma frowned, ���Well I shouldn���t be laughing I suppose with everything going on but������

  ���But what Em?��� Brody grabbed her hand looking into her eyes.

  ���We have three kids Brody. I���ve always said kids aren���t resilient, we make them have to be,��� Emma sighed.

  ���And it���s because of me,��� he frowned.

  Emma looked at him, ���It is because of you. It���s because of you that I have three children, two by choice and one by chance.���

  ���He���s going to be a lot of work Em,��� Brody warned.

  ���I���m not afraid of that. I���ll welcome him, no���I���ll embrace him, and love him just as you have with London,��� she smiled at him.

  ���London���s suffered,��� Brody whispered.

  ���She has an older brother, and a younger sister. A man who helped change her father to a man she can actually be proud of for the rest of
her life. And she has an amazing father in you,��� Emma smiled. ���We���re supposed to be resilient, life isn���t a guarantee. It���s about choices, I choose���no��� we choose, to love them and get them through it. We make them okay, Brody. We make them okay, together. I need your strength more then you know.���

  ���Your parents Em������

  ���They got to see her again, and show her they loved her and they tried so hard. They���ll make it through as long as we do, they need us strong too, Brody,��� Emma stroked his face.

  ���Em are you going to crack? I can be whatever you need but if you������

  ���Brody I need you to be with me and be strong. I���m not afraid of any of this, as long as I have you,��� Emma looked at him.

  ���Then you���ll have me,��� he hugged her.

  ���Always?��� she smiled.

  ���And forever,��� he kissed her, ���We need to rest?���

  ���Yeah, I think so,��� she smiled.

  Brody covered her face, ���Then you better stop smiling at me.���


  Brody, Emma, and Maddox walked into the cottage. Tessa and Collin were making breakfast.

  ���Good morning,��� Tessa smiled, ���Maddox, I���m so pleased to meet you.���

  Tessa hugged him and he tensed up.

  ���I���m sorry, but Maddox you���ll have to get used to this. I���m your aunt, well…as far as I���m concerned I am,��� she smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

  ���Easy Tessa,��� Collin smiled, ���Maddox, she means well trust me.���

  ���Brody!��� London yelled and jumped into his arms.

  ���Hello there London,��� he laughed and hugged her tightly.

  ���I missed you,��� London clung tightly to his neck.

  ���I missed you more,��� Brody kissed her head and laughed, ���I brought you home a rather big surprise.���

  ���I LOVE surprises,��� she looked up at him.

  ���Brody,��� Emma laughed.

  ���Jump right in, huh Em?���

  ���What���s so funny?��� London smiled looking at Emma.

  ���I suppose it���s me,��� Maddox smiled shyly.

  Emma put her arm around his shoulder and laughed, ���I suppose you���re right.���

  ���Hi, I���m London,��� London smiled and stuck her hand out to shake his.

  ���Hello, I���m Maddox,��� he smiled at her.

  His eyes lit up and his smile grew as he bent down and looked her in the eyes.

  Brody looked towards Emma and saw tears falling down her face and put his arm around her, ���You okay Em?���

  She nodded her head yes and Maddox looked up at them.

  ���It���s really your surprise for her Maddox, why don���t you tell her,��� Brody smiled.

  ���London, I���m Brody���s son, so I suppose that means������ Maddox began.

  ���That you���re my brother?��� London smiled and hugged him tightly.

  ���Yes, I think so,��� he giggled.

  ���I have a big brother,��� she held him tighter.

  ���I have a little sister,��� he whispered in her ear and smiled.

  ���Actually you have two, Mom go grab Lexi fast, she���s going to be so excited,��� London squealed.

  Emma brought Lexington out and walked up to Maddox, ���Lexi this is…���

  Lexington reached out her little hand and reached for him and smiled, ���Dada.���

  London laughed, ���He looks just like Dada, huh Lexi?���

  Brody walked over and kissed Lexi, ���Have I been gone that long Lexi?���

  Lexi reached for him and he took her and she smiled, ���DADADA!���

  ���That���s more like it,��� he laughed and kissed her.

  ���Alright, all of you stand together, I want to take a family picture,��� Tessa smiled.

  Collin laughed, ���Maddox just so you know, this family doesn���t walk on egg shells. They jump right on them with both feet. When you���re in you���re in, so get comfortable, there���s no turning back. And trust me, you���ll never want to.���

  ���Alright then,��� he let out a breath, ���So what shall we do today?���

  ���Well,��� London rolled her eyes, ���We could walk the entire island in less than a day and then we can walk it again and again and again������

  Everyone laughed.

  ���Are you ready to go home London?��� Brody smiled.

  ���We should take him to the lake house,��� London clapped.

  ���Not a bad idea,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Collin, we may have an issue with identification,��� Brody looked concerned.

  ���Well then we fly you in under the radar,��� Collin looked at Tomas, Tomas shook his head and walked out the door.

  ���That���ll get you in trouble,��� Brody warned.

  ���Were going to stay away for a few more days. Our kids are staying next door. Clive and Miguel will be with you,��� Collin nodded to the other man in the room, ���We do need to talk about what to expect when you get back.���

  ���We leave in one hour,��� Tomas reported.

  ���Great, let���s eat breakfast,��� Collin smiled.

  * * *

  ���Em, wake up love, your parents are here,��� Brody kissed Emma on the cheek.

  Emma opened her eyes and looked around the car. Maddox, London, and Lexington were all sound asleep, it had been a long day of travel.

  ���I���m going to have Clive and Miguel sit with them, we should chat with them first?��� Brody asked.

  ���Yes, I think you���re right,��� Emma sat up.

  Emma and Brody walked into the camp and Caroline and Henry hugged them.

  ���We have some news,��� Brody said sadly.

  ���Mom, Dad…Elizabeth was killed,��� Emma said as tears fell down her face.

  Henry glared at Brody, ���Did you do this, Hines?���

  ���Daddy, of course he didn���t������ Emma began.

  ���Well he���s wanted for killing your staff, Emma,��� Henry yelled.

  ���He was set up, please������ Emma followed him towards the door.

  ���No Emma, I won���t stand by anymore and watch him tear this family apart!��� Henry took Caroline���s hand.

  ���He did NOT tear us apart Dad!��� Emma yelled.

  ���Okay Emma, when he���s in custody������ Henry started.

  ���We���ll be long gone, you may want to rethink that Henry,��� Brody warned.

  ���We���ll see,��� Henry sneered back at him.

  ���Mom?��� Emma said standing between the door and her parents.

  ���Emma, I just can���t,��� Caroline cried.

  ���That���s all well and good, I understand you���re devastated,��� Emma started.

  ���No you don���t understand,��� Henry yelled.

  ���Henry do not speak to her that way, you will give us five minutes and then you may do as you see fit,��� Brody tried to control his rage.

  ���You don���t tell me what to do, Hines,��� Henry yelled.

ere are three reasons for you to give us five minutes in that car out there Dad, please don���t, Daddy, please������ Emma began to cry.

  ���You have a fifteen your old grandson,��� Brody said loudly enough to stop Henry and Caroline from leaving.

  ���What is this? Some sort of joke?��� Henry yelled.

  ���No Daddy, Maddox is Elizabeth���s son,��� Emma cried, ���He������

  ���Elizabeth had a child?��� Caroline gasped and began to fall.

  Henry sat her down and looked at Emma.

  ���Brody���s been looking into it������ Emma said softly.

  ���I���m sure he has, what the hell business is it of his? This should have come directly to me Hines,��� Henry snapped.

  ���No Henry������ Brody snapped.

  ���We will take him. But your ass will be behind bars������ Henry snapped back.

  There was a knock on the door and Clive entered. He was carrying Lexington, ���Sorry to interrupt, but London and Maddox need to use the restroom.���

  ���Grandma, Grandpa, this is my brother Maddox,��� London grinned, ���Maddox, Henry and Caroline, your grandparents.���

  ���Hello, I apologize but I really must use the bathroom,��� Maddox blushed.

  Henry and Caroline both smiled and shook their heads.

  Henry looked at Brody when London dragged Maddox down the hall.

  Brody looked him straight in the eye, ���He���s fifteen and he won���t be going anywhere with you.���

  ���Brody, he looks������ Caroline began crying.

  ���That���s because he is. Henry, I understand your anger but I���m beyond pissed at you right now. I���m not a monster. I was his age when I met your daughter, this whole mess…regardless, none of us asked to be part of it, not any of us here in this room or even Elizabeth. As Emma pointed out we have more than one reason to be strong now, we have three along with each other. You can make choices for you and Caroline but I���ll be damned if anyone takes my wife or those three beautiful children out of my life ever. If need be I will fight and die for them. You get to choose which side you want to stand on, and you need to pick one. Either beside me or against me, but not ever in my way,��� Brody heard Emma cry and pulled her into his arms, ���I���m sorry������


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