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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 226

by Mj Fields

  ���Banks is here, I don���t trust him. Is this backed up on disk or something, in case?��� She stopped when Brody smiled at her. ���What?���

  ���Double O Mom,��� Brody stood up, ���Let���s go bring him in, Clive.���

  ���I got it,��� Clive said, working quickly and pulled the scanned disk out and set in his pocket as Brody walked out the door.

  ���Welcome back, Detective,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Sure Hines, where���s the surveillance footage?��� Banks asked.

  ���Right this way,��� Brody said leading him through the kitchen, ���Em would you make the nice officer a cup of tea?���

  ���No,��� Emma said and Banks laughed.

  ���Please, Love,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Would you like a cup, Brody?��� She asked.

  ���If you wouldn���t mind,��� Brody smiled.

  * * *

  Emma walked in with three cups of tea. ���Here, yours is black, I don���t know how you take it,��� Emma said, handing Banks his tea.

  ���Thank you,��� Banks smiled sarcastically.

  Emma stood next to Brody. ���Sit, Em,��� Brody said.

  ���I���m fine,��� she smiled.


  Emma sat down and watched as Banks looked through the footage.

  ���Who���s that?��� Banks asked.

  ���I took some garbage out. That���s when I heard a noise and the alarm chimed alerting us. Right there,��� Brody pointed. ���Clive, can you enlarge that?���

  Clive hit a few keys, and the image appeared larger.

  ���It���s a woman,��� Banks noticed.

  ���Yes, I believe you’re right,��� Brody looked closer.

  ���Could be a fan?��� Banks asked.

  ���Why would a fan try to disarm our security system?��� Emma asked.

  ���They���re going to come out of the woodwork after seeing your husband in action,��� Banks looked at her.

  ���How many times did you watch it?��� Emma said snidely.

  ���Emma,��� Brody warned gently.

  Banks smiled as he looked away, ���Good time to release an album.���

  ���Not a lot of free time when you���re trying to figure out where the last year of your life went,��� Brody said softly, looking at the monitor.

  Emma looked up at him, and he looked down and smiled softly.

  Emma looked at the ground, and he lifted her chin, ���We got this, right?���

  ���Together,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Always,��� he kissed her nose.

  ���And forever,��� she kissed his cheek.

  Clive watched as Banks looked at them. He was obviously confused and he scowled and looked back at the monitor, ���You have a copy for us?���

  ���Yes, here you go,��� Brody handed him a disk.

  ���I would like to look around outside,��� Banks stood up

  ���Clive will go with you,��� Brody stuck out his hand, and Banks reluctantly shook it, ���Thank you for coming out.���


  ���I am starving, come make a snack with me?��� Brody pulled her up.

  ���You okay?��� Emma asked.

  Brody smiled, ���Yes, oddly, I feel pretty good. I don���t know what happened with you before Banks came, but you looked so damn happy, Em���and it melted something inside of me,��� Emma looked at him and smiled softly. ���You know I love you right?��� He added.

  ���And I love you,��� Emma smiled.

  Brody looked at her and closed his eyes, ���I don���t deserve you, Em.���

  ���I feel the same Brody,��� Emma looked down, ���I don���t care what we���ve been through or what our future holds, right now it all feels like������

  ���There���s nothing more right in the world?��� He asked, and she nodded her head.

  Brody closed his eyes and pulled her into his arms, ���Would you go on a date with me Em?���

  Emma smiled, ���Sure.���

  ���We could start out the Hines Bistro for a quick bite, and then a little dance place just down the hall,��� Emma laughed and Brody smiled.

  He led her into the kitchen and lit the candles on the counter and brought them to the breakfast bar and set them down and pulled out a chair for her, and she sat.

  ���Thank you,��� she smiled.

  ���You are more than welcome,��� he smiled back.

  He turned on the Bose making sure it played only in the kitchen and not throughout the house.

  He grabbed a bottle of wine from the refrigerator and poured a glass for Emma and himself. He handed her the glass and washed off some strawberries and a peach. He took out the can of whipped cream they had used for the sundaes and some cherries.

  Brody pulled his chair next to Emma, ���Cheers.���

  They clinked glasses and took a sip, ���This is good Em, where did it come from?���

  ���Tessa gave it to me. It���s from the Finger Lakes region in upstate, New York. Surprisingly good.���

  Brody picked up a strawberry, squirted it with whipped cream, and offered it to Emma. She bit into it, then pulled away and giggled as the juice dripped down her chin. She reached for a napkin, Brody held her chin and licked the juice off slowly, ���The strawberries are good, too.���

  Emma nodded her head yes, and opened her mouth to let out a breath.

  Brody smiled ���Take a drink, Love.���

  He took a slice of the peach and put half of it in Emma���s mouth, ���Share?���

  Emma smiled and started to take it out of her mouth. He grabbed her hand in his and kissed it, ���No hands, Em.���

  He leaned in and bit it, then kissed her mouth gently and sat back.

  Emma took a strawberry and put it to his mouth. He ate it then held her hand, licking the juices that had dripped slowly off each finger.

  ���You���re so beautiful,��� she said as she sat back slowly.

  ���Thank you. Here���s another strawberry, Em,��� he said, watching her.

  ���I wasn���t the one who was hungry,��� she smiled.

  ���I seem to have forgotten. I wonder how that happened,��� he leaned in for a kiss, and she moved back.

  ���You���re hungry. It���s my turn to feed you,��� Emma smiled, and he sat back. She leaned towards him, and he sat further back.

  Emma giggled and pushed the plate towards him and sat on his lap facing him.

  ���You���re going to feed me like this, right here in the bistro, Em? It���s scandalous,��� he smiled seductively.

  Emma fed him fruit between kisses. His hands lightly traced lines on her back with each bite. Their eyes danced seductively over each other���s face. He finished the food, sat back and moved his hands lightly up and down her sides.

  ���Thank you Em��� Brody smiled.

  ���You feel better now?��� Emma asked, squirming.

  ���You���re very ticklish,��� he laughed.

  ���You���re very������ she started as Brody slid her more firmly into his lap, ���Wow.���

  ���Wow, huh?��� Brody smiled.

  ���Wow,��� Emma said, grinding her hips against him.

  They heard the door open, and Emma started to stand.

���Don���t you dare,��� Brody whispered.

  ���But they���re coming in,��� Emma gasped.

  ���And I���m hard as granite Em, stay put please,��� he laughed.

  Emma smiled and put her head to his chest.

  Banks cleared his throat as he entered the room.

  ���You have a minute?��� Banks asked.

  ���Well sure,��� Brody chuckled and Emma laughed into his shirt.

  ���We dusted for prints on the box, whoever it was dropped a pair of wire cutters and a screw driver. We are taking them to check them as well. I also found a bag in the trash,��� Banks looked at Brody.

  ���No need to dust for prints, they were ours,��� Brody chuckled, and Emma giggled against his chest.

  Banks looked at Emma, whose back was to him. She looked up at Brody and smirked.

  ���Anything else?��� Brody asked.

  ���Is she okay?��� Banks asked.

  ���She is, we���re on a date,��� Brody looked down at her. His face showed mock surprise, and she laughed.

  ���You���re on a date?��� Banks chuckled.

  ���Yes, you���re at Hines Bistro. I���m sorry, but the wait staff has retired for the evening. I���m taking my wife dancing right down the way at a quiet little dance club,��� Brody said, pointing down the hall. He smiled lovingly at Emma, ���We can���t even go to the grocers anymore, but we are having a fabulous time, aren���t we Em?���

  ���We are,��� she smiled at Brody.

  ���Clive, could you make sure Detective Banks is shown out, and that everything is locked up?��� Brody stood and set Emma on the floor. He turned her around and pulled her back into him. He lifted her hand with his and waved goodbye to Banks, ���Bye, bye, Banks.���

  * * *

  Brody lit some more candles and turned on the song he had written for her when he proposed.

  Emma smiled, ���Awe, my song.���

  Brody pulled her into his arms and dipped her.

  They danced slow and close.

  ���You tired Em?��� Brody kissed her head.

  ���No, I���m alright,��� Emma looked up.

  ���It���s past your curfew, little white rabbit,��� Brody kissed her sweetly.

  ���I want to stay here,��� Emma closed her eyes and let out a deep breath, ���Best date ever.���

  Brody laughed, ���I would have to agree.���

  ���So good, in fact, that I���m pretty tempted to put out,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Really, that good?��� Brody���s eyes widened in shock, and they both laughed.

  ���I have to tell you, I���m pretty sure it���s going to get better,��� Emma whispered in his ear.

  Brody kissed her and picked her up, wrapping her legs around his body, ���Me too.���

  Brody walked to the stairs as they kissed passionately, ���Hang on, Love.��� Brody started to walk up the stairs.

  ���Oh Dad, sorry,��� Maddox said from the top of the stairs.

  Emma jumped down and turned around, ���Maddox, we���re so sorry���

  ���No, I���m���okay. I���m going back…Umm, Lexington���s crying and well, London woke up,��� Maddox looked confused and embarrassed.

  ���It���s alright, thank you Maddox, I���m sorry,��� Emma ran up the stairs.

  ���Maddox, I apologize, let���s get you back to bed,��� Brody walked up and Maddox headed towards his own room, ���Hey Maddox, it���s alright to come in here.���

  Emma walked out with the girls, ���Family night in the Master Bedroom Inn?���

  ���Of course,��� Brody smiled.

  * * *

  Emma woke, and the kids were still peacefully sleeping. She quietly carried Lexington to her room and laid her down. She watched her sleep; her brown hair was growing thicker, like Brody and Maddox���s. Her plump lips looked like theirs as well. She had Emma and London���s eye shape and skin color, but she changes every day. It amazed her how much she looked like Brody. She imagined Maddox must have looked as an infant. Maddox; sweet, seemingly innocent. It was unreal how quickly he had become adjusted, the way he and London got along was absolutely amazing. His eyes poured out sensitivity like the moon poured out light in the darkest of the night, giving enough glow for even the weariest traveler to find their way. A boy who, through events beyond his control, lived through hell and came out of the deepest parts of it with a pure heart and kind of soul. Emma wondered how he could have possibly survived fifteen years this way. Although it was hard to give Elizabeth credit, she assumed it had something to do with her.

  * * *

  Brody stood outside with his long arms crossed over his chest, trying to calm himself down. He woke and watched the four people he loved more than his own life sleeping peacefully through the gray clouds that hovered over them day in and day out. He was beyond angry that all of them were in potential danger because of his stupid desire to bring home Elizabeth. It tore him apart to know if he hadn���t done so, Maddox would never have been discovered. And he couldn���t imagine what the rest of his life would have been like. He had to get this figured out; he had to figure out a way to ensure they would all be safe.

  * * *

  ���Good morning,��� Emma said softly behind him.

  Brody looked over his shoulder and smiled, ���Morning, Em.���

  ���Penny for your thoughts,��� Emma said, walking to him and handing him a cup of tea.

  He looked at her and frowned.

  ���Okay then,��� Emma said and stood beside him looking at the security systems electrical box that had been tampered with the night before.

  Brody and Emma stood quietly for a few minutes and then he grabbed her hand and kissed it, letting out a deep cautious breath.

  ���I���m upset too,��� Emma squeezed his hand.

  ���Yeah Em, I know,��� Brody looked at her and shook his head.

  Emma looked up at him and smiled, ���You look like you���re in self- loathing mode.���

  Brody smiled slightly, ���The many faces of Brody Hines and you seem to figure each one out.���

  ���Tormented rock star, playful friend, loving husband and father������

  ���You forgot all over me rock star, Em,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Oh, I could never forget him,��� Emma laughed and nudged him with her elbow, ���But the Brody I came out here and found, hurts me as much as he���s hurting himself.��� Brody looked at her, confused. ���Brody, it kills me to see you angry with yourself. Look at us, we are happier than we have been in a year, we have three amazing kids, and������

  ���No money, no ability to just go do simple things like watch a show, and no fucking answers as to why this shit is happening,��� Brody snapped.

  ���Oh and here���s my favorite ��� pissed off rock star,��� Emma smiled.

  ���Why is that Em?��� Brody rolled his eyes.

  ���Because he leads to arguments, and arguments lead to life altering make up sex,��� Emma smiled broadly.

  Brody looked at her out of the corner of his eye, ���Em,��� he growled.

  ���See, here he comes,��� she smiled bigger and clapped.

  Brody couldn���t help but laugh at her.

  ���I���m not going to make you carry me around on your back this time, but I���ll give you a minute. Just remember, had we missed just one of the horrible events that have happened
, we could have missed so many of the wonderful things. With you Brody and those three children, I don���t want to miss a thing,��� Emma kissed his cheek and walked towards the house.

  Brody looked up at the sky and let out a deep breath. He watched Emma walking slowly towards the house. She picked a flower out of one of the flower beds and smelled it and smiled as she went inside. Emma turned to shut the door, saw him and smiled.

  * * *

  Emma made breakfast as she listened to music. She was bopping around the kitchen when Brody walked in, ���Maroon Five?���

  ���Fun music,��� Emma smiled a cheesy, obnoxious grin, ���Hey, when are you going to start writing again?���

  ���You think my music was too serious back then Em, imagine it now,��� he smiled.

  Emma looked at him and shook her head.

  ���You could go wake Lexi, that will make you smile,��� Emma smiled and turned around.

  ���Okay,��� Brody said and walked out.

  Brody���s phone rang after he left. Emma looked at it, and it was an overseas number. ���Hello?���

  ���Yes, I am calling for Brody; do I have the correct number?��� A man���s voice asked.

  ���Yes, just one������ Emma started.

  ���Emma?��� he asked.

  ���Yes. I���m sorry, you have me at a disadvantage,��� Emma spoke cautiously.

  ���It���s Bo, I���m in the States. Actually, I���m about ten minutes from your place. I would love to stop by and meet my great niece and nephew, and London,��� Bo sounded cheerful.

  ���Alright, just push the button at the gate. See you in a bit,��� Emma hung up the phone as Brody walked in with Lexington.

  ���Who was that?��� Brody smiled.

  ���Your uncle. He will be here in ten������ Emma stopped when she saw his expression harden.

  ���Em, I…Damn it,��� Brody sneered.

  ���Brody, he wanted to meet Lexington and Maddox. We can���I can,��� Emma closed her eyes.


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