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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 232

by Mj Fields

  ���No Maddox ��� look at you. Hearing you laugh without reserve. My god, Maddox,��� Brody hugged him tighter.

  ���Hines, have you lost your damn mind?��� Collin sneered.

  ���Leave him alone Dad,��� Harper wrapped her arms around Maddox and Brody.

  ���Tessa,��� Collin snapped.

  ���She didn���t do him, for crying out loud Collin,��� she snapped back.

  ���Holy shit, Tessa,��� Collin gasped.

  ���Take a walk Abraham,��� Tessa snapped, ���I���ve got this.���

  ���Thank God,��� Maddox laughed, ���Your dad scares the crap out of me.���

  Harper laughed and stepped back; she turned to Tessa and smiled.

  ���You’re still in trouble, girl. Get your butt out here and give them some privacy,��� Tessa grabbed her hand.

  Brody looked at her and mouthed thank you. Tessa and Harper both smiled at him.

  Emma looked at Tessa when she walked out, ���Emma, go on in.���

  * * *

  ���I want to kick her ass,��� Collin snapped.

  ���Okay that���s a bit much,��� Tessa laughed, ���They were asleep sitting on the bed. Here look, it was so cute I took a picture.���

  ���You took a fucking picture Tessa?��� Collin said, exasperated.

  ���I did. Maybe you should take a picture of this,��� she said and flipped him off. ���Because if you don���t calm the hell down that���s the closest you’re going to get to the real thing, Collin.���

  Tessa tossed her phone at him and walked into the house.

  Emma laughed when Tessa walked in the house.

  ���Sorry, Emma.���

  ���No, it���s actually pleasant to know that I���m not alone. Brody and I have lots of those moments. I���m assuming we are going to have one again soon. I don���t think its good parenting to hug your child when they���ve broken a rule,��� Emma giggled.

  ���They really weren���t doing anything. If you need proof I have a photo. Cutest little picture ever,��� Tessa giggled.

  ���Well I want to see. Maybe you could text it to me?��� Harper smiled at her mother and pulled herself up on the counter.

  Collin walked in the door and glared at Harper, ���You are grounded!���

  Harper laughed, ���From what?���

  ���You���re grounded from whatever it is I say that���s what!��� Collin snapped and walked past Tessa, ���You, in the bedroom now.���

  ���Mom don���t do it, you���ll get grounded to,��� Harper yelled as Tessa walked out the door.

  Emma looked at the floor and tried not to laugh.

  ���Well, is Maddox grounded?��� Harper laughed.

  ���I haven���t talked to Brody yet,��� Emma smiled softly at Harper.

  ���It was my fault,��� Harper offered. ���I wanted to talk to him, about all the nonsense I pulled yesterday. And about how he acted with Dad, I kind of insisted,��� Harper smiled.

  ���Did you tell her about all the tears you laid on me Harper?��� Maddox walked out and smiled at her.

  ���No, not yet,��� Harper smiled back.

  Collin walked into the room and asked everyone to sit, ���Tessa believes we should hear you both out before I make any further threats or remarks that������ he looked at Tessa, ���Cannot be undone. Go ahead. Let’s hear it.���

  They all sat, and Harper told a highly theatrical account of the evening. Maddox chuckled as she used a British accent. When she told them he had said, ���I may be unstable, but you are a textbook case of bleeping crazy,��� they all laughed except Collin.

  ���So as you can see ladies and gentlemen, my friend and I were talking and fell asleep. We did not bump uglies.���

  Collin gasped.

  ���Thank you for attending this adaptation of Harper���s first time���or not.���

  Brody laughed and stood and clapped, ���That was wonderful, Harper.���

  Brody looked around and his face turned red, and he sat.

  ���The door was open Tessa?��� Collin asked.

  ���Yes, Daddy. Maddox tried to show me out several times,��� Harper laughed.

  ���I didn���t want any trouble,��� Maddox scowled at her.

  ���I know,��� she scowled back and then smiled.

  Emma looked at Tessa and smiled.

  ���Our socks were on too, Dad,��� Harper grinned.

  ���And just what the hell is that supposed to mean?��� Collin snapped.

  ���Mom were Dad���s socks on last night?��� Harper asked.

  ���Yes Harper why?��� Tessa looked confused.

  ���Well just an observation. When Dad comes out barefoot in the morning, he seems happier, that���s all. Maybe he should keep his socks off every night. Hot feet make you miserable Daddy. Come on Maddox, let���s go for a run,��� Harper grabbed his hand, ���Oh I���m sorry, is this okay?���

  ���Harper, give me a minute please,��� Tessa grabbed her hand.

  ���What Mom?��� Harper smiled.

  ���Enough, you’re being hurtful to your father and that���s enough,��� Tessa scolded her.

  ���But he jumped to conclusions,��� Harper stomped.

  ���I don���t care, he���s your father, and you will not be disrespectful to him, ever, understand?��� Tessa looked at her.

  ���Whatevs,��� Harper smiled.

  ���Okay that was the phone for a week.��� Tessa told her.

  ���Are you serious?��� Harper gasped.

  ���Of course I am. Shall we continue?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Sure Mom. He screws up and I get punished for it?��� Harper was shocked.

  ���He���s your father young lady. You did not come with a manual on how to deal with this. Your tone and attitude are what lost you your phone. We���re at a week, shall we add more time?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Can I go for a run?��� Harper snapped.

  ���Yes Harper,��� Tessa answered her eyebrows still raised.

  Maddox looked at Brody, ���Go ahead.���

  Maddox and Harper both walked outside

  ���I���m truly sorry,��� Brody looked at Collin.

  ���No, it was an overreaction. I don���t think they did anything wrong, well I don���t now anyway. Damn this parenting thing isn���t easy with a girl,��� Collin looked out the window at Harper.

  ���Good to know. We will have double trouble then, Em,��� Brody smiled softly and hugged her, ���You okay?���

  ���I kind of just froze, and I cannot believe the girls slept through all that,��� Emma laughed.

  ���Sun and fun Em. I wish we could just move here,��� Brody smiled.

  ���We have to get back soon, huh?��� Emma asked.

  ���Yes, before they find out we left the country while I���m on bail,��� Brody smirked, ���We are bad ass Em.���

  Emma laughed and looked at Tessa who was looking at Collin.

  ���We should give them a few minutes,��� Brody smiled.

  ���Okay,��� Emma smiled back.

  * * *

  ���I���m not used to this,��� Maddox panted as he flopped down on the sand.

  Harper giggled, ���You did excellent for your first time.���r />
  ���I���m sure you will as well,��� Maddox smiled at her.

  ���What?��� Harper gasped.

  ���You said last night you have never been kissed. I know that bothered you, I���m sure you���ll do well,��� Maddox looked up at Harper.

  ���What makes you think that?��� Harper blushed.

  ���Your lips are beautiful and your breath was still sweet this morning,��� Maddox smiled and stood up, ���You, my friend, will do well.���

  ���Um thanks?��� Harper blushed.

  ���Is that inappropriate?��� Maddox asked.

  ���No, I suppose not. Unexpected though,��� Harper laughed uncomfortable.

  ���I trust you now Harper. After this morning���s craziness, I know I���ll always be able to,��� Maddox grabbed her hand, ���I���m glad you’re my first true friend.���

  Harper stopped and looked at him, ���Me too, Maddox. When���s your birthday and how old are you?���

  ���It’s September something, I just saw my birth certificate, I���m pretty sure it���s the third. I���ll be sixteen,��� He looked at Harper, ���And yours?���

  ���I just turned seventeen on May 13th. I���ll be a senior this year. Ahead of the curve. Mom says it���s because of all the traveling. Apparently I learned to read the summer I turned four,��� Harper laughed.

  ���And I learned at ten,��� Maddox shook his head.

  ���Oh, so what grade will you be in?��� Harper smiled at him.

  ���I have no idea, I���ve never attended school,��� Maddox laughed.

  ���It���ll be fun, I���m sure you���ll meet lots of friends,��� Harper forced a smile, ���Just, so you know, friends don���t normally hold hands.���

  ���I didn���t assume they did. But maybe very special friends do?��� Maddox asked.

  ���I don���t know, but we do,��� Harper smiled.

  ���Yes we do,��� Maddox smiled back.

  They walked a bit more, ���Harper, I want to tell you something, a very big secret.���

  ���I���m listening,��� Harper smiled.

  ���I think I know why my family is in danger,��� Maddox stopped, ���It���s because of me and I���m afraid that one of them will pay for my past.���

  ���Maddox, it���s not your fault,��� Harper looked at him, and he looked away.

  ���It may not be, but I can assure you that when I get proof, I���ll be the one who stops it,��� Maddox felt her hands on his face, and she gently pulled so he was looking at her.

  ���Please, when you figure it out, tell them Maddox. My Dad will help you,��� Harper rubbed his cheek lightly, ���Please Maddox; I can’t lose my only true friend.���

  ���I���ll make sure they know,��� Maddox leaned into her touch, ���This feels comfortable.���

  Harper smiled, ���You���re a beautiful person Maddox.���

  Maddox blushed and opened his eyes. He pulled her hands away from his face, lifted it to his lips. And kissed it gently, ���Harper, you are as well.���

  Harper smiled, ���My first kiss.���

  ���Wow, sorry, that must have been disappointing,��� Maddox laughed. They continued walking.

  ���No, I bet it���ll be better than the first one with lip action,��� Harper smiled, ���Who do you think is after your family?���

  ���I won���t do that to you Harper, but I���ll tell you the pig who smelled of whores and money, one who visited the home in which I was held is close. It���ll be very ugly, and I won���t let them be injured,��� Maddox smiled sadly.

  ���Have you told them anything?��� Harper asked.

  ���It���ll put them in danger Harper,��� Maddox looked at her, ���I can trust you, can’t I?���

  ���Of course. Hey do you have a cell phone?��� Harper asked.

  ���I have lots of gadgets,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���I���m going to give you my contact information. We can call, text, and email every day. I mean when we have time, right?��� Harper asked.

  ���If I can figure it all out I will,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Good, I want to know you���re alright,��� Harper smiled.

  ���We should head back.��� Maddox asked.

  ���Yes, wouldn���t want the wardens to get any crankier than they already are,��� Harper gaffed.

  ���Hey they love you, but they���re human right?��� Maddox asked quietly.

  Harper let out a breath, ���Yes, and I love them, too.���


  ���Brody…Emma���. we have a problem,��� Collin said quietly as he walked out the door, ���Please come in when you get a minute.���

  Brody and Emma stood by the door watching Maddox and Harper play with London and Lexi, ���What���s happened?���

  ���The authorities are looking for you. You haven���t answered their calls, and Clive has not given them your whereabouts so there���s an APB out for you. We need to get you back home soon, and we have to get you in undetected. You’re out of the country, and if that���s discovered, you know where that will land you.��� Collin looked at his phone, ���Looks like we���re set for tomorrow morning, I���ll give you the details when I have them all. Tomas is working on it.���

  Maddox was in the door, and he looked sadly at Brody, ���Are we leaving?���

  ���Yes we have to, Maddox,��� Emma opened the door.

  ���I would like,��� Maddox stopped and looked down.

  ���It���s nice here is it not?��� Brody asked.

  ���I���ve enjoyed myself a lot,��� Maddox admitted he looked up, ���Even though I���ve caused some problems. I���ve really enjoyed my time here. Thank you, Collin and Tessa.���

  ���Please enjoy yourself the rest of the time you���ve got left here, Maddox,��� Tessa hugged him.

  ���How does one do that when they know it���s coming to an end?��� Maddox asked sincerely.

  ���You choose to make the best of it, and I can assure you that you���ll be welcome anytime,��� Collin patted his back.

  ���You aren���t angry with me?��� Maddox asked surprised.

  ���No. Even adults make mistakes, Maddox. I misjudged the situation������ Collin began.

  ���Based on what you know of me?��� Maddox asked in the same innocent sincere tone.

  ���Well that���s what some people may think, but there has to be a little of self- realization in passing judgment as well,��� Collin smiled.

  ���Meaning?��� Maddox asked.

  ���Maddox, he means that because of our own life choices���Well they sometimes sway our judgments. So because police officers are quite frankly pissing me off right now, I may hold resentments against all of them for a very long time. Or if I was scratched by a cat as a child and it gave me cat scratch fever, I may never like them again. That���s how people build prejudice, well some people do. For others, prejudice is learned from the people they were raised around. What Collin���s saying is that sometimes our judgment of others is based on what we do, not like that we see in our past. It takes some a lifetime to realize this, others never see it,��� Brody smiled.

  ���So it���s like when Harper came to my room last even
ing, and I didn���t trust her when she said she wanted us to be friends? It may have been because others have come to me wanting more?��� Maddox asked.

  Emma closed her eyes and swallowed hard, ���I���m sure your life experiences are going to cause you to mistrust, but you���ll get past it Maddox.���

  ���How can I make it happen faster? Because I enjoy friendship immensely,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Learning your worth is the first step. Your family showing you true love is another. But its hope Maddox. If you allow yourself to hope and well, there is nothing stronger,��� Brody said.

  ���So love and hope,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Yes, don���t ever lose either of them,��� Emma hugged him tightly.

  Maddox looked up, and Harper had tears in her eyes, ���I wasn���t spying.���

  ���I didn���t think you were, Harper,��� Maddox smiled and looked down, ���Trust is another to be added to this list.���

  ���Trust that���s earned Maddox,��� Brody cautioned.

  ���Lexington is asleep,��� Harper smiled and handed her to Emma, ���London has Tomas building sand castles.

  ���Are you serious?��� Tessa laughed and looked out the window, ���Prayer too Maddox, your list should include believing that, what God has planned for you is better than you could ever imagine.���

  Maddox smiled softly and looked down. He looked briefly up at Harper who was smiling at him.

  * * *

  Emma and Brody had everything packed. They laid in bed. ���Em, you ready for all this again?���

  ���Yes, I���m ready for our family to move forward. I need to call the school and set up some testing to see where Maddox tests, so we have some idea of where he���ll be when school starts. I need to be sure I have a job when I get home, I need������

  ���I need you, desperately Em, I need you,��� Brody kissed her, and she opened her mouth to him.

  He pulled her nightgown up and freed himself from the cotton pajama pants he wore.


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