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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 246

by Mj Fields

  Emma shook uncontrollably, and he grabbed her securely holding her to him as he walked out the door and into the bathroom, still holding her.

  ���Lexi was awake, he was letting us sleep in Em, they���re alright Love,��� he said in a soothing tone as he rubbed her back and rested his chin on her head.

  It took a few minutes for Emma to calm down, when she finally stopped shaking she took in several deep breaths and exhaled slowly into his chest.

  ���He was feeding her breakfast and singing to her,��� Brody whispered.

  Emma stepped back and looked up at him, her voice shook slightly, ���I panicked.���

  ���It���s understandable,��� he wiped the tears from her face.

  ���No, it���s not Brody, it can���t be, ever������ Emma started.

  ���Look at me,��� he lifted her chin. ���We���re happy, we���re absolutely wonderful. I promise I will be here to take care of you,��� Brody said softly.

  ���Brody we are fooling ourselves that this is over, she couldn���t have done it alone,��� Emma whispered in anger. ���Elizabeth, Ariel, and Rebecca? Pardon me if this sounds rude but they aren���t quite Charlie���s Angels material, and if they are who the hell is Charlie?���

  Brody looked down for a split second. ���You know something you aren���t telling me.���

  Brody looked up at her, ���I know that we���re safe here. I know that we need this, as a family and as a couple.���

  ���You���re skirting Brody,��� Emma scowled.

  ���Em, easy now ��� alright?��� he warned.

  ���Easy!��� she snarled. ���Honesty Brody, that���s all I have asked for!���

  Brody���s eyes lit slightly in amusement, ���Actually you asked for a happy life Em,��� she tried to interrupt, and he leaned towards her and rested his forehead to hers.

  ���Listen to me, I have nothing right now. I could let my mind go in a thousand different directions but right now we need this Emma, all of us. Stay with me please Em, please,��� Brody pleaded softly.

  ���Okay,��� she hugged him tightly conceding to his request


  ���Em when they go to school we can dig but right now, it���s us. Nothing else matters as much,��� Brody held her as forcefully.

  ���Sorry, I was just so scared Brody,��� Emma whispered into his chest. ���And then you, Brody I can never lose you again.���

  ���And you won���t, we are going to be fine,��� Brody reassured her. ���Alright love, we have two downstairs, one in bed, your parents should be here soon������

  ���Wait, what?��� Emma stepped back and smiled up at him.

  He wiped her tears gently, ���We���re celebrating tonight; celebrating life, love, and family.���

  Emma held his hand to her face and closed her eyes, ���Thank you.���

  ���I wouldn���t have a thing to celebrate if not for you,��� Brody whispered as he stared directly into her eyes.

  ���I would have London, and been fine. I never could have even imagined������ Emma closed her eyes.

  ���We have a lot to celebrate,��� Brody kissed her cheek.

  ���Just like you said earlier,��� Emma wrapped her arms around his neck. ���Okay again you fill me completely, overflowing even with love.���

  ���Then I���m doing everything that matters.��� Brody pulled back and kissed her quickly and stepped back and gave her a silly smile. ���Go cook me breakfast wench.���

  Emma smiled, ���Of course.���

  * * *

  The day was spent much the same as it was the day before. Henry, London, Maddox, and Brody fished off the dock. London determined every single one was too small to keep and insisted they be thrown back. The men all agreed, none dared argue with her expert explanation of what made them too small. If it wasn���t the length, it was the fact that they looked an awful lot like a very rare type of fish, or the gills were too small. She even went so far as to say she thought she saw another fish crying and worrying.

  Caroline and Emma played with Lexi and took photos of everyone fishing, swimming, smiling, and enjoying life. Emma thought it was a perfect day and when she stole moments to watch Brody smiling and laughing she decided it was absolutely a perfect day.

  When they had cleaned up from dinner and sat on the screened in porch Brody disappeared for a bit. He walked out carrying a bag.

  ���Would you all care to join me on the beach?��� he asked with a smile.

  Everyone followed his lead.

  ���I have a few traditions I would like to start with our family,��� Brody smiled at them all. ���An end of the summer celebration, an anniversary of when I found true love and myself at the same time. Had that not happened we would not all be together today. I want to celebrate family and love. To let go of pain and know that our futures are bright and hopeful, and we are exactly where we���re supposed to be, with each other, those that we love and who love us. Those who share our struggles and our smiles. Those who will forever be in our hearts even if they don���t stand here with us but watch us from above sharing in this very moment with us.���

  Brody pulled out a package of paper lanterns.

  ���We saw these in one of the many princess movies London and I watched together when she was injured. I thought it fitting that we see if we can light up the sky tonight in celebration.��� Brody smiled at London and Maddox.

  They opened the first one and Brody smiled at London. ���For your father London, what shall we write on it?���

  ���I don���t know,��� London looked confused.

  ���Okay I���ll start.��� Brody opened a sharpie and spoke as he wrote, ���Sending love to you, part of us always. Thank you Troy for London, for helping care for Emma and Lexington while I couldn���t.���

  He handed the sharpie to Emma. ���Sending love to you for loving me and London, for becoming who I knew you always were, for being my friend and a shoulder when needed.���

  Emma looked at London and handed her the sharpie. ���Sending love to Daddy, with chocolate cake, Eskimo kisses and big long hugs.���

  Caroline and Henry wrote on it and smiled.

  ���May I?��� Maddox asked.

  London handed him the sharpie. ���Sending love to you for my sister, a heart like hers is born, and it was born of two, thank you.���

  Henry held it opened and up, and Brody lit it. Emma and London walked it to the water���s edge and Emma let go.

  ���You got it,��� Emma smiled at London.

  London smiled and shook her head yes in response. They watched as it floated in the sky and London blew a kiss to it. ���Catch it Daddy.���

  Emma held back tears, and London turned and grabbed her hand and walked back towards her family. She let go of Emma���s hands and ran into Brody���s arms.

  ���He will always be my Daddy, but you���re Dad,��� she whispered to him.

  ���I feel very honored London, and very loved,��� Brody kissed her cheek.

  ���Maddox your turn,��� London smiled.

  ���Sending love to you, for my son and keeping him as safe, as you knew how.��� Brody handed the sharpie to Maddox.

  ���Sending love to you, for keeping me safe, teaching me to read, protecting me so fiercely it caused you to lose your life.��� Maddox wrote quickly and handed it to Caroline.

  ���Sending you enough love for thirty years lost an
d for eternity.��� Caroline wrote, and Henry signed Daddy.

  ���Sending you love sister, with happy memories of the Christmas���s that ���for Christmas���s in front of our tree as best friends and playmates.��� Emma smiled.

  They all walked it to the water���s edge, Maddox was left holding it and released it into the sky. He stood watching it and a look of relief crossed his face.

  They each wrote wishes and dreams on their individual paper lanterns and released them. ���Sending up thanks for blessings.���


  London and Maddox waved out the back window at Henry and Caroline.

  ���I don���t know why we have to leave so early, school doesn���t start for three days.��� London pouted, ���Grandma and Grandpa are staying.���

  Brody laughed, ���Haven���t we had enough fun? Maddox you enjoyed your birthday celebration here right?���

  ���Yes, it was incredible,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Good,��� Brody smiled back at him. ���So now we work on driving whatever it is you pick and then your permit, where did all the time go���I feel like we just met.���

  ���You did silly,��� London laughed.

  ���So Brody, I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere else and not straight home?��� Emma smiled.

  ���Oh I���m not sure it may be far too exciting,��� Brody joked.

  ���What do you two have planned?��� London laughed and clapped.

  ���Maybe we could visit some friends, maybe go to the Cape?��� Brody asked.

  ���Can we really? Are we really?��� London yelped.

  ���Well your aunt said something about a family reunion of sorts, why you don���t want to London?��� Brody goaded.

  ���Of course I do!��� London cheered. ���Maddox, doesn���t that sound like fun?���

  ���Sounds great,��� Maddox smiled sweetly at her.

  ���We will get there about dinnertime,��� Emma smiled as she looked in the rearview mirror.

  * * *

  They drove for three hours playing silly car games, like I spy, and I���m going to the beach. They spent the time laughing and singing and being happy.

  When they pulled into the parking area all three kids were asleep.

  Emma and Brody got out of the car, Brody stretched and reached his hand down his pants to adjust himself.

  He saw Emma look away. ���You want to do that for me Em?���

  ���No, I just don���t understand why guys always have to have their hands down their pants,��� she laughed.

  Brody walked over to her with a devilish grin on his face. ���It gets uncomfortable, rubbing against my boo boo Em.��� She started to move away, and he held his arms on top of the car caging her. ���It needs to be done again, how about you help me out?���

  ���Brody, there are three sleeping������ Emma was interrupted by his kiss.

  He moved from her lips down her cheekbone and to her neck. He moved to her collar and she gasped and her head arched back.

  She heard someone clear their voice, and they both jumped.

  ���You made it,��� Tessa giggled.

  ���Sorry,��� Emma blushed and saw Collin smirking.

  ���Don���t be, okay let us give you guys a hand.��� Collin patted Brody���s back as he walked by, ���How are you feeling?���

  Brody smiled and shook his hand, ���Good. Thank you for the invitation.���

  ���You may not thank me once you see the mob scene you are in for,��� Collin laughed.

  ���Everyone here?��� Emma asked Tessa giggling.

  ���Of course, it���ll be fun.��� Tessa rolled her eyes at Collin.

  ���Yes it always is,��� Collin walked past Tessa and kissed her cheek. ���I was joking beautiful.���

  ���We should warn you, Harper���s friend is here and very excited that Brody Hines has a son,��� Tessa laughed. ���Ava, you both met her last time you were here?���

  ���Oh yes,��� Emma smiled and Brody rolled his eyes.

  Tessa and Emma both laughed.

  ���Can I wake them up?��� Tessa asked grinning.

  ���Of course,��� Brody smiled.

  London woke giggling as Tessa tickled her belly, ���Aunt Tessa.���

  ���London, I���m so glad you are here.��� Maddox opened his eyes and looked at Tessa. ���Hey Maddox how are you? We���ve been worried about you.���

  ���I���m good, thank you,��� Maddox smiled back and got out of the car. ���Thank you, by the way, for calling Emma���Mom���that night.���

  ���Of course,��� Tessa hugged him.

  Maddox looked shocked at first, and Brody smiled and gave him a nod. Maddox hugged her back.

  ���Alright, it���s dinner time.��� Tessa reached in and unbuckled Lexington and hugged her tightly.

  Lexington���s lip quivered, and she looked around until she saw Brody, ���Daddy.���

  ���Oh Lexington this is Tessa������ Brody began, and she stretched her arms out to him, ���Sorry Tessa.���

  ���No, that���s okay,��� Tessa handed Lexi to Brody. ���You���ll get use to me baby girl.���

  * * *

  They walked through the house and out to the deck, and Maddox looked up at Brody, ���There���s a lot of people here Dad.���

  ���We���ll be fine, just smile.��� Brody wrapped his arm around Maddox���s shoulder and held Lexi in his other arm.

  When they all walked out the boisterous crowd quieted immediately.

  ���Alright everyone knows Emma and London. I���m sure you all saw Lexi and Brody at the service for Troy, but they have no clue who you are,��� Tessa smiled. ���London? Will you introduce everyone?���

  London beamed with pride and stepped forward as if she were on stage, ���Of course, this is my Mom, but you knew that and Lexington Grace is my baby sister, and I have a big brother his name is Maddox, and he turned sixteen yesterday, and he���s blushing now,��� everyone laughed. ���And you know Brody, or Dad. Daddy is in heaven and always will be my Daddy, but now I have a Dad here too. He���s a good Dad. He loves us and even ������

  Brody touched her shoulder and smiled, ���It���s okay London you don���t have to try to explain. They all look quite friendly, but thank you Princess.���

  London smiled and let out a deep breath shaking her head yes. ���Maddox and Brody, this is Alex and Phoebe Remington, Liam and AJ, this is Jake, Sarah, and Bella. Ben, Kendall, and Maggie. Aunt Margaret and Uncle John, Jade and Ryan, Luke, Riley, Jackson and Lauren. CJ, Matthew, Harper, and Ava. ���

  Brody smiled proudly at her, ���Thank you London.���

  ���No problem Daddio,��� she hugged him.

  Maddox looked quickly in Harper���s direction and quickly away.

  ���Well Happy Birthday Maddox,��� Tessa���s father John said loudly breaking the silence. ���Sixteen huh?���

  ���Yes sir and thank you,��� Maddox glanced up quickly at him.

  ���So we have to celebrate,��� Tessa���s brother Jake laughed. ���Sixteen that was a good year. Remind me to tell you some stories Maddox.���

  Everyone yelled ���no��� and Jake laughed.

  Eventually, everyone had wished Maddox a Happy Birthday and hugged him.

  ���You okay?
��� Brody smiled at him.

  ���Yes, a bit overwhelmed,��� Maddox admitted.

  ���Did you talk to Harper?��� Brody prodded.

  ���No,��� Maddox looked away.

  ���Okay,��� Brody knew to leave it alone.

  ���Maddox come to the beach and help me find shells until dinner?��� London grabbed his hand, and he willingly followed.

  ���How���s he doing?��� Collin asked.

  ���Surprisingly he seems very well.��� Brody watched as he laughed at London who was doing cartwheels and laughing.

  Collin and Brody watched as all the younger people gathered around them. Brody looked uneasy.

  ���He���ll be fine, let him get used to all the attention now, when he goes to school it���s going to be overwhelming. But I think he���ll be fine, seems like an amazing kid Brody,��� Collin smiled.

  ���He���s absolutely wonderful.��� Brody laughed as Lexi took his sunglasses off of him and put them on herself. ���They all are.���

  Collin smiled, ���Three in less than two years, overwhelming?���

  ���You might think so but no not at all, it���s awe- inspiring,��� Brody said watching them all on the beach.

  ���I hear you, we had the boys about nine months after we got married, which was less than a month after we met and then Harper was here less than a year later.��� Collin laughed, ���Three in diapers.���

  ���That���s a bit overwhelming,��� Brody laughed. ���I can���t do the poopy diapers, huh Lexington?���

  * * *

  Emma watched Brody laughing and smiling and it made her smile.

  ���He���s a great guy Emma,��� Tessa patted her back.

  ���I know,��� Emma whispered. ���Does it bother you? You know that I was married to Troy and ������

  ���Troy treated you like shit Emma, I knew it, they all knew it. We also know he changed and was finally being a good Daddy to London. I���m sure Brody had something to do with that change, we all see how he cares for London and you. So no, it makes me happy that you have found someone who loves London now that he isn���t here. I miss him, but well, I miss him.��� Tessa smiled at Emma, and they hugged.


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