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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 261

by Mj Fields

  ���Thanks, Maddox, you���re looking pretty great yourself,��� Harper smiled broadly.

  ���Harper, why don’t you invite some people back here after the prom? I will cook— you guys can hang out, listen to music, or swim if you want,��� Tessa smiled.

  ���Okay,��� Harper smiled back and hugged her, ���You ready to go?���

  ���Yeah,��� Maddox���s eyes were bright blue.

  ���WAIT pictures!!!��� London laughed.

  They sat in the back of the black SUV quietly, not a word was said.

  ���You are very quiet, are you sure you������ Harper began.

  ���I want to be here with you, Harper,��� Maddox looked down and tried to figure out what to say as he laughed nervously, ���You have certainly changed in the past eight months.���

  Harper didn���t know how to respond she felt the heat rise from her neck to her face. Oh���. please don���t break out in hives, she pleaded with herself.

  She began rubbing her neck, oh no, no, no.

  ���You okay?���

  ���No, damn it,��� Harper tapped on the security glass and Tomas rolled in down, ���Can you pull over for a minute please?���

  Tomas pulled over and Harper jumped out. She started to walk down the road, calm down calm down, she breathed in and out slowly as she walked.

  ���Harper, what the hell is going on?��� Maddox ran up to her and grabbed her hand.

  ���I just need a minute,��� She pulled her hand away and he walked in front of her, blocking her from going any further.

  ���Seriously, what is going on Harper?��� he lifted her chin up and looked at her.

  ���Am I a mess: my neck, my face���?���

  ���Your chest,��� Maddox said and quickly looked up at her eyes, ���Did you eat something? Is this an allergic reaction? Do you need to get to a doctor?���

  Harpers lip quivered, ���Its hives, it has not happened in a while but it use to happen when I got nervous. Please just go back, don���t look at me, I promise it will go away soon.���

  ���Why are you nervous?���

  ���Why are you?��� Harper scowled at the ground.

  ���You look beautiful, Harper.���

  ���Well, so do you.���

  ���Now that we have that out in the open do you think we can head back to Tomas?��� Maddox smiled and took her hand.

  ���Yeah, I don���t want things to be weird tonight, Maddox.���

  ���I think we just got weird out of the way,��� he squeezed her hand, ���That being said could we talk about any awkward thing that may come up, you know, so you don���t bust out in hives?���

  ���Sure,��� she pushed him with her shoulder and laughed.

  ���You really do look beautiful, Harper,��� Maddox opened the door for her.

  ���You really need to stop saying that,��� Harper giggled as she sat down.


  ���Possibly,��� Harper looked into his eyes and smiled, ���I forgot how blue your eyes were.���

  Maddox smiled and grabbed her hand, ���So tonight, who am I?���

  ���Who do you want to be?���

  ���I am a bit concerned with people knowing who I am��� it may cause issues for you,��� Maddox looked at her with sincerity in his beautiful blue eyes ���Does anyone know I am coming with you?���

  ���No, I haven���t been all that social lately.���

  ���Why?��� Maddox rubbed her hand gently.

  ���Well my date is going with Ava,��� Harper laughed.

  Maddox didn���t respond for a while. ���Was he your boyfriend?���

  Harper could tell he was upset, ���No, not at all.���

  ���Good,��� Maddox sat back against the leather seat, ���So you���re mad at her, why?���

  ���Your ���best friend,������ Harper used air quotes, ���Falls for a guy who just so happens to be your prom date and then being left dateless, kind of sucks, Maddox.���

  ���So you liked him?��� Maddox whispered.

  ���No,��� Harper laughed, ���I liked that he was not related to me, and that he liked me enough to ask me to my prom.���


  Maddox opened the door and held his hand out for Harper. She smiled and took his hand.

  ���This place has an amazing view,��� Maddox looked out over Cayuga Lake.

  ���Do you want to walk out back before we head in?���

  Maddox smiled and nodded his head yes.

  They walked into the lawn and stood hand in hand, looking over the water.

  ���Harper, I didn���t get you flowers. They���re nice and all, but this is a special occasion in your life, I assume,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Both of ours. Oh, unless you already did prom at your school,��� Harper said hoping he had not.

  ���No, I was asked, just didn���t want to go. Harper here,��� Maddox handed her a box and she opened it.

  Inside was a silver bracelet with a palm tree dangling from it, ���You didn���t have to, but it���s beautiful.���

  Harper grabbed his arm and pulled up his sleeve looking at the friendship bracelet she had given him almost a year ago, ���It���s still here,��� he smiled.

  ���It better be,��� Harper laughed.

  ���Should we go in?���

  ���I guess we should.���

  ���You don���t seem excited.���

  ���I am excited you���re here, that stuff means nothing,��� Harper���s face turned red.

  ���Don���t start getting embarrassed Harper, you may break out. I thought we were past all that.���

  Harper looked at his lips and then closed her eyes. She opened them when she heard him chuckle.

  ���You’re heating up on me, Harper,��� he smiled and squeezed her hand.

  ���Great,��� she rolled her eyes.

  ���I am going to give you something else okay?��� he smiled shyly, ���Something I think will get us both through this extremely awkward moment.���

  She looked up into his blue eyes and then at his lips. He licked his lips quickly and let out a slow, sweet, minty breath. He took her face in his hands and leaned in towards her slowly��� cautiously, ���This okay, Harper? I haven���t kissed you since������

  Harper stood in her tip toes and kissed him quickly. His eyes stayed fixed on her lips. ���I want more,��� he said softly.

  ���Me too,��� Harper wrapped her arms around his waist beneath his jacket and pulled him into her.

  He kissed her softly and rubbed his nose against hers. He tilted his head and pressed his lips against hers again and again. She felt him tense up — his muscles felt hard under her hands. He had definitely been working out.

  He reached around her and took both of her hands in his and stepped back, leaving his forehead against hers. They both opened their eyes and smiled.

  ���Abraham���get your ass up here!��� she heard a familiar male voice yell from behind them.

  ���Busted,��� she smiled as he straightened up, ���No big deal, it���s my cousin. You met him, one of Alex���s sons.���

  ���Is he going to try to kick my ass?��� Maddox smiled.

  ���He will have to get through me first,��� Harper gi
ggled, took one of his hands and walked towards the Watch.

  ���Liam, this is my date, Maddox,��� Harper smiled as she introduced them.

  ���Shit, you don���t even look the same,��� Liam was tall and blonde and looked just like his father did as a senior in high school.

  ���Good, maybe no one here will recognize me,��� Maddox smiled, and they shook hands.

  ���We could call you������ Liam tried to think of a name.

  ���Yeah that���ll work— have you heard him speak?��� Harper laughed and smiled up at Maddox.

  ���I bet if I put forth some effort I could pull it off,��� Maddox smiled back at her.

  ���Whatever floats your boat,��� Harper giggled and kissed his cheek.

  He looked at her and then Liam, and his face turned red, ���You���re heating up on me, Maddox,��� Harper laughed.

  ���Guys don���t like PDA, Harper,��� Liam laughed, ���Isn���t that right, Johnny?���

  ���Johnny?��� Harper laughed.

  ���Sure, why not? Right?��� Liam looked at Maddox.

  ���Sure, I reckon I can pull that off,��� Maddox chuckled using a southern accent.

  ���What was that?��� Harper laughed.

  ���John Wayne,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Yeah, I���m not so sure about that,��� Liam smiled and patted his back, ���Let���s just stick with Johnny.���

  ���Good thing it���s a masquerade,��� Harper laughed.

  Tomas met them at the door and handed Harper and Maddox their masks, ���If you need anything, I will be out here.���

  They walked into the Watch. The building resembled a barn. They were given their table assignment at the reception table. Maddox looked around taking in the beauty of the wood and brick walls.

  Maddox smiled at Harper, and she smiled back at him, ���Shall we?��� he took her hand and began walking in the direction of the other attendees.

  They walked through the large archway into the room. It was decorated in gold and red. The ceiling was lit up with thousands of twinkling white lights and gold fabric hung from beam to beam. There was a second floor that opened overlooking the dance floor. The support beams that ran from floor to ceiling were wrapped in the same gold fabric. The round tables were covered with black linen and topping off the black linen, were deep red square table covers.

  Harper looked for table seven and worried it would be as awkward for her as it would be for Maddox. How the hell am I going to get him through this if I feel like crap about the whole thing?

  ���Harper?��� Maddox asked breaking her out of her thoughts, ���You okay?���

  She nodded her head yes, ���Why? Do you want to go— is this too much?���

  ���No, you’re squeezing the hell out of my hand,��� He smiled, ���You sure you want to do this? I mean if you���re second guessing bringing me?���

  ���No, Maddox, it���s just been a couple of really messed up weeks. I am just���Maddox I would not want to be here with anyone else,��� Harper looked up at him lovingly.

  ���Then let’s do this,��� he smiled.

  They walked to their table and Harper smiled, ���Hi.���

  Everyone smiled and said nothing.

  ���Alright then,��� Harper���s hand began to shake in his.

  Maddox squeezed gently and let go and pulled out her chair, ���Thank you.���

  ���Hello I���m John,��� Maddox was stepping way out of his comfort zone, but what else could he do, she was being so unlike herself.

  ���Hi, I���m Ava,��� she stood and shook his hand, ���This is Trinity, Ella, Olivia, Joe, Carter and I assume you know Liam.���

  ���Yes, we have met,��� Maddox sat down next to Harper and smiled.

  ���You have been hiding on us,��� Ella smiled looking at Harper.

  ���I don���t think I was hiding, just a lot of studying,��� she rolled her eyes, ���Lots!���

  ���But why didn���t you want to ride with us?��� Trinity asked.

  ���I just thought Madd��� err, my date would be more comfortable. He doesn���t know anyone and he got into town late. I wouldn���t have wanted you all to skip the group pictures at the park, on account of my date.��� Harper smiled convincingly at them.

  ���So where are you from, and how do you know Harper?��� Ava asked sitting forward.

  ���My dad hired him,��� Harper giggled.

  ���Oh yeah,��� Liam laughed and Maddox chuckled.

  ���Yep,��� Harper laughed, ���Look at him, definitely worth every cent. My pictures are going to be perfect.���

  Maddox laughed, and Ava gasped.

  ������ Liam asked.

  ���No,,��� Harper smiled.

  Everyone at the table gasped, it was truly unlike Harper to act this way. She was normally quiet and refined.


  ���I don���t know,��� Ava asked annoyed, ���You don���t talk like���like that?���

  ���It���s okay for you all, but not me?��� Harper smiled and her face started turning red.

  ���Can I have a moment?��� Maddox smiled and stood up pulling her chair out.

  ���Sure,��� Harper stood confused as he took her hand and lead her onto the patio.

  ���Harper, we don���t have to do this,��� he lifted her mask and looked into her eyes.

  ���Did it offend you? I mean I���m sorry if ���how stupid of course it������ Harper tried to turn away.

  ���I���m not offended; I do have a sense of humor. I am just confused as to who the real Harper is. They seem to think you���re acting, and I don���t want you to do that with me,��� Maddox said quietly.

  Harper lifted his mask and saw his brows knit together, ���You know more about me than any of them, Maddox. I just don���t feel comfortable sharing my true self with them. They all say they are pretty tight, but that���s not what I see. Ella was supposed to come to the prom with Billy but he is at table four with Amber, who was Ella���s best friend until she screwed around with Billy. So they now hate each other. Amber was dating Joe who is now here with Olivia because he was going to go with Ava, who is now here with Carter, who was going to be my date. It���s all drama all the time. I���m sure it���s normal high school behavior. I guess I���m not normal.���

  ���Thank God,��� Maddox smiled. ���I am extremely grateful that you’re not normal.���

  ���Me too,��� Harper smiled with relief.

  ���And you’re upset with Ava because?��� Maddox studied her face.

  ���I don���t like him, Maddox. I will tell you all about that train wreck later— when we get home. I want to tell them who you are, and I want them to know how I feel,��� Harper stopped.

  ���Go on,��� Maddox squeezed her hand.

  Harper was deep in thought trying to figure out how to explain her feelings for him, ���Have you ever watched Bambi?���

  ���The cartoon with the deer?��� Maddox chuckled.

  ���Yeah,��� Harper smiled and looked down at the ground and blushed, ���The part where the owl explains what���s going on with Bambi to Thumper and Flower?���

  ���Harper I have watched it, but only once. I have yet to memorize the movie,��� he smiled and lifted her chin, so she was lo
oking at him.

  ���Twitterpated,��� she closed her eyes and sighed, ���I feel twitterpated.���

  She opened her eyes and they were sparkling. Maddox looked at her sweet gaze, and his mouth was suddenly dry. He swallowed hard, licked his lips, and Harper���s eyes widened and she smiled, ���Twitterpated.���

  He kissed her and a moan escaped against his mouth, and he trembled slightly.

  ���Abraham!��� Liam yelled from the door, ���Dinner!���

  ���Completely and utterly twitterpated,��� Harper beamed.

  ���Yeah, me too,��� Maddox closed his eyes and stepped back, ���Let’s go.���

  He didn���t wait for an answer. He took her hand and walked quickly inside. They made their way to the table and he pulled out her chair; she sat and smiled up at him, ���Thank you Johnny.���

  He winked at her and sat down.

  Harper stared at Maddox. He was much different from the closed off soul that burned with self-loathing when their fathers went to England together to bring down the people responsible for keeping him captive for almost sixteen years. He was relaxed and having fun. With her.

  ���Do you have to pay extra for make out sessions?��� Carter forced a laugh.

  ���No, actually I couldn���t help myself,��� Maddox laughed and squeezed Harper���s hand.

  ���He is actually a friend of my family���s, we met a while ago,��� Harper said raising her eyebrow in warning.

  Ava looked at her dumbfounded, ���And you ������

  ���Please don���t let this get uncomfortable,��� Harper closed her eyes her tone was a plea.

  ���Fine, Harper, but you are supposed to be one of our best friends. We should know about your good friends. So we will chat later,��� Ava scowled and Olivia, Trinity and Ella laughed.

  Dinner was over, and the DJ started to play music, ���Do you dance, Johnny?��� Ava asked.

  ���Not very often,��� he answered, his eyes never moving from Harper���s.

  ���Harper does,��� Ava smiled and grabbed Harper���s hand, ���Let���s go.���


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