The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 262

by Mj Fields

  Harper looked panicked, as she did not want to leave him.

  ���He can hang with me, you go,��� Liam smiled.

  ���I am fine, go dance,��� Maddox kissed her hand.

  Maddox loosened his tie and sat back letting out a deep breath.

  ���You like her,��� Liam smiled.

  ���Yes I do,��� he smiled and turned to watch them dance.

  The music slowed down, and Maddox stood up and watched as Harper walked towards him smiling.

  ���You can dance, Harper,��� Maddox smiled as she approached.

  ���I like to dance,��� she sat down.

  ���Would you like to dance with me?��� Maddox held out his hand.

  ���Are you sure?��� Harper looked apprehensive.

  ���It���s a slow song, Harper. London has prepared me,��� he laughed.

  ���She has?��� Harper laughed back.

  ���Oh yes. Pretty much insisted that I give her favorite cousin the best prom ever,��� Maddox mimicked London���s excited expression.

  ���I love her,��� Harper smiled, ���She is such an amazing kid.���

  ���She is, I love and adore her as well,��� Maddox turned towards Harper and put his hands on her waist, ���I promise I will not step on your feet.���

  Harper looked up at him, ���Wait, its dark in here. Now can we lose the masks?���

  ���Yes please,��� he pulled his off, and she took it from him.

  She stood and looked at his lips and eyes, her two favorite features. She bit her lip and rocked back and forth on her heels. When she was finally able to stop gawking she laughed, ���Don���t move beautiful boy, I will be right back.���

  Harper set the masks on the table and walked back to dance: he had not moved.

  He put his hands on her hips, and she put hers on his shoulders. They smiled at each other; she looked down and licked her lips. He watched her for a moment and closed his eyes.

  Wanted by Hunter Hayes surrounded the room and she was leading. Her hips swayed slightly to the beat of the music, and he followed the gentle rhythm she set. She finally looked up at him, ���This okay?��� she whispered, and he slowly nodded his head up and down.

  They gazed into each other���s eyes, neither looked away. His bashful smile melted her heart as he listened to the song, concentrating on the lyrics. She looked down needing space between her eyes and his lips. When the chorus started she sang softly, and he lifted her chin. She stopped singing.

  ���Don���t stop now.���

  ���You going to sing with me?��� she smiled.

  ���Next time the chorus starts I can try,��� he laughed and took one of her hands and kissed it, ���Come on Harper sing to me.���

  ���As good as you make me feel, I wanna make you feel better,��� she sang along with the music, and he smiled as she sang to him.

  Harper���s walls fell completely away when she was happy. It brought her completely out of her shell, for him and only him. The boy she chose to be her friend forever, and her first kiss.

  They danced and smiled as she sang, ���You���re all I ever wanted,��� she sang, and he stepped away and twirled her— pulling her back to his chest and wrapped his arms around her waist as they sang the chorus together, his lips to her ear.

  When the song ended he kissed her cheek and twirled her around. She curtsied, he bowed, and they both laughed.

  She bit her lower lip, trying to stop smiling. He took her hand and put it on his shoulder and one of his went on her waist. He held her other hand in his.

  ���Are you having as much fun as I am?��� Harper asked as they danced to Mirrors by Justin Timberlake.

  ���I really am, all the nervousness I have felt for the past week was gone as soon as we stood out back,��� he smiled.

  ���The water,��� Harper smiled as he took the lead.

  ���No, I don���t think so,��� he smiled.

  His body was less tense and his moves were as smooth as silk. He pulled her closer and she smelled his clean skin and his very light cologne.

  ���What are you wearing?��� She breathed him in.

  ���You,��� he smiled and kissed the top of her head.

  The song ended, and they still held each other. Maddox finally looked around the now empty dance floor.

  ���Do you think we should go have a seat?��� Maddox���s eyes twinkled.

  She shook her head no. He laughed and pulled her behind him. They came to the table and he pulled the chair out for her, and she sat. He turned his chair to face her and they still sat looking at one another, both lost in each other���s eyes, completely twitterpated.

  ���I knew I recognized you!��� Ava laughed loudly.

  It was as if a needle scratched across a vinyl record.

  Harper���s face dropped. Gone was the giddy smile and feeling as if she was floating, defying gravity, or on cloud nine.

  Maddox squeezed her hand and smiled, ���Doesn���t bother me Harper, not at all.���

  ���You sure?��� Harper���s voice squeaked, and she looked miserable.

  ���If you���re alright, Harper, then so am I.���

  ���Alright then, maybe you should introduce yourself,��� Harper rolled her eyes dramatically.

  ���Yes Ava— sorry we did not want any drama,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���Well who is he?��� Carter asked.

  ���My name is Maddox,��� he introduced himself.

  Ella, Trinity, and Olivia gasped.

  ���Okay, so what���s the big deal?��� Carter asked.

  ���He is Brody Hines��� son,��� Ava told him.

  ���The kid that was missing?��� Carter stopped, ���Well not missing but������

  ���Yes, that one,��� Maddox gave a look of shock and smiled.

  Harper held his hand tightly and looked at him, trying to figure out what he was feeling. She didn���t have to wonder long.

  He leaned towards her and smiled, ���I am fine and you?���

  ���Yes,��� she whispered, ���I just can’t wait until this thing is over.���

  Liam and Ella took the stage, they lead the prom committee.

  ���Alright it���s time to announce our king and queen,��� Ella said over the DJ���s microphone.

  ���Would those in court please come to the dance floor,��� Liam���s voice boomed, ���Sorry,��� he laughed pulling further away from the microphone.

  ���Oh damn,��� Harper���s face turned red.

  Maddox laughed; she rolled her eyes, stood up, and walked with Ava to the dance floor.

  ���So you and Harper Abraham, huh?��� Carter asked as they all stood together on the edge of the dance floor.

  ���Yes, Carson was it?��� Maddox asked no longer having to try to disguise his voice.

  ���No Carter,��� he laughed, ���Good luck getting into that.���

  Maddox felt his face start to heat and his jaw clenched, ���If I ever hear you talk about her like that again, I will break your fucking jaw. Do you understand, Carson?���

  Carter laughed, and Olivia noticed Maddox���s fists clench. ���Don���t be a dick, Carter! Come on, Maddox Hines! Let’s get closer so we can get some good pictures.���

  Olivia stood between them and waved her hands in front of Maddox���s face, ���Hey did you hear me?���

  Maddox closed his eyes and then looked at Olivia, ���Yes, I heard you.��

  Olivia grabbed his arm, he tensed up and pulled away slowly, ���Oh, sorry.���

  ���No, I am. Olivia, right?��� Maddox smiled and looked for Harper.

  ���Come on big guy, follow me. She is������ Olivia laughed, ���Apparently she is the first runner up. She was so pissed she was nominated.���

  Maddox smiled as he watched her blush as Liam handed her flowers, ���Why was she pissed?���

  ���She doesn���t like this stuff, thinks it���s ���just wrong���,��� Olivia used air quotes and laughed.

  Ava was crowned Queen and Harper gave her a big hug and smile.

  ���Way to go Ava,��� Carter���s voice boomed through the room, and Maddox cringed.

  Harper walked through the crowd towards Maddox. She was stopped several times and given hugs and congratulations, she just wanted to get to him. As she got closer she could tell he was agitated.

  She excused herself and walked faster towards him, ���Hey, is everything alright?���

  ���Carter is a dick,��� Maddox snapped and tried to avoid eye contact.

  ���Prick,��� Harper laughed, ���Let���s get out of here.���

  Maddox looked at her and closed his eyes, ���Sorry, no we can stay. It���s your prom, Harper.���

  Harper smiled back at him, ���Thanks, but I would prefer to head back, with you.���


  After Prom

  Harper and Maddox went home and changed. Maddox went with Tomas to help their parents set up the camp for Harper���s cousins and the get together they would host after they all left the prom.

  Harper���s hair felt like cement. She decided to shower to remove the ten pounds of hairspray out of it and remove her makeup. She dressed in shorts and a hoody and did her hair. She normally would have just thrown it up in a wet messy bun on top of her head, but she truly enjoyed the way Maddox looked at her tonight.

  She drove the four wheeler to the camp and parked it. Tessa, Collin, Brody and Emma came outside. Harper chatted briefly with them, and Collin pulled her aside and reminded her of the rules before they left.

  Harper walked into camp and Maddox had his back to the door. He was watching the fire, and she stopped to give him a few moments, allowing herself a moment to watch him.

  He turned, smiled, and walked towards her, ���Did they give you the rules?���

  Harper laughed, ���Yes, my dad did.���

  They stood looking at each other, neither knowing what to say, ���Awkward,��� Harper whispered looking up at the wooden beams.

  ���Play a game?��� Maddox smiled and sat on the couch and patted the spot beside him, and she sat and nodded her head yes. ���Good, although it���s not really a game, it���s just taking turns asking questions. Would that be okay?���

  ���Yes,��� Harper tried to hold back a smile.

  ���You first,��� Maddox took her hand and sat back.

  ���Did you have fun tonight?���

  ���Yep, for most of the time. Now me, what will you do when you graduate?��� he asked.

  ���I agreed to go to a local college for at least a year and then the parental units,��� she giggled, ���Agreed that I could pick any college I want. What will you do?���

  ���Same thing. Are your grades good enough for you to choose any school?��� he asked.

  ���Yep, Salutatorian. Liam is Valedictorian. How about you?��� She asked finally looking at him.

  ���Valedictorian,��� He smiled.

  ���Damn, we are smart,��� she laughed and snuggled up against his shoulder.

  ���Imagine if we������ he stopped and blushed.

  ���Go on, if we what?��� She quietly hoped he would say what she thought he was thinking.

  Maddox looked at her and smiled gently, ���I just think we could probably rule the world. My turn: What do you want to do, career wise?���

  ���Rule the world,��� she laughed, ���And you?���

  ���I am having a hard time deciding between law and music,��� he answered, ���And you, this time a serious answer.���

  ���I am having a hard time as well, has to be something helping people though. Possibly social work,��� Harper answered. ���What do you think your future holds?���

  He looked down at her and smiled again, ���Not sure, but I hope������

  ���Break it up in here,��� Liam laughed as he stormed through the door.

  ���Really, Liam?��� Harper laughed and stood up to grab one of the dishes he carried in.

  Maddox grabbed the other and followed Harper.

  ���Ready for this?��� Harper nodded to the door as her cousins piled in with their dates.

  ���I think I remember most of them from the Cape, remember that, Harper?��� he joked.

  Harper���s face fell as she remembered how awful she was to him, ���Maddox I was scared���you���I am so sorry.���

  Maddox looked at her for a moment, ���I get it, Harper. I get it now.���

  She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, ���I don���t ever want to fight with you again.���

  He hugged her back and closed his eyes resting his chin on her head, he bent down and kissed it gently, ���Me either, Harper, never again.���

  Harper smiled up at him, stood on her toes, and kissed him. Liam cleared his throat loudly, and Maddox started to pull away, Harper held her face to his, with his lips to hers, he laughed.

  She stepped back and grinned, ���Almost a year ago, Maddox Hines.���

  He kissed her quickly and stepped back, ���Yeah, first friend. First kiss.���

  ���First, or only?��� she scowled.

  ���Only, Harper,��� he blushed and smiled.

  ���Good and you better keep it that way,��� Harper smacked his butt then took his hand.

  She looked up at him, and he looked amusingly shocked. She laughed, and he closed his eyes, shook his head and followed her.

  They were all having a great time when the door opened. Ava, Carter and another guy walked in. Harper was dancing and laughing with Olivia and Ella when she saw them. She quickly looked for Maddox who was standing with Liam and Jackson. His eyes narrowed and nose flared. Harper swiftly made her way over to him.

  ���Hey,��� she smiled as she watched Ava and Carter walking towards them.

  ���It���s okay that we are here, right?��� Ava smiled at Harper.

  ���Of course. It was a last minute thing, and I���m glad you came,��� Harper hugged her and Carter wrapped his arms around both of them and laughed loudly.

  Liam saw Maddox���s demeanor change, ���Hey, no harm no foul man.���

  ���I don���t particularly care for him,��� Maddox said through clenched teeth.

  ���Me either,��� Liam rolled his eyes and patted Maddox���s shoulder.

  Harper turned and looked at Maddox, ���Take a walk with me?���

  He nodded his head and followed her into a room off the back. When they sat on the couch, Harper lifted his arm and put it over her shoulder and leaned into him.

  ���I don���t know about you, but I am tired. It has been a very long week,��� Harper laughed.

  ���Why is that?��� Maddox began to relax.

  ���Anxiously awaiting prom and well, seeing you,��� She smiled and looked up at him.

  He kissed her lips a little harder than usual and she turned her b
ody leaning into him. His hand held the back of her head to his as he kissed her cheek and then down her neck and back to her mouth.

  She rested her hand on his chest and followed his lead. She kissed his neck, and his breaths became harsher, and he felt the burning in his chest again. They both sat back and stared at each other in awe.

  ���That was really������ Harper stopped and looked at his glassy eyes.

  ���Nice. Really nice,��� the corner of his lip turned up in a much different smile than he had given her before.

  ���I am really thirsty. Can I get you anything?��� He started to stand, ���No you sit, I have to go the bathroom so just let me get you a drink, please,��� she smiled.

  ���Okay, but if he������ Maddox started.

  ���He? Oh my Gosh, Maddox, eww,��� she laughed.

  ���He likes you,��� Maddox scowled.

  ���Well I don���t think so, but even if he did he wouldn���t have a shot,��� Harper giggled, ���Can I tell you a secret?���

  Maddox nodded his head yes and leaned forward, ���I have these really strong feelings for this amazing, beautiful, smart guy. It���s like I am���twitterpated,��� she leaned down and rested her hands on his thighs and kissed him gently.

  ���Twitterpated?��� he asked.

  ���Completely twitterpated,��� she smiled.

  ���My goodness, you two are so cute!��� Ava squealed and clapped her hands. ���You guys want a drink?���

  ���I was just going to get us one and go to the bathroom,��� Harper smiled.

  ���Well here, Maddox,��� Ava handed him a bottle of water.

  ���Thank you, Ava,��� he smiled and looked at Harper, ���Hurry back?���

  ���Yeah,��� she smiled and left the room. Ava followed.

  Harper came back in the room, and Maddox was taking off his hoody. He smiled that same smile and curled his finger towards himself beckoning her. Her heart raced as she looked at him. She closed the door halfway and walked to him.

  He took her hand and pulled her into him and kissed her, ���I can’t get enough of your lips. Harper, you taste so good.���


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