The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 263

by Mj Fields

  She kissed him harder, and he pulled her tightly against him, she could feel his heart racing and sweat was glistening on his brow. ���I feel the same.���

  ���I don���t know what has happened since the Cape, but you have become even more beautiful,��� he kissed her neck and rubbed his hand gently up her side causing her body to press snugly against his. He pulled his head back and took her hand and placed it on his speeding heart.

  ���My God you���re beautiful,��� he kissed her again, hard. She whimpered, and he stopped and pushed her a little further from him. He didn���t want her to know what he was feeling.

  Her eyes moved down his body, and they widened.

  ���Do I disgust you right now, Harper?��� Maddox swallowed hard and his brows knit together.

  She quickly shook her head no and kissed him again.

  He pulled back and smiled, his hands kneading her hips, ���I had a talk with my father about my reservations about ������

  ���You don���t have to say it, Maddox,��� Harper traced his lips softly with her finger.

  He kissed them and smiled, ���I get it now, what he was trying to tell me. It feels so good touching you and being touched by you.���

  Harper���s mouth opened slightly, and she nodded, ���Yes.���

  ���I don���t want to push anything with you. I���m sure I���m not ready, but when I am, I want it to be with you. I feel like a brick is lifted off my chest and my heart. Each time we kiss, or hold hands, I feel like it will all be alright. Harper, I do not want to go eight months without seeing you ever again. I think I would crumble. Your smile Harper, it eases my pain. Your kiss reassures me that each tomorrow will be even better. Your touch heals my broken fucking heart. The need I feel from you and for you extinguishes the embers still burning my soul.���

  Harper kissed him as she felt the burning in her eyes. The words he had just spoken made her feel like she had not been completely out of her mind for almost a year.

  She sat up, and he gasped and frantically began wiping the tears away, ���I am so sorry.���

  ���No Maddox, I have felt so strongly for you from the first time I laid eyes on you. I really have,��� she cried as he rubbed her cheeks, ���I swore I was going crazy, I was so angry at you one minute, and hating myself for it the next. God, I am an idiot.���

  He sat up and pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back as he kissed her head, ���This would have never felt right if I had not met you. We are both completely twitterpated.���

  Maddox sat back expecting to see her grinning like she did when he made a joke, he needed to see her smile.

  She shook her head no, ���That���s not what it is, Maddox, it���s������

  ���I love you, Harper Ann Abrahams,��� his mouth wrapped around hers with urgency.

  ���I love you,��� she gasped.

  He laid her down gently on the floor and held his body above hers, ���I need you; but not now. Will you wait for me, Harper?��� he continued kissing her jaw and down her neck stopping just above her rapidly rising and falling chest.

  ���Just name the time and place,��� her breath hitched as his kisses became firmer, ���Oh wow, Maddox.���

  He pushed himself quickly back from her, ���When we are both of age.���

  He closed his eyes to steady his breathing.

  ���We are both minors for another week,��� Harper���s voice shook, ���We can������

  ���Don���t say it please, Harper. My heart is racing, and I am wrecked— if you saw it now I am not going to be able to hold it together,��� Maddox was pleading with her.

  She sat up and rubbed her hand through his hair, ���Maddox, you are sweating bullets.���

  ���Tell me there will be no one else,��� Maddox stood and began to shake.

  ���My first and only, Maddox,��� Harper said as she stood.

  ���No one else���s lips, please tell me you will save your kisses for me,��� Maddox closed his eyes and began trying even harder to calm himself down.

  ���I promise,��� Harper rubbed his face, and he pushed his head into her hand.

  ���Me too. Harper, I need to get some air, by myself. I need to calm the fuck down,��� Maddox laughed, ���This love stuff is crazy. I have never felt so much emotion and energy.���

  Harper grinned, ���I���ll be right here waiting.���

  ���I may be rethinking the waiting thing, Harper,��� he adjusted himself.

  ���Please do,��� she kissed him and he groaned loudly as he left the room.

  ���Get the hell away from me!���

  Maddox heard Harper squeal as he walked towards the back of the camp.

  ���You wanted it before, Harper. And your lips sure do taste like heaven, just one more time and I���ll leave you alone. No one has to know.��� Maddox recognized Carter���s voice.

  He tried to open the door, but it was locked, ���OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!���

  The music turned off, and everyone turned and watched as Maddox kicked the door in. They all ran to the back of the camp.

  Maddox grabbed Carter and pulled him off of Harper he grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the wall, ���First and only, Harper! You kissed him?���

  ���It���s not what you think,��� Harper tried to grab his arm, and he pushed her away.

  ���What kind of game are you trying to play with me?��� Carter swung and hit him in the face, he didn���t flinch, ���Answer me damn it!���

  He was hit again, ���Maddox, it���s not������

  Carter nailed him again, and Maddox laughed, ���Is that all you���ve got, you pussy?���

  He let go of Carter���s throat, and he gasped for air and lunged at Maddox. Maddox punched him in the face, and the sound of crushing bone filled the room. Blood poured from Carter���s nose and Maddox laughed and drew his arm back to strike again. Liam and Jackson grabbed him and dragged him out of the room as Carter screamed in pain.

  ���Keep crying you little bitch,��� Maddox screamed trying to free himself from Jackson and Liam���s grasp.

  Within seconds, Tomas was running towards the back of camp as Liam and Jackson pulled Maddox outside restraining him against the hard, cold ground.

  Harper ran outside crying and screamed, ���You said you loved me!���

  ���That was before I knew you were a liar,��� Maddox screamed back.

  ���I am not a liar! He tried to kiss me, and I moved,��� Harper cried, ���He tried to kiss me. Please, you have to believe me.���

  Harper fell to her knees beside him, and he turned his head away from her, ���Let it go, it was a mistake!���

  ���No! You love me,��� Harper began to scramble to the other side of him.

  Collin, Tessa, Brody and Emma came running down the path.

  ���Get me the fuck out of here, Dad!��� Maddox yelled.

  Liam and Jackson released his arms that were pinned to his back.

  ���Oh my God, Liam,��� Tessa yelled and ran in and got the first aid kit to clean the cut above his eye.

  Brody sat Maddox up and looked at him, ���What the hell did you get into tonight?���

  ���Obviously a fight. Please, I want to go home,��� Maddox pleaded with Brody.

  ���Collin, look at his eyes,��� Brody clenched his fists and stood up and walked away.

  ���Dad!��� Maddox yelled.

ust give me a minute,��� Brody looked at Emma and she could tell he was ready to lose it.

  ���Breathe, Brody,��� Emma whispered and rubbed his chest.

  ���He is fucked up on something, Em,��� Brody said through clenched teeth.

  ���It doesn’t matter, go to him. He needs you, Brody, you���re his dad,��� Emma said sadly.

  He hugged her tightly and walked over to Maddox.

  ���What did you do, Maddox, what drugs? Just tell me,��� Brody squatted down next to him.

  ���WHAT?��� Maddox gasped ���Are you kidding me right now?���

  Collin looked at Harper, ���Let’s hear it, Harper.���

  ���He didn���t do any drugs, or drink, or anything,��� Harper snapped.

  Collin and Brody looked at each other.

  Tessa was in the camp tending to Carter when all the kids came outside.

  ���I want to know what kind of shit has been going on here tonight.��� Collin spat, ���Who’s been doing drugs?���

  They all looked at him like he was crazy. Jackson spoke up, ���We haven’t done anything, Collin!���

  ���Who the hell is this kid?��� Collin pointed to Carter���s friend.

  Tessa walked over and grabbed Collin���s arm and walked him away from the crowd of kids, ���Carter���s nose is completely shattered. We need to call his parents and an ambulance. His dad is the DA in Tompkins County, Collin.���

  Collin growled, ���Get Tomas, I want you to get a piss sample and blood work from fucking Rocky over there. Tessa, we should call the police too. I want to know who has drugs on them. He is high as a kite, and I trust he knows nothing about it.���

  Tessa took Emma, Brody and Maddox to the house and explained to them Collin���s suspicions.

  ���Tell me what you’re feeling,��� Tessa asked Maddox as she wrapped the tourniquet around his arm.

  ���Pissed off!��� Maddox scowled as he watched her push the needle in his vein.

  ���Okay, I would be as well,��� Tessa untied the rubber tourniquet allowing the blood to fill the tube.

  Tomas walked into the house, ���Brody, Collin thinks you and Maddox should probably get out of here for a while. The police and ambulance have been called. It���s probably going to get a bit ugly.���

  Brody looked at Emma and his eyes widened, ���Go. Get him home. Maybe you should fly.���

  Brody kissed her and held her tightly, ���Yeah. I am so sorry, Em.���

  Tessa walked back in the room, ���Dad will drive you; he���s on his way.���

  Emma and Brody went upstairs to throw their belongings into their bags.

  ���Where is Harper?��� Maddox asked panicked.

  ���She is with her father,��� Tessa looked sadly at him.

  ���I want to see her, tell her I am sorry for ruining her night,��� Maddox stood and walked towards the door.

  ���Maddox no. Not right now, okay?��� Tessa grabbed his arm, and he pulled it away.

  ���No, it���s NOT okay,��� Maddox yelled.

  ���Listen to me, Maddox; she is not going to be angry with you. You guys can talk sometime soon. But right now, you need to go,��� Tessa raised her eyebrow at him.

  ���I���m sorry, I have no damn idea what the hell is going on,��� Maddox squatted down on the floor and hugged his knees.

  Tessa knelt next to him and hugged him tightly, ���It will be okay, Maddox. So much has happened to you and I can tell you, I am in awe that you���re as able to keep it together as much as you have. Give yourself time to heal okay?���

  ���You trust me to take off right, Em?��� Brody kissed her as he walked past to grab Maddox���s phone from the nightstand.

  ���Of course I do,��� she smiled

  ���We need to get back down there, right?��� He grabbed her by the waist as she walked by.

  ���Yep,��� she kissed him and he rubbed his nose against hers.

  ���Let���s go, love,��� he held her hand and grabbed the bags with his other, ���I am going to miss you.���

  ���When the girls wake up we are on our way home, you won’t miss me for long.��� She walked down the stairs.

  Maddox was on the floor, and Tessa was sitting next to him. Brody stopped abruptly, and Emma looked up into his eyes. Brody looked panicked within seconds. That look left and then he was gone. The armor was up, and he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  ���Hey���come back,��� Emma whispered and rubbed his unshaved face gently.

  He opened his eyes and kissed her, ���We have to get him through this no matter what, Em, right?���

  ���Yes,��� she smiled, ���We are his parents.���

  ���Alright then, let’s get him out of here,��� Brody hugged her and kissed her swiftly.

  John, Tessa���s father walked in the house, ���You two ready?���

  ���Thanks Daddy,��� Tessa stood up and pulled Maddox up with her.

  She walked over and hugged her father.

  ���I am very sorry I have caused such stress again,��� Maddox voice quivered.

  ���Maddox, you will be fine and so will that little������ Tessa stopped when Harper and Collin walked in the house.

  ���Where are you going?��� Harper yelled looking at Brody carrying two bags.

  ���Harper, they are taking off its better this way,��� Collin whispered as he grabbed Harper, stopping her from running towards Maddox

  ���Put the bags down!��� she yelled at Brody.

  ���Harper, they have to leave,��� Tessa gave her a stern look.

  ���NO! He needs to know I didn���t kiss Carter. I love him!��� Harper began to shake.

  Collin gasped, and John started to laugh. They all looked at John.

  ���It���s not funny, Grandpa,��� Harper started to cry.

  ���No baby girl it���s not funny, it hurts. I am just…well���I am just happy your mom gets to experience this part of parenting while I am taking the boys to the airport,��� John hugged Harper, ���You and I are going to spend some time together tomorrow got it?���

  Harper nodded her head yes and wiped her tears away.

  John winked at Tessa, hugged her, and whispered in her ear, ���You deserve this one.���

  Tessa smirked, ���Thanks a lot Dad!���

  ���How come I am Daddy when I walk in to help you out but when I state the obvious I am just Dad?��� John laughed and walked to the door, ���I���ll be out here waiting.���

  Collin called Tomas, ���Make the calls now,��� he hung up, ���You two need to get going, your plane tickets are waiting in Ithaca at the counter. Luckily, your flight leaves in less than an hour.���

  Brody hugged Emma, ���See you soon, Love.���

  ���See you soon,��� she hugged him and Maddox, ���Your dad is going to take care of things now. I���ll see you tomorrow. I���m sorry, I wish I could go with you now.���

  ���Gotta go, Hines,��� Collin said with urgency in his voice.

  ���I am sorry, Harper,��� Maddox yelled over his shoulder as they walked out the door.

  ���Wait,��� she started to run towards them. Collin grabbed her holding her back, ���Daddy— let me go!���

  ���No, Harper now is not the time,��� Collin held her back as she fought to get to him, ���Tessa, we need to see if she is under the influence of whatever Ma
ddox was.���

  Harper began to sob, and Tessa grabbed her and hugged her, ���It���s going to be okay.���

  ���Why does it feel like it never will be again?��� Harper sobbed into her mother’s chest.

  ���It has been a rough night, that���s all,��� Tessa looked at Emma, and they both hugged Harper tightly.

  ���I hate to interrupt this moment, but you ladies need to pull yourselves together so we can get to camp,��� Collin said as he walked towards them.

  Tessa glared at him, ���A little compassion, Collin.���

  ���There will be time for that later, let���s go,��� Collin pulled Harper up, ���We need to get back understand?��� Harper nodded yes, ���Joan���s here correct?���

  ���Yes, she will look after the girls,��� Tessa grabbed a coat and followed them out the door.

  Collin, Tessa, Emma and Harper walked into camp. Alex and Jade were with Tomas and the kids. Headlights were coming down the long driveway.

  ���Have everyone’s parents been called?��� Collin asked Tomas.

  ���Yes, the ambulance as well,��� Tomas stepped aside.

  ���Wild party tonight, huh?��� Jade laughed.

  The door flew opened, Lucas Links, Ava���s father stormed in the door, ���What the hell is going on?���

  Ava ran up to him, and he hugged her tightly, and she began to cry.

  ���Maddox hit Carter hard— not that he didn���t deserve it,��� Ava glared at Carter.

  ���Maddox? Oh, Maddox Hines,��� Lucas rolled his eyes.

  ���Yes and he was also really messed up, Daddy, Tessa took blood������ Ava stopped when she saw her father glare at Tessa.

  ���You want to explain, Ross?��� Lucas snapped.

  ���By Ross, I assume you’re talking to me,��� Alex stepped in.

  ���Yeah, sure,��� Lucas took a deep breath.

  ���Liam assures me Maddox wasn���t doing drugs. I believe him. Carter locked himself back there in doe camp area and tried to mess with my niece. Maddox took care of it.��� He nodded towards Carter.

  ���Is this true?��� Lucas asked Ava.


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