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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 267

by Mj Fields

  ���Yay, Dad do it,��� Maddox snickered.

  ���If you do I will,��� Brody laughed, ���On that note��� pun intended; Maddox and I are going to head downtown. I love you all more. Em, I���ll Skype with you later.���

  Maddox sat anxiously while Brody talked to the three piece band set up on the waterfront. He watched Brody shake their hands and walk towards him, smiling.

  ���I am going to play bass; you are going to play acoustic. They know most of my songs which do you feel comfortable with?��� Brody smiled proudly at Maddox.

  ���You mean now?��� Maddox gasped.

  ���Of course, do you think the first time you play in public I am going to let it be with anyone else?��� Brody gave a shocked look and smiled.

  ���I can���t,��� Maddox whispered.

  ���Just try for me. Please,��� Brody held his hands as if in prayer.

  Maddox followed apprehensively. The three younger guys shook his hand and chatted with them for a while.

  ���Hey man ��� I���m T. Your father is amazing. You any good?��� T asked.

  ���I wouldn���t count on it,��� Maddox laughed timidly.

  ���Don���t sweat it man, people just walk by and smile. I have watched your dad on MTV. He looks over people. That���s what I did the first time, it gets easier. Let’s do this: London���s Child?��� T asked.

  ���I think I can do that,��� Maddox took the guitar the scrawny blonde kid handed him, ���Thanks.���

  T tapped his sticks and Brody nodded to Maddox who started playing. He knew the song well, one of his favorites to play.

  ���I forgot the words, Maddox, it���s all you,��� Brody winked.

  Maddox shook his head no, and T started to sing. Maddox smiled and joined along. By the time the first chorus started Maddox was singing louder, and a crowd had gathered. They moved on to Blue Love and Maddox relaxed a bit more. They played a third song and the small crowd of thirty multiplied by at least five. They all cheered, and Maddox looked down at the ground grinning.

  Brody thanked the boys and the crowd, who knew exactly who he was. He introduced Maddox and his face turned red. He gave a quick wave and a thank you.

  ���Maddox Hines,��� T shook his hand, ���These guys are fun, but pretty much suck. Both leave for college soon. Let me know if you need a drummer, I would love to ride the Hines coattails. You���re really good. I am not just kissing your ass. We���re back here Saturday, a real band backed out of the summer kick off. Stop by.���

  ���Thanks T,��� Maddox smiled, ���I���ll talk to Dad.���

  Brody stood back and watched the ease in which they interacted. The same way he and his friends did when they began playing together. He liked T immediately, sensing he was a good kid but didn���t have much more than the sticks he shoved in his back pocket. The other two boys, on the other hand, looked high as a kite, and he would prefer Maddox steer clear of them.

  ���Maddox, let’s grab a bite. T, if you would like to join us feel free,��� Brody walked towards the food area of center city, and they followed.

  T looked at his clothes when they walked up to a hotel restaurant. He knew he didn���t belong, ���Hey man I am going to take off.���

  ���Where are you headed, we can give you a ride,��� Brody offered.

  ���I am taking the train back to London,��� T started to walk away.

  ���That���s a long ride T, eat with us— I insist,��� Brody would not take no for an answer.

  ���Table for three is ready,��� they followed the host to the back of the restaurant.

  They were seated and were handed menus.

  ���You are honestly going back to London and then coming back here Saturday?��� Brody took a drink of water.

  ���Yeah.��� T took a drink and sat back into the plush chair.

  ���Then how will you and Maddox be able to practice for Saturday?��� Brody looked down at his menu.

  T looked at Brody shocked, ���You would seriously let him play?���

  ���If he wants to. You���re very good. By the way, what does T stand for?��� Brody motioned for the waiter.

  ���Thomas. My name is Thomas.���

  ���Three salads to start, house dressing, followed by whatever soup you choose and three steaks medium,��� Brody handed him back the menu, ���Is there a gym available for hotel guests?���

  ���Of course sir,��� the waiter filled their wine glasses.

  ���Are there rooms available here?���

  ���I can check Mr. Hines, how long will you be staying?��� the waiter asked.

  ���A week,��� Brody sat back and looked at Thomas ���How old are you?���

  ���Eighteen in a week,��� T drank his wine and Maddox looked at Brody apprehensively.

  ���The legal drinking age is eighteen here Maddox. It is not frowned upon if someone your age has a glass of wine with a meal. If you don���t want it you don���t have to. T, we haven���t found a gym here in town yet. I want Maddox to have time to practice playing with you. You will stay here alright?��� Brody looked at him briefly.

  Maddox looked at Brody ���Dad, what about his parents?���

  ���T, do you stay with your parents?���

  ���No sir,��� he looked down.

  ���Is this an acceptable arrangement?���

  ���I can���t accept, no. It���s far too much,��� T looked uncomfortably around the room.

  ���It would be doing us a favor, Thomas, but you owe us nothing, so I understand,��� Brody watched the waiter bring the salads and soup.

  They ate quietly, and Maddox looked back and forth between the two of them, ���T, I think it would be cool.���

  ���It would be very cool it���s just a lot.���

  ���Again it would be doing us a favor,��� Brody watched as the wait staff returned.

  ���We have one suite available,��� he informed Brody.

  ���What do you say, T?��� Brody smiled at him.

  ���Alright,��� T���s face was flushed and he looked at Maddox who laughed.

  Brody and Maddox went up with T to the suite. It had a separate kitchen and living area, and a master bedroom with a large sunken bathtub.

  ���Damn,��� T whispered when he looked around.

  Brody placed the left overs in the refrigerator and walked into the bathroom. He called the front desk.

  T and Maddox clicked through the TV channels until they came to MTV.

  ���You are going to be on this someday Maddox,��� T elbowed him.

  ���Yeah right,��� Maddox laughed, ���If I do you���ll be up there with me.���

  ���Deal,��� T watched Brody walk out of the bathroom, then onto the balcony.

  Brody dialed his phone, ���Hello Love.���


  ���I am standing on a balcony of a wonderful hotel looking over the water.���


  ���Oh yes. Maddox met a friend, T— short for Thomas. He���s a drummer and the three of us played on the waterfront tonight.���

  ���Really? How was it, how did he do?���

  ���He did amazing. And if that���s not enough to make me smile, he has made friends with a very gifted drummer.���

  ���Would that be T?���

  ���Uh huh. We had dinner, and he was going to take the train back to Lon
don. I got a room for him. Em, he is a really cool kid. Very laid back and he and Maddox are very comfortable together. Saturday night T���s band is playing again, and he wants Maddox to play with them.

  ���How is Maddox with that?���

  ���I think he wants to. So Maddox will be very busy practicing with T and the band. Of course, they don���t know this yet,��� Brody laughed.

  ���You are doing an excellent job, music man.���

  ���I am,��� Brody laughed, ���How are you, love?���

  ���I miss you very much. But we are packing, London is excited, Lexi misses you, Mom and Dad seem excited.���

  ���So they agreed to come?���

  ���Yes of course. After a couple weeks.���

  ���Good, I miss you Em.���

  ���Only a couple weeks away, we will do just fine. You keep him busy, and I���ll get things set for the move. Brody, the dogs have to stay in a kennel for a few weeks when they arrive. London is trying to hide the disappointment, but it’s not working.���

  ���And that cat?���

  ���Birdie doesn���t have to be quarantined,��� Emma laughed.

  ���Of course not. Em, can we just pretend he had to stay in the States? We could make up a ���no ugly cats allowed in the UK��� law��� she would never know.���

  ���Birdie misses you. Lexington tells him he will see Daddy soon.���

  ���Oh, how thoughtful of Lexi.��� Brody laughed.

  ���What is Maddox doing?���

  Brody turned around and watched through the glass door at Maddox and T, ���They���re watching MTV.���

  ���Good— he has a friend.���

  ���Yes he does. All that kitty talk made me miss you even more, Love. Purr for me?��� Brody���s voice was heat filled, and Emma laughed. ���Em��� please love?���

  ���Oh Brody I���m tired. Tomorrow you will get lots of purring. Maybe even a scratch or two,��� Emma said softly.

  ���Mmm but no Skype?���

  ���I am going to bed. I love you, Brody. Tell Maddox the same.���

  ���Love you more kitten. And I can’t wait until tomorrow.���

  ���Me either.���

  Brody and Maddox walked into the house, ���Thanks Dad, I had an amazing night.���

  ���Me too, and I am exhausted,��� Brody yawned.

  ���I���m going to head up to bed.���

  ���Alright Maddox���I���ll be up soon.���

  Maddox walked into his room and grabbed his phone. He wanted to see how Harper was. He was disappointed that she had not texted him. She always did first. He sat the phone down and went and showered.

  After he had dressed for bed he sat and stared at the phone and then flopped onto his pillows. He realized that one glass of wine was still affecting him.

  - Are you awake?...MH

  He sat and looked at the phone wondering if a text from this distance took longer. He looked at the time again and pulled his pillow over his head and groaned wishing he didn���t send it. She is pissed, rightfully so, stupid, stupid, stupid.



  ���It has to be your choice, Harper,��� Collin twisted his hands on his lap.

  ���I don���t want to make the choice.��� Harper was conflicted. She didn���t feel like Carter should go innocent; she wanted him punished for what he had done. She worried that Maddox would never be able to return if the charges were not dropped.

  ���Harper, I spoke to Emma this morning. They are all going to spend at least the summer in England regardless of what happens. This choice is yours, but I do want you to think about what it all means though. Carter could hurt someone else someday, Harper��� I���we want you to take the night and sleep on it. First thing in the morning you tell us your decision,��� Tessa hoped she would make the right one.

  Tessa was appalled by the fact that because they could technically not prove Carter was the one who put the drug in the water; he would get away without the drug charge. She was horror-struck that her daughter was locked in a room being groped by a boy, who clearly did not take no for an answer. Shocked that it happened on their property with Tomas sitting out of sight because she had told Collin he was being ridiculous, and that she was fine. And appalled that it took so long for them to even think how all of this affected her. They worried first about Maddox being arrested, and then about Ava.

  Harper had told her parents repeatedly over the last few days that she was fine. It could have been much worse. She told them she fought him off and then Maddox and Tomas took care of the rest. She did not want them to feel badly for any of it. And she certainly did not want them being any more overprotective then they already were.

  Harper had not told her parents about Ava���s shocking confessional. That Ava wanted to hurt Harper so she went after Carter because she was upset and blamed her for the trouble in her parents��� marriage.

  Harper lay in bed trying to process everything that had transpired over the past few days when Tessa knocked and walked in the door.

  ���Can we talk?��� Tessa sat on her bed, and Harper nodded her head yes, ���Okay, can you talk? I���ll just listen. Sometimes just venting, letting things out, is freeing.���

  ���I���m afraid you will think its silly,��� Harper scooted over as Tessa laid down next to her.


  ���Yeah. Out of everything that has gone on, that���s all I can think about,��� Harper rolled her eyes and Tessa laughed.

  ���First love thing,��� Tessa grabbed Harper���s hand and kissed it quickly.

  ���Maybe you should spill the beans— I may just come out of my shell and tell you even more than you want to know if you told me about your first love, Mom,��� Harper rolled to her side and stared at Tessa.

  ���Harper, my mistakes���do you really need this?��� Tessa did not want to tell her any of it.

  ���I think it would help.���

  ���Okay, Lucas persuaded me. I was resistant. I was angry about���oh here we go another secret���your grandparents splitting up,��� Harper gasped, ���I acted out, very badly. We struggled the entire time. It hurt, and I cried. A lot. I disappointed myself and my family.���

  ���Did you have sex with Lucas Links, Mom?��� Harper sat up on her bed.

  ���Harper��� dear God,��� Tessa rolled on her stomach and hid her face.

  ���I���ll take that as a yes,��� Harper laughed and stopped, ���Wait, does Dad know?���

  ���Your father knows everything. Of course he knows.��� Tessa sat up.

  ���Okay, so you lived together?��� Harper asked.

  ���Yes, Lucas went to SU and played football. Then he was drafted. It was never easy for us, and we were our own worst enemies. Jealous, possessive, needy; it was a very unhealthy relationship. We broke up, and I met your Dad. I never looked back or thought twice. The scariest thing is that if I had not walked away I would have never met the man who treasures me, and I would not have known what it was like to get back as much as I gave in a relationship. We almost missed our chance several times.���

  ���The picture of you two as kids above the fireplace?��� Harper asked.

  ���We did not see each other for many years after that. We didn���t know one another���s names,��� Tessa smiled looking at her ring.

  ���And then?��� Harper clapped wanting more.

  ���Your great-aunt
died when I visited her, she lived in the family house on the Cape. Your father was on leave and working on our house next door. He held me together, literally��� until Pastor Lou came. I never saw his face. Not long after that a very dear friend who was in the military at the same time your daddy was, died. Your father was in uniform at the funeral. Everyone had left, and I sat on the grave sobbing. Your dad handed me a tissue to comfort me. Those two encounters were while I was wrapped up in a relationship that was so wrong on many levels.���

  Collin walked in and sat down, and Tessa���s face turned red, and she laughed, ���She has not gotten to the best part. Well besides you three children. We were meant to be. I know for a fact I would have never married or had a family if not for your mother. We would not have missed our chance; we would have eventually found each other. Right beautiful?��� Collin pulled her head to his chest, ���Anything worth having is worth waiting for. If this boy is meant for you, it will happen. If he isn���t, it won’t. But you cannot stop living and doing what makes you happy or what you are drawn to, Harper. Get through college, travel, smile, sing and dance. If Maddox Hines was supposed to be yours right now it would not be this hard. Who knows what your future holds? Could be him or it could be the next one. Just don���t rush it, okay?���

  ���You waited for mom all that time?��� Harper hugged him, and Collin looked at her and smiled.

  ���I waited. Of course I waited,��� Collin smiled.

  ���So you never lived with anyone else?��� Harper continued hugging him.

  ���No Harper, I never even dated anyone else,��� Collin winked at Tessa, and she glared at him.

  ���So Mom do you feel like���bad that you were, and he wasn���t?��� Harper looked at Tessa and waited for an answer.

  ���Yes, Harper,��� Collin chuckled behind Harper���s back knowing how angry this probably made Tessa, and that made it even harder not to laugh, ���Well then if you need anything else I���ll be in my room.���

  ���Daddy you are just SO perfect,��� Tessa heard Harper say as she walked out the door.

  Collin laughed as he hugged his little girl and then he heard not one but two doors slam, ���Harper if you need anything at all just yell. I���m going to see if your mom needs anything.���


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