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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 289

by Mj Fields

  Harper threw on a pair of sweatpants and tried to brush her hair. Maddox stood up and walked towards her, ���Let me help you.���

  ���I don���t want your help. I want you to leave. I can���t do this. I don���t want to do this with you. I won’t go after you for money or anything else. The baby will have my last name������

  Maddox sat on the edge of the bed, and his heart began to race, ���Harper, I am not going anywhere. We love each other and,���

  ���I don���t love you, Maddox.���

  He closed his eyes and looked away from her. He stood up and walked out of the bedroom door. Emma was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. ���Good morning Maddox. A package came for you, I think its clothes.���

  ���Morning,��� he opened the bag and took out a hooded sweatshirt. ���I am going to go for a run, clear my head for a bit.���

  ���Maddox, what is going on?���

  ���I just need to clear my head okay.���

  ���Maddox, remember everything that you have worked at for the past week.���

  ���I do. I am going running. Not anything else.���

  ���What brought this on, you look defeated, and it���s all just started.���

  ���Can we talk later?���

  ���Of course, your dad, sisters, and grandparents should be here at the same time as Tessa and Collin get here. They had an apartment in this building, Dad rented it. Do you know what today is?��� Maddox shook his head no, ���It���s Thanksgiving, I have ordered dinner it will be delivered to the apartment for all of us.���

  ���That���s good, thanks.���

  Maddox walked out the door.

  Emma knew the look in his eyes, and it scared her. She closed her eyes, and tears began to fall.

  ���Are you okay?���

  Emma wiped her eyes quickly, ���Yep, everything will be fine. Did you know it was Thanksgiving?��� Harper shook her head no, ���Well Brody and the girls are coming. They had and apartment available so we won���t be intruding. We will be hosting dinner for everyone.���

  ���Thanks,��� Harper could not look her in the eyes, ���I���m still tired. I am just going to get a drink and then go back to bed.���

  ���Don���t you think you should eat, I mean,��� Emma stopped talking and her eyes fell to Harper���s stomach. Harper pulled at her shirt, and Emma looked up at her and quickly away.

  ���He told you?���

  ���No, I saw a picture it was not intentional.���

  ���My parents don���t even know.���

  ���Harper, I won���t tell anyone.���

  ���They are going to be so hurt,��� Harper started to cry. She wiped her tears and stepped back when Emma tried to hug her, ���This is going to get ugly.���

  ���What do you mean, Harper? I know it���s a tough situation, but you two can figure this out. He loves you.���

  ���No, no, no, no. He doesn���t love me. He plays games with me. He hurts me. He is a mess, and you are too close to see it. This baby, my baby, is not going to be exposed to all of what he has become. I���ll never allow my child to be talked to, the way he has talked to me,��� Harper began sobbing.

  ���He has changed Harper, he is different,��� Emma started to cry; ���He loves you. He really does. Harper after all he has been through he can���t go through this.���

  ���I can’t either Emma! I can���t either,��� Harper sobbed, ���You left your ex, you left Troy to keep London safe. He made shitty choices, but he did not live what Maddox did. He can���t do this. He can’t! I have thought about all of it for months. I wish I could raise my child with its father, but I felt like I was going to die, Emma. He broke my heart over and over again. He was so mean; he made me feel like a whore. My child was conceived in a fucking bathroom while its father was fucked up, and I was so stupid to allow it, want it. Then he berated me,��� Harper stopped and held her stomach and winced, ���I���m going back to bed. I���m sorry, but this is not a happily ever after moment, Emma. This is Hell.���

  Harper turned to walk away and Maddox stood in the doorway, his eyes were large, and he was trembling, ���You said Dad rented a place?��� Emma nodded; ���Can you find out if it���s available, please?��� Emma walked down the hall quickly.

  ���I���m not trying to hurt you, Maddox.���

  ���You didn���t hurt me Harper, you just destroyed me. I would like you to call Blake so that you are not alone while you wait for your parents,��� Maddox���s voice broke, and he stopped talking and walked to the sink and drank from the faucet and cleared his throat. He cupped water and splashed his face and turned around.

  Harper was leaning against the counter holding her stomach, ���Are you alright?��� She nodded. ���Why are you holding your stomach?���

  ���The baby kicked,��� she scrunched her eyes closed tightly. ���For the very first time.���

  ���May I feel it please?��� She nodded her head yes and took his hand and held it to her stomach. He closed his eyes tightly and smiled when he felt it.

  ���I am capable of loving this child. I may never be trusted with your heart again Harper, and I���ll accept that, but I am not walking away from a child. I will protect and love it forever. You don���t have to believe me. I would prefer that it be kept out of the court, but if you need it to be, so be it.���

  Emma walked out of the bathroom, ���It���s available.���

  ���Okay I���ll meet you there, just text me the apartment number. Harper call Blake.���

  ���Don���t tell me what to do,��� Harper whispered.

  ���It���s him or me and you have taken comfort in him for months,��� Maddox jaw clenched, ���And I am very sure you and I, do not want to be around each other.���

  ���I am going to get our things,��� Emma said sadly.

  ���Just yours. I���ll get mine, thank you Mom,��� his eyes never left Harper���s.

  ���I want you to leave,��� Harper hissed.

  ���I want you to call Blake,��� Maddox hissed back.

  ���Oh you do you?���

  ���Sure he seems to enjoy playing daddy to my child. Let me ask you something as you sit there and judge how I have dealt with my hell Harper. Did you ever think that you may be pretty fucked up as well?��� Maddox clenched his fist, ���Call Blake!���

  ���Fuck. You.���

  He did not reply he grabbed his phone, ���You may think I am the biggest piece of shit you have ever met, but I am not leaving you here alone.���

  ���I have been alone for������

  ���Have you Harper? Or did you have someone���s shoulder to cry on?���

  ���Like you didn���t!���

  ���No, actually I didn���t. I got a few blow jobs when I was fucked up. No big deal at all. You however formed a relationship with someone who wants to poke my child in the fucking head!���

  ���We are friends!���

  ���Harper, that���s great ��� call your friend.���

  ���I���m going back to bed, I don���t need him.���

  ���Good. Go. I���ll take the couch.���

  ���Oh yeah right. Just like you did last night. I don���t trust you.���

  ���You just told Emma exactly how you feel about me. I get it. And
trust me, all warm and fuzzies I had coming to see you yesterday are gone. I want to make sure you are taking care of my child.���

  ���Does it hurt, Maddox?���

  His eyes lit up, ���Fuck������

  ���Let���s have it tell me how worthless I am, and go ahead and show me and the world as well. The difference between you and I is I actually feel horrible that you heard me talking to Emma. You could give a shit less.��� Harper held her stomach again.

  ���You may think I am���Harper every fucking night I went to bed I closed my eyes and saw you crying in that bathroom������

  ���Oh you mean the night you fucked me against the wall, tore me up, spit me out, and then your fucking live in fuck buddy������

  ���She is not my fuck buddy!���

  ���No, you just like to watch and then get her off,��� Harper started to laugh.

  ���That was before New York. After I had to flee the country because I was drugged and beat up the boy who touched your tit without consent that you didn���t press charges against! Call your fucking boyfriend I don���t want to be here anymore than you want me here, Harper! You are not perfect, I am not perfect!���

  ���No we aren���t are we? I am no different from anyone else!���

  ���Fuck you!���

  ���Yeah, me and whoever else stands in line huh?���

  ���You know what Harper, that���s where you���re fucking wrong. I never fucked anyone else. That���s where you are different. I never wanted to be inside anyone else, and I never let anyone else inside my fucked up heart or head!���

  ���But I am no different; you showed me that, you show me that every time we try to do this, this, whatever it is.���

  He grabbed her hand and held it to his heart, ���Fine you’re no fucking different, but you are mine Harper, you are mine!���

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, she tried to pull away, and he held her against him. He pulled her lip with his teeth, she opened her mouth, his tongue rubbed hers and she opened wider. He tilted her head to the side and kissed down her neck. His hand moved down her back slowly until it rested on her butt. Her hand rubbed down his stomach and under his waistband. She gripped him firmly, and he moaned into her shoulder. He lifted her and sat her on the counter. He pulled away and closed his eyes. He lifted her shirt and bent down and kissed her rounded belly softly over and over again. He stood up and pulled her shirt down and looked into her heated eyes. She closed them tightly.

  ���Are you going to call Blake?��� She shook her head no, ���Then go get your ass into bed and rest. It is Thanksgiving, and we are going to act like adults.���

  Harper���s eyes shot open, and she glared at him, ���Who do you think you are?���

  ���The man you love, the father of your child, and the person who is here right now to make sure your ass rests and heals.���

  ���I am not������ Maddox grabbed her, and she clung to him, ���You���re an ass.���

  ���You are going to bed,��� Maddox stomped down the hall and into her room, ���If you were not carrying my child I would be nailing you to that wall right now.���

  ���What makes you think I would let you?���

  ���Let���s just say I can tell,��� he laid her on the bed and ran his nose down the side of her neck and over her pebbled nipples. She moaned loudly and grabbed his hair holding him against her he bit lightly and pulled away. He stood up and covered her with the duvet.

  ���Where are you going?���

  ���To shower.���

  ���You���re such an ass.���

  ���You have already mentioned that. And by the way, I am your ass.���

  Maddox walked out of the bedroom and shut the door. He squatted down and drew back his fist.

  ���I don���t think hitting that wall is a good idea,��� Emma patted his shoulder.

  ���This is a fucking mess.���

  ���I was not eavesdropping; however I did hear you both. I am pretty sure after you work through all the issues you have with each other it will be fine,��� Emma kissed his head, ���You are not an easy person to walk away from. You���re a lot like your daddy. Maddox, fight for her, but do it wisely.���

  ���Thanks, Mom. I am going to hang out here until she threatens to call the cops,��� Maddox grabbed his hair and closed his eyes. He stood up forced a smile, ���I am going to get her some ice, did she take any of her medicine?���

  ���No, and she did not eat either,��� Emma smiled and walked to the door.

  Maddox walked in and Harper quickly shoved a book under the covers. ���You need to eat,��� he said, and she sat up.

  ���I am not hungry,��� she looked away from him.

  ���Okay, but I am sure the little one in your belly is. Probably why he was trying to kick the hell out of you,��� Maddox handed her toast.

  ���What���s on this?���

  ���Nutella, the chocolate stuff you liked last night. I eat it with banana slices, you wanna try it?���

  ���No��� I��� Harper stopped when the doorbell chimed she heard someone open the door.

  ���You in the bedroom?��� Blake yelled.

  ���He has a key?��� Harper nodded her head yes, ���Yes we are, and we are very busy!���

  ���Maddox be nice,��� Harper jumped out of bed and walked out.

  Maddox grabbed the book, What to Expect. He smiled when he saw two book marks. One was on a chapter about mood swings and the other about sex while pregnant. He walked out in the living room, and she was sitting on the couch next to Blake.

  ���Sweetness, you should know until we get control over chapter twelve, chapter sixteen is not going to happen.���

  He dropped the book on the coffee table and watched her face turn bright red. He kissed her head and looked at the bag full of pastries.

  ���And my baby needs fruit, not just sugar. Right, Doc?���

  ���She is fine, she enjoys something sweet in the morning,��� Blake glared at him.

  ���She has already had something sweet and she will every morning,��� he winked at her and walked down the hall.

  Blake looked at her, ���How are you?���

  ���Fine, he is impossible,��� Harper blushed and took a bite. She heard Maddox walking down the hall, ���This is really good, thanks so much,��� she kissed Blake on the cheek.

  Maddox stopped and looked at her for a moment and then looked away, ���Your friend is here,��� he emphasized friend, ���I���ll shower at my place. See you for dinner.���

  ���Yes WE will be there,��� Harper gave him a snotty look.

  He walked back to her and whispered in her ear, ���If I truly thought you could like this guy, I would not be leaving. Play whatever little game you want to sweetness I know you are mine.��� He kissed her quickly on the lips, ���Mine,��� and walked out the door.

  ���Sorry about that,��� Harper looked at the floor.

  ���You don���t have to deal with that, Harper. I can get him to leave,��� Blake pulled her into a hug, ���How are you feeling?���

  ���Better now. I slept well last night.���

  ���Let’s go for a walk around the lake.���

  ���Okay let me get my coat and shoes.

  Harper and Blake walked in silence he held her hand tighter than before but said nothing. As they headed back towards the entry of the apartment building; he s
topped and looked down at her. ���You have been the closet friend I have ever had, Harper��� I don���t want that to end.���

  ���It won’t.���

  ���I really would like to believe that,��� Blake���s hand started to shake and Harper held it tighter.

  ���It won���t. I owe you so much.���

  ���No Harper, you don’t owe me anything. I don���t want it to be like that. I care about you and that baby growing in you. I respect the person I know you are. I���ll be here for as long as you will allow it. Right now I am scared as hell of losing you.���

  Harper looked at him and smiled, ���I am not a fortune teller, Blake. I don���t know what tomorrow brings I certainly did not see this coming,��� Harper laughed.

  ���I knew it would at some point. I just did not expect it to be this soon. I thought we had time,��� Blake stopped and laughed nervously.

  ���We have time, Blake. We have not crossed any lines beyond friendship and ������

  ���Because I have held back, Harper! I have held back so that I did not complicate this already confusing situation. I did not want to force my feelings on you. Now its a little time sensitive, so I need you to know that I am������

  ���Oh, please don���t,��� Harper closed her eyes and whispered.

  ���Okay I won’t,��� he hugged her, ���I won’t force your hand. I just wanted to let you know.��� They walked silently towards the building, and a black stretch limo pulled up.

  She saw Maddox walk towards the car, and he looked towards her and quickly away. Emma did the same. The door opened, and London jumped out and into his arms. Harper giggled as she watched her kiss his face and he laughed. He swung her around onto his back and bent over to pick up Lexington. She saw Brody step out and pull Emma into a very intimate kiss.

  ���Wow,��� Harper gasped.

  ���Yeah��� too much PDA, huh?���

  ���That���s how they are. Brody and Emma have such an amazing love story.��� Harper smiled as she watched Henry help Caroline out of the car. And the whole family hugged. Harper saw her Mom and Dad getting out and Blake quickly dropped her hand. Harper didn���t even notice and started walking towards them with a huge smile on her face. ���Come on,��� she called to Blake from behind her.


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