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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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by Mj Fields

  The house was full of family. Everyone showed up. Mom looked so tired but content. I hadn���t left her side and I don���t think I could. She watched as Maddox walked in kicking snow off his boots carrying two bags full of things from camp.

  ���Maddox what are you doing?���

  ���Moving back in.���

  I took one of the bags and he took his boots off.

  ���No. You two need space.���

  ���Mom, I want to be here.���

  ���Harper we need to move on. We need to get past it. I can���t walk around this place every day wondering when he���s gonna come back. You can���t live your life trying to take care of me. I will be fine.���

  She walked out of the room and into the bathroom and shut the door.

  Grandpa John put his arm over my shoulder and smiled. ���Stubborn pain in the ass. You better listen to her Harper Ann.���

  ���I can���t let her be here alone Grandpa.���

  ���She can���t handle you trying to take care of her either. You need to move forward so she can.���

  When she came out Maddox was walking back in from taking everything back.

  ���Maddox I���m sorry. You are very welcome to stay that was rude. Of course I want you both here.���

  ���So shall I go back?���

  I saw the confusion in his eyes and heard it in his voice. It made me laugh which made them both look at me.

  Mom started laughing and Maddox looked at the ground.

  ���I think it���s best if you stay up there. The two of us might just drive you over the edge.���

  I walked over and stood next to Mom and held her hand.

  ���You just tell me what you need. I���ll do the same.���

  ���You���re my baby Harper. I need you to live. Be happy. Not worry over me.���

  ���Well I need the same from you.���

  We all sat around the huge table to eat what Grandma had brought. Mom sat in Dad���s chair and let out a deep breath.

  Things got loud, everyone was talking over everyone else and for a moment it all felt right.

  Jade walked in stomping off her shoes.

  ���I���m here for a sleep over.���

  ���Perfect because I���m staying too.��� Aunt Phoebe laughed and then reached over and squeezed my hand. ���We got this tonight. Please let us.���

  ���That���s fine but I hope you���re both up for a run in the morning.��� Mom smirked.

  ���On second thought.��� Jade tried to act annoyed. ���Fine, but please keep in mind I���m not eighteen anymore.���

  Conversation was still flowing as we all cleaned up dinner dishes.

  Emma and Brody announced they were going to start looking into buying land nearby. Mom had mentioned more than once that there was enough land surrounding us and that they should build here. I wanted this too; I wanted Maddox to be close to his family and I couldn���t imagine leaving mine, especially not now.

  Maddox looked at me yawn for the tenth time tonight and squeezed my hand. ���You ready to get back? I started a fire.���


  We said our goodbyes, goodnights, and headed up the hill.




  We walked into Switzerland and took off our shoes and coats.

  Harper looked up at me and scowled.

  ���If your face freezes like that, don���tworry, I���ll still love you.���

  She giggled.

  ���You laugh at my jokes and I���ll love you more.���

  ���Maddox.��� She stopped and looked up at me.

  Tears started welling in her beautiful ocean blue eyes.

  ���Whatever you need to say Harper I���m all ears.���

  ���Please don���t do that to me again. Don���t let me wake up expecting you to be beside me and be gone.���

  ���I���m not gonna be able to change how I am or who I am.���

  ���But you lied to me. In the bathroom.���

  I cut her off. ���Think about our conversation. I never lied.��� She started to argue. I held her lips together, ���I never lied.���

  ���I lost our baby—my father! I���m not going to lose you too Maddox.���

  ���I���m not losing you either.���

  She stomped over to the fire as I hung both our coats. She was standing in front of the fire and I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly.

  ���Maddox don���t.���


  ���I���m upset at you.���

  ���This too shall,��� she elbowed me in the stomach. ���Sweetness that was not very nice of you.���

  I held my side and she turned and looked up at me. ���Did I hurt you?���

  ���A little.��� I stepped back and sat on the couch.

  ���Maddox. I���m so sorry.��� She knelt in front of me and lifted my shirt. ���Here?���

  ���A little lower. But I���m fine really.���

  I tried to pull my shirt down. When I say tried, I mean I gave it a little effort but certainly not my all.

  ���The lights so low in here do you think it���s bruised Maddox?���

  ���Nah. I���m almost certain it���ll be okay.���

  She kissed my side and I purposely cringed.


  God no, lower Sweetness.

  ���It���s good really. I think I���ll make it Sweetness.���

  I was hard as a fucking rock. If she couldn���t tell that, I would eat fucking dirt.

  She unbuttoned my pants and rubbed just under my waist band. Her fingertip brushed across my throbbing cock.


  ���It���s a start Sweetness.���

  She reached her hand lower as she unzipped me. Her hand gripped around me tightly and I hissed.

  Her tongue flicked across my cock and I gripped the back of her head. She licked again, this time harder.


  I shook my head no and gently guided her head back. Harper scooted between my legs on her knees. She took me in her mouth and began licking, sucking, and even nibbling lightly on me. I fucking loved it when she did that. Never too hard, always just right.

  ���Sweetness.��� I groaned as my hips thrust forward.

  Her eyes were hungry. She needed this just as much as I did. I reached down and shoved my hand down her shirt. Her nipples were rock hard and tight as hell. With my cock in her mouth she cried out softly as I rolled them between my fingers.

  ���I need you up here. Like fucking now.���

  Mouth still full of me she shook her head no and began moving faster up and down me. My tip was hitting the back of her throat and she was trying to take me further. She shuttered and I nearly lost it.

  Blood was rushing down my body. I felt myself begin to throb.

  ���Sweetness. Stop now.���

  She didn���t. She looked up at me eyes watering as she continued moving her mouth up and down my cock. Hard, fast, licking and sucking the life out of me. I grabbed the back of her head.

  ���Almost at the point.��� I hissed when she went almost all the way down. ���Fuck Harper. I���m not gonna be able to hold it much longer.���

  She groaned and then swallowed. Her throat muscles squeezed around my cock and my ass thrust forward. Sh
e grabbed my hips and tried her best to hold me still as she moved faster licking my cock rim and sucking harder than ever before.

  I cried out her name wrapped in fucks and so goods as she swallowed everything I had to give her.

  I reached down breathlessly, rubbed her head, and patted her back.

  ���I owe you big Sweetness,��� I was out of breath and I hadn���t even moved.

  She was still licking me and rubbing my cock all over her beautiful face. Fuck that was an amazing sight. My Sweetness and Thumper all snuggling.

  I chuckled and she looked up and smiled.

  I reached down and grabbed her under the arms and pulled her up on my lap and nuzzled into her hair.

  ���Fucking beautiful.���

  ���Me or the blow job Maddox?���

  I peaked up. ���You, then the blowjob. Sweetness was loving on Thumper.���

  She smiled and kissed me. ���Okay good. So how���s your side?���

  ���My what? Oh my side. All better now thanks.���

  She rolled her eyes. ���The boy who cried wolf.���

  ���Aww but the girl knew it and was all about hunting rabbit.���

  She yawned and her eyes smiled. ���Let���s go to bed. I���m tired.���

  ���Oh no. I owe you.���

  ���Then how about we call it good and you just hold me tonight.���

  ���We���ll see. Up you get. Bathroom, pill, teeth and no fucking footies.���

  Harper stood quickly and ran into the little bathroom.

  I stood and pulled my pants up and followed her.

  I knocked on the door. ���You alright in there?���

  ���Yes. No. Damn it!���

  ���Harper.��� I opened the door and she was holding her birth control pills.

  I looked at her curiously and say the look of terror on her face as she pushed three pills from the pack. She started putting them in her mouth and I grabbed her hand.

  ���Not a good idea. You call the doctor tomorrow but no pills until then.���

  Her limp plumped out and began quivering.

  I reached over and grabbed her and hugged her. ���Don���t cry. I���m sure its fine okay. We only had sex one time and������

  ���That���s all it takes Maddox.���

  She was sobbing against my chest.

  ���Okay stop now. Would it really be that bad?���

  ���We get married in four months Maddox. We just lost a child. Yeah it would be bad; really bad.���

  Her head snapped up and she looked at me. ���You���d be happy wouldn���t you?���

  After the way she growled I sure as hell should be saying no but that would be a lie.

  ���Let���s get some sleep and not������

  ���No answer me.���

  ���Will you be quite upset if I don���t answer truthfully?���

  ���We aren���t ready for that.���

  She pulled away and grabbed her toothbrush all pissy too. She handed me mine and I stood beside her brushing my teeth as she brushed hers. She spit and then I did. Neither of us said a word.

  She was staring in the mirror looking horrified and then she looked at me.

  ���I got drunk.��� She was completely out of sorts.

  ���The likelihood of this being a conversation we need to have is������

  Frustrated she set her toothbrush down and walked out.

  I cleaned both brushes off and gave her enough time to settle in our bed.

  When I walked in she was standing still clothed looking out the window. I grabbed my pajama bottoms out of the dresser and then grabbed her some of those damn pajamas she liked.

  ���Come on Harper. Let���s get to bed.���

  ���This doesn���t bother you?���

  ���No Harper, if it���s meant to be it will be. Nothing we can do to stop it.���

  ���Yes there is Maddox. If you���re not ready for this we could do a lot of things. There���s termination, adoption������

  ���Harper enough. Get dressed and get in bed. Neither is an option and you know this just as well as I do. You���re freaking out over something beyond your control. Something that would never be a burden to either of us.���

  ���You���re yelling at me?���

  ���You���re exhausting. Please love let���s������

  ���Why did you bring me footies?���

  I looked at her and bit my tongue. I stepped into my pants, pulled them up, and walked over and kissed her.

  ���You need rest������

  ���Because you think I am?���

  ���No Harper, because you���re acting very unlike yourself. So I know you must be tired. We talk about this tomorrow.���

  ���I got drunk. God Maddox I got wasted!���

  I pulled her shirt over her head and then reached around unsnapping her bra. I looked down at her tits. Last time they had gotten bigger so I was just kind of curious.


  ���Sorry Sweetness. They���re hypnotic. Come on let���s get you dressed. You���re going to be fine.���

  ���I was drunk. Didn���t you hear that?���

  ���I heard it, three times now as a matter a fact, and witnessed the occasion. All of it. If you���re concerned about that let me remind you that when you got pregnant last time I was high as a kite. I���m sure whatever is going on in there,��� I rubbed her stomach as I pulled down her pants. ���Will be fine. Stop fusing and let���s get you in those ridiculous pajamas before I bury my cock inside you, ensuring you get pregnant.���

  ���So you want that? Now you want me to be pregnant?���

  ���Now, tomorrow, next month, whenever it happens I will be ready.���

  ���I have to get back into school. You said you wanted to start school. We have a wedding to plan.���

  She continued talking as I dressed her.

  ���Harper, I just put footed pajamas on my very sexy beautiful bride to be. I���m fairly certain I can handle whatever it is that happens. Like I am just as sure you���ll be alright with it too. So would you like to take the three steps it takes to make it into that cozy little bed or would you like me to carry you?���

  She didn���t answer so I picked her up so she was eyes to eye with me and took two steps, turned around and sat down on our bed as I swung her legs to the side and set her down on my lap���hard.

  ���I���m tired. Drained actually. Probably from the crazy shit that���s gone on with us so I am making an executive decision.���

  ���An executive decision?���

  ���Yes. I���m the man. You���re the little woman. So I make the decisions.��� She elbowed me again. ���Damn Sweetness is that some sort of foreplay now?���

  She tried not to smile and buried her head in my neck.

  ���I mean if you wanna suck my dick again feel free. I certainly won���t stop you but Harper the violence isn���t necessary though.���

  I lay down and she didn���t let go.

  ���Sorry.��� It was a whisper. A very low whisper but it was an apology.

  ���It���s all good Sweetness. Tomorrow we call the doctor we figure it out then. Life doesn���t change. Got it?���

  ���Got it.���

  ���Good let���s sleep. I���m exhausted.���

was asleep and I couldn���t close my eyes. The thought of her carrying a child, our child again, over flooded me with emotion. Fear, concern, love, and I was feeling ecstatic. The most confusing feeling I was overcome with was I was so fucking turned on. Harper is absolutely the most beautiful woman on the planet; probably in the heavens as well. But pregnant Harper gave me a six week constant erection before. It was as if my dick was pointing out ���hey look what I did��� non-fucking-stop. I could only imagine what it would be like now.

  I had to work out the entire time she was at work just to ensure I didn���t come off as an over-sexed asshole.

  I looked down as I sat next to her and I���d be damned if the definition in my abs wasn���t fading. I poked my stomach and I swear I felt a bit mushy. I���m not a vain guy but there is no way I was going to turn into a fat ass now. If she were pregnant I better be in damn good shape because she was gonna have to want me all the damn time.

  ���Thank God your big huh buddy?��� I whispered.


  ���What is it Sweetness?��� I lay down next to her.

  ���Who are you whispering too?���

  Awe damn it!

  ���No one. Just go back to sleep.���

  ���Hold me?���

  ���Of course.���

  My Sweetness was moody as hell when she was pregnant. She had to be now.

  She scooted herself back against me and I purposely pushed into her.

  ���Is that? Are you?���

  ���Yeah. Go to sleep ignore it.���

  ���You sure?���

  ���Yes. Go to sleep please. Your talking isn���t helping.���

  ���Seriously?��� She yawned.

  ���I love you. Go to sleep.���

  She was giggling when she yawned again and I swear it sounded erotic as hell.

  When she fell asleep again I grabbed my phone and started looking up anything I could on pregnancy. Not that I had forgotten a damn thing I had read before. Once it was in my head it was there for good. Due date calculator. So the problem with this is she really hadn���t had a period. She bled for a long time after we lost our little angel. Valentine���s Day she had been spotting for a couple days but not enough to stop me from celebrating all over her beautiful body. So that would make her due November nineteenth.


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