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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 312

by Mj Fields

  ���Crowds gonna love it Maddox.���

  ���I thought so.���

  ���Anything else you feel strongly about?���

  ���Not yet but I���m working on a couple others. With Harper working from home maybe I���ll be able to focus.���

  ���Great. Now let���s talk about the lineup.���

  We sat for a few hours going through the lists of top hits from The Brody Hines Band. He wouldn���t add any from before Emma came into his life. He didn���t want to add any from before I had either but his song about London was one I loved. He and I split up the song making it a bit of a duet. It was amazing working with not only my father, but the first band I ever heard that I felt a connection to. Little did I know back then why I felt that way.

  It had been years since Dad and I jammed together and felt the connection again. His encouragement and love for his art, one that I loved more than I cared to admit. Music was part of me. Not as much as Harper was. I would have walked away from it all together but she knew more clearly than I just how much it meant to me.

  This tour was going to be a clash of old and new. It would give the fans what they previously loved and more to look forward to. It was going to be perfect not only because I would be performing again but I would be doing so with my father. And off stage would be the other half of my soul.

  Our lives would never be traditional and I felt badly about doing that to her. She deserved the white picket fence; the two and a half kids, the dog and a man who would walk through hell for her time and again if necessary. I only hoped it wouldn���t come to that ever again. We cannot change the past but we can learn from it and still look forward to a future filled with dreams coming true and abundant love. Love���once a foreign concept brought to the light of day. Unperceivable events clouded the dream of feeling it truly. But now as I sit with the man who brought me out of the dark and look forward to the light that is Harper and our future together my heart is full and spilling over.

  I looked at the clock on my phone and realized Harper had been gone for four hours. I was ready to call her when Dad walked back in the room with sandwiches.

  ���Oh and one more question. How does Harper feel about the song Fuck You?���

  I laughed, ���Why?���

  ���It���s been watched on Utube ten million times.���

  ���It���s not a good ������

  ���Hear me out. After your child is born Maddox you���ll want to take time off. Who am I kidding, I want to take time off and I haven���t toured in a long time. That song would sell a million copies. You wouldn���t have to������

  ���Do it Maddox.���

  I spun around and saw Harper walk into the room. She set her purse on the counter and smiled. ���Just do it.���

  ���It was a shit thing to do to you.���

  ���It was a long time ago.���

  ���I don���t think it���s a good idea.���

  She smiled, ���I think it���s great. Think of it as your song to all the chicks out there that think they can get a piece of what���s mine. Just change it to F you or screw you? ���

  ���Screw you is good.��� Dad watched as Mom walked in.

  ���For god sake Dad.��� It was obvious more so now than ever before the way he looked at Mom.

  ���Oh okay captain obvious you think you���re any different?��� He turned to Emma who looked confused. ���He thinks I eye bang you all the������

  ���I don���t think, you do������

  ���As do you son. Come here Em.��� Dad patted his lap and she shook her head no.

  Harper walked over and plopped down wiggling herself around to get comfortable. She leaned her back against my chest and looped her arms over her head reaching behind my neck and linking her fingers.

  ���Leave them alone.��� She looked back at me and puckered her lips.

  I kissed her and wrapped my arms around her. I rested my cheek against the top of her head and took in her scent and she laughed, ���Miss me?���

  ���Yeah I did.���

  Tessa and the girls walked in and Tomas and Clive followed with dress bags.

  ���Did you find something?���

  ���Yeah I did. We all did.���

  I could hear the smile in her voice.

  ���May I see?���

  ���NO!��� London snapped. ���On the day of. Not before got it Maddox? It���s bad luck.���

  ���Well we wouldn���t want any of that now would we?���

  ���Alright ladies, lots of work to do. We have a wedding to plan. Two weeks from today.��� Tessa seemed to be in a much better mood which made me very happy.

  Harper turned on my lap pressing against Thumper who was starting to stiffen.

  ���We���re gonna move back in here if that���s alright?���

  ���Whatever you want is fine you know that.���

  ���Electricians called Mom and it���ll be a couple weeks unless it���s an emergency.���

  ���Harper say no more. I���m good with it. At least we���ll have a door on our room now.���

  ���Yeah that���s a good thing.���

  ���I���m going to install a lock. No need for our family to walk in on us.���

  ���Why? Oh hey there mister slow down I have an idea. I was thinking we could wait until our wedding night to������

  ���No. Fuck Harper are you trying to kill me?���

  ���It would be sweet and������

  ���No. That not an option. Just get it out of your head.���

  ���Maybe you could think������

  ���Maybe you should stop thinking about it.���

  She giggled and kissed me. ���I���m going to do some girl stuff.���

  ���Yeah? Well then I will head up and grab our things.���

  ���No Maddox I can help. Just wait for me.���

  ���Harper we really haven���t got a lot there. We���ve never settled in you know. Maybe soon we could talk about what our living arrangements will be before next winter.���

  ���We have lots of time.���

  ���Okay Sweetness.���

  She looked at me for a moment before saying, ���Don���t you do anything about that either without me or I will be pissed.���

  There was something about Harper talking trashy that turned me on. Even just the word pissed got me thinking about being in her.


  ���I heard you. I wouldn���t dare.���

  She stood up and turned giving me a very nice little kiss before walking down into her parents office.

  It was the day before the concert and we were all just arriving at the hotel. Tessa even came with us. This would be the first real concert she had been to of mine and I would definitely be anxious to not only hear but be able to see how she felt about my career choice. She had the same expressive eyes Harper did; neither one could hide emotion well or pull off bullshit and I was glad of that.

  After checking into the hotel and having dinner we all decided to call it an early night. Harper hadn���t gotten sick in over a week but she was completely exhausted by five. It was now seven and watching her try to stay awake was adorable.

  ���Ready to sleep?���

  ���No, when Mom���s done in the bathroom I���m going to take a shower and see if I can stay awake for a couple more hours. We���re g
oing to address the envelopes for the wedding.���

  ���It���s a week away is that really necessary?���

  ���Yes. I want whatever we can pull off that resembles traditional.���

  Tessa walked out yawning.

  ���Tired Mom?���

  ���Yeah actually I am.��� Her phone chimed and she pulled it out of her pocket. She smiled and responded before walking into her room.

  I sat down and pulled out my ear buds to listen to the lineup for tomorrow. It was memorized but I still needed to be sure. It had been since September that I had been on stage for a performance other than the one at the Today show. Six months was a long time.

  Harper walked out and smiled. She sat at the table with her mother filling out cards. I pulled out one of the ear pieces and offered help. They agreed and I sat next them at the table. I was given a list of about twenty people and a black thin tipped pen.

  As I began addressing the envelopes I noticed the invitations. The front was the back of a couple kids holding hands. This Day I Marry My Friend was written in script. I looked over at Harper whose hair was pulled on top of her head in the sexiest little bun and smiled.

  ���I cannot wait.���

  She smiled and blushed and quickly went back to work. Harper pointed to my envelopes and smiled.


  ���Your writing is better than mine.���

  ���Not true.���

  Tessa looked over. ���Oh my goodness, you have beautiful handwriting Maddox.���

  ���Well thanks I guess.���

  I continued addressing envelops laughing inside at the fact that I may possibly need a few male friends. I was quickly tuning into an honorary chick.

  We finished in less than an hour and both Tessa and Harper looked spent.

  There was a knock at the door and when opened it, London rushed in and looked around.

  ���Maddox. Lexi and I want to go swimming and Mom says no.���

  ���Do they know where you are?���

  ���Yeah.��� Her voice squeaked and she held up the ice bucket. ���Getting freaking ice.���

  I heard Harper giggle as she walked up behind me. ���London is that your way of asking him to take you?���

  ���Geesh finally someone gets it.��� She rested her hand on her hip and looked at me. ���So?���

  Harper yawned. ���I can go.���

  ���You���re tired.��� London huffed and I looked at her. ���I���ll take you and Lexi but an hour tops. Now get your butt back to the room I���ll call in five minutes.���

  London smiled and stood on her tip toes and gave me a loud kiss on the cheek and quickly walked out the door.

  I looked at Harper. ���What the hell is up with her?���

  ���She���s growing up. You know hormones. She���s even growing boobs. We bought a ���.���

  I covered my ears I didn���t want to hear anymore. Harper pulled my hands away laughing. ���She even has her period.���

  ���Enough. I don���t want to hear another word.��� I tried to cover my ears again and she held my hands down.

  ���Boobs, periods, she���s almost fourteen���.���

  ���She���s seven. London is a sweet seven year old little girl whose heart is the biggest I had ever seen. She is������

  ���Growing up.���

  ���God help us. This isn���t good.���

  ���How much do you wanna bet there���s a hot lifeguard down������

  I walked away and she followed laughing and carrying on.

  Tessa looked up when we walked into the room. ���Everything alright with London?���

  ���Tell Maddox she���s growing boobs and������

  I turned and grabbed her by the hips and lifted her over my shoulder swatting her on the ass. ���Say goodnight to your mom Harper.���

  They both laughed as Harper said goodnight.

  I dropped her onto the bed gently and looked at her smiling.

  ���Go to sleep when I get back I���m going to be all over you.���

  ���Oh you are are you?���

  ���Yep.��� I dropped my pants and stood long enough that she could catch a glimpse of Thumper before turning around and walking to the suit case to grab my trunks.

  When I got back she was asleep. As much as I wanted inside her, I wanted her to sleep. I dropped my trunks and crawled into bed and curled my body around her holding her. I had done laps while London and Lexington swam. I was exhausted and fell into a peaceful sleep next to my Harper.

  I was edgy all day. Tense and anxious.

  ���You are so cute today.��� I turned and looked at her like she had lost her mind. ���What? You are. I don���t get to see you like this often. It���s a treat.���


  ���Very cute. Like a little puppy that can���t wait to be pet.���

  ���You���ll see not so cute after the show Harper.���

  ���Really?��� she laughed.

  ���Your hot little ass better be in the dressing room as soon as I���m done.���

  She looked at me oddly and then smiled her polite smile. I had no idea what was going on in her mind but I was gonna burst if I didn���t relieve some stress.

  ���You should take a nap. I���m going to use the fitness center get rid of some of this tension.���

  ���Sounds good.���

  I turned and looked at her, ���You okay Sweetness?���

  ���Fine, just tired.���

  She crawled up into the bed and pulled the blankets up.

  ���Okay. I���m gonna head down. Then come back and shower.��� I bent down and gave her a kiss. ���Love you Sweetness. Be back soon.���

  Harper was still asleep when I got out of the shower. Tessa told me she had talked to Harper after I left to work out and she was very tired and talked about riding with Emma, the girls and I do the concert tonight.

  ���She alright?��� I began to get nervous about her health.

  Tessa smiled, ���She���s pregnant Maddox.���

  I had to stop myself from snapping.

  ���Her body just needs more rest right now. She���ll be fine. So will you.���

  ���Has she eaten?���

  ���She will when she���s hungry. We should just let her rest.���

  I agreed and Tessa seemed satisfied. She went into the bathroom and I immediately ordered dinner.

  Pasta and steamed vegetables seemed to be her favorite as of late. I also ordered steak hoping like hell she would eat some of it.

  I opened the closet and picked out my clothing for tonight and thought about shaving but quickly decided against it. I went into the bathroom and changed into my pants and the tee shirt that would be under the shirt Harper hand picked out. She begged for skinny jeans and I was adamant about not wearing them. They crushed my balls and I certainly didn���t need that while performing.

  I heard a knock at the door and quickly walked out of the room hoping it wouldn���t wake up sleeping beauty. Fuck she���s beautiful and all mine.

  I brought dinner to the table and Tessa walked out from her room and smirked.

  ���There���s enough for all of us. If she wakes up and isn���t hungry she can eat before she comes to the show.���

  ���Okay sounds good.���

  I looked back in the room and she was stretching. Her arms above her head tugged
her shirt up just enough so that I could see her belly button. I immediately wanted to spill something in it just so I could drink from it.

  I walked in and watched as her eyelashes batted on her cheek as she started to open her eyes. She rolled to the edge of the bed and I knelt down beside it. I looked at the clock and had thirty minutes before I had to leave to go do sound checks. I knew she needed sleep but I wanted to see her, kiss her and feed her, anything she could spare before I left.

  She opened her eyes and smiled. ���You smell good.���


  ���Uh huh.��� She leaned over and kissed my neck. I heard her inhale and then she sat back. ���You should wear that more often.���

  ���Noted. I���ve always just worn it for shows. You know to mask the scent of sweat.���

  Her browse knitted together for a moment and then she laid back and looked at the ceiling.

  ���You hungry?���

  ���Not really.���

  ���Would you come sit with me while I eat? I have less than 30 minutes and I want to chill with you. I know it���s selfish and you���re tired but I need this.���

  She nodded and sat up. ���Of course.���

  ���I can bring it in here.���

  ���Where do you want to eat?���

  ���Here���s good. I���ll be right back. Don���t move.���

  We sat and ate. She was very quiet and I was so worried about her I was happy with the fact that she ate the broccoli and squash and delighted that she let me feed her some steak.

  When she sat back I knew she was finished.

  ���How are you doing? Did the worked help to calm you?���

  ���A bit yes. And you? Did your nap make you feel better?���

  She looked at me apprehensively as if she was sorting something out. ���Yeah.���

  I shoveled the rest of the steak in my mouth and set the plate on the nightstand. I moved behind her and pulled her back against my chest and held her, taking comfort in our closeness.

  ���Maddox are you sure you���re alright?���

  ���Perfect right here like this. Maybe you could on stage with me.���

  She let out a sigh and I kissed her head inhaling her.


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