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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 314

by Mj Fields

  ���Oh yes please.��� I whimpered.

  He reached around in front of me tweaking my nipples as he dove deeper, harder and faster inside of me. ���Oh���Yeah���Fuck���Beautiful���Sweetness���Hell yes��� Awe���Love you���so ���much.���

  He pulled me up and laid me on the edge of the bed. He withdrew leaving me empty and rolled me over and held himself over me guiding himself inside me once again. ���Need to taste you when I come.���

  I fell apart again and he stilled but only for a moment and then he moved faster and faster until he came with a roar.

  I lay on the bed feeling wilted, covered in sweat and sticky nearly everywhere. Maddox still hovering over me licking and kissing me as he panted against my chest. He lifted his head and looked at me.

  ���You alright?���


  ���How do you feel?���

  ���You tell me.���

  He leaned down and nibbled on my neck as he chuckled. ���Damn good.���

  ���I liked the mirror.���

  ���That was hot Sweetness. I want them everywhere in our bedroom.��� He rolled to his back and took my hand and kissed it. ���Smells like you. Insane how good you taste and smell.���

  ���You to.��� I rolled to my side and looked at him.

  He chuckled.


  ���Last time you tasted me you threw up.���

  ���Is that why that was left out of tonight���s performance?���

  He kissed my hand again and stood up.

  ���Maddox. Answer me please.���

  ���I���m gonna grab a washcloth and clean you up don���t you move.���

  I flopped back on the bed and waited for him. He began to clean me and I let him partially because I loved him touching me and partially because I couldn���t move.


  ���What Sweetness?���

  ���I���m going to suck you off whenever I want or you������

  ���You can���t say suck me off Harper. And don���t you even think about finishing that sentence. I will taste you whenever I please.���


  He looked up and smiled. ���You���ll nap all day everyday won���t you?���


  ���Well it makes you a little minx in the sheets.���

  I laughed out loud and he smiled as he finished cleaning my body. He kissed me and stood up to take the washcloth in the bathroom.

  ���I���m pretty sure it had a lot to do with watching you preform and needing to make sure you didn���t need to have your normal after concert treats.���

  He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me. He looked upset and then angry.

  ���Is that why you were so off today?���

  I looked up at him and pulled the blanket over me.

  I rolled over on my side and wiggled lower under the blankets.

  ���Harper I asked you a question.���

  ���Yes. Okay. Yes! That song, how you acted all day, yes. Okay I���m tired.���

  I felt the covers being pulled completely off the bed and looked up at him.

  I covered myself with the pillow.

  ���You���re a pain in the ass. What have I done to make you think for two bloody seconds that I am remotely interested in back stage blow jobs?���

  I didn���t answer him and he reached down and grabbed my ankle and pulled me down the bed.


  He reached down and pulled me up. ���Answer the damn question.���

  ���You ���you know.���

  I didn���t even know I have no idea what made me expect him too.

  ���No I don���t so kindly tell me.���

  ���Give me the blanket Maddox.���

  He dragged the blanket behind him and plopped down in the chair. ���You���ll get it when you answer the question.���

  I stood on the bed pissed and removed the stockings and the garter belt and threw it at him. I jumped down off the bed and stomped to my bag. I grabbed my night shirt and put it on.

  I walked over and tugged on the blanket. He held firmly his look still outraged.

  I pulled the sheet down and crawled under.

  ���You gonna answer me?���

  I sat up and crossed my arms over my chest. ���I���m pregnant. Hormones raging, exhausted, and now cold and very upset.���

  He stood up and pointed to the pillow. ���Lay down.���

  I did and he covered me up. He laid in bed and huffed a few times before whispering. ���When you figure it out let me know so I don���t hurt you again.���

  ���You didn���t do anything. I told you already.���

  ���The song pissed you off? I asked if it was alright.���

  ���Not that one. The one about The Stage.���

  He rolled to his side and pulled me over so I was looking at him. ���I wrote it a long time ago.���

  ���I���m the black cloud.���

  ���No life was Harper. I was my own worst enemy at that time. Tell me to cut it and I will. Tell me what to do to not make you ever doubt my love for your and I will do it immediately.���

  ���I watched Emma���s reaction to Brody on stage tonight. That helped.���

  ���Helped? I don���t understand.���

  ���They all want you. You entertain them. But still there���s some bitch out there that wants you. It pisses me off.���

  He smirked, ���Awe so you���re jealous.���

  ���Yeah I am. And you like it?���

  ���I���m not gonna lie. I do like it. Actually I love it that you want me and only me.���

  ���I always have Maddox.���

  ���Good. Don���t stop. My dick is yours. My heart is yours. The only after show treats I want happen to be between your legs.���

  I smiled and he did in return.

  ���Oh and I want it like that after every show too.���

  ���Like what?���

  ���Lingerie. Lots of different outfits that I can have you in. My new and much improved after concert treat. I���ll start a collection.���

  I yawned and he pulled me closer.

  ���You were pissed.��� I giggled.

  ���Hell yes I was. I worried about you all day. Your mom assured me you were just tired but I still worried.���

  ���You didn���t touch me today.���

  He looked down as I looked up at him. ���Sweetness I would have torn you apart.���

  ���You were amped up.���

  ���Hell yes I was. Do you realize I was fucked up during most of my shows?���


  ���I needed something to calm me down.���

  ���But not anymore?���

  ���Nope. I have you. That���s all I ever needed.���

  ���Then that���s all you���ll ever have.���

  He kissed my head. ���Good night Sweetness, I love you.���

  ���Good night Maddox, I love you.���

  I woke to Maddox���s arms surrounding me with one hand in my hair the other holding my ass. I looked over at the clock and it was nine in the morning. I didn���t want to move so I didn���t. I nuzzle
d into his neck and fell back to sleep.

  I woke to a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Mom standing over me covering her eyes.


  ���Yeah sorry. We have to check out in an hour. Breakfast will be here in a couple minutes.���

  ���Thanks Mom and sorry about this.���

  She smirked and whispered. ���You���re right. He does have a nice butt.���

  I smiled and she walked out.

  ���Sweetness am I awake or is this some sort of fucked up dream that your mother said I have a nice ass?���

  He let go of my hair and ass and grabbed my face and kissed in at least ten times.

  ���You do have a nice ass.���

  ���Yours is nicer.���

  ���Breakfast will be here soon and I am starving.���


  ���Oh yes.���


  I got up and saw two outfits laid out on the dresser and laughed. Maddox sat up and looked at the dresser.

  ���She do this?���

  ���She did.���

  ���Can we keep her? She sets out clothes for us and thinks I have a nice ass. We have to keep her.���

  We were an hour from home when my phone rang.

  ���Hey Ava.���

  ���Saturday? Like one week from today? Are you out of your mind? There���s so much to do!���

  ���Nope nothing left to do but walk down the aisle and say forever.���

  ���Hello we need a shower, a bachelorette party. We need our dresses.���

  ���If you can be here next Saturday Ava I would love that. We have your dress and Riley���s. I understand you���re busy but������

  ���I���ll see you Friday. Mani, pedi���s and a girl���s night. Don���t even say no. I love you pain in my ass. I���m hanging up before you can object. Goodbye.���

  ���Is she upset?��� Mom asked.

  ���Not angry just frazzled.���

  Mom smiled and nodded.

  It was quiet for a while.

  ���Luke won���t be here.��� I looked up at Mom and she continued. ���She likes Luke Lane and he won���t be here.���

  ���I never thought about it.���

  ���Don���t. We still have a thing this summer at the Cape. I���m sure she���ll be happy to see him then.���

  ���Liam can stand in.��� Maddox snickered.


  ���What? She likes him too right?��� He tried to play it off like he was clueless and I smacked his arm.




  I was sitting in little Switzerland surrounded by a bunch of men. How messed up is that? They were people who loved her and I suppose by default got me too. She insisted on this, well that pain in the ass Ava insisted and she agreed. She even agreed to us spending the night apart.

  Everyone was drinking and playing cards. Dad and I weren���t drinking; he still thought it was an alcohol problem that I had a year ago when I wrecked my car. It wasn���t, it was a shattered heart problem. Self-inflicted because I was fighting demons.

  ���You ready for tomorrow?��� Grandpa John asked.

  ���Of course. More than ready.���

  He smiled. ���She���s an amazing kid you know.���

  ���I do.��� More amazing every day. ���I promise to take care of her John, always.���

  ���If I ever doubted that, that doubt was erased when you saved her life. I could never repay a debt like that. You have earned my gratitude and respect. I hope to earn yours.���

  ���You already have it. If not for you and your wife, Tessa and Collin here would not be a Harper. She is such a beautiful person. One I didn���t think I deserved but now I know I was put here for her. So thank you.���

  John smiled and nodded. ���You ever think she was put here for you?���

  ���And no one else.���

  John laughed, ���Exactly. She���s gonna be a pain in the ass.���

  ���She already is and I���d have her no other way.���

  I was looking out the window when the door flung opened and in walked T.

  ���I can���t believe you were gonna do this shit without me Hines.���

  I gave him a quick hug. ���I wasn���t even thinking about������

  ���Anything but Harper. So nothings��� changed in the past three years huh?���

  ���Not one damn thing.���

  ���Except now you got the girl.���

  ���And I will never let her go.���


  ���Hell yeah.���

  Dad cleared his throat. ���Glad you could make it T.���

  He gave Dad a hug. ���Wouldn���t miss it for the world. You forget, I loved Harper for years too. If he didn���t get his shit together and I didn���t have a hard on for that little dark haired Goddess Ava, I���d be all over that girl.���

  ���And I���d kill you.���

  Someone cleared their throat loudly and I turned to see a very annoyed Lucas glowering at T.

  ���Hey Mr. Links. How are you?��� T walked over and hugged him.

  Lucas stood unmoving looking at T.

  Grandpa John laughed and patted Lucas on the back. ���Alright just as soon as Matthew and CJ get in we can get this party started.���

  ���Didn���t know you were here Mr. Links. No disrespect intended.���

  Lucas nodded and turned back to Harper���s uncles who stood smirking at him.

  ���You deserve that shit.��� Ben laughed.

  ���Fuck you Ben.���

  Everyone was present that was supposed to be by 9 that night. I saw the SUV pull down the drive. I went to walk out and Liam grabbed the back of my shirt. ���She said no man. You have to wait until tomorrow.���

  If he wasn���t her favorite cousin I���d have kicked his ass. He must have known it too because he laughed and patted my back.

  T sat down next to me. ���So as your best friend I am supposed to ask you if you���re sure about this. If there is any second guessing and if you think she can make you happy forever. I know you are and that she will so now I gotta ask who the fuck are all these people?���

  ���Harper���s family, the only ones not related in some way is Lucas and his son Logan. You know them. So basically everyone in this room loves Harper and Ava, so watch it man.���

  ���You could���ve warned me dude.���

  ���I didn���t even know you were here.���

  ���Yeah your Dad took care of it. Fucker still watches over me. I love it. Zach wanted to be here but he and Jazz������

  ���Claire.��� I corrected. I couldn���t think of her as Jane or Jazz anymore. I would always carry guilt about that. I should have asked for help but at the time I couldn���t. I didn���t understand that I could ask for more than my newly found family had given me. They gave up so much to begin with.

  ���I know. She���s doing great though. Matthew checks in with her pretty regularly.���

  ���Matthew? Harper���s brother?���

  ���Yeah. Just to see how she���s doing. Between you and I I���m pretty damn sure she is gonna be okay. Did you know she could sing?���

���Nope.��� I didn���t want to think about her and I���m sure he could tell.

  ���Cool, so we have tuxes and the whole nine yards huh?���

  ���That we do.���

  ���So give me names.��� He pointed at the group of men assembled in the cabin.

  ���Uncles Ben, Kendall���s husband, their daughter Maggie is with the girls. Alex is married to Phoebe; their boys are Remington and Liam. Ryan is kind of an uncle but really a cousin. He���s Jade���s husband. Their sons are Luke, Jackson, Gabe, and their daughter is Riley. Molly and Josh have Sydney and Sam.���

  ���All her family? How do you keep them straight?���

  ���It���s important. Lucas and Ashley Links and their kids, Logan������

  ���And Ava.���

  ���Yes and Ava.���

  ���She have a boyfriend?���

  ���You just saw her a month ago.���

  ���Didn���t ask her. Didn���t have time.���

  ���I don���t think she does, no.���


  ���T she���s family now.���

  ���I get it, no worries.���

  The door swung open again and I about had a heart attack. Shakespeare and Bailey, our Saint Bernard���s, bound in followed by Grandpa Henry.

  ���Maddox we���re back.���

  I looked at Dad and shook my head. Damn he was full of surprises.

  ���You brought my boy.���

  ���Yep, they finally made it through customs and quarantine.���

  Shakespeare jumped up on me and nearly knocked me over. ���Down boy.��� I laughed as he licked my face. ���Shake, get down you big baboon. Look at your sister.���

  Bailey was sitting next to Dad who had knelt down and was petting her.

  ���Where���s Birdy?��� I asked squatting down trying to avoid the tongue of my overly excited dog that I had horribly neglected for years now. He still loved me regardless of how seldom I had seen him.

  ���Please tell me that damn thing didn���t make it through customs.���

  ���Dad, Lexington would be a mess. She loves that cat.���

  ���In the car with Caroline, purring and happy as hell.��� Grandpa Henry patted my back. ���You ready for tomorrow?���


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