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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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by Mj Fields

  Nothing felt as good as right now. I wasn���t playing house like I was in Switzerland. With the fear that she would change her mind and tell me I wasn���t enough loomed over my head daily. She was so fucking happy and she was my wife. Not just a promise to become Mrs. Maddox Hines. We were given the blessing of her family and her father who trusted me with her heart. She was now and forever Mrs. Maddox Hines.

  Her eyes would always remind me of the cleansing water that washed away the stains of the past. Looking at her when she wasn���t looking always reminded me of the day we became one, our bodies forged together making me understand that love and touch together was the most beautiful thing in the world. Our vows shared just a few days ago merged our hearts and souls together for an eternity. Nothing would ever tear us apart. I no longer was afraid that if I let my guard down I would lose her. I just accepted that I would never leave her alone without me to protect her.

  ���Maddox,��� Her voice tore me from thought. ���You gotta stir the cheese or it���ll burn.��� She nudged me with her hip and grabbed the spoon and stirred the cheesy in the pan.

  ���Sorry Sweetness.���

  She lifted it, blew on it and then held it up to me cupping her hand under it in case it dripped.

  ���Mmm, very good.���

  ���I know right?���

  She grabbed the fondue pot and set the last of the three on the island.

  ���The girls are gonna love this.��� I kissed her head as I poured the cheese into the pot.

  ���So am I.��� She eyed the chocolate in the last fondue pot.

  ���Vegetable, meat and then dessert right?���

  ���Yeah, yeah, yeah.���

  We all came together into the dining room; Harper and my grandparents, my sisters, Tessa, Brody and Emma.

  ���This looks so yummy.��� Lexi sat in the chair next to me on her knees where Harper was going to sit.

  I looked up and Harper winked and sat next to London.

  After passing around the vegetables and everyone had begun to eat I looked at Harper and she smiled and nodded. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat.

  ���Harper and I have a game we want to play. It���s called pass the picture. You can���t say out loud what it is until it gets all the way around the table.��� I looked at London and she rolled her eyes. I laughed, ���Go ahead Harper.���

  She handed it to London and it only took about ten seconds for her jaw to drop. She smiled and handed it to Emma. When it made it to Lexington she turned it upside down and sideways until she looked at me.

  ���Is it a UFO or something?���

  ���Shh Grandma Caroline hasn���t seen it yet.��� I whispered.

  ���Grandma Caroline already figured it out. No need.��� She laughed. ���Gotta start listening to my instinct.���

  ���How did you know?��� I was shocked.

  ���No what?��� Lexington asked loudly.

  ���I knew Elizabeth was alive for years. Everyone thought I was crazy.��� Henry laughed and she nudged him. ���Hush up. I knew as soon as I saw Brody he was gonna be a pain in the butt but would bring love into this family. I knew Harper was a keeper and that you���d figure it out. I knew Tessa was special from the moment I saw her and I know she knows what I mean by that.��� She stopped and looked at London. ���Go ahead London tell them what I have known for a few weeks now.���

  London clapped and jumped up and walked to Lexington and whispered into her ear. Lexi gasped and yelled out. ���What does that mean? Maddox? What does Harper���s knocked up mean?���

  Dad busted up laughing and Emma gave London a very angry and embarrassed look. Everyone else laughed and Mom sank down in her chair.

  ���Well Lexington all those blurred lines,��� She paused and raised her eyebrow at me. ���It means Maddox took a good girl,��� she sang and Harper laughed harder and covered her mouth. ���What rhymes with hug me?���

  ���London that is enough!��� Mom snapped.

  ���Good song,��� Grandma Caroline laughed.

  ���For God sake Mother.��� Mom covered her face.

  ���Harper did Maddox knock you around?���

  ���Lexington, of course not. Harper is pregnant,��� I whispered.

  ���Well why didn���t you just tell me she had a bun in the oven then London?���

  ���Who taught you that term?��� Dad finally stepping in.

  Lexi shrugged her shoulder and took a bite of cheese covered bread. ���I���m a rockstars’ kid Dad. I know some things yo.���

  ���Does one of those things you know include not talking with food in your mouth?��� Dad laughed.

  She crossed her eyes and chewed obnoxiously. ���Obviously not.���

  After everyone had finally stopped laughing and the main course was served I went out and got the chocolate and tray of goodies. I sat down and patted my lap. Lexington climbed up on it.

  ���You know Harper and I are going to be traveling a lot for awhile right?���

  ���Yeah, I���ll miss you.���

  ���I���ll miss you too. I was wondering if you could take care of Shakespeare for me.���

  ���Sure will. And I will see you lots the other times.���

  ���Sure will. Hey Lexi, you do know you shouldn���t talk with your mouth full right?���

  She giggled and leaned over and whispered, ���It makes Dad crazy.���


  Taking Flight


  When we landed in South Africa Maddox looked out the window

  Maddox looked at me I knew he was agitated and he knew I was concerned. ���I promise I won���t kick his ass Harper.��� and seemed agitated. He had insisted that Clive and Surge stay at home. I heard him tell Brody that this was something that Tessa and I needed to do. He said he felt like he was intruding so certainly Clive and Surge would be. He wanted us to be able to say goodbye without feeling we needed to take care of or worry about more people than necessary.

  Each trip would last only two days. Enough time for Tomas and Mom to take care of the handover and me to make sure everyone knew that we would always be here. I had grown up with most of the leaders of these communities. Many of them were my age; kids I had grown up playing with during our stays and friends who would be forever in my heart, regardless of where I was.

  After pulling through the main gates the Jeep stopped and a man walked out of the guard station. When I realized who it was I looked at Maddox who closed his eyes and shook his head.

  ���Welcome back.��� Blake opened Moms��� door and gave her a hug.

  ���What are you doing here?��� Mom was genuinely surprised.

  ���Things have been a bit hostile in the area. I was getting sick of being cooped up in an office so I asked to come here. Come on in we���ve been expecting you.���

  We sat at the big conference room table and Blake stood in the front. ���There aren���t enough apologies in the university to give to your family for������

  ���We don���t blame you Blake. So please don���t.���

  ���If I hadn���t.��� He stopped and cleared his throat. ���Collin was a good man. You���re all amazing people; you too Maddox. By default I have come into a very large amount of money. Harrison adopted me when I was very young. He was a good man and loved me like a son. When his will was read the money was to be split between his two sons.��� He pushed an envelope to Tessa. ���And three grandchildren. When he was ill he added Harper, Matthew, a
nd CJ into his will. He didn���t change the two son���s clause. I am the only living son so I got half of his fortune. I have decided if you Tessa agree to it, to continue Collin���s work and Harrisons funding of many similar charities around the globe.���

  He sat down and smiled at me. ���I hear congratulations are in order.���

  ���How the hell������

  ���You���re big news globally Hines. Didn���t have to dig, it���s all over the place that Maddox Hines was married. I couldn���t think of anyone you would marry besides Harper. You two belong together. I know how much you love her and how much she loves you.���

  ���Thank you Blake.���

  I squeezed Maddox hand. ���Yes thanks Dr������ I elbowed him. ���Blake. That���s nice of you.���

  ���If we can all agree I want you to come say your goodbyes and get back on that jet. Things are getting worse around here. I don���t want to put you in anymore danger than I already did.���

  Maddox, Mom, and I made our way around the village and saw everyone Mom and I had both decided in advance that we needed to see. Maddox reminded me of my father by constantly looking around making sure everything was as it should be.

  We returned to the plane ten hours later and I was exhausted.

  ���Do you two want to head back or should we see if we can���t get at least half of this done with?���

  ���Will you let Blake take over?���

  ���Tomas had a discussion with him. He is welcome to continue funding but we need to give them back control. It was never our intention to keep it.��� Mom explained.

  ���Blake has agreed. He is going to just visit and help out where needed. He and I agreed if a problem arose that warranted a brief overtaking that I would help him gain the trust of those in charge.��� Tomas added.

  Two months later we flew into South America. I knew this final handover would be the hardest for Mom. Tomas had flown in a week before and I suspected it was to talk to Alejandra, the head of the community hospital. She and Mom were very close but Mom hadn���t talked to her since Dad died. She said it would be too hard to tell her over the internet or the phone. Mom and Dad had paid for her to attend medical school and in return, Alejandra had devoted her life to the community that Mom held so dear to her.

  Maddox stood and pulled me up. ���We���ve made four trips out of the country and done six shows. You Sweetness are going to sleep this entire flight. No fighting. No arguing. We have this trip and then eight more shows over the next two months. You���re healthy and I won���t have that change now.���

  We landed on the airstrip that was constructed right before I was born. It normally took two to three hours to drive up the mountains and Dad knew that us kids would probably not enjoy the bumpy mountain roads

  ���You ready?���

  ���Yes. I slept the entire time?��� I stood and walked towards him.

  ���Sure did. So did your Mom.���

  ���Good. Maddox, this is going to be hard for her.���

  ���She has you. Come on she���s already off the plane.���

  When we walked down the stairs I saw my brothers hugging Mom. She was wiping her face.

  ���Did you know they were coming?���

  ���Yeah I did. I was threatened that if I said a word they���d beat me up.���

  We went into the compound. I had always loved it here the most. It was the first place I visited and although I didn���t remember I heard stories and had plenty of pictures to make those memories never fade.

  This was the one place I had a room of my own. Maria, one of the friends I had kept in contact with, use to have sleep overs with me.

  I expected the same welcome as usual but instead we were lead into the training building and down the stairs into the conference room that housed all the security and satellite video feeds.

  Tomas, Mom, CJ, Matthew, Maddox and I sat around the wooden table. Tomas cleared his throat. ���Your father and I never took one day for granted. Both of us know how very precious life is and how quickly it can end. Collin was like a brother to me. More than a brother he was also my best friend. I know that none of you know about my past. It was never questioned because your trust in Collin was deeper than anything he or I could have ever experienced. My birth name is Marcus Ortego. I was eighteen years old when I met Collin Abrahams. I was in an alley and had just beaten to death the man who had raped and killed my newlywed wife in my home country of Brazil. When he came in and pulled me off of him I panicked and ran. It didn���t take him long to find me; I had dropped my identification card. By the grace of God he saw something in me and instead of handing it over to the authorities he looked for me. The man who I killed was the constable���s nephew. I was nobody. Had I been caught, I would have been executed. Collin looked into me before coming to find me and after telling him my story he got me out of the country. He insisted I work for him to pay off my debt. I owed him my life and respect. It didn���t take me long to figure out that he was teaching me to become a noble man. He also knew I would kill again if need be. I received a letter just like you all have. He is releasing me of my obligation to him. He has left me enough money to live ten life times. When you all return home in a couple days I am staying here.���

  ���What?��� I was shocked. ���Tomas������

  ���Harper, I will never be more than a phone call away.���

  I looked at my mother whose hands shook. Then I looked at Matthew and CJ.

  ���You two knew he was going to do this?���

  ���You three are my children. I love you very much. Tessa you are as much a sister as he was a brother, I love you as well.��� Tomas never showed emotion but I could tell this was breaking him.

  ���Then don���t do this!���

  Tomas stood up and walked over to me and knelt down. ���I need to be here Tessa.���

  Mom cleared her voice. ���If that���s what you truly want Tomas, we will support you in any way you ask.���

  Tomas looked into my eyes. ���Is that true Harper? Will you please support me in this?���

  ���What if I need you?���

  ���You, my dear, need me less than those two boys over there need me. Sorry boys but it���s true, she always has been one step ahead of you. I wouldn���t do this if I didn���t know one hundred percent that the man sitting next to you was more than capable of taking care of you.���

  There was a knock on the door and it opened. Alejandra and Mick, head of security, walked in.

  ���Have a seat.��� Tomas motioned to them to sit. ���The Abrahams family has some news to share.���

  Two days later we returned home. It felt odd not having Tomas with us. The emptiness inside was one I was growing accustom too. When we pulled in the driveway Brody, Emma and the girls drove up next to us.

  ���Welcome home.���

  ���Thanks Dad. Where you heading off too?���

  ���Well the house is pretty much done. We moved our stuff in last night. Why don���t you three rest and come up for dinner tonight?���

  ���Sounds great.���

  ���How���s the bun?��� Lexi yelled out the window.

  ���Still baking,��� I yelled back.

  We walked into the house and Mom stood at the sink.

  ���You okay Mom?���

  ���I���m fine. Really wish your father was here so I could yell at him. That was a bombshell huh?���


  ���Yeah.��� Mom laughed.

�He���s in love with Alejandra.��� Maddox sat down and looked at us.

  ���No way!��� We both said at the same time.

  ���Oh yes he is.���

  ���Did he tell you that?��� I asked.

  ���Nope, I just recognize the symptoms.���

  ���And what are they?��� Mom asked.

  ���Well she looks at him when no one else is looking and when he catches her she shoots daggers at him. When he���s not looking, she is checking him out. He���s on the shit list, he���ll be groveling.���

  ���I don���t believe that.���

  ���I���m right, just mark my words.��� Maddox laughed and walked outside.

  ���You think?��� I asked Mom.

  ���Now that I think about it, yeah I do.���

  ���Well than now I���m not so pissed at him. I just didn���t want him to be alone.���

  I lay on the table at the doctor���s office waiting for the technician to come in. Maddox wasn���t as anxious this time since it was going to be a sonogram not an ultra sound.

  The tech came in and I watched Maddox eyeing her suspiciously and it made me want to laugh.

  She squirted the cold jelly on my stomach and spread it around with the probe. She smiled and then turned the monitor for us to see. She pointed out the arms and legs and the little butt. She took pictures and measurements and was explaining everything but I honestly couldn���t focus on anything except the little flutter of our baby���s heart.

  ���Sweetness you have an answer?���

  I opened my mouth to answer a question and I didn���t even know what it was.

  Tear fell down my face as I continued looking at our baby.

  ���Harper, everything is fine.��� The technician whispered.


  Maddox leaned down and held his face against mine and very softly held my hand to his racing heart. I wrapped my free arm around his neck and cried; these tears where tears of joy.

  He raised his head and wiped my face. He looked like he was going to cry as well.


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