The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 322

by Mj Fields

  ���Harper, I love you. It���s all of me or nothing.���

  ���Yeah, all of you.��� She kissed him again.

  He took her face in his hands and kissed her nose. ���I need to know that������

  ���Seriously Maddox, I���m pregnant and incredibly horny and if you don���t just shut up and fuck me I���m going to������

  ���Going to what?���

  ���Maddox, just shut up,��� she leaned in and tried to kiss him.

  He closed his eyes and sat back, ���I���ve got to be the stupidest man in the world.��� He opened his eyes. ���Do you love me?���

  ���Do I need to say it in order to get laid?���

  Maddox started to laugh and she slugged him in the arm. ���Yeah, you do.���

  ���You banged me back stage at a rock concert all fucked up and didn���t ask for me to say it then!��� This should be easy, and he wasn���t making it so.

  ���I knew it then.��� Maddox scowled and looked up. ���Are we going to make this work?���

  ���Are you going to put out?���

  ���Do you love me, Harper?���

  Harper started to laugh and flopped back on the bed. ���I love Thumper.���

  ���He loves you too, Sweetness.���

  ���Well than tell him to hop out here and play.���

  Maddox smiled, stood up, and walked to the top of the bed and sat against the headboard. He reached down and grabbed her underneath the arms and pulled her back to his chest. ���I love you. I came here with all intentions of winning back your love and your heart.���

  ���But then you found out I was knocked up.��� Harper whispered.

  Maddox rubbed her belly. ���Your mother is stressed out because your father was a complete ass.���

  ���You���re by-passing me now.��� There was a smile in her voice.

  ���Shh, I need to talk to our child.���

  ���It doesn���t������

  Maddox covered her mouth. ���She does not mean to call you an It. We just don���t know yet what you are.��� Maddox felt her relax and lean into him. He kissed her head and he felt her shake a little, ���Are you alright?���

  ���No,��� she whispered feeling stupid about what had just happened. ���It would be easy Maddox, I understand ���us. I can accept it too, just ���I���m scared.���

  ���Don���t be,��� he continued to rub her stomach.

  ���I���ve thought about giving it up for adoption,��� he didn���t say anything, ���Now that���s not an option.���

  ���Harper, why would you even consider������

  ���To keep it safe, Maddox!��� She started to pull away.

  He held her tighter so that she couldn���t leave, ���Okay and that���s because of me. I get it��� but let me prove to you that I���ll do anything and everything to keep you and our child safe.��� Harper looked over her shoulder and he wiped away her tears. ���Don���t cry, Sweetness.���

  ���You broke my heart, Maddox.���

  ���I���ll fix it.���

  ���You left me for someone else, Maddox.

  ���I left you to keep you away from a crazy fucked up mess, Harper.���

  ���What���s changed?��� it wasn���t really a question, it was her attempt at ending the conversation.

  ���When you left New York, I didn���t have time to think about anything but trying to fix the mess I���d made. It was easier to deal with all that then deal with losing you. I just knew you deserved better than a fucked up kid like me.���

  ���I never thought of you like that Maddox, well not until������ Harper yawned.

  ���Okay but I did. I realized how stupid it was trying to help her without anyone else���s help. Then seeing how she reacted to you and then what happened after. I never really thought how it would affect you. You���ve always been so strong. But not me, I just couldn���t stay away anymore. I had a lot of time to think and reflect on our conversation at the beach. I should���ve listened to your concerns then but I couldn���t see past wanting you.���

  Harper yawned again, ���Does she still live with you?���

  ���She and Zach live in my house yes, until it sells. I���ve been there a few times. She has friends now, and she and Zach are sort of getting along.���

  ���What do you mean sort of?���

  ���She gets angry with him when he talks about their parents. But that isn���t what I want to discuss with you. After you and I were��� after New York, I stopped allowing her in my room. I was pretty stupid to think that was okay. She flipped out about me and Ally and the other girls from MASS hanging out, but I told her it was not her concern.���

  ���Do you like her, Ally?���

  ���Yes, she���s a great person. But she���s my friend Harper, that���s all.���

  ���I guess it’s none of my business.���

  ���It certainly is your business. I���d like you to meet her������

  ���The last chick you wanted me to meet������

  ���She���s different.���

  ���I see.���

  ���Harper you���re tired, and the baby������

  Harper rolled her eyes, ���Do you think it only sleeps when I do?���

  ���No, I���ve done a lot of reading,��� he laughed.

  She sat up and turned around, ���About what in particular?���

  ���Chapters������ Harper covered her ears and laughed, when she stopped he was smiling at her, ���About all of it, Harper. I don���t want to miss a thing.���

  ���It ������

  ���Okay we need to stop calling the baby it,��� Maddox grabbed her hand and kissed it and her face flushed.

  ���By we you mean I need to stop calling the baby it?���

  ���Yeah,��� he smiled, ���and ���the baby��� stops too. It���s our baby Harper, mine and yours.���

  Harper looked down at their hands, ���I haven���t been the best Mommy.���

  ���Don���t do that— you haven���t had a chance to be excited. We need to change that.���

  ���Maddox, Blake is going to be hurt.���


  ���It���s not okay. I should���ve never������

  ���What made you confide in him?���

  She looked at his eyes: full of sadness and disappointment, ���It happened when I was sick. He came here out of the blue, bringing soup. I threw up on him. He went into the bathroom to clean up and the test was sitting there.���

  ���So you didn���t go to him asking for help?���

  ���No, and Maddox, I don���t need anyone���s help,��� Harper looked down.

  ���What had you planned to do before he showed up?���

  ���I hadn���t had time to process it, I was sick.���


  ���But he has been a good friend, Maddox.���

  ���I bet he has,��� Maddox tried not to sound angry.

  ���He���ll do whatever I ask him to.���

  ���I���m sure.���

dox don���t, okay? Just listen. When I���m not exhausted, I���ll figure out how to tell him that you���re going to be part of its life.���

  ���I can tell him for you,��� he smiled impudently.

  ���Don���t be a jerk.���

  ���Fine, but when you tell him— if he says one thing to upset you, I swear to God I���ll break his fucking face.���

  Harper rolled her eyes, ���You���re going to be a daddy soon you can���t do things like that.���

  Maddox looked at her, ���When you tell him you love me, how will he react?���

  ���I never said������

  ���Will you just cut the shit, Harper? I know you���re mine.���

  ���Maddox, I���m tired and we can talk about baby stuff, but this������

  ���Fine,��� he growled and sat back.

  Harper smiled, ���I���m going to go back to my place.���

  ���Like hell you are,��� Maddox grabbed her hands.

  ���You can���t make me stay here.���

  ���Oh yes I can,��� he smiled smugly. ���And we need to finish this conversation in the morning so you will stay here. By the way when is your lease up?���

  ���Maddox, you���re impossible.���

  ���Persistent as hell. Now lay down so I can talk to our baby.��� Maddox was ecstatic, he knew even though she was just testing, dipping her toe in the water, she was giving him a chance to prove himself. If his assumption was wrong, he didn���t care. She loved him and he knew it, he would never hurt her again and he would work his ass off to show her that. He gently pulled her down.

  ���It���s asleep,��� Harper laughed as her head hit the pillow.

  ���When can we open that damn envelope?���

  ���In the morning,��� Harper smiled.


  ���Yeah, I���m ready to celebrate this baby.���

  ���Our baby,��� Maddox bent down and pulled her shirt up and kissed her belly, ���Tomorrow we find out who you are,��� he kissed it again.

  ���Maddox: the baby is right here,��� she guided his hand, ���This is where I feel the flutters.���

  ���That is amazing.���

  ���It is.���

  Maddox kissed her belly and rubbed it gently, ���Your Daddy loves you little one, so, so much.���

  Harper moved her leg so it wasn���t holding him back; she closed her eyes as he continued to talk to the baby.

  Harper woke up and Maddox was asleep with his head resting on her upper thigh, her other leg was over his waist. One hand was resting on her stomach and the other was wrapped under her leg resting on the other side of her stomach. It looked like he was holding her belly. His long lashes were fanned across his face; he was still the most stunning man she had ever laid eyes on. He took a deep breath and nuzzled into her leg pushing her pajama shorts further up. Harper wanted to touch his hair. Remembering how soft it was, bringing memories of how the rest of him felt flooding into her mind.

  She closed her eyes tightly and she shook her head. She opened her eyes and he was looking up at her.

  ���Sorry I didn���t������

  ���We fell asleep.���

  ���Yeah,��� he rubbed her belly and kissed it, ���Good morning baby, we get to find out what you are today.���

  Harper smiled slightly and held her hand over his, ���I���ll go grab it. I left my phone as well.���

  He kissed her belly again, ���I���ll get it, and you stay in bed. Doesn���t look like you could have been very comfortable last night. I���ll make you������

  Harper rubbed his head and he smiled nervously, ���Your hair���s soft.���

  ���Thank you?���

  Harper laughed and laid back.

  ���Are you going to move your leg so I can���?���

  ���Nope,��� Harper giggled.

  ���Fine with me,��� he rubbed her belly and kissed it some more.

  ���Okay maybe you should stop that,��� Harper���s voice quivered.

  ���Maybe I don���t want to,��� Maddox looked up at her and saw her eyes filled with desire.

  ���Sorry I���m so������

  ���I love you,��� Maddox kissed her belly again, her back arched slightly and he kissed lower, ���I love you.���

  ���Oh damn,��� she whimpered.

  ���Harper, if you need anything I will be the one who takes care of it.���

  ���I���m pregnant,��� Harper moaned as he kissed her hip bone, ���Maddox did you read chapter������

  ���Mmm huh?��� he moved lower and rubbed his nose across her pelvic bone.

  ���You know I���I������ he moved lower and she gasped.

  Harper grabbed the back of his head and moaned and he laughed and continued kissing and lightly nipping.

  ���Stop, stop, stop,��� Harper moaned.

  ���Sweetness, you may want to let go of my hair and maybe ease up on my face with your thighs, if you really want me to stop,��� Maddox chuckled.

  Harper let go and sat up, ���I don���t know������

  Maddox kissed her, ���Shut up, Harper.���

  Harper blushed and covered her face.

  ���I���m going to grab that envelope.���

  ���Now?��� Harper screeched.

  Maddox laughed and kissed her head, ���Yeah. I���m not that easy, Harper.���

  Maddox started walking toward the door.

  ���But you’re mine right?���

  Maddox froze, his heart beat against his chest rapidly, ���What?���

  ���You heard me,��� Harper whispered.

  Maddox turned around, ���Don���t mess with me, Harper.���

  ���You���re right I just said it. I���m just trying to get laid.���

  Maddox turned around, ���I���ll be right back.���


  ���I���ll be right back.���

  Maddox shut the door behind him and held his hand to his heart and took a deep breath. He opened Harper���s door and went into her room and grabbed the envelope and her phone. He shut the door and walked out of her apartment, and looked up. Blake was coming down the hall.

  ���Fucker,��� Maddox growled.

  ���How���s your leg?���

  ���Well Blake, it���s just fine thank you,��� Maddox smiled obnoxiously and went to walk around him.

  ���Is she awake?���

  ���She isn���t there.���

  Blake stuck his hand out to stop him, ���Why do you have her phone?���

  ���Why is it any of your fucking business?���

  ���Because she doesn���t need a������

  ���Listen up Doc, you are two fucking seconds from getting your ass pounded. Walk the fuck away and call her. If she wants to talk��� she���ll answer her phone.���

  Maddox walked away and left him standing with his mouth gaping.

  He opened the door to the apartment and Harper stood just inside the door completely naked.

  ���I love you. I always have, always will, don���t you hurt me again.���

  Maddox shut the door with his foot and closed his eyes br
iefly. Harper wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her up with one arm, she wrapped her legs around him and he kissed her, ���Never. I promise. Damn you���re beautiful, more beautiful than I remembered. I love you���

  The door flew opened, ���I want to talk������

  Harper gasped and Maddox walked into the bedroom, ���Did you know he was here?���

  ���Yes��� no��� he was in the hallway I told him to call���fuck! Here.��� He pulled a sweatshirt over her head and she stood speechless, ���Harper, breathe Sweetness and step into these shorts.���

  ���I don���t know what to say to him, Maddox.���

  ���Well let���s just go do this,��� Maddox pulled her shorts up, ���I can���t believe I���m dressing you instead of��� fucker! Let���s go.���

  Blake was pacing in the living room when they walked out, ���This is seriously what you want or did your hormones just kick into overdrive?���

  ���Blake I������

  ���I bought you something to take care of yourself if you���.���

  ���Blake! Stop, that���s not it.���

  ���Then what? You want someone who���s going to treat������

  Maddox looked at Harper, ���I���m going to rip his face off.���

  ���Maddox, he has just…���

  ���He bought you a fucking vibrator?���

  Harper looked at him and her face turned red.

  ���Did you like it?��� Maddox looked surprisingly interested.

  ���Maddox, just give me a minute okay?��� Harper���s face turned an even deeper shade of red.

  ���You better make nice Doc, and by that��� I don���t mean send a fucking gift!��� Maddox turned to Harper, ���I���m making you breakfast and then I���m going to������

  ���Okay, please calm down okay?���

  Maddox walked into the kitchen and Harper heard him sputtering obscenities.

  ���Blake, I���m sorry you walked in on that.���

  ���Are you?���


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