The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 321

by Mj Fields

  Harper stopped immediately, ���I was just������

  ���You���ll get cut, just let me������ Maddox looked down and realized he was completely naked, ���Christ, Harper.��� He grabbed the towel off the counter and wrapped it around his waist. It was too small to cover him and his face turned red. He looked up at Harper who was just as red and hadn���t turned away from him.

  ���Don���t move, just���don���t move,��� Maddox jumped over the mess and ran to his room.

  Harper closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She turned and looked towards the pantry. She was sure she could find the broom there. She knew where it was, his apartment was set up just like hers, the only difference was his was larger, and had five bedrooms instead of two. And she knew she was trying to focus on something else, anything at all besides Maddox completely bare. Her face was heating up and she was so nervous��� she might���ve broken out in hives.

  Maddox walked out with a pair of mesh shorts on. He threw on his sneakers and grabbed the broom and dust pan out of the pantry. He cleaned up the mess while trying to ignore the pounding in his chest that only happened when he was about ready to take stage at one of his concerts or when Harper was around.

  ���Your leg,��� Harper���s voice cracked. Maddox looked at her confused. She pointed down, ���Your leg is bleeding.���

  Maddox looked down, and shook his head and shrugged. He finished sweeping up the glass and she started walking towards him.

  He froze as she got closer and bent down.

  ���Harper, what are you doing?���

  She looked up at him, ���Your leg.���

  He stepped back quickly, ���Okay.��� He grabbed some paper towels and wiped up the blood and cringed.

  ���I can������

  ���The floor, just stay back. I don���t want you to get hurt.���

  When he had finally wiped up the water he grabbed more paper towels. He wiped the floor down several times hoping to remove any slivers of glass. He took his time knowing the longer he took the longer she would stay and if it took him forever to clean up every sliver— real or imagined, knowing forever still would not be long enough with her. He felt a burn in his throat and was terrified that months��� worth of pain would erupt from his eyes in front of her. It would not happen. Oh please no. He took several deep breaths calming himself before he turned towards Harper.

  ���Hello.��� Maddox looked at her his eyes full of hurt.

  ���Your leg.��� Harper pointed and looked down, unable to see him like that, not only physically in pain but emotionally as well.

  ���Oh, yes. Of course,��� Maddox turned away and grabbed more paper towels.

  ���You should wash it,��� Harper said softly.

  ���It���ll be fine,��� Maddox walked over towards her, ���Did you need something?���

  ���What?��� Harper was confused.

  He smiled nervously, ���I got out of the shower and you were…���

  ���Oh right, how I could forget,��� Harper whispered and Maddox smiled shyly, ���No that���s not what I meant.���

  ���Of course not,��� Maddox took a deep breath and sat on the floor in front of her.

  ���You���re going to get blood everywhere,��� Harper pointed and he looked down.

  ���It���s really no big deal,��� Maddox lifted the paper towel and looked at it, ���Shit.��� He covered it quickly.

  ���Let me see.��� Harper knelt down.

  ���No it���s okay. Just please just tell me why you came.��� Maddox looked into her eyes, hopeful as he had ever been.

  ���It was nothing, London was just worried. Let���s take care of that first.��� Harper went to the kitchen and grabbed more paper towels, ���Come sit.���

  ���Look I can take care of it, just tell me what you want.��� He sounded defeated.

  ���Please, just let me look at that,��� Harper looked down and scowled.

  Maddox walked over and lifted his leg so that she could see it.

  ���You could use a couple stitches, Maddox. I could call Blake and he could…���

  Maddox pulled his leg slowly back and looked at her closing his eyes tightly and exhaling, ���No.���

  He walked into the bathroom and rinsed his leg under the bathtub faucet. There was a shard of glass in his leg. He grabbed tweezers from the medicine cabinet and winced as he pulled it out. He looked in the mirror and she was standing behind him.

  ���Do you have hydrogen peroxide?���

  ���It will be fine.��� His tone was clipped, unbelievable, Blake, fix my leg! FUCK BLAKE, he thought.

  ���I���m going to get some things. I���ll be right back.���

  Maddox was sitting on the couch when the door opened.

  ���Blake wants to look at it.��� Harper looked briefly in his eyes and then quickly away, unwilling to see whatever emotion she just evoked from him allowing Blake to return with her.

  Maddox stood up quickly. ���I said I was fine.���

  ���Come on Maddox, it���s no big deal.��� Blake walked towards him.

  ���I said no. Thank you for the offer but I would rather the fucking thing turn green.��� Trembling with rage Maddox took a deep breath and walked to the door and opened it, ���Thanks for stopping by.���

  ���Maddox. London said you seemed������

  ���Harper, please.��� Maddox closed his eyes tightly and clenched his jaw.

  ���Fine. Have a good night Maddox.��� Harper whispered as she walked by.

  Maddox heard a knock on the door and looked at the clock, it was almost midnight.

  He jumped out of bed and ran to the door.

  Harper pushed her way past him, ���Sit down.���

  ���Did your boyfriend leave?���

  She shut the door and quickly walked past him as she removed her gloves and hat, ���Don���t.���

  ���Don���t what Harper?���

  ���Just let me help you take������

  ���I don���t need your God damn help Harper, I need you!���

  ���Maddox, just������

  Maddox opened the apartment door, ���When you want to talk about us, or our child��� feel free to come back.���

  ���You���re telling me to leave?��� Harper was shocked.

  ���I���m telling you I would rather be alone and locked in a fucking closet than be next door watching you and your goddamned boyfriend flounce in and out laughing and, never mind��� When you���re ready to talk, let me know. If you���re having issues with something pregnancy related, please let me know. Don���t you bring him in here and ���that fucking hurt Harper,��� his eyes widened and he cleared his throat.

  Harper looked up at him sadly, ���I just wanted to help.���

  ���Well you did, thanks,��� Maddox looked away willing her to just leave it alone. Afraid he would break, and he couldn���t afford to do that.

  ���Please let me…���

  ���Harper,��� he grabbed her face and lifted it so he was looking in her eyes; ���I���m trying to be strong for you and my child. I���m trying to keep it all together, but I���m not shatter proof. Please know that asking you to leave is for self-preservation.���

  ���What the hell is that supposed to mean?���

  Maddox stepped back and closed his eyes, he shook his head and then open
ed his eyes again. He took her hand softly and held it to his rapidly beating chest. He kissed her fingers and let go, ���Is it still beating, Harper?��� Confused she shook her head yes, ���I couldn���t tell.��� Maddox stepped back and opened the door wider.

  Harper stood looking up at him and then turned around and walked back into the kitchen. She opened the bag and set the supplies on the counter.

  ���Harper, please������

  ���Did you clean it?���

  ���Sure,��� Maddox stood at the door so worked up in frustration that he was sure he was going to lose it.

  ���Please let me,��� Harper looked down sadly.

  He walked into the bedroom and grabbed his wallet and returned to the kitchen. He grabbed the bag and pulled out the receipt and then opened his wallet and handed her money to cover the costs of the supplies.

  ���I don���t want your money!���

  Maddox���s eyebrows shot up, ���Then take the shit and������

  ���Screw you, Maddox,��� tears started falling down her cheeks.

  Maddox���s jaw dropped in surprise and he grabbed a tissue and wiped her face. He hated when she cried, and he hated when it was his fault she was crying, ���Please don���t do that.���

  ���Then let me help you!���

  ���Fine, just don���t cry.���

  ���Sit up here on the counter.���

  Harper poured hydrogen peroxide in the cut and then applied triple antibiotic ointment. She looked up at him frequently to make sure he was alright. Just her being that close, touching him, caring for him, made him feel relaxed.

  ���What���s that?��� Maddox pushed her long blonde hair to the side so he could see what she was doing.

  Her body shook slightly when his fingers brushed over her neck. Harper cleared her throat, ���It���s like super glue for skin.���

  ���Alright, are you okay?���

  ���Yep, and you���re all done,��� Harper stood back and forced a smile, ���I should go.���

  Maddox closed his eyes and shook his head no, ���Please don���t.���

  Harper looked up at him, ���The definition of insanity involves repeating the same behavior, and expecting a different outcome.���

  Maddox lifted her chin, ���You forgot the part about without changing anything.���

  ���What���s changed Maddox?���

  ���Everything, Harper.��� Maddox looked at her intensely.

  ���Just because I���m pregnant doesn���t mean������

  ���I didn���t come here over a week ago knowing that was even������

  ���And I didn���t tell you, so I���m a horrible������

  ���Shut up, Harper.��� Maddox jumped off the counter and grabbed her face. ���It���s a fucking bonus.���

  ���You���re pissed at me — everyone is pissed at me.��� Harpers lip trembled. ���I chose to keep it. It doesn���t mean you should have to be���no, no, no.���

  ���I thought you hid this because of my lifestyle, Harper. I���m a bit confused.��� Maddox was still holding her face.

  ���There are a hundred reasons why this can���t happen���a million.��� Harper pulled her head back, her eyes blinked rapidly.

  ���Yet two that trump it all, Harper.��� Maddox crossed his arms in front of him and leaned back against the counter.

  ���I have to go.��� Harper started walking away.

  Maddox pulled her back against his chest and into his hard, strong body. ���I���ll never hurt you again.��� He kissed her neck softly and then reached down and rubbed her belly. ���I will hurt you never.���

  ���Then just walk away, Maddox.��� Harper pulled away slowly.

  ���Never.��� Maddox pulled her back to him and kissed her neck.

  Harper took a deep breath and slowly pulled away from him. ���I have to go.���

  ���Please, come back soon.��� Maddox opened the door.



  Harper walked back into her apartment and sat on the couch. He was right, she had kept it all to herself, not sharing the news of her pregnancy with anyone. Blake had found out by accident and had been by her side for all of it. He didn���t make judgments or demands— he just supported her in anything she decided. He���d even managed to get her out of a month long depression she had fallen into after she found out. Blake made her laugh, smile, and even forget for just a few moments that she was carrying a child, one that belonged to her first love, her first kiss, her first everything. They watched movies, played games, went for walks and talked. He held her when she fell apart.

  Her phone chimed

  - Goodnight Harper���MH

  She looked at it and shook her head. This is his child too, but she was so afraid of what he would allow into its life. She had been so angry at him for so long.

  - We need to talk���HA

  Within seconds there was a knock on her door, she opened it as he was pulling a sweatshirt over his head.

  ���I didn���t mean right now.���

  ���Alright,��� Maddox���s tone was defeated and it hurt her. ���Just tell me when.���

  ���Aren���t you tired?���

  ���No Harper, I don���t sleep. Just text me when you want to talk.���

  ���I don���t want the baby around your— lifestyle.��� Maddox stopped and turned back around. ���I don���t want it to be in danger.��� Harper looked away and wiped tears that started to fall. ���I just want it to be safe and healthy and happy and������

  Maddox grabbed her and hugged her tightly and she cried against his chest.

  ���Let���s go talk.��� Maddox started walking towards his apartment with her still in his arms.

  ���We can go������

  ���No.��� Maddox opened his door and walked her to the couch.

  ���This is a mess.��� Harper looked up into his sad eyes.

  ���Then we fix it.���

  ���You don���t sound so sure, Maddox.���

  ���Harper, I don���t know what to say to you because I don���t want to upset you, or push you any further away than I have already.���

  ���That���s crap.���

  ���Please tell me what you expected to happen when I finally found out you were having or had given birth to our child?��� His voice shook.

  ���I���m going home.��� Harper stood up and walked towards the door.

  Maddox sprung in front of her. ���No Harper— answer the question! I���ve been sitting here for over a fucking week waiting to talk about this with you. Giving you space to figure out how you wanted to proceed with this.���

  ���Proceed with this?���

  ���Harper please, just sit, just tell me what you want. But just so you know; me walking away is NOT an option.���

  ���I hate you!���

  Maddox leaned against the door and smiled, finally.

  ���You���re an ass!���

  ���I know.��� He smiled and walked towards her. ���Come on, sit, and let���s work this all out.���

  ���I don���t want to, I���m tired and cranky and…What are you doing?��� Harper squealed when Maddox picked her up and started carrying her towards the master suite.

��We���re going to talk and you���re tired. If you fall asleep, you fall asleep in bed. If you wake up and you need to add to what has been discussed, you can. We are doing this now, Harper.���

  ���Put me down!���

  He kept walking with a smug look on his face.

  ���If this is some evil trick to get me in bed.���

  Maddox laughed and set her in the middle of the bed. Harper scooted to the headboard.

  ���It���s not funny!��� Maddox crawled up from the foot of the bed his eyes fixed on hers, ���Knock it off.��� She looked away and he stopped and sat on his knees.

  ���Let���s talk.��� He took a deep breath and she looked at him her eyes widened. ���Harper— don���t look at me like that.���

  She cleared her throat. ���Like what?���

  ���Fuck.��� Maddox hid his face in his hands.

  Harper pulled them away. ���Thought we were going to������

  Maddox grabbed the back of her head and kissed her. When she didn���t pull away he kissed her again and ran his tongue slowly across her lower lip causing her to whimper. He started to pull away and she grabbed his bottom lip with her teeth. He groaned against her mouth. Harper climbed on his lap.

  ���Sweetness, don���t start something you don���t want to finish.��� He pulled back and looked at her.

  She wanted to touch him, kiss him and more than anything she wanted to believe he wanted to change, but this was Maddox Hines. The very broken boy who had made her feel loved and wanted, but wasn���t capable of loving her. Hating him, the hate she knew could be felt was never going to be an option but protecting her heart, she had to do that in order to survive. Her body craved his touch. She rationalized that she was pregnant and he was a craving she would indulge in. If she had learned anything from the past she knew soon after it happened Maddox would leave. He always did. She knew this, and she knew it wasn���t going to stop her from touching him just this one last time. After that, he���d leave her alone.

  ���I really want you.���

  ���Me, or Thumper?���

  She opened her eyes and looked down. ���Your lips, and Thumper.��� She kissed him hard and he kissed her back.


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