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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 335

by Mj Fields

  ���BULLSHIT! You���re holding something back Collin, I can������

  ���Maddox, he wants her safely returned as much as you do,��� Brody tried to calm him.

  ���We also need to be prepared, in case������

  ���NO! She���ll be coming home, she���s alive and������

  ���How do you know that, Maddox?��� Collin had tears forming in his eyes.

  ���I���m still breathing; if she were gone, my fucking heart would���ve stopped. If she were gone, I���d be gone, too.���



  Harper woke to darkness. Her head was heavy and her body was aching. All she knew was that she was in a vehicle, and in pain.

  Harper���s hands were bound in front of her and she rubbed her belly and prayed that her little boy was alright. I���m not afraid for myself, but I���ll fight to keep him safe, no matter what it takes��� I will keep him safe, Maddox and my baby safe. She reminded herself over and over of this.

  She felt tears dripping down her face and she took a deep breath and the hood stuck to her mouth, she began to panic, unable to raise her arms, she cried out. She jumped when she felt someone touch her.

  ���Shh, shh, shh,��� she heard a soft voice beside her and she began to shake.

  ���Who���s there,��� Harper whispered, ���Mom, mom is that������

  ���Shh, shh, shh,��� the voice said again.

  ���Please, please I beg you, let me go������

  ���Shh, shh, shh.���

  Harper���s body began to shake and the vehicle in which she was in slowed down and turned a sharp left. She fell into the person next to her, and winced at the contact. She sobbed silently as the vehicle bounced down the bumpy road.

  Harper had no idea what happened after she was hooded and dragged from the Hines estate but when she closed her eyes she could see every detail of what happened in the house.

  Harper was outside in the back with the girls collecting pine cones to make a wreath. Everyone had left to go into town to grab some last minute Christmas gifts except Emma, Tessa, Harper, Lexi, and London.

  Harper was laughing when she heard screaming from inside the house. She ran to the kitchen door and looked inside and saw Tessa being slapped across the face by a man with a ski mask on. She turned and saw London holding her hand over Lexington���s mouth trying to stop the screams from escaping Lexington���s lungs.

  Harper moved them quickly from the door, ���Is there a really safe place here to hide London?���

  With tears running down her face she shook her head yes, ���Alright, you follow me, Lexington you can���t cry; promise me you won���t make a peep alright.���

  Shaking, Lexington shook her head yes.

  ���Good��� listen���we���re going to sneak in and no matter what happens you run and get to a safe place. I���m going to help them okay?��� Both girls shook their heads yes and then they heard Emma scream in pain, ���I need to help them, girls; you just get to a safe place. Everyone���ll be back soon and I���ll make sure you���re safe. I love you both so much now stay behind me and I���m going to make sure your Mommy, and mine get help.���

  Harper walked into the house with the girls behind her, and London pointed to the cellar door, ���Go,��� Harper mouthed.

  Emma fell through the door and screamed, ���NO!���

  London screamed, alerting the intruders that they were there, Harper emerged from the hall after closing the door to the cellar screaming to divert the attacker���s attention. She ran from them and one dove and grabbed her foot causing her to land hard on the floor. She kicked at the man as he pulled her effortlessly towards him. Tessa jumped at him, bashing him in the head with a vase and he swatted her off as if she were a fly. Tessa landed against the wall and Harper ran to her. She was unconscious.

  Emma was frantically holding onto the leg of a bureau as the other man was trying to pull her away from it. She kicked him hard in the face and she pulled herself up. Blood was gushing from her mouth as she opened a drawer and grabbed a gun. The man tackled her, causing her to smash her head into the side of the bureau knocking her unconscious.

  The other man was pulling rope from his back pocket and as Harper stood to run, he grabbed for her and she kicked him with all her might between the legs. He bent over and she attempted to run past him. He grabbed her hair, jerking her backwards and backhanded her across the face. After that��� she remembered nothing.

  The vehicle turned left again and she fell, her body was too weak and in pain to hold herself up. The person beside her placed their arms over her body keeping her on her side softly whispering ���Shh, shh, shhh.���

  Harper couldn���t gather the strength to sit up, she was strangely comforted by the voice and stayed where she was, trying to allow her body to relax so that when it came time to fight she could.

  The vehicle stopped and she heard a soft voice, ���Sit up, don���t let them see you weak and don���t you fight them— not yet.���

  She heard a door open and someone grabbed her bound hands and pulled her out of the vehicle. Unable to get her feet under her she fell to the ground on her stomach and was dragged across what she assumed was rock. She twisted her body to the side hoping to protect her stomach and the attacker jerked her hard so that she fell again and yelled out in pain.

  She heard soft groans from another person who sounded like they too were being dragged. A door squeaked, and she was now on wood. Her arms were released and she dropped to the ground.

  She heard the whimpers of the other person, a female she was sure, but not her Mom and not Emma. Oh God, please let the girls be safe, she screamed in her head.

  The hood was pulled off of her and she kept her eyes closed until she heard footsteps leading away from her, a door opened then shut, and she heard the click of what she assumed was a lock.

  Harper opened her eyes, the room was dark she gave her eyes time to adjust and rolled to her back. After a few minutes she heard a vehicle���s tires crunching down the gravel driveway.

  She looked around the room that she lay in the middle of, her eyes were better adjusted but it was pitch black. She needed water, she needed to use the bathroom, and she needed to get the hell out of here.

  ���Hello?��� she whispered.

  ���Shh,��� she heard from behind her.

  ���Who���s there?���

  ���Keep quiet,��� the female voice with a thick British accent whispered.

  ���Where are you?���

  ���The room behind you, keep quiet please,��� the voice whispered.

  ���I have to go to the bathroom,��� Harper whispered as she scooted across the wooden floor on her bottom.

  ���You can���t, you must wait, you must keep quiet,��� she whispered.

  ���Do I know you?���

  ���I don���t think so,��� the voice whispered, ���But you���re going to get us both killed if you don���t keep quiet. Try to sleep.���

  Harper leaned against the wall, shaking and scared. She closed her eyes and prayed silently.

  ���Get up,��� he said as he kicked her foot.

  Harper jumped and opened her eyes and looked around. It was dawn; there was light coming from a small rectangular window, the only one in the dark room.

  She tried to scramble to her feet and fell.

  The man grabbed her under the arm and hoisted her up.

  ���I need to use a bathroom,��� Harper could barely find her voice. Her throat was so dry.

There isn���t one. You can piss over there,��� the man pointed to the corner where a metal pan sat.

  Harper didn���t look at him, if she did not he may let her go knowing she couldn���t identify him.

  ���Could you please undo my hands, I promise I won���t������

  ���No,��� his voice was dark and deep.

  ���But I won���t be able to������ Harper gasped when he reached around from behind her and unbuttoned her pants. He reached down and slowly unzipped them. She heard him smell her hair as he did and his breath became rigid. She stepped forward and he pulled her back tightly against him, she could feel him hard against her back, ���Oh God please don���t������

  His laugh was deep and full of malice, she felt his hand run up her stomach and then she cried out, ���No.���

  He looked down and saw liquid running down onto his shoe. He pushed her hard into the wall, ���Disgusting whore!���

  He lunged at her and she pulled her knees protectively into her chest and buried her head as she shook, ���Please, oh God please don���t hurt me.���

  He kicked her hard in the side and she cried out loud.

  ���HEY!��� the voice from behind the door yelled, ���I have to use the bathroom.���

  ���Shut up bitch,��� He snapped as he flung the door open.

  Harper heard footsteps and then they stopped, ���Could you either untie me or help me out?���

  ���You going to piss on me?���

  ���Not if you hurry up,��� the voice was soft and sweet.

  Harper peeked out from under her arm and saw two little feet between two large black boots all pointing towards her.

  ���Could you hold the dress up while I go?��� the voice was soft.

  She heard him growl and pull her against him.

  ���Wow,��� the girl whispered.

  She heard the man groan and then the girl moaned softly.

  ���Please untie me, I won���t try anything���you don���t want me to,��� the girl whispered softly.

  ���Fine, you run I���ll kill you,��� he growled.

  ���I won���t run,��� Harper saw her turn towards the man, ���Thank you.���

  She heard the girl use the bathroom and then a vehicle crunching the gravel outside.

  ���Hey you should tie me back up, I wouldn���t want you to get in trouble,��� the voice said sweetly.

  He growled in response.

  She looked up at him and whispered, ���Please don���t let him hurt me.���

  Harper looked up and saw the man looking curiously at the girl, ���Quiet down!���

  Harper looked away before he could see her look at him.

  He had shoulder length greasy looking black hair, approximately five foot ten and was built. His eyes were dark and he had a scar on his left cheek.

  The door opened, Harper could see two more sets of feet walk through the door.

  One set was tan work boots, the other had leather shiny dress shoes.

  ���We move tonight, when we���re out of England we take care of them.���

  Harper looked up, ���You���re going to kill us?���

  ���You shut the fuck up,��� her captor was about to kick her and the tall sandy brown haired man dressed nicely stopped him.

  He squatted down, ���Harper Abraham.���

  His smile was full of disgust and she spit in his face.

  The goon from earlier went to grab her and the man stopped him. He took a crisp white handkerchief from a pocket inside his jacket and wiped his mouth.

  ���I am not going to harm a hair on your precious little head,��� he glared at her.

  ���Why, why are you doing this? You don���t have to kill us, my Dad���my Dad has money, he will pay you whatever you want,��� Harper began to shake.

  ���Collin Abraham, ex-Navy, Doctor, and humanitarian of the year? Hmmm, I don���t think so,��� he laughed maliciously.

  ���My boyfriend he will������

  ���Maddox Hines,��� he laughed again and looked back at the girl. ���Come sit, pet,��� he patted the floor next to him. ���Have you two met? You have a lot in common, Claire, Harper, Harper, Claire.���

  ���You did this!��� Harper screamed, ���YOU DID THIS!���

  Claire shook her head back and forth looking at the ground.

  ���Why! TELL me why, you piece of shit! What have I done���Oh God,��� Harper held her stomach, ���Oh God��� please?���

  ���No faking sick here��� my dear niece, I won���t take you to the doctor,��� he laughed and stood up.

  ���What did you call me?��� Harper cried out in pain and the man knelt in front of her again.

  ���Harper, what a silly ridiculous little name. Take a good look at me, who do I look like?���

  ���Satan, that���s who you look, ouch, ouch, ouch,��� Harper bent forward.

  ���Do I look like your perfect father Harper? Do I hold any resemblance to my brother?���



  Maddox walked down the stairs and looked at Brody as he cradled Emma, stroking her hair as she cried. Her eyes were still swollen shut and the left side of her face was a deep purple. Maddox could see the storm brewing inside of Brody; it mirrored the one inside of him. The girls both clung to him all evening, he knew it was only because he was the one who found them. Had they not needed him, he knew he would fall apart.

  Tessa was sitting on the couch with John and Caroline looking just like Emma, beaten and in intense physical pain. Through her eyes he could see the deep despair; she was being torn apart just like he was.

  He walked over to her and knelt before her, ���She���s out there Tessa���she���s alive. I promise you I���ll find her. I won���t stop looking until I���ve brought her back to you.���

  Tessa grabbed him and sobbed into his shoulder, ���What if���what if������

  ���She is alive, I feel it. So do you Tessa, close your eyes and see her. Her heart is beating and she is scared but she knows we will find her,��� Maddox was doing everything he could to stay strong. It was killing him to sit and wait.

  Maddox���s phone chimed.

  - Call me as soon as you can���Z

  Collin slammed down the phone and walked outside to clear his head. It had been less than twelve hours since his daughter was taken. The police had come up with nothing and his team was hitting walls every time they turned around. His baby had gone missing. He looked behind him and his chest tightened when he looked at his wife, the woman he loved more than anything, broken and beaten trying to protect their baby.

  Tears pricked his eyes, he had been so strong, and tried to stay objective and think of this as just another recovery mission, but it was his daughter. The little girl who he taught to ride a bike, and who tried to teach him to dance. He had taught all three of his children to protect themselves but he pushed Harper the hardest. Drilling her on how to react in crisis. He closed his eyes remembering when she was almost ready to enter kindergarten, he spent the afternoon teaching her self-defense moves and how to react in case something were to happen at school.

  ���Like what Daddy?��� her little voice squeaked.


  ���Like your crazy Daddy misses you so much he tries to bust in and take you home when you are having too much fun with your new friends, and Liam,��� Tessa interrupted.

  Harper laughed as Tessa tickled h
er until she was rolling on the ground.

  ���I���m gonna pee!��� she laughed.

  ���Well go go go��� Tessa laughed.

  ���Like a bear Mommy?��� Harper danced around holding herself.

  ���Sure, go go go!���

  When Harper was behind the tree peeing Tessa looked at Collin, ���You���re going to scare her.���

  ���I���m scared Tessa, she���s four years old. The boys������

  ���Went to school and are just fine,��� Tessa softly scolded him.

  ���I don���t like it; she should stay home until������

  ���She is a freaking trained SEAL?���

  ���It���s not funny, Tessa, it pisses me off, she is������

  ���I peed! I didn���t get any on me,��� Harper turned around and shook her little butt at them and Tessa laughed.

  Harper turned and looked at them, she noticed Collin���s scowl, ���Daddy if bad guys come in with guns I will kick them in the ding- ding and then play dead like this,��� Harper threw herself on the ground and closed her eyes and let her tongue hang out.

  ���That���s my little soldier,��� Collin laughed and picked her up and swung her in a circle.

  Tessa smiled politely and walked away.

  Collin stood with his shoulders slumped as tears rolled down his cheek. He squatted down on the ground and let his tears fall. He heard someone behind him and quickly wiped his face and stood.

  Tessa walked in front of him and wrapped her arms around his waist and held him, ���I���m so sorry, beautiful.���

  ���Don���t be, it���s not your fault.���

  ���Are you feeling alright physically?���

  ���I���m numb everywhere. Have you heard anything?���

  ���No, not one damn thing. Blake called, he said he���s coming,��� Collin looked down at his wife.


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