The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 348

by Mj Fields

  ���You said we would talk about it later,��� Maddox said using his best Harper impression and she laughed.

  ���Actually, you said we would while I was busy. I have to finish up my internship, and how that all works from here. Then I���m all yours.���

  ���Meet the monster, figure out school, and get shit ready for the tour������

  Maddox was making a mental note of all he had to do and Harper laughed, ���He might not be a monster.���

  ���Sorry Sweetness, that���s not, I hope not. I really do,��� Maddox picked her up and sat her feet on the ground.

  ���No bus right, like a tour bus, we don���t have to do that do we?���

  ���We don���t have to, no. You and I will get hotel rooms,��� Maddox���s eyes sparkled, ���Tour kicks off at the Garden.���

  Harper smiled and bit her lip, ���Our Switzerland.���

  ���Yeah,��� he started to lift the hem of her shirt and she looked down.

  ���I need a damn gym,��� she pushed his hand away.

  ���No you don���t,��� he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her against him, ���Beautiful, absolutely perfect.���

  They drove down route 41A and turned left onto Genesee Street. Harper looked at Tessa and squeezed her hand. Tessa looked out the window as they pulled into the Hotel and Spa that she and Collin had spent every Valentine���s Day at when the kids were at school. She closed her eyes and let the memories of couple���s massages and heat filled nights in front of the fireplace in their favorite French country cottage run through her mind.

  The SUV pulled around back and parked next to Harrison���s peoples��� car. There was a man who looked exactly like the two they followed standing in the door. Matthew looked at CJ and laughed, ���Men in Black, do you think he���s an alien?���

  CJ looked at Tessa, concerned it would upset her, and Tessa smiled. They all sat watching as several people came out of the cottage door.

  ���Give us a minute,��� Brody and Tomas passed a look between them and stepped out of the vehicle.

  Maddox watched as his father and Tomas spoke to the men. Tomas walked inside and Brody came back to the SUV.

  ���Tomas is going to check things out before we go in,��� Brody grabbed his phone from his pocket and sent a message to Clive who was back at the house with Emma, the girls and the rest of the family.

  Maddox watched his face and knew he was worried, ���Dad, if there���s something you���re worried about we shouldn���t do this.���

  ���No, they need this. I���m just making sure everything is alright back at the house.���

  Tessa started to laugh and Harper looked at her, ���Mom, are you alright?���

  ���Yes, this is just,��� she started laughing again.

  ���Tessa we should go back,��� Brody started opening the door.

  Tessa snapped, ���No.���

  Everyone looked at her surprised.

  ���This is my husband���s father. Look at us,��� she waved her hand around to everyone, ���We are all sitting here waiting for a fucking bomb to drop!���

  The boys gasped which made Tessa laugh.

  ���I swear, sometimes I swear. I get pissed and I laugh because I want to be happy! I will not sit in fear, or let any of you either. He is an old man who is dying and we are acting like he can take what we have left away from us. I won���t live like this and neither will any of the people I love.���

  Tessa started to open the door and Brody stopped her, ���Brody, I swear to God������

  ���I promised I would watch over all of you and I will not go back on my word,��� His voice was deep and direct.

  ���I have lived like this for years, being directed. I love Collin and that man is the only one I would ever allow to make decisions for me. The only man I wanted to take care of me. He is gone and that ends now.��� Tessa pushed Brody���s hand away from blocking the door and got out.

  She started walking towards the door and Harper jumped out behind her and grabbed her hand and they walked towards the door together.

  Matthew and Collin laughed as they caught up, ���Mom���s a bad ass.���

  ���Mom didn���t have to be before, but she���s back,��� Tessa laughed and looked at the man standing in front of the entry.

  He stood in their way and didn���t move. Maddox stood in front of Tessa.

  ���He asked for them to come and you���re going to block the door? Get the������

  ���Harper���s man is badass, too,��� Matthew laughed.

  ���Do you need ID?��� Tessa snapped.

  The man tried not to smile, ���I was told by Mr. Tomas that you were to wait.���

  ���Mr. Tomas is not my keeper and I���m feeling real feisty right now so you may want to������ Tomas opened the door.

  ���Thank you Mitchell,��� Tomas opened the door, ���It���s just Harrison and his personal assistant, come on in.���

  Maddox grabbed Harper���s hand tightly and whispered in her ear, ���If this gets to be too much������

  ���I���m fine. You do know I���m her daughter, right?���

  Maddox smiled, ���You do know I have known you for years, right?���

  Tessa looked back and laughed, ���She���s right Maddox, in fifty years I don���t want to hear why didn���t you warn me about her.���

  Maddox smiled and looked at Harper, ���I will take her whatever way she comes.���

  Tessa laughed and covered her mouth and Maddox���s jaw dropped, ���That���s not what I mean.���

  Harper laughed out loud, ���Again, I���m her daughter.���

  They all stood in the room waiting for their host to come out of the bedroom smiling at each other. The door opened to the adjoining room and Harrison was wheeled out.

  Harper looked up at her mother and watched her reaction to an older version of Collin in a wheel chair.

  He looked up and took a deep breath from the oxygen mask he held in his hand. It took him several moments to compose himself, to reel back in the emotions that he felt flooding him.

  ���Hello, I am Harrison,��� he looked at Harper sadly, ���I���m so sorry, dear one.���

  Harper tried to smile but holding back the tears she was unable, she shook her head quickly up and down.

  Harrison���s eyes widened and he inhaled through the mask again and swallowed hard. He wiped away tears, ���I���m also sorry about this. I normally don���t ������ he took another breath and looked down, ���I don���t even know what to say to you all.���

  Harper let go of Maddox���s hand and ran to him and fell to her knees. She grabbed his hand and used her other to wipe his tears, ���You look just like him.���

  He let out a breath and wiped at her tears, ���I wish I could���ve known him.���

  Maddox squatted down next to her and rubbed her back.

  ���Harrison this is Maddox,��� Harper smiled.

  ���The man who���protected you,��� Harrison held out his hand to shake Maddox���s.

  Maddox looked at him, ���I would do it again.���

  Harrison smiled softly, ���I am very happy to hear that.���

  Maddox shook his hand and Harper smiled at him, ���Matthew and Collin John, or CJ as we call him are right here.���

  They stood beside her and shook his hand,

  ���Hello,��� they both responded.

  ���The twins,��� Harrison smiled, ���Three grandchildren���

  ���Mom,��� Harper stood up and motioned for her.

  Tessa walked up to him and stuck out her hand and started to introduce herself.

  ���Tessa Ann Abraham. Collin���s wife and mother of his three beautiful children,��� Harrison shook her hand.

  They spent the next few hours talking about Collin. Telling Harrison stories about him and all that he did and gave and the way he loved and protected them. Harrison smiled and listened to their stories. There were tears and laughter. Harrison had dinner brought to the room and they all ate and continued sharing stories about Collin for a few more hours.

  Tessa noticed Harrison was beginning to appear uncomfortable and tired.

  ���Harrison needs to rest,��� she smiled at her children.

  ���I don���t want to yet. We still have so much to talk about,��� Harrison objected.

  ���We can come back,��� Harper smiled brightly at him.

  ���I would love that,��� Harrison���s smile matched hers.

  ���Maybe tonight we could������

  ���Harper, he needs to rest,��� Tessa patted her shoulder.

  ���But Mom������

  Harrison laughed.

  ���Fine, how long will you be here?���

  ���Awhile,��� Harrison patted her hand.

  ���Awhile like a week or awhile like a couple days?��� Harper demanded.

  Harrison laughed, ���Awhile like I really can���t answer that.���

  Tessa understood what he was saying, ���You shouldn���t travel.���

  Harrison shook his head slowly from side to side.

  Harper looked angry when she realized what they meant. As always, Maddox was watching her. He took her hand and rubbed his thumb across the back of it. She looked up at him and her lip quivered. He pulled her towards him and she laid her head against his neck.

  She took a deep breath. His scent and touch were her sedative, her comfort, and her solace. He stroked her back as she continued taking deep breaths until he could tell she was relaxed once again.

  Harper looked up at him sadly. He lowered his head and held his lips against hers as he looked her in the eyes. No movement, just him right there with her, holding her together, supporting her, loving her. He felt a slight smile against his mouth and pulled back and whispered, ���Better?��� She shook her head yes.



  The ride home was quiet and when they finally returned to the house it was as quiet.

  Harper smiled at Emma, ���The girls in bed?���

  Emma hugged her tightly, stood back, and rubbed her arms up and down slowly, ���They���re both starting school in the morning.���

  Harper looked at Maddox stunned, ���I forgot. Oh how could I forget that���s���?���

  Maddox handed her his phone, ���We messaged all afternoon.���

  Harper thumbed through the messages, ���She���s got to know that was not me replying,��� Harper laughed.

  Maddox smirked and shook his head no, ���I don���t say things in that tone.���

  ���A tone, it���s a message, Sweetness,��� Maddox chuckled.

  ���Emma, did she know?���

  Emma tried not to laugh, ���Sorry, Harper, but she absolutely thought it was you. She thought you were texting for Maddox too.���

  Harper giggled, ���Well good.���

  Maddox smiled, ���You tired?���

  ���I���m exhausted.���

  ���Let���s go to bed,��� Maddox pulled her behind him.

  ���Wait,��� she laughed.

  Maddox let out a frustrated groan and dropped her hand. She kissed his cheek and walked quickly into the kitchen.

  Tessa and Emma stopped talking when she walked in, ���Really?��� she laughed and then whispered, ���I know the truth about Santa, and the tooth fairy.���

  Maddox laughed from behind her, ���So fucking adorable.���

  ���Maddox,��� Emma scolded him.

  ���Oh sorry but she is,��� Harper blushed as she looked at him, ���You are, incredibly adorable.���

  ���Oh wow did the doctor give you the go ahead?��� Tessa whispered the last part.

  Brody chuckled as he walked in and Emma scowled at him. Maddox blushed and Harper laughed loudly.

  ���No actually I just���I know she���s tired and I am as well and������

  ���He likes to cuddle,��� Harper grinned.

  Tessa and Emma both cooed AWE and Brody patted him on the back.

  ���My cuddle bear,��� Harper grinned at Maddox.

  Maddox raised his eyebrows, ���Shall we discuss the ride home from������


  Maddox���s lips turned up slightly as he tried to mask his amusement. Harper scowled and his blue eyes sparkled.

  Brody chuckled again and hugged Emma.

  Harper���s face was burning red when she finally looked at her mother, ���I want to go back in the morning. He is a part of all of us. He���s dying and doing it alone.���

  ���I know honey we will okay,��� Tessa hugged her and smiled, ���Cuddle Bear is waiting.���

  Maddox raised an eyebrow and was about to say something. His jaw snapped shut and he opened it again but could find no appropriate words to say to his future mother-in-law. ���Harper if that sticks— your ass is in deep trouble.���

  He turned and stomped up the stairs.

  ���Goodnight everyone,��� Harper smiled and whispered, ���I need to go calm the bear.���

  Harper walked into the bedroom and he wasn���t in there. She thought about everything the doctor had said, that because she didn���t have a vaginal delivery, the part of abstaining from intercourse was simply because they were waiting for her womb to heal and he advised a couple weeks for that reason alone. He told Maddox that she may not feel sexual because, like a normal pregnancy she was experiencing the hormonal changes and that a caring partner would make sure she wanted to be touched, asked to be touched before her partner did so. She looked out the window and rubbed her hand over her stomach slowly. It was no longer hard, it hadn���t been in a few days. She hated the way it moved beneath her hand. She walked over to the mirror and looked into it. In loose clothes she looked the same. She knew that even under her clothes she would soon be the same size she had been since tenth grade. She lifted her shirt and looked at her breasts, they had been tender since the hospital. She ran her hand slowly across her nipple and back again trying to get a reaction.

  When Maddox had touched her breasts in the Jeep it wasn���t the immense pleasure she had always felt when she wanted him, or when she looked into his eyes and they burned for her, calling her body by a simple look. She pulled her shirt over her head, tossed it on the floor, slipped her bra straps off her shoulders pulling it down far enough so her breasts sprang out of the cups. She looked at them, examining her reflection in the mirror. She gently held them, one in each hand and squeezed gently. She pushed them together and looked in the mirror, nothing. She licked her fingers and ran its wetness across her nipple and blew lightly down on them, still nothing. She let out a frustrated breath and unclasped her bra and tossed it on the floor. She turned to grab her shirt and saw Maddox standing against the wall wrapped in a towel.

  ���Oh my God.��� Harper grabbed he
r shirt and covered herself as she felt her face burning.

  Maddox walked quickly to her and lifted her chin and kissed her nose.

  ���Please don���t,��� she whispered as she started to pull away from him.

  He turned her around facing the mirror, ���Open your eyes, please.��� His breath was warm on her neck but not deep and heady.

  ���No, Maddox that was���embarrassing.���

  ���You are beautiful, Harper,��� he kissed her neck and gently pulled the shirt from her hand exposing her, ���Open your eyes, please.���

  ���No I������

  ���Give me one full minute and if you still object I will let you get dressed, trust me please.���

  Harper opened her eyes and looked at her reflection, ���You have fifty eight seconds.���

  Maddox smiled at her, ���When I walked in here I was a bit shocked, and very turned on. You touching yourself was the single most erotic thing I have ever witnessed in my life.���


  ���Unless we���re pausing the speculative time clock you���ll let me finish,��� Maddox looked at her eyes in the mirror. She nodded her head and he continued. ���I watched your hands moving, focusing on them alone. When I saw the disdain in your eyes I knew what you were thinking and it completely bewilders me that you could even for one second not see what you are. Harper, you are incredibly sexy. With us���you are completely open and willing to be pleased and to please me. Your body is amazing outside and deep inside. It is my favorite place to play and my favorite treat. A feast for my eyes, my mouth, my ears, my hands, my cock, and my nose. I love the way you smell when you���re turned on, it calls to me, Harper. I love the way you look, I have memorized every part of your body, from your hair to your toes. I can honestly tell you I would give up food if you allowed me to have my mouth on you all the time. When I touch your skin it���s like silk and velvet. When you say my name, moaning or otherwise it is the sweetest sound I have ever heard, every time. When I���m buried inside you moving in and out of you I���m connected to my lifeline. I���m one with you and you are one with me. Do not try to hide from me Harper, ever.���


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