The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series. Page 349

by Mj Fields


  ���Harper?��� He turned her towards him.

  ���I���m a girl, I am going to have moments of self-loathing and insecurity.���

  ���You���re my girl Harper, and I won���t allow it. You���re mine to care for, mine.���

  Harper smiled at him, ���So when I get old and things start really sagging������

  ���You���ll be beautiful to me,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���What if I get so fat, I can���t move?��� Harper smiled.

  ���Genetically impossible,��� Maddox laughed.

  ���What���s that supposed to mean?���

  ���Your mother is a beautiful woman and so is Maggie,��� Maddox smiled.

  ���You check out my mom?���

  Maddox laughed, ���Not like that, but yeah she���s hot.���

  Harper laughed, ���I���m going to tell her you said that.���

  ���Harper you got a ���damn it!��� Tessa darted back in the hallway and shut the door.

  Maddox laughed and grabbed Harper���s shirt, ���Sorry, Sweetness.���

  Harper let him put it back on her, ���Mom get back here.���

  Tessa walked in as Maddox was walking in the closet still wrapped in a towel.

  ���You need to start locking this door until I get used to all this, Harper Ann,��� Tessa���s face was red.

  ���We really weren���t doing anything,��� Harper sat on the bed and patted it.

  Maddox walked out dressed in a tee shirt and shorts looking at the ground, ���We really������

  ���Actually right before you walked in Maddox was telling me you were hot,��� Harper giggled.

  ���Harper?��� Maddox gasped.

  ���He was��� Maddox —women like to hear these things.��� Harper explained.

  ���Not really,��� Tessa blushed furiously.

  ���I���m going to grab a drink and as much as I would like our private life to be private I really hope you explain that to Tessa in better detail.���

  Maddox left the room and Harper laughed.

  ���I don���t even know if I want to know, Harper. I think you two are ������

  ���I was having body issues. My stomach is gross and���well he was telling me what a feast I was to him,��� Harper began.

  ���Maybe you should keep this to yourself,��� Tessa closed her eyes.

  ���No Mom, he is amazing. He basically just said that he loves everything about me. That I would always be beautiful to him. When I asked if I got so fat I couldn���t move he said it was genetically impossible. That you were a beautiful woman and so was Grandma Maggie.���

  Tessa smiled, ���He is pretty amazing, huh?���

  ���A dream,��� Harper fell back on her bed and laughed.

  Tessa lay back down next to her, ���I���ve been thinking about Harrison.���

  ���I don���t want to see him die Mom but I don���t want him to die alone.���

  ���Your father wouldn���t want that either,��� Tessa whispered.

  ���So we bring him home,��� Harper turned and looked at Tessa.

  Tessa smiled, ���I thought about it.���

  ���So that���s what we do tomorrow,��� Harper sat up.

  ���We have a bit of a room issue,��� Tessa smiled.

  ���Oh, wow I forgot the boy���s room was full.���

  ���Yes but I have an idea,��� Tessa smiled and sat up.

  ���You do?���

  ���Yes. But you have to agree to it and it will take a couple days. Until then do you and Maddox mind sleeping in the family room? Could you also try to keep your hands to yourselves for a couple days?���

  ���Can���t promise anything, Mom,��� Harper joked.

  Harrison tried to explain to Tessa and the children that he wants to spend as much time getting to know them as he could, but didn���t want to be a burden. Harper explained to him that family was family and he would do as he was told. He laughed at her, but she was adamant. Harrison was a proud man, he was also a man who had lost two sons in one day which Harper was sure was not helping his health at all.

  Maddox woke up a week later to an empty bed, which he did not like at all, but she had been doing it every morning.

  When she walked into the house he was pacing in the kitchen.

  ���Hey,��� she smiled as she pulled her sweatshirt over her head.

  ���Good morning, Harper,��� Maddox pulled her hat off revealing the sweat drenched head it covered.

  ���I want to show you something,��� Maddox dragged her into the bathroom and shut the door.

  ���Oh yeah?��� She laughed.

  He pulled up his shirt and poked himself in the stomach, ���I could use some exercise as well.���

  Harper laughed and poked him, ���Whatever.���

  Maddox pushed his stomach out, ���See.���

  Harper laughed and cupped his belly in her hands, ���I think its twins.���

  Maddox let his breath out, ���I don���t like you doing this every morning alone.���

  ���Maddox, I have done this for years, even my father allowed it,��� Harper laughed. ���Besides, someone must have told on me,��� she poked him in the chest, ���and that someone should know Tomas���s cover has been blown, I know he���s out there too.���

  ���I didn���t tell Tomas���are you sure it was him���FUCK!��� Maddox stormed out the door and outside in his slippers.

  He crossed the snow covered driveway and up the back steps of the garage. He banged on the door and Tomas opened it panting, ���Harper thinks I told you to follow her on her little morning runs in the woods. I didn���t. SO someone������

  ���You didn���t have to, her father did. I promised him I would always watch out for them,��� Tomas answered without expression as per the norm.

  ���So it was you?���

  ���Yes and how the hell did she know?���

  Maddox smiled and shook his head back and forth, ���She is a pain in the ass.���

  Tomas smiled briefly, ���Always has been, always will be.���

  ���Thank you Tomas,��� Maddox said and walked back down the stairs.

  He walked into the house and Harper smirked, ���Eggs?���

  ���Please and tomorrow you let poor Tomas sleep in, I���m going with you,��� Maddox sat pouting on a bar stool.

  Tessa ran down the stairs, ���Shower quickly Harper, Maddox call the boys and have them meet us at Community General. Harrison was just transported by ambulance.���

  Harper quietly sat looking out the window as they drove home from the hospital. They had spent twelve hours there and when Harrison woke and saw them he immediately shed tears.

  He had suffered with COPD for years and had exhausted every option available. Harrison was extremely wealthy and was mentally capable of understanding that he would die soon. He reminded his newly found family every chance he got.

  Harper continued sneaking out to run in the morning and Maddox although still annoyed by it he understood and had begun to run himself in the evening, giving Harper time with her mother.

  Harper had told Tessa that Maddox had been hearing her cry a lot at night, and when she was confronted about it Tessa made up a silly reason to stop the questioning. Harper knew her mother was a lot li
ke her and she needed to grieve alone.

  A week later Maddox and Harper went to the hospital to bring him home. When they turned onto route 41A Harper looked at him and smiled, he closed his eyes, ���This is not necessary.���

  ���Again Pops��� you don���t have a choice,��� Harper kissed him on the cheek with a loud smack.

  He smiled and squeezed her hand.

  Harper and Maddox had moved into the family room when they had first decided to bring Harrison home with them. London was ecstatic when Harper offered her room to her and said that she and Maddox liked it in the family room. Maddox didn���t argue and assumed it was because she would rather not be truly alone with him and he understood, sort of.

  When they returned Maddox and Harper���s things had been moved, the family room was set up with a hospital bed, heart monitor, oxygen machines, and back up tanks.

  Maddox pushed the wheelchair into the house and Harrison smiled up at Harper, ���This is beautiful.���

  She smiled, ���You���ll love it here.���

  Jade���s husband Ryan walked in the kitchen and stuck out his hand, ���You must be Harrison and you must be very important. They are giving you privacy; I just put a door on your room.���

  ���I wish you had not gone through all the trouble,��� Harrison took a deep breath of oxygen.

  Harper looked up at Maddox and smirked. He gave her a tight smile and she knew he was growing frustrated with the fact that they had no privacy at all anymore. He slept naked when they were in Switzerland and since they had moved to the family room they both wore pajamas to bed. A week ago the mail had delivered sleeper pajamas that Lexington wore to bed. Maddox turned the deepest shade of red when Harper came down in an adult size matching pair of footies. The entire night he tossed and turned on the air mattress that during the day was used as a trampoline by his sisters and in the evening was their bed. Harper fell on the floor then he threw himself back frustrated with not being able to sleep. He jumped up and scrambled to her side to make sure she was alright and she was laughing.

  ���What���s wrong?��� she giggled.

  ���I can���t sleep worth a shit down here with all these damn clothes on and then you come to bed in a fucking body condom which disturbs me further.���

  Harper had sucked in her cheeks so she could stop from laughing and he scowled, stripped naked and threw his clothes on the floor, ���There!���

  He climbed into bed and laid so his back was to her. She climbed beside him and nuzzled her nose into his neck and wrapped her legs and arms over his. He sprung up and she almost fell again, this time he caught her and she laughed so hard she had tears running down her face. He ran his hands through his hair and groaned in frustration and turned and looked at her, ���I can���t touch you through that,��� his hands waved up and down, ���so you can���t touch me!���

  Harper pulled herself together and he lay on his back. She climbed over him straddling him and he groaned, ���Tease.���

  Harper wiggled her butt against him and his eyes rolled back.

  ���I thought you would find this sexy,��� Harper giggled.

  Maddox grabbed a pillow and covered his face and cursed loudly into it. The light flicked on and Tessa ran in, ���Is everything alright?���

  Maddox threw the pillow and grabbed Harper���s hips holding her to him so she did not expose him once again in front of her mother. Harper laughed and laughed and Tessa flicked off the switch, ���You���re going to kill that poor boy, Harper Ann. Goodnight.���

  The next night as Harper looked for the footie pajamas Maddox pretended to write as he was trying to hide his amusement.

  ���Do you know where my pajamas are?���

  ���No sorry maybe they are in the laundry,��� he smirked as she walked out.

  He heard her bound down the stairs and when she walked in this time she sported a blue pair, same as the ones he threw into the fireplace during her shower and of all people Tessa walked in on him cursing them as they burned. Maddox was nervous and Tessa giggled as she walked out of the room.

  Everyone sat and ate dinner. They ate French onion soup and Harper mentioned how well she enjoyed the Swiss cheese topping���several times and they ate Swiss chard steak. Again Harper asked Maddox at least three times why he thought they called it Swiss chard. The last time she asked he looked at her like she may be losing it, ���I still have no idea, but I promise that I will Google it when we finish dinner, Harper.���

  Emma and Tessa both laughed at his response and he looked at them oddly.

  After the girls were in bed and Harrison was asleep Harper walked out into the kitchen, ���I���m going for a run, wanna come Maddox?��� she winked at him.

  ���I don���t know why you need to run, it���s dark out,��� Maddox pointed to the window.

  ���Suit yourself,��� and with that Harper took off out the door.

  Mumbling. Maddox threw on his shoes and grabbed Harper���s coat and chased after her. He yelled her name several times and she just kept going. He watched her walk into the cabin, her family���s deer camp. When he finally got close enough he saw a flag hanging across the small front porch.

  He saw Harper peek out the window. She opened the door in her dreaded blue footies holding a cup, ���Would you like some hot cocoa? It���s Swiss Miss,��� Harper smiled at him.

  ���I like the flag,��� he said as he looked her up and down slowly.

  ���Come on in, welcome to Switzerland,��� Harper smiled and bit her bottom lip.

  She was beaming with excitement when he walked in. He looked around at the dozens of tiny little Swiss flags stuck everywhere and then quickly back at Harper and smiled.

  ���Looks much different in here than I remember.���

  ���Things change you know,��� Harper looked quickly towards the back.

  ���Is there still a room back there?���

  ���Yes, and it even has a door.���

  ���Care to show me?���

  ���I would love to.���

  Harper took his hand and they walked into the back.

  ���No couches?���

  ���Nope, they have just recently been removed to make room for this new bed. You should sit down and see if you like it.���

  Maddox sat down and leaned towards Harper and she stood up and moved away.

  ���You wanna check out the rest of the place?���

  ���Harper, I think I just saw it when I walked in.���

  ���Well no, we added a bathroom last year for hunting season. It has the cutest little shower,��� Harper smiled and walked out of the room.

  Maddox stood up and walked out behind her. His hands wrapped around from behind her and he kissed her neck, ���How long do we have?���

  ���Well, as soon as your parents decide where they will build, it shouldn���t be long after that.���

  Harper turned around, ���Will this work?���

  Maddox shook his head yes, ���When did you do all this?���

  ���Morning runs��� she used air quotes, ���and Mom and Emma helped out when I couldn���t sneak away.���

  ���You did this for me?���

  ���I did this for us,��� she smiled and kissed him.

  As soon as he pulled her tightly to his body she whimpered and he pulled back quickly, ���Sorry.���

  Her face was flush and eyes hooded, ���Sorry for what, Maddox?���

  ���I know you have to see the doctor and������

  ���I saw him at the hospital tod
ay. He snuck me in a room did a quick exam and said ���Go rock his world.������

  ���What? When?���

  ���I ran into him in the hallway, when I left to use the bathroom,��� Harper smiled proudly.

  ���Why are we still dressed?���

  ���Because you keep asking questions,��� Harper grabbed the silky smooth locks in his hair and pulled him down to meet her mouth.

  ���We go slowly,��� Maddox said after he had licked her mouth deeply and was moving down her neck.

  ���Uh huh,��� Harper feverishly pulled his thermal shirt over his head and then kissed him passionately again.

  ���Take these fucking things off,��� Maddox pulled the zipper down and she stepped out of them.

  Her foot was stuck and he pulled it out and then crumpled up the pajamas and tossed them into the fireplace and turned back around and looked at Harper, ���I swear to God himself, if you ever come to bed in something like that again I will spank your little ass,��� his hand cupped her breast and she pushed into him.

  ���I swear to God himself, I may actually be turned on by that thought,��� Harper moaned.

  Maddox looked down at her, ���Very nice nighty��� but it needs to go,��� he groaned as he pulled the scrap of lace covering her down as he trailed kisses from her hipbone to her neck.

  His hand cupped her mound, and he rubbed his palm against it, Harper cried out as he latched onto her breast sucking and pulling on her erect nipple and then moved to the next.

  He stepped back quickly and Harper looked down and breathlessly spoke, ���Hey— you fixed them.���

  Maddox laughed through clenched teeth, ���I wanna eat that pussy, Sweetness.���

  ���By all means���OH GOD!��� Harper cried out as his tongue ravaged her and he sucked on her clit.

  ���Oh Maddox,��� she pulled his hair as he threw her leg over his shoulder and licked her from front to back slowly, she cried out when his tongue plunged inside her and found her g spot.

  Her body trembled violently, ���Maddox.���

  Maddox grabbed her other leg and held her by her ass holding her up.


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