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Finding Spencer

Page 3

by Kimberly Knight

  People danced all around us, lost in their own worlds, and I didn’t care. They disappeared, and it was just me and her, our bodies in sync with the beat, swaying perfectly.

  My thigh rubbed against her center as I wished that there was no barrier like panties between us, but I knew there was. She wasn’t that type of girl—I could tell. As I rubbed my thigh against her pussy, I knew her panties were rubbing her aching clit. Her eyes shut—she was close.

  Her hands tightened in my hair, the pain sending a shiver through my body. If she didn’t get off soon, I was going to explode in my pants. I held her body against mine, letting her relax—letting her lose herself and feel my body rubbing against her, wanting her.

  The song was coming to an end, and I felt her shudder, her body tensing as she clung to me to keep from falling. Yeah—she wanted me.

  Fuck! What was I doing? This wasn’t like me.

  Before I could fuck anything up, our eyes locked again, and I smiled at her, bending down and whispering “thank you” in her ear, before I turned and walked away.


  “Thank you”? What the fuck was I doing? Who says that? Who does that?

  All I knew was I was going to cum in my jeans if I didn’t walk away and take care of business on my own. The run I made to my room was hard. I kept picturing her rubbing on my cock, her brown eyes, her smile, her touch, her losing herself on my thigh—fuck me!

  I left Becca and Jason in the club with a text that I was going to my room.

  Jason: Hitting that shit?

  Me: No.

  Jason: Seriously?

  Me: Yes.

  Jason: Okay? Why did you leave?

  Me: Just give me 30. I’ll meet you at the tables. I'm running up to my room for a few.

  I made it to my room in the Palazzo. Thankfully we were staying in the same hotel as the club we were at. If we weren’t, I would have jerked it in the bathroom at Lavo. I didn’t care. I was going to fucking explode in my pants.

  I slid my key in the door, letting it slam behind me as I tossed my phone on the desk and quickly made work of my belt. I couldn’t get my jeans undone fast enough. I didn’t take off my shoes or pull my pants down all the way. I couldn’t. I desperately needed the release. I imagined my brunette hottie’s hands on my dick, remembering the feel of her ass on my dick as I ran my hand up and down my shaft, mimicking the beat of the music that was running through my head.

  My hand started off slow, my eyes closed as I lay on the bed, my legs hanging off. I groaned as I pictured her hips rolling, rubbing my cock with her perfect ass, her perfect body flush with mine. I wasn’t going to let her go. My hand clenched tighter on my dick. I now loved that fucking song that played while we danced. I was going to buy it and play it every time I jerked it, thinking of her.

  Pre-cum beaded out, my hand gliding over the tip—picturing her hot mouth wrapped around my cock—sucking it—hard. My hand tightened more, just like I would want her pretty mouth to do. Pumping fast, I couldn’t take it anymore. The images—the memory of just a few minutes ago—was making me hard as a fucking rock. I could feel my dick throb and my balls clench.

  I hissed as the pre-cum continued to drip out—my hand was her mouth. I was close. Her ass flashed in my head, followed by her lean legs, glistening from the sweat and the smell of her. When she came on my leg and I nuzzled her neck to whisper in her ear, I smelt her. I wanted to taste her. Wanted to fuck her. Run my hand through her juices and put it on my dick for her to suck off.


  I lifted my black pin-striped shirt and squirted my cum on my stomach as I groaned what I thought was her name: “Spence!”


  The whole time we were out at the strip club for Ben’s birthday, I thought of her. I couldn’t wait to get back home and see my brunette hottie Monday afternoon. I hadn’t wanted a girl so much in all my life. I’d only been in love once in my life, and that was in high school when I thought I knew everything and I would marry my high school sweetheart.

  She broke my heart.

  I was a year ahead of her in school, and after graduation, I left for Texas A&M, which was less than two hours away but far enough away for her to find someone else. She couldn’t handle not seeing me during football season. I tried to convince her to stay with me on the weekends, but it was hard when we would need to travel for games. One night, she went to a party and hooked up with another dude.

  Since then, it was hard to trust any woman except my mother and Becca.

  “I want to go check out Aria,” Becca said. “I haven’t been there since it was built.”

  “We did what you wanted to do last night,” Jason said.

  “Yeah, but I just let you go look at tits for three hours while you left me alone.”

  “We invited you to go,” I teased her.

  “I would much rather be pampered at a spa than watching women rub all over my husband.”

  “You missed out,” I said, smiling at her.

  Becca was our rock. Without her, Jason and I wouldn’t have made it through college, especially after that asshole broke my back. She was my life savior, and I didn’t like pissing her off.

  “Let’s just hit the tables there. I’m sure they have some high rollers we can take from,” I said to Jason.

  Jason and I played Texas Hold’em every Wednesday. We practically knew the game inside and out. We could read tells, hide ours, and rarely ever lost—me more so than Jason. I could take him any time at head-to-head games, and he hated it.

  We walked to Aria and headed straight for the High Roller room. Becca played, too, but not as well as us. People tended to be scared of her. She didn’t play consistently, and it was hard to know when she was bluffing or not. I could tell, and especially Jason could tell.

  One of the tables in the small room was full, and another table just had one older gentleman waiting to play at it. The odds were in our favor, and we liked those odds. We sat down, ordered a round of drinks and waited for the dealer to give us our chips for the cash we handed him. As we waited, I looked up and saw the brown eyes I dreamt about the night before, staring at me as her loud mouthed friend bitched behind her.

  “Ow, whoa Spence, why did you stop?” her friend asked.

  There was that name again—Spence. She sat down in front of me. I could tell she was nervous. Hell, I was nervous. I didn’t know how she would react after the night before. We shared something. Something I’m sure no one knew, and all I could do was smile at her as she slid into her chair. That was the kind of effect she had on me. Every time I saw her, she put a smile on my face.

  Now if I could just find more than two words to say to her.

  Becca nudged me under the table with her foot. Yeah, we all knew who just walked in. The cocktail waitress brought our drinks and then turned to the two girls to take their order. My brunette was the only one playing, and given that this was the High Roller room, she barely had any money to play with.

  Did she come in here because I was in here?

  She didn’t play her first hand, and when she looked up at me after discarding her cards to the dealer, I smiled—again. She flushed, and we silently had a conversation about the night before. We both enjoyed it. Both wanted it. Both wanted more.

  “Hi, I’m Jason, this is my wife Becca, and this here is Brandon,” he said, nodding his head towards me, but looking directly at my hottie.

  Fucking hell. This might be a little awkward.

  “I’m Stan.”

  Wait? What?

  I belatedly realized that the older gentleman had introduced himself, bringing all eyes to him.

  “Hi, I’m Spencer, and this is Ryan,” my hottie said. Spencer…her name was Spencer, and her friend’s name was Ryan. This was getting weirder than I thought it would. They had boy names. Ryan was the only one not playing. She just stood behind Spencer and watched us play.

  Before I could say anything, Jason spoke again. “So ladies, where are you from?”
br />   I almost choked on my beer. He knew where they were from. Everyone knew where everyone was from—except Stan. We didn’t care where he was from; we just wanted his money.

  “San Francisco. And you?” Spencer replied. I smiled as I looked at my cards. She was playing the same game he was.

  “Wow, what a coincidence. So are we,” Jason said, trying not to laugh.

  Let’s see how far this little game would play out. “You know, you look like this girl who goes to the same gym as me,” I said finally. I was trying not to smile as I said it, looking directly into her beautiful brown eyes.

  Without missing a beat, she responded, “Oh yeah? I just started going to that new gym, Club 24, a few weeks ago… You know, come to think of it, you do look kind of familiar.” Our eyes were locked on each other and I just smiled at her—all she made me do was smile.

  “Yeah, then I know I have seen you there a few times.”

  Over the next hour or so, I found out that Spencer and Ryan had come to Vegas for a girls’ trip and that Spencer had just won a jackpot on a slot machine, so Ryan talked her into playing poker to hopefully win enough money to buy a designer purse.

  Becca was impressed and rooting for Spencer to win because she wanted her to take my money as well as Jason’s. I just wanted her to take Stan’s money. He could buy her the purse. I didn’t understand why chicks had to have more than one purse anyway; they all carried shit.

  We never mentioned the night before, but clearly we were both thinking about it. I would smile at her, and she would blush. She would smile at me, and my dick would twitch. Her pile of chips was slowly but surely getting smaller. I felt bad, but I knew I would have a chance to make it up to her. I would one day buy her the purse Ryan had mentioned, because Becca would remember exactly which one she wanted.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket.

  Christy: I’ll be at your place tomorrow when you get home. I miss you. I love you. Can’t wait to see you, Baby!

  I showed Becca my text from Christy. Things needed to change or I would be getting the restraining order.

  “Want me to handle her?” Becca whispered to me.

  “No. I’m just not going to respond. Oh…and I’m staying at your place tomorrow.”

  Jesus, I couldn’t even stay at my own condo in peace anymore.

  “You better get that restraining order first thing on Monday.”

  “I’m not sure it works that way.”

  “What are you two whispering about?” Jason asked.

  “Nothing,” we both said.

  I couldn’t do this with the girl I’ve been fantasizing about sitting right across from me. Maybe I needed to get the law involved. Fucking Christy.

  The next hand, Spencer and I went head to head. Everyone else folded, but I was dealt pocket aces. The flop gave me three of a kind. Spencer bet five hundred dollars. She hadn’t played this strong all night, so I knew she must have something good, but even if she had three kings, I had her beat with three aces. Given the flop, which was a King of Clubs, Ace of Diamonds and a Two of Spades, there was no way she could have a straight or a flush.

  Even though I liked this girl, I wasn’t giving her my money.

  I called her five hundred dollars, and for a slight second, I saw her take a deep breath. She wasn’t expecting me to call. The dealer turned over an eight of spades on the turn. It was of no help to me, and I suspected it was of no help to Spencer, either, but she bet five hundred more dollars. It looked like I was going to need to teach her a lesson, but I planned to make it up to her anyway, so I called her five hundred.

  The dealer then turned over a Seven of Hearts on the river, which again was of no help to me. I expected Spencer to be smart and just check. She was already in for a grand, and I didn’t think she started with that much to begin with, but she didn’t.

  She pushed all her chips into the middle and said, “All in.”

  I looked up at her, gave her a quick smile, and without hesitation said, “I call”.

  As the dealer counted Spencer’s chips, I watched her. I felt bad taking all of her money, but if I didn’t live up to my family nickname of Black Bart, then I would get shit from Becca and Jason. I couldn’t let that happen, even if I knew this girl was going to be the death of me one day.

  After the dealer counted her chips and I placed my chips in the middle to call her, Spencer turned over pocket kings—exactly what I pegged her to have. I knew she would kill me even if she didn’t know me. I turned over my pocket aces with a smile on my face.

  “Ah Spence, you lost all your money!” Ryan said mournfully.

  Spence’s eyes flicked to mine in shock, and if Jason and Becca hadn’t been sitting right beside me, I would have told her that I would make it up to her.

  “Yep, well it was nice playing with you all,” Spencer said and stood up. “Time to call it a night, Ry.”

  I couldn’t let her leave, thinking this was going to be the end. It’s not always true what they say; things don’t always stay in Vegas. “Hey Spencer…,” I said as she turned to leave.

  She hesitated for a slight moment…maybe shocked I actually said something. “Yeah?”

  “See you at the gym on Monday,” I said with a huge smile.

  She instantly perked up and smiled back. “Okay.”

  “My little boy is growing up,” Becca said.

  “Fuck off,” I replied, and she and Jason laughed with me.


  When we returned from Vegas, I crashed at Jason and Becca’s place, just like I’d told her I was going to do. I didn’t want to risk the chance that Christy would be at my place waiting for me. Sure enough, it was close to midnight when my doorman, Albert, called me to tell me that my girlfriend was waiting for me in the parking lot of my building.

  I told him two things: one, she wasn’t my girlfriend anymore, and two, he should tell her that if she didn’t leave, then he would call the police. I didn’t hear back from him, so I assumed that did the trick and she left. When I woke the next morning for work, I had twenty-nine missed calls from Christy and forty-seven text messages from her. Luckily I had unlimited text messaging; she was relentless. I just deleted all of her texts without reading them. I didn’t listen to the enormous amount of voicemails, either. I didn’t care what she had to say. I hoped that the more I ignored her, the more she would realize it was over—for good.

  When Jason and I arrived at the gym, we gave the front desk specific instructions that if Christy showed up, then they should call Jason immediately so he could escort her out. I didn’t want to see her. She was starting to really fucking piss me off, and if I saw her, I didn’t know what kind of scene I would make.

  I dreamt of Spencer and then woke up thinking about her, counting down the hours until I knew she would be walking in through the front doors of my gym.


  “Any minute now,” I said to Jason as my leg bounced up and down under my desk.

  “I haven’t seen you act this way towards a female in—forever.”

  “I know. It doesn’t help that she came on my leg, either. Fuck…her face when she came…”

  “That’s some talent.” He laughed.

  I chuckled slightly. “Yeah, thank God for leg day.”

  Spencer’s body was perfect. She had all the right curves in all the right places, and as we danced, she rested most of her weight on my thigh, but I didn’t care. I could hold her forever, especially if that meant there would be more times when I would get to see her lose herself beneath me.

  “Incoming,” Jason said, looking at our security monitors.

  My heart stopped. Fuck she was beautiful in her black skirt that reminded me of our dance, black heels, and purple sweater. I sprang from my desk and hurried down the stairs to the front desk. I knew she only had a two week trial membership, which had expired the Friday before. I wasn’t going to let her buy a membership. It was the least I could do for taking her money in Vegas.

  “Hi, I nee
d to purchase a membership,” she said to Luke at the front desk as I approached from behind her.

  “Luke, I’m taking care of Spencer’s membership.”

  “Yes sir, Mr. Montgomery,” he said.

  I leaned on the desk as Luke set up Spencer’s membership. My dick starting to twitch in my black basketball shorts as I ran my eyes over her body.

  “That isn’t necessary,” she said, running her eyes over my body in return.

  “It’s the least I can do for taking all your money!” I said, smiling at her like I always did.

  Hey, at least I was finally talking to her!

  “Ha ha, very funny. But really, you don’t need to. It was just money I won in Vegas anyway, so no big deal.”

  “Spencer, don’t worry about it, I kind of own this place.”

  “What? Really?” she asked, her eyes growing wide.

  “Yep, now go change so we can work out,” I said, firmly. I needed to release some energy or my dick was going to get what he wanted as he started to grow harder, and I tried to hide my erection by shifting away from Spencer to face the desk instead.

  I watched her walk away to the locker room. I wasn’t sure if I could last through the three date rule that I’d heard some girls give guys. I wanted her so badly, I could taste it.


  Working out with Spencer and actually talking to her was amazing. I couldn’t believe how much of a pussy I was for two weeks prior. I felt like I’d lost two weeks that I could have spent making this girl mine. She was funny, smart, beautiful, and played poker. She was turning into my perfect woman.

  After she ran on the treadmill, I knew that Spencer usually took off. I didn’t want her to leave. I didn’t want our short thirty minutes to be over. I convinced Spencer to join me in the weight room. Women needed to lift, too. Cardio was great, but lifting to tone muscles was one of the sexiest things on a woman, in my opinion. I didn’t want her to be a body builder, but if she had defined arms and firmly toned legs that could clench my head between her thighs and not let me move—that would be fucking amazing.


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