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Page 9

by Sam Cheever

  He levered himself off me and I cried out, trying to grab him back.

  “Nuh uh. Not this way. When I take you it will be because we’re both willing…”

  “I’m willing!”

  “…and sober.”

  I tried to sit up, “I’m…” I flopped back down. “I’m thirsty.”

  A wisp of impossibly soft cloth slid over the sensitized skin of my stomach and chest as Ian pulled the bed covers over me, but my eyes had closed and I couldn’t seem to pry them open again.

  “Get some rest, drunkin’ spirit. You and I have much to do when you wake.”

  I thought of a response to this. And I think my lips moved. But nothing came out. I felt sleep pulling at me like a dark wave.

  The last thing I remembered were a pair of soft lips on mine. “You’re pretty too, drunkin’ spirit.”

  I think I smiled, as my body slid into oblivion.

  ~ ~*~ ~

  Something was tickling my nose and there was a lead weight on my chest. I opened my eyes to find a warm, muscular arm thrown over my chest and a very hot leg pinning my thighs to the bed.

  I blinked, trying to remember if I’d done anything to embarrass myself, groaning as I remembered. In sudden panic I felt under the covers to make sure I was fully clothed and sighed in relief as I discovered that I was.

  I tried to pry the hairy arm and thick leg off of me but only succeeded in having Ian burrow more deeply into my side.

  I was all too aware of something hard and long bouncing happily against my hip.

  Shit! I shoved harder at the arm.

  Ian murmured something and suddenly he was lying on top of me, and the happy hard object was pressed into my stomach. His pretty brown eyes were open, his lips curved in a smile. “Good morning.”

  I frowned at him. “What’s so good about it?”

  His head lowered and a heated tongue came out to slide along the seam of my lips. He tucked his hips to press the long, hard thing more thoroughly against me.

  I gasped, seeing stars as all the blood ran from my brain to other parts of my body. He arched away from me, pulling a strand of white-gold hair off my cheek with his finger. “You and I are in bed together, and you are no longer under the influence of ambrosia. I’m free to fulfill your every desire, expressed so eloquently last night. I’d say that makes it a nearly perfect day.”

  I grimaced, feeling the blood rushing back to my face in embarrassment. “You can’t hold last night against me.”

  His eyebrows lifted, “I can’t?”

  I tried to shove him off again but he felt as if he were made of lead. “Get off me!”

  He grinned. “I don’t think so.” His lips lowered to claim mine and my hands stilled on his chest. I whimpered against his lips as feeling swamped me, bringing me to my emotional knees. I’d never had such a strong reaction to a man. And I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do with it. Fortunately for me Ian seemed more than willing to take the lead on that decision. He pressed heated kisses across my face and down my neck, sliding down my body to press kisses deep into the neckline of the overlarge shirt I still wore. As he moved, his fingers made short work of the tiny buttons down the front of the shirt.

  Suddenly unable to breathe through the heat we were creating, I shoved at the covers, pushing them down as far as I could. Ian tugged the soft breeches I wore over my hips and down to my knees. I kicked them the rest of the way off.

  Ian was already naked. My hands found the smooth milk chocolate skin of his back and slid upward, spanning the impressive vee created by his narrow waist widening to broad shoulders.

  He shivered slightly under my touch.

  Cool air slid across my overheated skin, followed by the smooth heat of his hands. I looked down and saw that my shirt was wide open and my naked breasts were mounding out from under his talented fingers. When he dipped his head and pulled a rigid peak into his mouth I cried out, arching my hips up to grind into hard, heated flesh.

  Only a soft, thin barrier of cloth separated his body from mine. He wore nothing. I wore only the tiny panties I favored, which did little to cover me up. Ian was reaching for the narrow side band of the panties when all hell broke loose.

  A horrendous clanging noise disrupted the near silence of the room, which, up to that point, had been pleasantly punctuated only by steamy sighs and urgent moans.

  We jumped apart with a startled cry. Ian fell off the side of the bed, hitting the floor hard.

  I was barely aware of him swearing colorfully as I grabbed the sides of my shirt and dragged them together frantically. I clutched the shirt together in a fist as I pushed at my tangled hair with the other hand. The air before me started to shimmer and I motioned for Ian to stay down on the ground, out of sight.

  The Watcher’s ugly monkey face swam into view, hovering on the air in front of me.

  I glared at him. “Was that necessary?”

  He shrugged, grinning meanly. “I wanted to warn you in case you were doing something embarrassing.” His wide, black eyes narrowed on me, no doubt taking in my disheveled state. “You weren’t doing something embarrassing were you?”

  I clutched the shirt tighter and frowned at him. “None of your damn business. What do you want?”

  The assessing gaze hung there a moment longer, filling me with the need to squirm guiltily, and then swung away. “I’ve been trying to reach you for hours. Something’s been blocking me.”

  I nodded. “I’m on Faerydae’s lands, she probably has protections woven around them.”

  “Ahh. Yes, that would explain it.” Then his face took on a newly suspicious look. “What are you doing there?”

  I blew out a frustrated breath. I was feeling guilty that Ian was listening in on the Watcher’s conversation without the powerful Gnome knowing about it. I also knew it was dangerous. My libido hadn’t taken me over so completely that I could overlook the risk. “I’m following the damnable human you told me I had to follow. This is where he is, so this is where I am.”

  I could almost feel Ian’s hostile gaze.

  The Watcher scrunched up his monkey face. “What in Hades’ favorite circle is he doing on Faerydae’s lands?”

  I couldn’t stop myself from squirming just a little. Umm, plotting against the gods? Seducing yours truly? “I don’t know that yet. He has some relationship with Faerydae. It could be purely innocent. As soon as I figure that out I’ll report back to you.” I heard a whisper of movement on the floor beside the bed and prayed Ian would stay put. Then I said a prayer that the Watcher didn’t press me on the issue.

  The Watcher sighed, looking worried. “I haven’t been able to find Etta yet either. Is she with you?”

  My eyes widened before I could stop them. I bit my lip and shook my head.

  He of course noticed. He cocked his head at me, a hostile glint in his beady eyes. “Nuria…did you ditch the guardian again?”

  I frowned. “She’s very annoying.”

  He sighed. “That may be but the gods gave her to you. Think of her as a helpless puppy that you have to care for. Without you she could get into serious trouble. She’s not equipped to deal with the type of creature you usually deal with.”

  “Helpless puppy my ass. More like a drooling gargoyle.”

  The Watcher shrugged, starting to fade away. “Whatever works for you. But you need to keep her with you.”

  “Wait!” I reached for him, palm outward to stay him. His fading features sharpened. “Why? Why do I need her at all? What’s going on that you’re not telling me?”

  He frowned at me. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. And besides, if I’m not telling you something there’s probably a good reason and you’ll just have to live with it won’t you?” He started to fade again. But before he disappeared completely, he fixed me with a hostile gaze. “You can tell Mr. Lavelle to get up now. And I’ll be talking to you later…without a witness.”

  “Damn it!”

  Ian sat up and chuckled. “There’s
a reason they call him the Watcher.”

  I turned to him, my face filled with anger. “I’ll pay hell for this and it’s all your damn fault!”

  He stood up and sauntered toward the bathing room, naked as the day he was born. “Get dressed. We need to return to the human lands today. I fear what’s been happening since I left.”

  I barely heard what he was saying. I sat there mesmerized, enjoying the view of hard, well rounded buns and long, muscular legs retreating through an ornate archway into the adjoining room. Then I caught myself. Shaking my head, I forced my gaze away.

  I looked down at myself and grimaced. “I don’t have anything to wear.”

  He poked his head around the archway. “I’ll ask Faerydae for something.”

  “No girly clothes!”

  He laughed and disappeared back into the bathing room.

  Antsy and a little bit frustrated after our unfinished interlude, I climbed out of the bed and headed into the sitting area. I cast a malevolent gaze toward the half empty crystal flask of ambrosia. “Evil stuff!” I murmured.

  I grabbed a couple of pieces of fruit from the bowl and headed over to the window. Although the sun was just peeking over the mountains in the distance, the grounds below were already teaming with activity. Horse drawn carts clipped smartly along, carrying goods for the town’s merchants and peasants from outlying areas.

  I looked up and saw that the crenellated roofline of the castle was peppered with archers. A quick scan told me the towers held them too. The number of armed watchers on the castle seemed excessive. I wondered what they were afraid of.

  A quiet knock on the door brought my head around. Hoping it was someone with my clothing, I went to answer it.

  The girl standing there with a cloth bundle looked timid. Her dark eyes swam with something that looked like fear. I barely had time to wonder why before a large hand snaked out and snapped over my mouth.

  I was yanked out the door and up against a hard chest. An arm, like a steel band, wrapped around my hips, holding me off the ground. Something was slapped around my wrist and I looked down to find a plain bracelet of some kind of orange metal.

  I tried to pull the bracelet off but it simply tightened on my wrist. The more I tugged the tighter it became. I didn’t know what the thing did but I knew it wasn’t good news for me, whatever it was.

  Several elves surrounded me and whoever was holding me and we jogged down the hallway. I struggled, wishing I’d taken the time to don my leather pants and my weapon. It’s difficult to be a hard ass wearing an oversized man’s shirt and not much else.

  But I gave it my best shot. I landed a few good kicks and punches, causing my captor to grunt in pain as he dragged me down the hallway.

  We stopped beside a large tapestry and the elf holding me jerked his head down the hallway. “Get him. He should be on the floor by now. I’ll take her to the boats and wait for you there. Don’t join me until he’s dead.”


  His men jogged back down the way we’d just come and disappeared into the room where Ian and I had spent the night.

  Aubrie lowered his head and whispered in my ear. “Say goodbye to your boyfriend, pretty Monad. I think you’ll be happier with me anyway, I don’t have any nasty faery blood flowing through my veins.”

  As he spoke he stepped backwards and we were suddenly in a dark passageway. The walls along the passage held light sconces at regular intervals, showing me a downward sloping floor. I allowed myself to go limp and heavy for a moment, hoping I could slow him down with my weight.

  Aubrie laughed. “You’ll have to do better than that, pretty Monad.” Before I knew what he was doing I was butt up, over his shoulder. He took off at a fast jog.

  Damn! My mind raced. Though I was really strong, I knew the elf would be much stronger. So I couldn’t best him with my strength. I had no weapons, other than my feet and hands and I hadn’t found a way to use those effectively yet. And in the back of my mind, the thought of what my increasing distance from Ian was doing to him was a painful throb on my emotions.

  I had to think of something. And fast.

  A salty tang seasoned the air of the passageway.

  Aubrie’s feet started slapping through puddles and I knew we were getting closer to the water. A dim light filled the passageway now, confirming this. Desperate, I did the only thing I had left to try. As Aubrie jogged past a flickering sconce, I grabbed it with both hands and gritted my teeth against the jolt as his weight hit the end of my arms.

  Fortunately for me he hadn’t been expecting it and his upper body jerked to a stop while his feet kept going. He started to topple backwards and I kicked off his stomach with my feet, launching myself into the air with the help of the sconce and flipping to land on my feet behind him.

  I turned and jumped, landing with both feet on his chest.

  To my extreme satisfaction I felt something give in his chest, accompanied by a resounding crack. Aubrie’s handsome face paled and he gasped, clutching a rib.

  I kicked out before he could stand and connected with his jaw. His head snapped back and hit the floor hard. Unfortunately for me the floor was moist and therefore wasn’t hard enough to knock him out.

  He reached up and grabbed my foot, yanking me down on top of him.

  Though he grunted in pain as my full weight hit his broken rib, he wrapped me in both arms and rolled, pinning me beneath him. “Bitch! I think you broke my ribs.”

  I grinned meanly. “That’s too bad. I was trying to kill you.”

  He lifted a fist and I watched it descend toward my face, mentally preparing myself for the pain. But the fist stopped inches from my face.

  Aubrie just had time to look surprised before his fist redirected itself into his own chin. I watched his eyes roll up into his head and then his full weight landed on my chest.

  “Uggh!” I groaned, trying to push him off.

  Suddenly the elf’s weight flew off my chest with such force that he hit the rock wall and slid down to land in a limp puddle on the dirt floor.

  I scrambled to my feet and took a defensive crouch, not sure what I was dealing with.

  But when the air shimmered and a tall form stepped out of a travel layer in front of me, I was looking at Ian. He smiled. “I thought you had him for a minute there.”

  I frowned, tugging the shirt together at my chest. Looking down I saw that I was down to about two buttons. “You’ve been here this whole time?”

  He just grinned at me.

  “Why didn’t you help me?”

  He gave me his most innocent look. “I just did.”

  I stood there, clutching my measly bit of tattered clothing and glared at him.

  Finally he laughed. “Come on, we need to get out of here. You can be mad at me later.”

  He grabbed my arm and we started running. I fumed quietly.

  “Don’t think I won’t be!” I assured him as we ran.

  His response was a chuckle.

  Chapter Eight

  Saved by a Brother, Sort of

  We stopped at the end of the passageway and peered out. The docks were full of archers. Two large white ships were being loaded with crates of supplies, their sails prepped and ready for departure.

  My gaze slid to the horizon. Crystalline blue water stretched as far as the eye could see, sparkling in an early morning light. The sweet smell of salt air and vegetation wafted across my nose. I knew the sound of waves pounding against the surf would have been soothing under different circumstances. Out over the water, several large blue birds swayed on erratic currents, dipping occasionally to pull a tasty bite out of the ocean, the iridescent scales of their breakfast throwing off sparks of color in the sun.

  My stomach grumbled and I suddenly envied the birds their breakfast.

  Ian grabbed my hand. Let’s go.”

  I yanked it back. “Where? The place is swarming with Archers.”

  He stared hard at me. “I’m not sure. We’re just gonna have to win
g it.”

  “Wing it! That’s your plan? Wing it?”

  “Shhh! Keep it down.” He pulled me back from the opening and pushed me up against the moist rock wall. “Look, Nuria, I didn’t plan for Aubrie to find out about the damn potion you gave me. For that matter I didn’t plan for the damnable potion. I thought we’d have a day or so before he made his move. This is all out of our control and we’re just going to have to make the best of it. The least you can do is cooperate a little bit.”

  Fury swept me. “I guess this is all my fault then?” My hands planted themselves on my hips and I wished, more than ever, that I had my weapons on me so I could skewer the son of a fish.

  Ian blew out a frustrated breath. “Look. I’ll take the blame for Aubrie’s, shall we say, less than fond feelings for me. But you’ve given him the means to destroy me…” As I opened my mouth to defend myself he held up a hand. “…unwittingly or not. Now we need to get the hell out of here. Then we can yell at each other all we want.”

  He stared at me for a moment, black eyebrows lifted in question.

  Finally I nodded. “You’re right. But I’m not going to just walk out there. I’ll take us into a travel layer.”

  Ian shook his head and grabbed my arm, lifting it so that the metal bracelet was in front of my face. “You can’t. This blocks your powers.”

  My eyes widened, “All of them?”

  He nodded.

  “We need to get rid of it!”

  “Yes we do. But I can’t do it. We need someone with the right kind of power to remove it.”

  I frowned. “What’s the right type of power?”

  He stared at me for a moment. I got the impression he knew I wasn’t gonna like his answer. “Fey power.”

  “Shit!” Out of the frying pan and right back into the fire. “Tana?”

  He nodded. “The sooner we get out of here the sooner we can get that thing off your wrist.

  I didn’t need to think about that for long. “Okay, but I’m not going out there without some kind of plan.”

  He nodded. “Okay, here’s the plan. We go out that entrance there and keep our heads down. We’ll head into the tree line and stay there until dark. Then we’ll come back here and try to steal a boat. Once we’re on the water I think I can get us back to Tana’s lands.”


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