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First Response

Page 3

by Allie Adams

  When she reached for him, he stopped her and stood, putting his erection directly at eye-level. Holy shit. Time to panic. No way would something that big fit inside her. There was a lot of him there. She clenched her legs together.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked when she tensed.

  She bounced her gaze from his cock to his face and back down to his cock. “We may need to talk about this.”

  There went that chuckle again, melting away whatever doubt she had. He pulled her to her feet and led her out of the living room, over to what she assumed to be his bedroom. It was one of several doors against the wall to their right. He opened the door and backed into the room, his hungry gaze never leaving hers.

  She couldn’t wait any longer and literally jumped into his arms, knocking him off-balance. They fell back onto the mattress as they both laughed. She kissed him as he reached around and unsnapped her bra, disposing of it. He wedged his hard cock between her thighs, giving her pressure against her swollen clit. She rubbed against him, searching for a little friction.

  He rolled on top of her, throwing off her panties and then his boxer briefs. Once he grabbed a little foil packet out of his nightstand and sheathed his erection, he rested the blunt end against her drenched entrance. He took an aching nipple into his mouth and sucked greedily, still not doing anything with his dick but teasing her.

  “S-Spencer,” she whined, needing him inside her. “Please.”

  “Please, what?” He glanced at her, a wicked glimmer in his eyes. “Is this what you want?” He only gave her the very end and entered her so slowly she whimpered, wanting so much more. She clawed at his shoulders, desperate for him to fill her.

  She bucked her hips, trying to get more penetration. He chuckled and went back to feasting on her nipple, sinking inside her, inch by solid inch. Her entire body twitched as she expanded to take him all. When he stopped moving, his flesh now completely melded with hers, she arched her back and cried out. He was huge and it took her a few seconds to adjust to his size.

  “Jesus,” he rasped and kissed her. “Sweet Jesus. You’re so fucking tight. So tight, Kathryn. It’s like paradise.” He shuddered. “I can’t believe how close you already have me. It’s like I’m eighteen again.” She squeezed her muscles and he jerked. “Ah, shit. You can’t do that and expect me to last. Hold onto me, baby.”

  She did, and then he moved. Steady, long strokes that had her scratching at his back as she cried out from the pleasure. Her womb twisted, coiling tighter and tighter as her orgasm built. He quickened his pace and she rocked her hips in time with his, seeking that release that was just out of reach. Higher and higher he lifted her as his thrusts became harder, faster. He drove his flesh in and out of her, giving her the exact friction she needed to shatter.

  “Oh, God. Spencer. I’m too close. I’m going to—Spencer!” She screamed as the orgasm shredded her and blew her mind. She came hard, her channel clenching down on his cock, convulsing around him, driving him into his own release.


  Another wail passed her lips as he slammed into her, keeping her orgasm at its peak. She dug her nails into his shoulders and he pulled in a hiss. He continued to drive into her until she collapsed, all her strength gone. Only then did he slow.

  She lay there, gasping for air, as she stared at the ceiling. That wasn’t at all what she expected when she left the bar with him.

  That was even better.


  Kat sat at the breakfast counter as Spencer expertly tri-folded a huge omelet before sliding it onto a plate. He cut it down the middle and moved half to another plate. After adding a tomato slice and a pinch of fresh basil, he grabbed the plates and set them on the breakfast counter.

  “I hope you’re hungry.” He sat next to her and lifted his fork. She did the same and they clinked them together.

  She leaned over her plate and inhaled deeply. Her mouth watered from the smell alone. Here she thought she wouldn’t have the strength to eat this morning, not after she and Spencer stayed up most of the night exploring every inch of each other.

  Weren’t one-night stands supposed to end when the sun came up? She woke to the smell of bacon as Spencer made her breakfast. Maybe this was his way of thanking her.

  He thanked her several times last night. Several times. She smiled and sighed. She could get used to him sharing her bed every night, him burying himself inside her so deep she didn’t know where she ended and he began. Oh, she could definitely see herself getting used to him.

  Which was why she had to find a way to politely disappear. She didn’t want this…this…domestication. She liked things the way they were, with no complications. She lived the dream. She had her own successful company and did what she loved. She didn’t have room for a man right now.

  “What’s in this?” Kat asked as she inhaled, taking in the amazing fragrance of the food.

  “A little of this, a little of that.”

  She didn’t care. It smelled incredible. She rarely ate breakfast but found herself completely famished this morning. She dug in, savoring each and every bite, not knowing when she’d get another home-cooked meal. If it didn’t come in a box with instructions on how many minutes to nuke it, she didn’t make it.

  “Do you have plans today?” he asked between bites.

  Aside from sitting at her desk, watching her business partner hit a golf ball into a coffee cup, no. It had been slow these past few months, which was both a good and bad thing. Good that no one needed search and rescue to find them. Bad that meant K-SAR had absolutely nothing to do but wait for a call to come in. Thank God for investors or she’d never draw a paycheck.

  “Not really.”

  “I’d like to take you out on my boat.”

  She stopped before slipping another bite into her mouth. As she stiffened, the piece fell off her fork and back onto the plate. She set her fork down and grabbed her coffee cup to cover up the sudden shake in her hands. Boats were on water, which meant she’d have to go near water to get to one.

  Besides, one-night stands didn’t extend into the next day.

  “I know you hate water,” he added when she didn’t say anything. “I promise to take it easy. We’ll come back the minute you say.”

  “I’d rather we not go out at all.”

  Spencer grinned at her request. “Would you rather stay in bed all day?”

  “That’s not what I meant,” she replied quickly, staring into her coffee.

  “But is it what you want?”

  Kat inhaled as she stalled. She wanted to head back to his bed and see if there were any inches they missed last night. A fine throbbing started at the base of her neck and quickly coiled inside her, tightening everything in its path.

  “I don’t know what I want,” she finally whispered, shocked at her honesty. This was supposed to be over already. She shouldn’t still be in his house, contemplating turning this one-night stand into anything more. Oh, but how she wanted it to be. There were so many things about this man she wanted to discover. She already knew he didn’t like cats, but what about dogs? Did he jog to keep his body so perfectly chiseled or did it just come naturally? What else, besides boating, did he like to do in his spare time? Maybe she’d stick around for one more day, just to find out.

  Was there such a thing as a two-night stand?

  “Look at me, Kathryn.”

  She kept her head down.

  “Damn it, baby. Look at me.”

  Her heart jumped to her throat when he called her baby. She really liked the way that rolled off his lips, like a sexy pet name. She’d never been called anyone’s baby before. It made her shimmy from the inside out. When she looked up and settled in on his eyes, that dark, swirling heat and emotion had her ready to agree to anything.

  “This isn’t a hook-up.” When she spiked an eyebrow, he added with a grin. “Okay, it isn’t just a hook-up. I don’t want last night to be our only night together. This doesn’t feel like just some casual fling.
Tell me you don’t feel it.”

  Oh, wow. At that point, she would have said yes to a marriage proposal, he had her that captivated. It didn’t matter what else he said, what else he did. She wanted so much more than a casual fling with him, too. “If the it you mean is the fact that I can’t feel my toes and my stomach is doing flip flops, then yes, I feel it.”

  He laughed and it made his eyes dance. He had beautiful eyes. Kat could get lost in those eyes.

  “How about this,” he started and moved in to playfully bite at her lips as he talked, emphasizing his words with heated little nips. “No boat. No water. Just you, me, and a hell of a lot of whipped cream.”

  She kissed him as she laughed, loving the idea. “You’re on.”

  He took a breath just as his cell phone rang. Putting it to his ear, he said, “Allen. Davis? Good, I’ve been waiting to see what you came up with.” He stiffened and turned his back to her. “Right now? Stay on it. I’ll get my team into the field. No, I’m not taking the chance. We need a lead on this before we lose her forever.”

  Kat went on the lookout for her shoes. Disappointment clung to her, but she refused to let it get her down. It sounded like their plans would have to wait. Damn it.

  “No,” he growled as he pushed away from the counter and went into the living room to pace. When he spotted her with her shoes in her hand, he covered the phone. “You’re not leaving, are you?” He then talked into the phone, “No, not you. Look, give me ten minutes to come up with a plan. Yes, I know what I was supposed to do last night. I did something else.”

  His gaze flicked to her. Kat’s nipples tightened in response.

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He ended the call and dropped his phone into his shirt pocket. “Uh, listen. About today…”

  “Go save the world, TREX man.” The disappointment squeezing her stomach shocked her. She didn’t want anything more than a one-night stand, so why, then, did she feel cheated?

  He walked over, framed her face with his large hands and captured her lips. This kiss was no different than last night’s. Hard. Demanding. Possessive. But then he softened it and took his time exploring her mouth. He drew back with a final nip at her lower lip.

  “I’m going to see you again.” It wasn’t a question.

  Kat nodded and swallowed thickly, unable to get a sound past the tightness in her throat.


  She nodded again, mentally kicking herself for getting excited about the prospect of a second date.

  “Come on. I’ll walk you out.” Once she sat behind the wheel of her truck, he kissed her again, slow and sensuously tender. “I’ll call you.”

  “I haven’t given you my number.”

  “I’m TREX,” he teased with a wink that debilitated her senses. “It’s my job to find things.”

  A final kiss and she backed out of his driveway, grinning from ear-to-ear. He could be feeding her a line about calling her and she knew that, but it didn’t matter. She’d just had the best night of her life and refused to let doubt go and ruin it.

  There’d be plenty of time for that later.

  * * * *

  Spencer was back in his ten-thousand dollar suit, sitting at the table with Davis, as woman after woman walked on stage. Rhonda, the SBI agent undercover as one of the drugged women being auctioned off, was nowhere to be seen.

  “Where’s your partner?” he asked, barely audible, as he covered his mouth so the cameras wouldn’t be able to catch the question.

  Davis nodded at the stage. “I’ve been sitting here forever, waiting for the perfect girl. You know that Hispanic looking one?” Spencer knew he meant Rhonda and gave a nod for the camera. The club was too crowded for them to hide out in the blind spot, so they had no choice but to sit at a table. “She went and got herself a daddy so I guess I’ll have to find another one for tonight. I hear there’s a blonde backstage who was here a few nights ago. Although brunettes are more my thing, she may be someone you’re interested in. She’s young, just like the kind you’re looking for.”

  Spencer watched the stage. Girl after terrified girl walked through the motions, that ass Guy yelling at each one. Not one of them looked old enough to vote, let alone be dressed in sleazy lingerie and auctioned off for sex with the highest bidder.

  This place disgusted him. “How in the fuck did something like this ever get so popular? Look at this place. It’s packed.”

  “With perverts,” Davis added.

  Spencer glanced at them, making sure they all saw him nail them with a look before moving to the next one. Once he finished his scan, he pulled his attention to Davis. “When does the blonde come out?”

  “I never know the order. She’ll be out when she comes out. Until then, we sit and wait.”

  He couldn’t stand this. Those girls were scared and he just sat here, waiting to save a single one. He tensed and readied himself to call in his team that waited just around the corner. TREX would raid this club and rescue all of these girls.

  But then two more clubs would appear with twice as many girls. His cover would be blown and he’d have no way of saving any of them. As much as he hated not doing a damn thing, he had no choice. Now he understood why Davis sat here, day in and day out, waiting for his window of opportunity.

  “There’s your girl,” Davis pointed out.

  Spencer stood and approached the stage as Tanya Sullivan staggered out, barely coherent. The auctioneer slammed his gavel against the podium.

  “Let’s start the bidding at—”

  “Five thousand dollars,” Spencer called out, his attention never leaving poor Tanya up there, her eyes open to slits. Fuck auctioning her off. He’d bid high and get her the hell out of here. She needed to go home.

  “I, uh…” the auctioneer stuttered and dropped his jaw. “Well. Does anyone want to bid against our current bidder?” There were a few grumbles from the crowd, but no one lifted his hand. The auctioneer leaned down toward Spencer. “Sir, not that I’m trying to talk you out of bidding on this one, but she’s not a virgin. It’s usually our virgins that go for that amount.”

  Spencer clenched his hands together, so close to throwing a punch and knocking this dickhead flat on his back. He’d then drop Guy before taking on anyone else stupid enough to cross him right now. These assholes treated the women like meat. Fury coiled inside him like an angry snake, about to strike.

  “Five thousand,” he repeated and waited, feigning disinterest instead of showing how he really felt—like punching a fucking hole right through the auctioneer’s head.

  “Sold.” The auctioneer smacked the gavel against the podium and motioned for Spencer to take her.

  Tanya reached for him and almost fell off the stage, she was so stoned. He pulled her into his arms and turned to the exit just as he caught Davis shaking his head. Spencer frowned and then followed Davis’s nod toward the elevator that would take them to rooms above the club, reserved by the hour.

  Shit. His team had better be ready for a rope rescue.

  “Here,” Davis said as he approached and dropped a key into Spencer’s hand. “Use my room. It’s on the second floor. Not the best view with the alley right there, but I’m sure you’ll find something to keep yourself busy.”

  Good man. Spencer had to remember to call the SBI and recommend a commendation for Agent Wayde Davis. The man was invaluable. “Thank you.”

  “I want that key back when you’re done.”

  Spencer nodded and stepped into the elevator, dragging Tanya with him. She curled into him and rested her head on his shoulder. When she trembled, he pulled her closer, his gut twisting at the thought of what she’d already gone through.

  The elevator opened and he helped her to the room. Once they were inside, he locked the door and whipped around to make the call for his team to deploy the extraction. His phone rang in his hand and he glanced at the number. It was Davis.

  “What? I’m a little busy.”

  “I forgot to tell you tha
t the rooms are bugged. If you call TREX, they’ll know. By this time tomorrow, the club will only be a memory and we’ll lose all our leads.”

  Fuck. Fuck! “Cameras?”

  “Those, too.”

  “That’s great. That’s just fucking perfect.” He ended the call and deliberated. If he called in his team, whoever sat behind the cameras would know and they’d lose the chance to save any of the other girls. If he didn’t, he’d fail his first find as a team lead and Tanya would never get out of here.

  There had to be a third option. There was always a third option. Dialing the number, he waited.


  The youngest member of TREX Team Two, Logan McKoy was fresh out of Gahanna, the training camp TREX sent all their field agents. He was also the best sniper on record.

  “Spencer Worthington III here,” he pushed his cover name.

  “I take it you can’t talk openly?”


  “What can I do for you, sir?”

  Spencer had to make it as cryptic as possible so the club wouldn’t pick up on his plan, yet simple enough so that McKoy would. “I hear there’s a party. Since we’re stuck in a south-facing room on the second story and my date looks to be passed out on the bed, I’m wondering if you could bring the party to me.”

  “Do you want us to deploy?”

  “I’d like fireworks.”

  “Sir, no. You can’t ask me to shoot you.”

  “I just did.”

  “But, sir.”

  “A man in my position has a lot of enemies. Make sure you’re not caught.”

  “Caught? I don’t—”

  “Allen?” It was Lyons. “What the fuck is going on? Why aren’t you out yet? Are we going in after you?”

  Spencer relaxed ever so slightly. He would hardly have to say a word for Lyons to pick up on it. “I’m looking for some fireworks.”

  “Is the target secured?”

  “Yes. I’m a very powerful man.”

  “How about a nice kidnapping? That should be fun. Fireworks on their way. We’ll be sure they’re the kind so distracting no one notices anything else. Now, hold still.”


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