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Drawing Bloodlines (The Princeton Allegiant Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Deborah Garland

  “Fair enough.” I lick my lips.

  “That brings us to my third need.”

  “Finally.” I sigh in delight with a seductive tone, anticipating the reason I’m in his office on this balmy fall evening. I have needs too.

  “As a human, I had a healthy sex drive. We could discuss that further if needed. I had a wife who didn’t make herself available to me very often.” Even that brief window into his life as a human is laced with pain.

  “I understand, Alex. I had a husband who spent eight of the ten years we were married going back and forth to the Middle East. I’m very intimate—no pun—with the concept of an unavailable spouse.”

  “New vampires crave sex nearly all the time. Back then I managed those needs as discreetly as I could. Since then, just as I learned to curtail my need for blood, I control those urges as well. Until I met you, Elizabeth. Now, sex is all I think about. You’re all I think about.” His matter-of-fact admission clenches my insides.

  I debate whether to tell him I feel the exact same way about him. “Can I ask you something?”

  “You can ask me anything, so long as you don’t ask me to stop what I’m going to do right now.” Alex grips my waist and gently places his head against my chest.

  The sharp intake of air pulls at the fabric of my sheer blouse.

  “Do you feed and have sex at the same time?” My question brings a halt to Alex’s roaming of my body.

  He straightens his back and glares at me. “I have in the past. To be honest, I don’t care for it.”

  “Why? They’re two of the three needs. Aren’t they closely linked?”

  “Do you like to eat pizza while having sex?”

  I don’t need a lot of time to think about that one. “No, not at all. That whole laying someone out and pouring chocolate or whipped cream on their bodies to eat off them, turns me off.”

  “I’m glad we’re on the same page on that one. I don’t eat whipped cream.” His lips move across my jaw and back up to my mouth.

  A hungry tongue sinks in deep and his grip on me tightens. The more Alexander kisses me the more I feel like I’m falling. Instead of crashing to the ground, I float through the air, pass clouds, dip and sway like a graceful bird. My skin accommodates the coolness of his touch. His fingers no longer deposit a frosty burning sensation.

  Fiction seduced me into thinking sharp fangs, dug deep into my neck, extracting my blood enhances the sexual experience with a vampire. Then something hits me. If Alex changes his mind—I can control that—would I let him feed off me at a time when his control is most vulnerable?

  Given how he conditioned himself, could I sustain him without putting myself in danger? Alex is a doctor, he knows if he could live off me.

  Would he allow himself to do that?

  Would I allow it?

  ~ ~ ~

  Elizabeth’s fingers trail down my chest to unbutton my shirt.

  This is really going to happen. Even after I told her what I’m capable of. The fact that she’s not afraid makes me want her more. Of course, I left out the worst side of me. The young hungry vampire who needed so much sex that I paid for it and ultimately killed a poor woman while I fed from her.

  I close my hands over hers and breathe into her mouth, “I’ll do it.”

  I slip each button through their holes and wait for her reaction to my body. I prefer it if she takes her own top off, but she’s more interested in watching me reveal myself.

  In the time period I came from, dressing formally was always natural to me. Dress shirts, cravats, waistcoats, and finely tailored slacks sat in my closet a hundred years ago and the only changes I made since are stylish ties and suit jackets. What perplexes me is how much to remove, considering where we are. I sat in this office many nights without a peep from anyone. The door is locked and it’s not uncommon for a professor not to answer, especially when meeting with someone. The clipboard outside is there for people to leave notes.

  We’re on the second floor. No one can see in the windows. Across the yard are tall trees followed by a long stretch of nothing.

  Elizabeth glides her warm hands along the length of my arms. The touch of her palms is maddening. “Did you always have muscles like this?”

  “My human anatomy was similar, but to accommodate the strength I need to survive, muscles everywhere in my body have increased.”

  “Everywhere?” Her voice pitches upward as she runs a finger down the tight planes of my stomach.

  I catch her hand and hold both arms away from me, just to get a hold of my sanity. I wasn’t entirely sure we would get this far. Especially after my little speech. She stands back and the sheerness of her maroon blouse catches the light, revealing her bra. Black lace lifts her supple breasts.

  Her smile tilts before she turns away to offer her back to me. The blouse’s exposed zipper runs the length of her spine. She pulls a bundle of hair out of the way to give me easy access. Instead of rushing to rid her of the garment, I take hold of her hair instead. I wind the silken strands around my fist and lean in to capture her scent.

  “If I didn’t know any better, Dr. Manning, I would say you’re stalling.”

  “I have a different sense of time than you do.”

  Humans live and survive by the clock. To exist in Elizabeth’s life, I have to adjust to her circadian rhythm.

  Letting that thought linger, I painfully decide I will not make love to her tonight. There won’t be enough time. For me. I could fuck her all night.

  Still, I want to see what’s beneath this shirt. I slide the zipper down, letting my knuckles graze the smooth skin of her back as I trace a line all the way down to the base of her spine. She shivers and when I edge the blouse forward she catches it in her hands and turns around.

  I go stock still by her beauty. By the softness. By the fragrant skin. By the subtle changes in its tone, the cluster of dark beauty marks on her left shoulder and a smattering of freckles across her chest. Vampire skin turns to alabaster when we are made, cold, smooth as marble, perfect and very boring.

  The straps of her bra do a gentle flop against her arms, under the guide of my hands while I kiss her shoulders. Her hips rock against me and she releases a faint pant when her core settles against my erection.

  I pull her mouth to mine and kiss her with a force I have to control. Forgetting for an endless moment she needs air to breathe. Gasping, she throws her head back and leans against the bookshelf. I lift her legs and she instantly wraps them around my waist. Yes. This would be an excellent position to fuck her in.

  Instead of freeing myself from these trousers and driving into her willing flesh, I bring her to the leather sofa and settle her down gently on the cushions. I want her to feel worshipped, so I kneel before her. She reaches behind her back and unclips the bra. The lace slacks but my conscience makes me reach up and stop it from falling away.

  I want to savor this. Elizabeth is a mature woman. Confident in her sexuality and her body. Seductive in a way that none of my former lovers could match. She leans back and lifts her skirt to reveal red satin panties underneath. Her devilish smile suggests she wore the color of blood just for me.

  When I slide the bra away, I’d go breathless, but I don’t breathe. Her perfect breasts point to the ceiling. Growling, I run the tip of my tongue up and down her torso, seizing both breasts in my hands at the same time.

  “God, Alex that feels so amazing.” The coldness of my skin must shock her since she suddenly arches her back into me.

  “Wait.” I close my lips over a hard nipple, the venom in my saliva tingles her skin by her sharp intake of breath.

  I move to the other, my hands tight around her waist urging my hardness between her thighs.

  Which is a mistake since I do not intend to go much further tonight. When she slips her f
ingers into my belt, I catch her hand. Too hard apparently because she squeaks in surprised discomfort.

  “I'm sorry.” I guide her hand away and release it.

  “What’s the matter?” she asks, breathless.

  Her beautiful face is a picture of confusion and lust.

  “We don’t have to . . . go all the way. Tonight.”

  “Go all the way?” She chuckles, rich and husky. “Are we role playing that I’m the hot teacher and you’re—”

  “Funny, but no.” I struggle to explain the challenge behind my reluctance. The front of my slacks bulges outward because I’m hard as a rock and aching for her. “Elizabeth, I want to savor you. I’m not in any hurry.”

  “Easy for you to say, you have all of eternity.” Her shoulders slump and the way she pouts is so fucking adorable. The things I can do with that mouth. When I don’t say anything, Elizabeth leans forward. “I don’t want to pry into your past, but have you slept with many vampire women?”

  The thought of laying with a vamp sickens me to the point that I have to remove my hands instantly fearing I will crush Elizabeth’s bones. Calmly I answer, “I can’t stand having sex with women like me,” remembering a time I wish I could forget.

  Elizabeth’s eyes widen with curiosity. “Really, why?”

  Is there a simple answer I could give her, versus the truth of when I was a sex slave to a New York sentinel early after I was turned? I run my fingers across Elizabeth’s satin panties, against the heat of her core where her arousal burns hot and soaks through the fabric. Christ.

  “When you feel me inside you, just like my body and my hands, my cock is cold. There are many vampires who do not share my opinion on the matter, but for me, another vampire is just not satisfying.”

  “But with a human?”

  Chapter 8

  Before I could finish, Alex’s cold hand presses into the middle of my chest, gently forcing me to lie down.

  Dr. Manning leaves me and lets the vampire take over.

  His fingers dance over my stomach and he periodically turns the top of his hand over, letting me feel the cool, satiny texture.

  “During sex, a human’s body temperature rises, but vampires get even colder,” he informs me.

  “By how much— Oh my God!” I cry out as Alex slips a finger inside me.

  Just as my arm reacted to the first time he touched it with his frigid hands, my nerves throb as if he slipped an ice-cube inside me. His eyes have that hint of dark green again, emerald, but they flash iridescent and shiny black whenever he blinks. His mouth is open, teeth bared, like he’s ready to bite into my flesh and I don’t think I’d say no.

  “Do you like that?” he asks in a tone I’ve not heard from Alex before. The predator slipped through.

  “Alex, yes. God, don’t stop.” I pant and try to stop myself from coming.

  After nearly three years without actual intercourse my tolerance for another person touching me is rock bottom.

  “I don’t plan to stop.” Alex smiles while I whine and bite my fingers. “But you can’t scream, Elizabeth.”

  The reality of our circumstance hits me like a wave. I’m in a professor’s office, topless, with my skirt hiked up and my panties pulled aside so a vampire can finger fuck me.

  I throw my hands over my head and grasp for something to hold on to. Alex’s eyes widen when I do this. My fingernails dig into the leather and my hips push against his hand as the pressure builds from within.

  “Let it go, Elizabeth,” he whispers and his nostrils flare like he can smell my orgasm forming.

  I lose control of my legs and start to kick violently as the fiery sensation consumes me. “That’s it,” I moan. “Right there. Yes, yes. Alex, yes.”

  “God, you’re hot when you come,” he says in that same low voice. “I think I want to see it again.”

  I open one eye in his direction and breathlessly push out, “Really?”

  Alex removes my panties, spreads my legs wide and gently rubs my aching flesh in slow, tantalizing circles. “I hope you'll be able to handle that.”

  “Isn’t it better if I can’t handle it?” I say this with a naughty smile, but screech as soon as his cold thumb presses down on my core, plunging me into another orgasm.

  The first one was a slow wave that came ashore and pleasantly lapped against my skin. This one is a tsunami that slams the beach, pulls down trees, and rushes through town as it digs up the pavement and overturns cars.

  When my breathing slows down, Alex lies his body across mine. His tongue sweeps into my mouth as his thigh presses his rock-hard erection against my aching, quivering bundle of nerves.

  Alex sits back and unzips his pants.

  “Can I just touch you first?” My fingers slide up and down his zipper. “Just for a minute.”

  “A minute is all it might take, Elizabeth,” he whispers, low and husky, while he roughly pulls at his belt, the metal jangling sets my heart skyrocketing.

  I sit up, so my bare breasts luxuriate against the raw silk elegant dress shirt. He slides his slacks down and rubs a monster bulge beneath sexy black briefs. With one hand he lowers them, exposing himself.

  Holy jeez, he’s enormous.

  He takes my hand and lets me feel the shaft. When my fingers curl around and squeeze, he groans and dips his head forward. Alex holds my hand in place until my heat transfers sending an obvious wave of pleasure through him.

  A sharp exhale escapes me. Different sensations war in my head for dominance. The coldness, the hardness, the . . . length of him. “God, Alex.”

  “Just touch me, my darling.” His cool lips run up and down my neck while he shows me the rhythm he wants. “I’m going to masturbate and come on you. Is that okay, Elizabeth?”

  “I want to see you do that,” I say as I inch my body forward.

  He’s hard as steel. Just like the rest of his body, his cock is beautiful and perfect. The glowing white skin has no trace of ugly blue veins.

  With my hand around the thickness of him and his hand over mine, he laces our fingers together and we stroke him in tandem. Alex’s head tips back as he lets the pleasure consume him.

  ~ ~ ~

  I’m lost in the ecstasy of Elizabeth’s touch mixed with my own.

  My eyes tingle beneath the fleshy lids but a primal need kicks in to check on my prey. I’m delighted how she watches me with intensity. My eyes flicker to the pink swollen flesh of her womanhood still glistening from her orgasms. The stroking intensifies and I imagine what it would feel like to fuck her. To be inside those soft, wet, warm folds as her body writhes against mine.

  One thing at a time.

  My orgasm builds, but I don’t feel warmth. Instead it’s like a snowstorm. I even smell the flakes. What should be perspiration breaks out as tiny pinpricks of frost across my skin.

  I should slip Elizabeth’s hand out from under mine, I’m able to crush her bones. As the pulses start, what feels like champagne bubbles travel up the length of my cock.

  I hold her by the waist with my free hand and groan. “Yes, Elizabeth, right there.”

  Her breath hitches. Her hands cover mine as she gasps at the cool temperature and texture. Thick cream with a sparkling consistency pours out from me. After one hundred years, the sight still amazes me.

  When I’m finished, I try to break away but Elizabeth holds me. The intimacy of the embrace is so foreign I can barely speak. My body is stiff, but her touch softens me. I bring my arms up and hold her, tightly at first but loosen because I must control my strength. I adore how her head fits right under my jaw.

  She clears her throat. “So, um. Wow.”

  Her easy demeanor and tendency toward humor is a pleasure I didn’t expect from this relationship. “Yes. Wow indeed.”

ily I wouldn’t let go. I don’t want to, but I need to clean this beautiful woman up. I kiss her on the forehead and push to stand as I set my briefs and slacks back into place. I don’t want her to think this was a sleazy encounter so I pull her toward me again and kiss her deeply, to which she responds by pressing into me with a force that makes me think she wants to be inside me.

  From the other professor’s desk, I snag a few napkins. Poor Elizabeth has to sit there and wait. After I wipe the residue from her stomach, she slides down her skirt and begins to reassemble herself.

  I walk the napkins to my trash bin and Elizabeth asks, “When were you made into a vampire, Alex?” Her curiosity intrigues me and her willingness to accept who and what I am is so unexpected.

  “I was created at the turn of the twentieth century. I’m pretty young for my kind.”

  Her eyes flutter and she slaps a hand against her mouth. Apparently masturbating on her is one thing, but she wasn’t prepared to hear my age.

  “And before you ask, no I didn’t wish to be made a vampire. Most had a choice. In fact, it’s very rare for a vampire to be made against their will.”

  “That makes sense.” She nods. “Can a vampire . . . kill another vampire?”

  The panic in her eyes and troubled tone stops me from answering right away. She’s worried for me. Which is again, unexpected. And touching.

  “Yes. We can kill each other. We have a tremendous ability to heal ourselves, but if we suffer too much blood loss we can die. Taking off our heads would also do the trick. Then of course, there’s fire.”

  Her face contorts. Vampires killing other vampires isn’t the last thing I want on Elizabeth’s mind when she leaves me tonight. I step toward her and she falls easily into my embrace. With her so warm and willing in my arms, this already feels like it could turn into something more than sex.


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