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A Broken Throne

Page 11

by Jordan Baker

  "Name yourself," she said.

  Ariana almost stumbled backward when the thoughts of the enormous dragon entered her mind. It was like being pushed by a powerful gust of wind, her thoughts had such depth and intensity. Ariana stood, stunned for a moment and the flames burning around her guttered, then she stepped forward, toward the dragon, driven and fearless at the knowledge that Borrican was so close.

  "I am Ariana," she said, both with her thoughts and her voice, which echoed with power. "I am the rightful Queen of Maramyr, a Princess of Solari, and I bear the power of Akandra. And who are you that stands in my way?"

  Ariana was surprised at the bold challenge in her own voice, and she felt like her heart might stop when the two dragons both roared at her in response, but she continued walking, putting one foot in front of the other, showing no fear.

  "Interesting," said the larger dragon, then she nodded. "I am Vana, queen of the Aledra, and this is my daughter, Vale."

  Ariana stopped and looked up at both of them. They were both careful with their thoughts, but Ariana could tell that even though their dragon nature was to respond to her challenge, neither of them intended any harm. She got the sense that it was a matter of respect between them, not of battle.

  "You seek Borrican," Vale said, her voice noticeably younger than that of her mother. "He is here."

  "I will see him," Ariana said.

  "We do not stand in your way," Vana told her. "We stand guard."

  "I have heard that the dragon elders have decided he is to be killed," Ariana said. "Is this true?"

  "It is," Vana replied.

  "And you defy their decision?"

  "We do," Vale said.

  "And those dragons there," Ariana said, pointing up at the many creatures circling the sky. "You would fight that many?"

  "If we must," Vana said. "Time is short for the young Akandar, but he has not yet succumbed to the madness. We will honor our vow and give him time."

  "I would see him now," Ariana said.

  "Of course," Vana replied and she turned to her daughter. "Vale, please show the young queen of the Akandra. I will remain and keep the others at bay."

  "Yes, mother," Vale said and she turned and entered the cave, disappearing into the shadows.

  Vana stepped aside and Ariana followed Vale inside. The fire that burned in the air around Ariana died down as she entered the dark cavern but a little further in the way was lit by the glow of red heat from a crack in the ground where lava flowed. Ariana could no longer see the dark green dragon and it was as though she had disappeared, but she saw someone walking ahead of her and was surprised to see a young woman who looked to be around her age. Ariana walked a little faster and caught up to her, wondering at first who she might be, but the fire within her quickly told her who she was.

  "How did you become human?" Ariana asked.

  Vale turned her head, glancing over her shoulder as she continued further into the cave.

  "It is a trick," she said. "It is a form we dragons can take if we choose."

  "Did you show this to Borrican?" Ariana asked. "He was trapped in his dragon form. That was why he went away."

  Vale stopped and turned, looking at Ariana with a frown.

  "He cannot change while the madness is upon him," she said. "He is a wildling, and wildlings only rage and feed."

  "A wildling?" Ariana understood what Vale had said from her thoughts, which echoed in her mind along with her words, but she was not sure what it meant.

  "Wildlings are dragons that become beasts. When the madness destroys their wisdom completely, they become wildlings," Vale told her, and Ariana knew there something she was not saying.

  "And then what becomes of them?" she asked.

  Vale stared at the ground and it was obvious that she did not like the answer, though she could tell that Ariana already knew the truth of it.

  "They are killed," she said.

  "Killed," Ariana said the word, feeling the strange lack of emotion in how Vale had said it, as though it was shameful. "Why kill them?"

  "Wildlings are beasts," Vale said, and she let her thoughts convey what she meant, sharing a little of the wisdom she had inherited from her mother.

  Ariana felt the powerful dragon thoughts flood into her mind, with glimpses of the terrible things that wildlings had done. She could tell that many of the thoughts and memories were from times long past, during the lives of other dragons who had preceded Vale, and she began to understand the wisdom of the dragons and how they passed knowledge to one another. Ariana also sensed that it was not often that a dragon would share wisdom in such a direct way and that Vale had decided to trust her.

  "Thank you, Vale," Ariana said, understanding why the young queen chose to give of her wisdom to one who was potentially a rival.

  "You must save him," Vale said. "I have seen his thoughts, many of us have, and the oath of Akandra must be defended."

  Ariana felt the sense of duty and honor from her, and she also felt the sense of urgency and frustration underneath the thoughts and words that Vale had spoken. It seemed the young dragon also cared for Borrican a great deal, and even the hints of emotion that slipped through were powerful enough to bring tears to her eyes. Ariana smiled at her. As much as the fire inside her, the gift that Borrican's father had given her, drove her to save him, she had cared about the Kandaran, despite the annoying and aggravating fool that he often was. Overcome by her own powerful emotions and glad the dragon shared her feelings about Borrican, Ariana stepped toward Vale and embraced her.

  Vale was completely overwhelmed by the torrent of emotions and thoughts that flowed into her, and it was almost too much even for her keen dragon mind. Two wisdoms lived within her, one of them ancient with the thoughts and forms of a dragon mind, and the other one a tangle of seemingly infinite detail, every moment of her life interwoven with her essence. Vale felt her entire being shudder as the dragon wisdom entered her, like a flickering and smoldering coal, giving off intense heat but burning slowly, offering the flame of knowledge slowly, and the other wisdom, the things she saw and understood from Ariana's life were strange in her mind, for she had only known the world of dragons, and she was overwhelmed by how much the young woman had endured and learned in such a short life. Vale realized that Ariana's own wisdom was only that which she had learned for herself, for she had no memories that went beyond the span of her life, and she was surprised by her determination, the strength of her will and the depths of her emotions, which she had long kept hidden.

  Though her world was very different, Vale knew that Ariana was truly an impressive queen, worthy of the power that she carried, both her own wisdom and the dragon gift of the Akandra. She also learned how little Ariana understood that power and what it meant, and knew that she had not intended to share so many things with her. Vale had never heard of a queen sharing a wisdom in such a way, and she had to struggle to keep her thoughts clear, for such intense inner emotions were almost intoxicating and she felt her own consciousness beginning to shift. She realized that Ariana was naturally guarded in her mind due to having been raised in a palace with mages who could read minds and with an uncle who coveted her power and position. She had instinctively protected her innermost thoughts upon coming to the realm of the dragons, but upon embracing Vale in such a heightened state, Ariana had unwittingly opened up almost all the details of her life and somehow Vale's own wisdom flowed into her. It was almost as though she and Ariana had bonded one another, which should not even be possible. Overwhelmed, and mindful that she should not dishonor the strange young queen, about whom she had just learned so much, Vale slowly extracted herself from her embrace, and she put her hands on Ariana's shoulders, meeting her gaze, not yet ready to give up the comfort and exhilaration of her touch.

  "You have seen much trouble in the world," Vale said.

  "I have," Ariana replied, feeling as though she had been spun around, and not sure what had just happened.

  Vale smiled, somberly, and
a row of sharp, pointed little teeth and fangs poked from behind her soft, pink lips.

  "Go to him," she said, and she slid her hands from Ariana's shoulder, down the sides of her arms and then she finally let go, realizing that even without touching one another, they were now completely bonded. "I will be here if you need me."

  "Thank you, Vale," Ariana said, disoriented and overwhelmed by the emotions and thoughts that tumbled around in her mind. Something had happened between her and the dragon and she felt strange though somehow reassured by it, and her determination to help Borrican was now even stronger.

  Ariana left Vale to wait for her in the cavern and continued onward, walking around a bend and the cavern opened up and became much larger. The lava that flowed like a stream through a large crack in the floor on one side cast a golden orange glow around the inner surface of the cave, which was noticeably smoother and scored with recent burn marks. Ahead, in the dark shadows at the back of the stone chamber, she saw him. Borrican, in his dragon form, was slumped over with his eyes closed, his limbs held uncomfortably by thick, iron shackles and chains. She could hear his ragged breathing and, as she approached, she saw the stains of blood upon the floor of the cave where the chains and shackles had cut into him from his struggle. Borrican was a prisoner, kept captive in such a way because he had become dangerous, and Ariana felt equal measures of sorrow and anger at seeing him in such a state.

  As she approached, she felt the burning intensity of his rage and hear the wild and erratic thoughts that slipped from his mind. The violent bloodlust that emanated from him shocked Ariana and she could barely believe that this creature was the same young man she knew. The dragon's breathing slowed and Ariana felt a shift in his thoughts, from anger and frustration to something truly dangerous, the urge to kill, and it was directed at her. His eyes opened a crack, two golden slits staring at her as she slowly walked a little closer.

  Ariana stopped at a place in front of him that was just beyond his reach and she stared up at him, returning the challenge in his gaze with her own determination, and she noticed that he had grown noticeably larger and more powerful since she had last seen him. His dark, black skin and scales had also taken on a kind of metallic hue similar to what Ariana had noticed had happened to her after she had pulled herself out of the lava flows. He was both fearsome and majestic to behold.

  "Borrican," Ariana said, her voice gentle and calm, but echoing with the full power of the dragon gift flare to life within her.

  He stared at her and there was no look of recognition in his eyes, nor in his thoughts. With lightning speed, the dragon lunged forward, his mouth opening wide and screaming at her with a terrifying roar. The sound of it sent a chill up Ariana's spine. The heavy chains, anchored in the rock behind him groaned as he pulled at them, but they held firm. Arana stood still, fighting the fear inside of her as powerful waves of rage washed over her. Acid fire dripped from between his sharp, white fangs and smoke poured from his mouth as he pulled back, breathing heavily and shaking the chains that bound him.

  "Borrican," Ariana said his name, her voice still calm and soothing. "Let go."

  The dragon stopped and stared at her.

  "Let go, Borrican," she said again.

  Ariana heard his voice in her mind, like a distant echo on the wind. There was no form to it, no words, merely his thoughts, but she knew it was him, that a part of him still survived beneath the fury of the beast. Ariana took a step toward him, staring into his dark golden eyes that flickered with fire. She took another step, and he moved back. Ariana had the sense that the part that was still himself wanted her to stay away, and the part of him that had become a wild creature wanted her closer, within range of his powerful jaws. She stepped forward again and reached out to him with her hand and with her thoughts.


  He lunged at her again, angling his head to the side and opening his mouth, ready to sink his teeth into her. Ariana burst into flame and her eyes burned with it, matching the power of the black dragon and, just as he was nearly upon her, his eyes caught sight of her burning gaze and he slowed, hesitating for a moment and he froze when Ariana touched him.

  Sitting alone, huddled in the dark, he clung to himself at the center of the madness, with wings and talons flying around him, a whirlwind of fire and smoke. Inside his thoughts, he had withdrawn almost completely as the beast had taken over, focusing on his name, the only thing that had not yet been torn from his grip. Over and over he had told himself who he was, that he was not a beast, but even such a simple thought had escaped him and he was no longer sure who he was, and all he knew was that he did not want to be a beast.

  He felt something, like a familiar scent, but he did not know what it was. The dark wings and fire screamed at him, and he withdrew even further, hiding in the center, in the eye of the vortex. He heard a voice, echoing with a word he had forgotten. He cried out, desperate to hear it again, that he might remember it. The beast screamed at him, tightening its circle around him, its sharp claws and teeth flashing angrily. Again, he heard the echo and he recognized the word. It was his name. He looked up and he saw her, a face he knew, one he wanted to remember but tried to forget, hoping to spare her the flames, but now she burned in his vision, walking toward him, alight with a raging fire, but it did not consume her. She smiled and reached out to him, then she spoke his name.

  Borrican felt the fire burn through his mind, cutting through the whirling thoughts that had spun beyond his reach. The flames banished the darkness and the wings and claws scattered. She bent down in front of him and touched his cheek. He flinched, but her hand was warm and soothing despite the fire that surrounded her. Borrican felt the fire spread through him, combining with the acid fire that burned deep in the pit of his stomach and was surprised to feel the flames subside, no longer a raging inferno.

  "Borrican," she said. "Let go."

  "I can't," he told her, closing his eyes and shaking his head. "I don't want to be a beast. I don't want to hurt anyone."

  "You are not a beast, Borrican," she said, repeating his name.

  "Ariana?" He finally remembered her name, opening his eyes a crack to see her smiling at him, seemingly unafraid, but he knew he would hurt her. "Please, it isn't safe to be with me. The beast will return."

  She leaned in close and pulled his chin up toward her.

  "The beast is gone," she told him, her voice calm and reassuring. "I am here with you and only you, the prince and the dragon."

  Borrican was not sure how she could know such a thing, but something in her words was sure and he somehow knew that she spoke the truth even though it seemed impossible. He heard her thoughts, telling him to rise, to stand, even though she did not say any words, and he let go of the tension he had held and slowly rose to his feet. She let her hand fall to his arm and put her other hand on his side, guiding him up and pulling him gently closer to her. Borrican felt something stir, deep inside of him, caught alight by the flames that now burned between them and though he was still afraid he might harm her, he felt himself moving toward her as her arms encircled him.

  As their bodies came together, the fire within each of them ignited, the flames growing stronger and brighter with each breath they drew and every heartbeat. Ariana felt a warmth spreading through her, as powerful as the magic she commanded, but more primal and visceral. At first she worried that she might be affected by the madness she had felt in Borrican, but this was different and it was something glorious. She pulled him in tighter, feeling the tension in his flesh shift to something strong and urgent, more powerful and with purpose, and when their lips touched, the flames that flickered within them blazed even brighter.

  Ariana gasped as her body responded hungrily, her mouth searching his and her fingers digging into his muscles, and she felt his powerful arms around her now, holding her to him. The pulse of his heart ran through his body, pounding out a rhythm that coursed through every part of him and a wave of heat rolled over her like a flow of warm lava,
powerful and all encompassing. The moments blurred together and they knelt and lay upon the warm earth, fingers and arms intertwined, every part of them joined and pressing deeper. All thought disappeared, leaving only wave after wave of emotion, heat and passion.

  Borrican could not help himself, so completely undone was he by her touch that his worries disappeared, replaced by her reassuring warmth that washed over him, her scent and power infusing through him as she took him inside her and aroused his passion while calming the madness, sending it away forevermore. And he no longer cared what happened to him, as long as he could feel the true peace of the flickering fire they shared between them, his every instinct turning from the madness to something more powerful, a driving urge to protect that warmth.

  Ariana drew ever deepening breath as Borrican coursed within her, his intense power working its way through her every barrier and finding his way to her core. His energy and power coursed within her in hot waves of emotion and primal energy and the anger and frustration that had burned within her turned to ecstasy and elation as the waves rose higher, crashing into her like a sea of heat. Her own words echoed in her thoughts as she felt the pressure of his tension release inside of her and the rush of it carried her away as she let go of the worry and fear she had carried, letting the warmth of their fire flow freely between them.

  At the edge of the warm glow of lava that streamed through the cavern, its heat radiating through the crack in the ground, Vale sat quietly, her eyes closed, a somber smile upon her face as tears slowly ran down her golden cheeks. She could feel the flames of emotion from deep within the cavern, reigniting in passion once again, and she found it strange that she should feel such joy and sadness at once. The form she had taken, seemingly soft and weak, an odd shape that dragons could take, was more than she had imagined, for though her dragon nature was clear and powerful, she could feel things that were confusing in their infinite and subtle depth.


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