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Meant to Be

Page 3

by Jenny Bloom

  Lisa walked over to the window and pulled back the curtains. “Relax, we’ll be okay. I, for one, welcome the peace and quiet in here. We could have sex in here and not a single soul would know,” Lisa said with a laugh.

  “Tempting, but I don’t think I’m ready for that,” she said laughing, “I don’t mind talking and seeing how things go.”

  “I’m just teasing you. I think we can keep ourselves willfully entertained. I definitely approve of being in here than on those seats. They suck,” Lisa said.

  “You're telling me. Sleeping on those is hell on earth,” Anna said.

  They laughed and chatted throughout the evening. Eventually they spread out on the couch. Lisa reached over and held Anna’s hand. At first, Anna was shocked by Lisa’s bold move. Anna still remembered the unexpected kiss and could still taste the sweetness on her lips. “Your hands feel nice and warm. It’s a nice feeling,” Anna admitted.

  “Good. I’m glad I can make you happy, Anna,” Lisa said.

  “Once we get home, I hope we can stay in touch,” Anna said.

  “Why wouldn’t we? Do you really think I’d just up and forget about you?” Lisa asked.

  “No. It’s something I sometimes think about,” she said.

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about that. I’ll be around. I’m definitely willing to stick around for a cutie like you,” Lisa purred.

  Anna moaned slightly. Lisa couldn’t help but let out her own gasp of pleasure as she heard those sounds. There was something so arousing and sweet about hearing Anna like that and having her nearby. It reminded her so much of Janice.

  Janice was someone she didn’t want to think about when she was with other women. Sometimes, the brain was an evil thing.

  “Are you okay, Lisa?” Anna asked.

  “I am. I was just thinking about something. Nothing to worry your pretty little head over,” Lisa insisted.

  “Yeah. Thanks,” Anna said.

  For a long time, Lisa didn’t say anything further. She didn’t want to. The moment was too perfect. Then when Anna turned to her, a grin could be made out slightly.

  “Lisa, I know this isn’t the most conventional place to fall in love, but you make me happier than I’ve been a long time. In fact, over the moon. For the first time in a long time, I feel that way,” Anna said.

  “That makes two of us,” Lisa said with a smile.

  For a moment, neither of them said a word. They didn’t need to. They didn’t want to spoil the moment. Then, Lisa turned, laid on top of Anna and gave her a kiss. Anna immediately looked at her with widened eyes. As Lisa pulled away, she shook her head.

  “Why’d you stop?” Anna asked.

  “I feared I might be moving too fast,” Lisa said.

  “I don’t feel like you are, Lisa. Maybe I’m being a little too optimistic, but I feel like you're different from the rest of the women I’ve met,” she admitted.

  “Then I’ll continue. Together, we’ll experience each other in the way that we want to,” Lisa replied.

  Anna smiled, giggling as Lisa started kissing her and relishing in the feeling of the touch. Lisa felt lucky to have reconnected with Anna. Perhaps it’s divine fate, Lisa thought.

  Chapter Five

  A spark course through Anna’s body as she kissed Lisa. Lisa felt the tension in her body as she kissed Anna back. The kiss that they shared, the way they felt and the way they shared the moment, was perfect. Anna didn’t want to let the moment go.

  When they kissed, it felt like a rush of energy. As Anna let her lips move with Lisa’s, she relaxed against Lisa’s. Anna closed her eyes, savoring the moment. A small sensation touched Anna’s lips. She immediately groaned, opening her mouth slightly. Anna felt Lisa’s tongue against hers, touching it slightly, making her shiver with delight at the sensation. As Lisa kissed with gusto, Anna felt a hand move against her sweater, touching her. When she felt her stomach become exposed to the air, Anna let out a small gasp, but at the same time, she enjoyed the coolness enveloping her skin.

  It turned Anna on, groaning in pleasure as she felt Lisa move her lips downward, touching the very tip of her neck and lightly pushing against the very edge of her body. As she did that, Anna let out another small groan of pleasure. Anna loved the way Lisa subtlety touched Anna without any second thoughts. Anna moaned when she felt Lisa gently bite her neck. “I want to make you feel good,” Lisa said, lightly teasing the shell of Anna’s ear with a small touch. Anna let out a small gasp. Lisa immediately pushed her hips up at the sensation of her teasing Anna. Lisa was so skilled Maybe that was the reason it felt so amazing, but Anna wasn't going to worry about it. For now, she just wanted to experience the full sensation of Lisa’s touches. As Lisa moved her hands up, gripping Anna’s breasts and lightly touching them through the fabric of her bra, Anna let out a small whimper .

  It was so different from what Anna was used to. She was used to having vanilla, boring sex with her ex-husband. While he wasn’t bad in the bedroom, it was different from what Lisa was doing to her. The touches alone were enough to drive Anna wild, making her wonder just how she even got that far. Anna loved it. The little touches, combined with the heightened senses, made her let out a growl of pleasure.

  Anna then let out a sudden gasp as she felt a hand lightly touch her crotch, which was covered by a pair of thin leggings. She blushed at the sounds she made, realizing just how loud she was. When she looked at Lisa, Lisa simply grinned.

  “You don’t have to be that quiet. Let it out. Even if there is someone right outside the door, listening in on what we’re doing, just experience whatever is going on. I know that, even with all of it happening, it certainly can be a bit shocking. I promise you though, I’ll make you feel wonderful,” Lisa purred.

  Anna nodded her head, agreeing to Lisa’s words. Another hand moved upward. Soon, Anna felt Lisa move her lips down her body, touching the very edge of her neck, making Anna let out a small groan of pleasure as a result of it all. Lisa was too good, almost too much for her. As Anna felt the pleasure grow with every passing moment, she wondered what Lisa had in mind next, and what she would do now. Lisa then moved her hands upward, kissing down Anna’s neck until she moved her lips down toward the outside of her breasts. Anna let out a small sound, suddenly surprised by the sensation of it. , She then let out a small cry of pleasure as Lisa moved her hands past Anna’s bra.

  “Your breasts are so lovely . Beautiful breasts on a gorgeous woman,” Lisa said.

  “God, you’re so sappy,” Anna said, blushing as she heard those words. Then, Lisa’s lips touched the very edge of Anna’s breasts, lightly sucking and teasing her. When Anna felt that, the heat and pleasure from her body suddenly shot forward, and she let out a small cry of desire.

  The impact turned her on like no other, making her suddenly realize what was going on. Anna couldn’t help but love and enjoy the sudden pleasures of the flesh. As she felt Lisa's hands and mouth against her nipples, she let out a small cry, feeling them get erect even though she couldn’t see it. The feeling was perfect. Anna couldn’t help but love it. She knew that Lisa was teasing her on purpose and turning Anna on and making her feel good.

  Lisa’s touches were enough to make Anna shiver. It felt so perfectly delicious. She didn’t want any of this to end.. The words and sounds uttered from Anna’s mouth were music to Lisa's ears.

  She knew Lisa enjoyed it as much as she did. Every touch was enough to turn both of them now. Lisa was making Anna a breathing mess as Lisa continued her actions.

  Lisa then took Anna’s nipple into her mouth and began to suckle. Anna gasped once more of the sensation. It was something she had never experienced before.

  “Do you like that? Do you like me sucking on your pink bud?” Lisa softly said to Anna.

  “Oh God Yes! Don’t stop! It feels amazing!” Anna remarked as her eyes rolled upward in desire. She continued to moan as Lisa moved her hand down to Anna’s moist and wet honey pot.

  Lisa then softly bit and
nibbled on Anna’s nipple slightly, causing Anna to let out a cry of pleasure.

  Anna looked down at Lisa and made eye contact. “Don’t stop,” Anna said, “You’re driving me over the edge with desire!”

  “As you wish,” Lisa said, with a devilish grin. It made her want nothing more than to continue and to experience all of it.

  Then Lisa began to rub Anna’s heat in slow circular motions, rubbing her clit between her fingers. . “Oh God! Yes!” Anna moaned in desire. let out a small cry, flushing and holding her hands to her mouth, but then Lisa smiled.

  “Did you forget that nobody is around to hear us?” Lisa inquired.

  “It’s just embarrassing,” Anna said.

  “I know. It’s the best part of it though. The little embarrassing sounds that you make are adorable,” Lisa said with a smile.

  Anna blushed, but not before Lisa then moved her hands underneath Anna’s pants. She let her hand dance against the very edge of Anna’s honey pot, making her cry out with rapturous delight as Lisa continued these actions. Anna held onto the sides of the couch, crying out loud and in pleasure.

  “Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” Anna cried out in ecstasy.

  Every touch made Anna wet with desire. She knew Lisa was skilled, but she didn’t expect her to be as good as she was. Between the tip of her thumb touching the tip of her clit, and Lisa’s fingers pumping within, Anna was shocked at how amazing this felt. It was definitely better than what she ever imagined. Anna then felt Lisa push down, touching her g-spot. When Lisa did, Anna once again grabbed the couch and immediately cried out loud.

  “I’m cumming! Oh God, I’m cumming!”

  “Cum for me baby! Don’t hold back! Cum for me!” Lisa said as she continued pleasuring Anna.

  Then Anna felt the of rush of her orgasm as she panted and moaned with delight.

  “Oh Lord,” Anna said to Lisa.

  “Good eh? I’m glad I still have my magic touch,” Lisa purred, touching the finger to her lips and licking it seductively.

  “Yes you do,” Anna said, her voice breathless as she spoke to Lisa. There was something about it that made her want nothing more than to just feel the pleasure overtake her, making her cry out with delight, and with a need for more.

  “Always, I guess that's that,” Lisa said, moving off of Anna. Then Anna gripped her arm, looking up at her.

  “Let me return the favor?” she asked.

  “If you’d like but let me get my pants off. It’s a little harder with jeans,” she said.

  Lisa slipped her jeans off. Anna noticed she had a nicely shaped backside, and a plump honey pot underneath her pants. Anna then moved her hand forward, touching and then slipping her hand in, lightly moving her hands and cupping Lisa’s moist and warm heat.

  “Oh God,” Lisa said, reacting to Anna’s hands. Anna then let out a small groan as she heard those sounds. She continued to tease Lisa from the inside of her panties, moving her fingers around the outer edge of Lisa’s vagina. Judging from the sounds that Lisa uttered, she was definitely enjoying Anna’s actions.

  Lisa closed her eyes slightly as Anna worked her over. “It feels so fucking good! ” Lisa moaned

  Anna started to move her fingers a little bit faster, enjoying the sounds of delight that escaped Lisa's lips. Every single touch, every single movement, it was all coming together. Anna loved every moment of it.

  She could tell that Lisa was enjoying it as much as she was. Lisa was enjoying all the touches and feelings. Anna began to move a bit faster, plunging her fingers in and out. When she pushed her fingers up to Lisa’s g-spot, Anna could see that Lisa liked it by the sounds of pleasure escaping Lisa’s lips. Lisa she soon cried out.

  “Oh God! Don’t stop! I’m cumming!” Lisa cried out.

  Anna continued to finger fuck Lisa. Lisa then began to buck on Anna’s fingers, driving them deeper into her needy hole.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” Lisa moaned as she continued to ride Anna’s fingers.

  Before long, Lisa felt her organism overtake her. Lisa let out a loud groan and begged Anna not to stop what she was doing. Then Lisa’s body began to rock and jerk as she came.

  “That’s it! Don’t hold it back,” Anna said.

  Lisa was moaning and short of breath as she embraced the overwhelming feelings of her organism. Then she opened her eyes and noticed Anna staring at her with a smile of her face.

  No words were spoken between them. There were no need for words. They were both wrapped up in the afterglow of the evening.

  When she moved back, Anna felt Lisa curl up next to her. They both were felt happy and satisfied.

  They fell asleep together. While an airport hotel wasn’t the most ideal locale for making love and sleeping, Anna couldn’t complain. She liked Lisa and she liked the way Lisa made her feel. Anna hoped things would work out and she would see more of Lisa. At least, it was what she hoped at the end of it all. Sometimes fate wasn't so nice to her. Things could be more difficult for them from here on out.

  Chapter Six

  Lisa didn’t mean to sleep with Anna as quickly as she did. She just wanted to cuddle with her, have a bit of fun kissing, and leave it at that. Waking up, Lisa’s brain was a bit fuzzy. She rolled over and saw Anna staring at her and smile.

  “Good morning. Hope you had a great sleep. You know, I could get used to this,” Anna said with a teasing smile.

  “I could say the same thing,” Lisa purred.

  The reality of the situation though, was that Lisa wasn’t sure if she really could. After all, that would mean having to face the pain in her past so that she could move on. Lisa wasn't sure if she could do that yet. But, at that moment, having fun with Anna was what mattered. It made her feel younger than ever before.

  As they lay in bed, the lights began to flicker on and off. Then finally, they came on again.

  “Looks like the power is back,” Anna said.

  “Yes it does. We should probably get dressed and check on our flight home,” Lisa said.

  As they began to dress, neither one of them spoke. Lisa looked at Anna and noticed a worried look on her face.

  “Is everything all right, Anna?” she asked.

  “I’m fine. I’m just confused about what’s going to happen next,” she said.

  “You mean with us?” Lisa asked.

  “Yeah. I mean, I hope this wasn’t just some one-night stand. That would be so wrong in so many ways,,” Anna said.

  “Don’t worry. It wasn’t a ‘bam-bam thank you ma’am’ situation,” Lisa said.

  Lisa was a bit scared of letting go of her past. She had never done something like this before. She wondered what Anna thought about it.

  It was the first time she had made love in a very long time. Not since Janice was alive. A shudder coursed through her body as she remembered the woman from her past.

  “Is everything okay with you?” Anna asked.

  “Yeah. Just thinking,” Lisa replied.

  “About what?”

  “About us. Anna, I haven’t felt like this in a very long time. I’m just a little nervous. And, I don’t want to disappoint you,” she said.

  "You're not going to. You have to do a lot to disappoint me,” Anna said cheerfully.

  That was where she was wrong, but Lisa would let her stick with that fairy tale for now.

  “Let me call the front desk and see if I can get any update,” Lisa said. She picked up the phone, but service was out.

  “No telephone service. Well, let’s walk to the gate and find out the status of our flight,” Anna said.


  They left the hotel and made their way back to their departure gate. As they walked the terminal, they noticed some of the planes had their lights on.

  “I guess the worst of the storm has passed,” Lisa said.

  “Yeah. I guess so. Let’s check with the counter agent,” Anna said.

  They went to the gate. As they made their way to the line, airline agent looked up and smiled.

>   “Oh, thank goodness you’re finally here. The phone lines are down at the moment. We went to your room, but you didn’t answer. Obviously you were making your way back here,” the ticket agent said. “Listen, take your bags and check them in with the agent at the door. They’re getting ready to depart,” the gate attendant said.

  “Sorry we held up the plane,” Anna said, blushing madly because of the reason why she was late.

  “We’ll get on right away,” Lisa muttered.

  “I had you both on my roster. We weren’t going to leave without you both. It’s an open seating flight. You can sit where you want. It’s not a full flight either. So, I imagine you two can sit together. You two seem like wonderful friends,” she said.

  Lisa almost burst out laughing at those words. Friends, sure. Whatever you say.

  “Right. Anyway, let’s board, friend,” Lisa said, silently laughing to herself.

  “Okay,” Anna said.

  As they walked into the plane, Anna looked at Lisa with a grin on her face. Lisa, however, was thinking all about what would happen now, now that she had fallen badly for someone.

  “Wow,” Lisa breathed to herself.

  They got on the flight. Like the ticket agent said, it wasn’t a full flight. It didn’t seem like there were a bunch of children either. Only a couple teens napping in the back.

  “This seems like a good flight,” she said.

  “Yeah, I’m just ready to get home,” Anna said.

  “Well, we’ll be there soon. This was a fun little adventure. I’m glad that fate, or whatever you’d like to call it, brought us together,” Lisa said.

  Lisa knew it may not keep them together. So, she decided to cherish the moments as they came. Thinking about arriving home and parting ways, Lisa found herself deep in thought. Then she heard Anna’s voice.

  “Are you sure there’s nothing wrong? You have my ear if you need to talk,” Anna asked.

  “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it,” Lisa said.


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