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A Little Christmas Jingle

Page 13

by Michele Dunaway

  Kat began to laugh and covered her mouth. “Your mom is a hoot. You’ll be everywhere, Mr. December.”

  “Don’t you make fun of me,” Jack said, grabbing her wrist and tugging her toward him. “It’s not nice.”

  She flipped the pom-pom on his hat. “You deserved it. You didn’t believe me about today.”

  “Maybe,” he answered. “You did great. I stand corrected.”

  Her eyes twinkled and amusement edged the corners of her lips. “Say it.”

  “What? That you were an animal matchmaker?”

  “You know what I want to hear. Say it.”

  He pulled her to him, her hands splaying against his chest. “What? You want to hear me grovel and say I was wrong?”

  “You were, so yes, I do.”

  Jack didn’t fully concede. “The jury’s still out. As long as none of those animals come back.”

  “They won’t,” Kat declared.

  Jack reached down to trace the blue stitching of her name. Her breath hitched.

  “If they don’t, then I will happily admit I was wrong. As it was, you talked my straightlaced, uptight brother into a full-size poodle. That’s something I thought I’d never see. Matt with a dog.”

  “Fine. Close enough.”

  His fingers were at the top of her breast, mere inches from her nipple. Despite the lab coat and the clothes she wore underneath, heat pooled between her legs.

  “Why is the writing always blue?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Katherine with a K.” His voice dropped and he outlined the first letter again.

  “My grandmother’s name. I shortened it to Kat one day because I couldn’t spell it all. I was four.”


  He finger rubbed over the letters and she toyed with a button on his shirt. “You’re just jealous Jack isn’t short for anything.”

  “Ha. Is to. Jackson. Jackson Howard.”

  She giggled. “Howard.”

  “Don’t mock my grandpa. He’s a great guy.”

  She popped open the button. “I’m not. I’m making fun of you.”

  “That’s not nice. You know, you’re not being very nice to me. You made me wear this hat.”

  “It looked sexy in the calendar.”

  “That was a Santa hat.”

  “Close enough.” Her breath hitched. “And now you’re toying with me.”

  He tugged her closer to him so that her hands flattened between them. “You’re the tease. Not me.”

  “Me?” Kat parroted innocently. “How?”

  “Just, just everything. You are driving me absolutely crazy.”

  She leaned her head back, brought her face upward. “So? What are you going to do about it?”

  “This,” Jack replied, and swallowed her next words with a kiss that left her knees wobbly. His tongue found crevices in her mouth that she didn’t know could emit such pleasure. She dragged her teeth along his tongue, and he groaned. “You are so tempting.”

  “Really?” Her mouth kissed the edge of his.

  He stepped back. “If we don’t get out of here, this will get out of hand. Dinner.”

  Reluctantly, Kat agreed. Before her employees had left, all the animals had been fed and taken care of, including Jingle. She could leave work, go to dinner. “I need my purse. It’s in my office.”

  He entered her office. She bent down to retrieve her purse from the locked drawer but Jack was right behind her, and he put his hands on her bottom and then slid them around to pull her back toward his groin.

  “You are so sexy,” he told her. Rather than straighten, Kat parted her legs so his hands could slide between. She and Jack had been building to this moment, and she wanted it. She wanted sparks. Wanted heat. He ground her into him and she gasped as his left hand came up to pull out her shirt and move underneath to cup her breast. “So damn hot,” Jack said. He lowered his lips to her neck.

  Kat’s brain short-circuited. No way could she go eat dinner in this aroused state. Her breast felt heavy in his left hand and his right hand moved between her legs, the black chinos a barrier to full friction.


  He drew back. “I know. Not romantic. I’m taking you to dinner now. I’m sorry …”

  “I’m not.” She faced him, grabbed his shirt, pushed him back toward the couch. The back of his knees connected with it, and he sat. She straddled him, brought her mouth close to his. She’d never been this brazen before, but she wanted him. “I know you’re a decent, upright guy who always does the right thing. Now shut up and kiss me.”

  He obliged, capturing her lips and sliding his tongue deep. His fingers found the buttons of her shirt, and soon it and the lab coat were on the floor. She wore red lace, and Jack peeled it low, exposing her breasts. He captured one and swirled his tongue over it, making Kat cry out in pleasure.


  “Oh yes,” she said, kissing his neck and inhaling the musky scent so uniquely him.

  “Good?” He moved to the other breast.

  “Hell yes,” Kat moaned as her body quaked. “Don’t you dare stop.”

  “A gentleman—”

  “Would meet all my needs.”

  “Then I’m going to make you come all night,” he told her.

  “Oh!” She shattered as fingers and tongue worked their magic.

  “One,” Jack counted. He grinned at her. “And so you know, I always keep my promises.”

  He undid her belt and top button, tugging the zipper free so he could dip a finger inside her pants. He made a circle and she cried out. He slid under the red lace she wore and stroked from top to bottom, before adding another finger. Then he slid both inside her moist heat, and Kat shouted with the ecstasy.

  “That’s right. Come for me,” he told her as he placed his mouth on her nipple, bringing her to orgasm again as she rode his fingers.

  Kat’s head rolled onto his shoulder. Never before had an orgasm been so satisfying—and she could tell they weren’t finished. Jack licked his fingers and closed his eyes as he tasted her. “You are delicious. So sweet.”

  “Oh.” But she lost words as he stripped her of her pants, leaving her only in red lace bra and undies. Then he turned her so her back was on the couch and he knelt on the floor and pushed her legs apart. “Lady in red,” he whispered as he lowered his mouth to her throbbing, wet center. The fabric provided a seductive texture until Jack pushed the lace aside so his tongue could taste her unimpeded. Kat could only watch through half-lidded eyes as that gorgeous blond man drank her in. Blue eyes locked on hers as he slid one finger, then two, back inside, his kisses causing her to throw her head back and let go as the world shook yet again.

  “You are soaked,” he told her as he stood, stripping his clothes, and Kat reached to check, if only to desensitize her pulsating flesh. He pushed her hand away. “My job. You need something to hold. Here.”

  He stood long, thick, and hard, barely fitting in her hand. Beautiful. Then Kat got greedy and wrapped her mouth around him. He groaned. “I wasn’t meaning you had to do that.”

  “Shut up,” she told him, for she needed to regain some control, some female power after being shattered so thoroughly. She cupped him, took him as deep into her mouth as she could until he was drawing back, sliding her to the edge of the couch, and turning her body so he could enter her. He managed get the condom on in record time before driving himself inside in one, blissful, earth-shattering thrust.

  Kat wrapped one leg around him, the other on the floor as he stroked, and she heard herself making all those embarrassing noises she hated but couldn’t check as pleasure overtook reason. Then she didn’t care, for she saw stars and every nerve ending overloaded and quaked. He used his fingers and rubbed her as well, and his lips came down to kiss her breast, his tongue circling her nipple.

  He increased his pace and the orgasm of all orgasms overtook her, sending her into the place where the mind goes blank and only pure pleasure existed. She w
as floating, riding a wave, and suddenly, as she felt him pulse, her whole body shook and she erupted and was spent. Sweat beaded his brow and she wiped it off before bringing him close. “Damn.”

  “Uh-huh,” she agreed. Best sex ever. And the night was young.

  They stayed quiet, each touching the other softly as their bodies calmed. His stomach rumbled. “I missed lunch,” he told her.

  “You didn’t grab any of the sandwiches?”

  “Got busy.” He drew back, touched her breast. “Would rather stay busy.”

  “Hmmm. Then luckily the Chinese place delivers. My flat’s closer and besides, the night tech comes in at seven.”

  Jack shifted. “Then we’ll need to go so we can continue this.”

  “After all, you made a promise,” Kat teased.

  “That I did,” he said with a grin that twisted something inside her heart. “And I always keep my promises. So let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter Ten

  Jack woke up to the realization he wasn’t alone. He was on his back, with Kat curled to the left side of him. But when he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the white and brown face with whiskers a mere six inches from his chin. Pippa had planted herself in the middle of his chest. Luckily there was a sheet between her paws and his bare chest.

  Jack tilted his head, seeing Ty sleeping at the foot of the bed. Unlike him, Kat always had company, albeit the pet variety.

  “What time is it?” Kat mumbled sleepily. She rolled over, her naked rear sliding away from where it had been pressed against his hip. Now her chest came to rest beside his, those beautiful breasts rubbing against him. Part of him stirred, although the last time they’d joined had been mere hours. How much sleep had they even gotten?

  Pippa dug in her claws as Jack shifted to see the clock. The sheet did little to protect. “Ouch!”

  Kat rose up, her naked torso glorious as she picked up the cat and relocated her to another part of the bed. Jack leaned over to catch a nipple with his mouth, and Kat arched her back as he drew the nub between his lips.

  “You are dangerous,” she said.

  “Mmm hmm,” he murmured, his hand already reaching for her core. He was rock hard; and he had a hunch she was already wet for him. He drew her on top of him, and she slid down. He loved how he fit inside her so perfectly, and he captured her breast fully as she began to ride him. He allowed her to set the pace until he knew she was close, and then he put his hands on her hips to keep her moving as her body joined his in the release both sought.

  He’d never had sex so good, so perfect. So mind blowing. He wasn’t sure he could ever get enough of Kat.

  They ate a late breakfast around noon, after a long shower. Kat scrambled some eggs, and he scarfed down the entire plate.

  “You’re hungry.”

  “We didn’t eat much of that Chinese,” Jack reminded her. Who needed food when there was Kat?

  Kat blushed. Jack now knew that pinkish color went head to toe. “We were otherwise occupied,” Kat said.

  “I’d say,” Jack replied. Her hair was loose around her shoulders and she wore a tank top and those yoga pants. She was beautiful.

  “So do you have a busy week?” she asked.

  “Have to pick up my tux Wednesday. There’s some groomsmen dinner thing on Tuesday.”

  “What about the bachelor party?”

  “A few weeks ago. More like a dinner at a sports bar. Matt and I both skipped the after-party. Brian’s only twenty-two, and we just didn’t feel comfortable heading over to the east side and the strip clubs. Something he and I agreed on, amazingly enough.”

  “It doesn’t seem like you are your brother are close.”

  “Depends on the day. Most days I’m a bit of a disappointment.”

  Having no siblings, she didn’t quite know how to respond. “I’m sorry to hear that. You’ll have to let me know how the puppy fared.”

  Jack picked up his phone. Amazingly the damn thing had been silent. Not one call or text. He put it back on the kitchen table. “Will do. You know Sharon’s going to put bows in that dog’s hair.”

  “Dogs don’t have gender issues. People do.”

  Jack and Kat both laughed. “True. So what’s your week look like?”

  “Just patients. Same old thing.”

  “Would you like to do something?”


  “How about now? I could run home, change, pick you up in an hour. We could go to Forest Park.” Ideas came to him. “The History Museum. Art Museum. Ice skating.”

  “Ice skating?”

  “Should be an afternoon public session at Steinberg, and it’s been cold enough.”

  “We can stay indoors,” Kat said, for Steinberg was an outdoor rink. Although, she appreciated Jack’s efforts. “There might even be a Blues game. That’s a good compromise. We can watch skating.”

  “Let me check.” Jack slid his finger over his phone and did a quick search. “There is. Shall we go?”

  “As in a real date?” She had to know.

  Jack tilted his head, considered. “I don’t know what the rules are for this anymore”—he gestured aimlessly—“especially after last night. I like being with you. I’d like to get to know you better. But—”

  “I know. You don’t have a good track record and you can’t commit. I didn’t forget.” She checked her disappointment. She’d hoped last night might have changed things. Once again she’d let her emotions overrule logic, had jumped in without thinking. “When’s the game?”


  “Then we have plenty of time. You could help me with my Christmas shopping,” she teased, knowing clear well he’d say no.

  “I avoid malls like the plague, especially in December.”

  Just as she’d predicted. “Actually, I want to go to Cherokee Street. I’m looking for something specific and didn’t find it when they had their cookie walk.”

  The antique district held an annual cookie walk the first weekend of December—each shop put out trays of cookies to entice shoppers.

  “We can do that,” Jack said.

  Surprise had her staring at him. “Really? You’d shop with me?”

  He’d spend time with her any way he could. “Sure. Then dinner and the Blues game.”

  Kat walked him to the back door. He’d parked behind her garage. “One hour,” he told her as he kissed her. “Not a second more.”

  “Yes sir,” she quipped, tearing her lips from his and shutting the door behind him. She watched him walk across her backyard and waited until the SUV drove away. Then she raced to get ready. In the spirit of Christmas, Kat wasn’t going to question this gift.


  Little more than an hour later, Kat and Jack strolled down Cherokee Street. Known for its antique shops, streetlights sported Christmas wreaths and trees contained strands of lights. They ducked under the green awning and through the heavy wooden front door of Hammond Books, a vintage bookstore with shelves crammed together so tightly that Jack bumped into Kat every turn. Not that he minded being close.

  “I love this place,” she said, browsing through the books on the first floor for fifteen minutes before heading up the narrow back stairs to thumb through vintage posters.

  “Well, Barnes and Noble doesn’t have a chandelier.”

  “That it doesn’t,” Kat said, finding a biography that caught her interest. “My dad would like this. He has one of those old-fashioned libraries, complete with a window seat. I would curl up and read for hours.”

  “No library in our house. We were packed in pretty tight. I walked to the nearby library. Quieter there. Where’d you live?”

  “I grew up in Clayton. On Southmoor.”

  Jack knew the area. Big houses. Lots of land. Expensive. “So did you go to Clayton?”

  “MICDS.” Kat named one of St. Louis’s premier private high schools as she spotted a crystal necklace at the counter.


  “Don’t make me out for a
snob. Just because St. Louis is all about where you went to high school doesn’t mean I fit the stereotype. I loved science, and have you seen the science building?”

  Jack held up his hands, conceding the point. She spotted a display of jewelry. “Pretty. And only twenty-five dollars. My cousin will like this.” She purchased that and the book, and then they walked west several blocks to China Finders, where Kat found a set of cat bookends she had to have. “For my partner’s wife,” she told Jack, who took the paper bag that he knew would get heavier the longer he toted it.

  “Cupcake?” she suggested, and they crossed Missouri Avenue and went through the blue double doors into Whisk. The bakery was an overload of Christmas decorations, and Kat and Jack checked the chalkboard of the day’s specials before opting instead for banana chocolate-chip muffins and coffee. They sat near the front windows so they could watch the passersby. Kat enjoyed the easy companionship she found with Jack.

  “So what else do you need to find?”

  “I think I’m good,” Kat said. She glanced at her watch. The day had flown by. “How about you? Have you bought all your presents?”

  “I do gift cards.”


  He didn’t appear sheepish. “What else do you get someone who has everything?”

  “It’s so impersonal. Your mother is a lovely woman. She’d probably love a scarf. Or we saw those lovely ceramic Christmas trees. I’m sure she could find a home for those.”

  “She had every inch of the house covered.”

  “So do I. She can find room.”

  “I don’t get it. What is it with decorating? I don’t even have a tree.”

  “No tree?”

  “It’s just me. Why do I need one? And go ahead and say it. Everyone else does. I’m a Scrooge.”

  “I don’t like to call out names. How long have you been doing gift cards?”

  Jack thought back. “Since they became fashionable?”

  “That’s terrible.”

  “Not really. When we were little, Matt and I always competed for who would get Mom the best gift. He always won.”

  “I’m sure he didn’t.”

  “He bragged he did.”

  “Jack, she’s your mom.” Kat had sudden insight into the boy he must have been, suddenly thrust from the one caring for his mother to the one having to share her with a new family. “You were never less in her eyes. You couldn’t have been.”


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