Take My Crown: A High School Bully Romance (Boys of King Academy Series Book 1)

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Take My Crown: A High School Bully Romance (Boys of King Academy Series Book 1) Page 13

by Louise Rose


  “When can we do this again?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Ivy Archaic

  “Tell me all about your date!” Milly is positively bouncing with excitement as she confronts me in the common room at school. “I want to know every little detail.”

  “Hasn’t Archer already told you what happened?”

  “No. Duh!” Milly rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Archer doesn’t kiss and tell. He has never told me what happened between the two of you. But you will, won’t you? I mean, we are best friends and all.”

  “There’s not an awful lot to tell,” I say.

  “Don’t be like that,” Milly pouts. “I know something happened. I’ve never seen Archer so happy.”

  “Yeah… well…” I smile shyly. “I kind of feel the same way.”

  “I knew it!” Milly claps her hands. “You two are perfect for each other.”

  “What’s this?” Declan walks up next to us, interrupting our conversation. “You two seem really deep in conversation. Is there some juicy bit of gossip I should know about?”

  “No,” I say, just as Milly burst out with, “Ivy and Archer are dating!”

  “Dating, huh?” Declan raises an eyebrow. Is it my imagination or does he look slightly disappointed and angry?

  “It’s not any of your business,” I snap.

  “Au contraire, my musical partner,” Declan says. “We’re working together on a really important project. I need to know if there’s anything going on in your life which might impact on your ability to focus on your work.”

  “I’m perfectly focused, thank you very much,” I reply. “And for the record, no, Archer and I aren’t dating.”

  “You’re not?” Milly’s face falls.

  “Or maybe we are.” I shrug. “I don’t know. We haven’t had that conversation yet.”

  “If I were you, I wouldn’t have that conversation at all,” Declan advises. “The Knights are bad news. Archer’s only using you.”

  “Says you? That’s rich, Declan,” Milly snaps.

  He ignores Milly, looking straight at me. “Do yourself a favour, Ivy. Stay away from the Knights. You’ll only get hurt.”

  “Don’t listen to him,” says Milly. “Declan’s such an arsehole.”

  “I know,” I say, thinking back to our kiss. Milly doesn’t know what happened between us, so I can’t tell her that Declan’s comments came from jealousy. But he is the one with the girlfriend. It isn’t my fault he cheated on her. I’m sure that if he thought he could get away with it, he would have taken things further with me.

  Declan is the one who would hurt me if I let him, not Archer.

  “So, do you still want to know what happened the other night?” I ask Milly, wanting to cheer her up.


  “Okay, so we went for a ride on his bike before going back to his place to watch a movie.”

  “Did he take you down to his cinema?” Milly looks impressed. “He doesn’t do that for many girls. He must really like you.”

  “Or maybe he just likes watching movies without having to put up with people all around. I mean, we’re going to be the main source of gossip now that Declan knows I went out with Archer. An Archaic and a Knight dating? Everyone’s going to be watching us like a hawk. Maybe Archer just wanted to give our relationship a chance to grow a little first without having an audience.”

  “And I’ve ruined it for you.” Milly’s face falls. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I was just so happy to see Archer finally find someone he is serious about. He hasn’t had much luck with women and he’s the sweetest guy.”

  “It’s okay. Don’t feel bad,” I say. “You didn’t know. And sooner or later people are going to find out we’re seeing each other.”

  “So you are dating then?”

  “It’s early days,” I remind her.

  “I knew you guys were perfect for each other!” The look on Milly’s face is the epitome of happiness. “So, what happened after the movie?”

  “We fooled around a little, but Archer is the perfect gentleman,” I say. “He says he wants us to get to know each other better before we take things further. So, he’s taking me out again this week.”

  “Are you having another movie date?”

  “No. He’s taking me to something called the Bomber Derby. Says I can be his partner.”

  “The Bomber Derby?” Milly let out one of her infamous squeals. “Oh my god! It must be serious!”

  “What do you mean? What’s so important about the Bomber Derby?”

  “It’s a regular race between the four houses. Well, three for now. The heir to each house competes to race around the town. The losers have to buy the winner a crate of beer, but it’s more about the kudos than the prize. Archer’s been on a winning streak for months now and the others would love nothing more than to see him lose, but that’s not going to happen. If you get asked to ride on the back of someone’s bike for the race it’s a big deal. Usually only girlfriends get to partner up for the race, so if Archer’s asked you to ride with him, it means he genuinely cares about you and he doesn’t care who knows it. Archer’s usually so private about his love life. This is huge, Ivy!”

  “I had no idea…”

  I hadn’t. Archer had been so casual about inviting me to ride with him. After the movie ended, we’d kissed a bit, but before things could go too far, Archer said he had to take me home because he didn’t want my dad to worry. But he said there is a race coming up and if I wanted, I can ride on the back of his bike for it. Of course, he didn’t need to ask me twice–there’s nothing I love more than a bit of speed. I had no idea it was so significant.

  And then Milly asks the really serious question.

  “What are you going to wear?”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Ivy Archaic

  The black leather trousers I had worn on our date come in handy again as I get ready for the race. If I’m going to be involved in a high-speed race, practicality mattered more than looks–but it doesn’t hurt that the trousers hug my butt in a way that really flatters my curves.

  I knew all too well what damage can be done if you came off a bike when you are going fast. One of my friends had been involved in a crash and the only thing that had stopped his injuries from being worse was the heavy biker gear he had been wearing. As it was, the friction from sliding along the road when he came off his bike had worn away the leather until there was practically nothing left.

  I wasn’t going to risk something like that happening to me for the sake of a cute short skirt. Anyway, something tells me Archer will appreciate the biker chick look more than me dressing up, and the look of approval on his face as I left the house to meet him told me I had made the right call.

  I drop a quick kiss on his lips before putting on the helmet he holds out to me.

  “Are you ready for this?” he asks with a classic Archer smirk that melts my heart and other places. “The speed limit doesn’t apply when you’re riding in the Bomber Derby.”

  “Ride or die? Right?” I laugh but something in his eyes sparks like danger. “The question is, can you ride fast enough for me?”

  “I think you will be happy,” Archer grins, as I climb behind him on the bike.

  I have done a little digging into the history of the race after Milly told me what a big deal it was. Apparently, it is a long-standing tradition in the town. All the police know about it and stayed\ out of the way, not wanting to get on the wrong side of the Houses. They turn a blind eye to the Bomber Derby and in return, the Houses make very generous donations to local police charities. It is a win/win all round.

  The Derby is seen as a relatively harmless way for young heirs to let off steam while jostling for dominance. Before the race started, there’d been a number of street fights and people had died. Since the introduction of the Derby, the only injuries had been when someone crashed their bike. I wonder if my mum and dad raced at some point? />
  As Milly had said, Archer had won most of the races he has participated in since he started doing them, so the pressure is on tonight. Both Romy and Declan would be desperate to take the crown from him. And something tells me that the pair of them would be doubly keen to win once they saw me sitting on the back of Archer’s bike.

  I hold on tight as Archer drives through the streets of King Town. The route of the race changes every time, rotating the start/finish line between each of the four Houses’ territories to keep things fair. Wherever it started, that House had the responsibility for coming up with the route and this time it is the turn of House Navarre to decide the layout of the race. Kept secret until just before the race is due to start, in theory, it gives an advantage to the hosting House, but it still hasn’t stopped Archer from winning.

  Once more, I find myself travelling through the industrial area filled with Navarre factories. As we draw nearer to the starting point of the race, I can hear loud music and cheering. Turning down another street, I see a large banner hung across the road to signify the starting point. A platform has been erected to one side of the road and a DJ is spinning discs to entertain the crowd waiting for the festivities to begin. Girls in literally nothing skirts and bras walk around with drinks and I recognise many of them from school. I see Nikki, and her eyes widen as she pats a girl’s shoulder next to her.

  As Archer pulls up just before the line painted across the road, there is a lull in sound. The music continues to play but everyone falls silent as they realise Archer isn’t alone.

  “Is that… Ivy Archaic?” I hear someone say.

  Archer takes off his helmet and twists round in his seat to see me. Mischief flickers in his eyes, drawing me to him. “Shall we give them something to talk about?”

  I take off my helmet, shaking my hair out. “Sounds like fun.”

  I lean forward and kiss him, and just like every other time, there is a spark of something there. He breathes life into me, like bringing back a bird to life but this bird is still trapped in a cage. He reaches back and caresses my thigh as we take our time exploring each other’s mouths.

  “Get a room!” someone jeers when we finally break apart. Archer and I simply look at each other and laugh.

  “I guess you think the best man won?” Romy comes over to talk to us, his eyes stormy and his jaw almost ticking in anger. My heart pounds when I see him, not in the same way it reacts to Archer. The feelings I get around both of them are intense, to say the least.

  “Like I always do,” shrugs Archer.

  “Yeah, well, I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Romy bites out. “I’ve upgraded to a Dodge Tomahawk. You’re not going to stand a chance out there.”

  “It’s all about the rider, not the bike,” Archer counters. “You wouldn’t know how to handle something like that. If I were you, I would go back to the Yamaha.”

  “What’s the matter, Archer? Worried you’re going to lose?” Romy cruelly taunts.

  “I could be riding a fucking Vespa and I would still beat you,” Archer laughs. Romy looks inches away from punching him and I don’t blame him at this point. The stupid side of me reaches out and touches Romy's arm and I see Archer’s eyes narrow at the move.

  Romy turns his attention to me, a small grin brightening up his handsome face. “There’s always room on the back of my bike for you, Ivy,” he suggests, his voice deep and sexy in all the right ways.

  I always used to think girls who fell for boys like Romy where completely stupid. I mean he is a man whore with all the shiny perks. He might as well have a giant sign claiming that title as his…but now I know why girls fall for him. He’s hard to resist, the problem is…he knows it.

  “I’m saving a space just for you. Come talk to me when you’ve had enough of hanging round with losers. Archer Knight might win the Bomber Derby but he’s still got a lot to learn when it comes to taking care of women.”

  With that, he goes over to his bike and makes a big show of starting to check it over.

  I notice Archer frowning, he’s watching Romy with caution.

  “What’s up?”

  “It doesn’t look like Romy’s got someone on his bike today,” he says, still gazing over at his rival.


  “Romy never rides on his own. He’s always got to have a woman with him, thinks it makes him look cool. He might not be able to win the race but he can always win someone’s heart. It’s a cheesy line he uses but it always seems to work.”

  “Yes, Romy’s pretty good with the cheesy one liners,” I murmur, thinking back to how he had seduced me with words and his sexy face.

  “If he’s riding alone, he’s doing it for show.” Archer turns to face me. “Look, Ivy. You can make up your own mind about who you hang around with. I’m never going to try and control you or tell you what you can or can’t do. But I’m warning you now–be careful around Romy. He’s always hustling. He’s the kind of guy who’d try to steal you from me just to prove he can. He’s just like his father–he’ll never settle down with one woman. Did you know Romy’s got eight brothers and sisters, but Romy’s the only legitimate heir?”

  I laugh nervously. “It’s the twenty-first century, Archer. The whole concept of a ‘legitimate heir’ went out with the ark.”

  “Not in King Town,” Archer reminds me. “Who you are and where you come from matters here. Your blood equals your place in King Town. It’s why your father needed you brought back. Without you, there’s no House Archaic. Without Romy, there’d be a huge fight over who gets to take over House Navarre. It isn’t as simple as who is born first. It can be argued that Navarre’s favourite concubine should have precedence, only his favourite’s constantly changing. It would be a nightmare for House Navarre and a golden opportunity for the rest of us. We can swoop in and take their territory–and business–while they’re squabbling over who’s in charge.”

  “You people are nuts,” I say.

  “You’re one of us now,” Archer reminds me. “And there are good parts to being an elite in King Town. You just need to look for them.”

  There is the blare of a loud horn at the end of his sentence.

  “Can all racers proceed to the booth where the route is now available for viewing,” announces the DJ.

  “That’s my cue,” says Archer. “Now I get to see what Romy planned for us.”

  “Wait–are you meant to memorise the route?” I ask.

  “No.” Archer laughs. “The route’s clearly marked and there are checkpoints along the way. This is just to give us advance warning of where we’re supposed to be so we can strategize. I told you–the hosting House gets an advantage. Romy will have run this route multiple times because he thinks it’ll give him a chance of winning. But it won’t matter–I’m still going to be first across the finish line.”

  There is something undeniably sexy about Archer’s confidence. I can’t stop myself from kissing him before he went off to join the other competitors.

  I watch his butt as he walks, loving the way it looks in his biker gear.

  “So you think you’ve pinned down the elusive Archer Knight, do you?”

  I turn to see Ally standing next to me.

  “He’ll break your heart, you know,” she sneers. “He always does.”

  “Yeah, right,” I dryly reply.

  “Oh, you’re in love with him!” She laughs. “You poor thing. You’re in even more trouble than you think.”

  “Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine,” I reply. “You’re just jealous Archer’s found someone better than you.”

  “Meow!” Ally tried to be sarcastic, but there is a tinge of hurt to her tone that tells me I have hit the mark. “I guess we’ll see who’s best when Declan races past the finish line and I’m waving at you while Archer tries to keep up.”

  “In your dreams,” I say even when her comment hits home. As much as I’ve tried to push Declan from my thoughts and heart, he is still there. Therefore, every time I see him with
Ally, I want to hit her. “From what I’ve heard, Declan hasn’t got a chance of winning this thing. Speak of the devil…”

  “Look at this! Two of my favourite people hanging out together.” Declan comes over and puts his arm around Ally, but his eyes stay fixed on me. I look away first, needing to put space between us.

  “Yes, I was just letting Ivy know she’s backing the wrong guy.” Ally smirks and puts her arms around Declan’s neck, casting me a glance that tells me he is all hers.

  She is welcome to him. I don’t date cheaters.

  “Well, I knew that, babe.” Declan kissed Ally, but he is looking at me all the while. Ally doesn’t notice–she is utterly smitten.

  “Are you ready to ride with a winner?” Archer came to join us, wrapping his arm around my waist. “I’ve looked at the course and nobody stands a chance. Romy’s put in a lot of straights because he thinks it’ll give him the advantage with his new bike, but there’s a few tight turns he’s going to struggle with. This one’s a foregone conclusion.”

  “Cool!” I wiggle my fingers to wave goodbye to Ally and Declan. “We’ll be waiting for you at the finish line.”

  My stomach clenches, my heart pounds, as I get up behind Archer on his bike. The three House heirs are lined up at a line painted on the ground, each revving their bikes. Romy’s Tomahawk is an impressive beast, but I trust Archer when he says he can beat him.

  Ally is perched behind Declan dressed in some ridiculous small skirt and bra with glitter all over her skin, but Romy is riding alone. When he sees me looking at him, he swivels in his seat and patted the space behind him before pointing at me.

  I have no time to think about why he is making such a big deal out of wanting me because the DJ spoke into a loudhailer, announcing the start of the race.

  “Here we are at the start of another Bomber Derby.”

  The crowd started cheering and whooping; the noise deafening.

  “Will Archer win for an eighth time in a row or will one of the other Houses edge him out? It’s time to find out. Everyone join me for the countdown.” The spectators chant along with him. “Three… Two… One… They’re off!”


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