Take My Crown: A High School Bully Romance (Boys of King Academy Series Book 1)

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Take My Crown: A High School Bully Romance (Boys of King Academy Series Book 1) Page 14

by Louise Rose

  I almost lose my grip as Archer’s bike lurches forward. Three bikes roar as they all speed down the road and into the heart of the industrial estate. It’s neck and neck until we come to the first bend, then suddenly Archer guns it, turning so sharply we almost slide along the floor.

  As we pull out of the turn, we are ahead of Romy and Declan. Archer opens up the throttle, sending the bike surging forward.

  As Romy and Declan try to take over, Archer swerves across the road, making it impossible for them to get past.

  Another turn comes and again Archer takes it so fast, I am worried we are going to skid, only for Archer’s skill with the bike he is able to pull us out safely.

  We are comfortably ahead of our two rivals when we hit the first long stretch. Just as Archer had predicted, this gave Romy an advantage and this time he manages to edge past us, taking the lead for the first time.

  I feel rather than hear Archer swear as we fall into second place. He drops down a gear, pushing his bike to go even faster than before. His machine is no match for Romy’s doped up Tomahawk though, and on the straight road Romy pulls ahead, putting more distance between us before he hits the next turn.

  Archer’s skills close the gap between us, but Romy chose a route which gave him another long, straight stretch to speed down and by the time he hits the next turn, he has a comfortable lead.

  Declan is nowhere to be seen as Archer takes the next turn even tighter, desperate to shave off a few seconds from his time. There is no sign of Romy as we wind through a number of junctions, Archer desperately trying to catch up with his rival to no avail.

  At last, we turn into the road that leads back to our starting point. I can hear the roar of the crowd even louder than the roar of the engines as Romy victoriously crosses the finish line. Archer isn’t far behind, but the distance might as well have been miles.

  “Looks like your girlfriend weighed you down,” laughs Romy, as Archer pulls up alongside him.

  “Looks like the only way you can win is by spending more of Daddy’s money and setting up a course which a baby can navigate,” Archer counters right in his face. “But it’s my turn next to set the route. We’ll see who’s laughing then.”

  “Err… guys?” I wave a hand in front of their faces to get their attention. “I hate to interrupt all this important willy waving, but shouldn’t Declan be somewhere near? At the very least, shouldn’t we be able to hear his bike? He wasn’t that far behind us.”

  “He’s always the slowest,” shrugs Archer.

  One of Romy’s crew comes running up to us. He whispers something in Romy’s ear, and he pales slightly.

  “We’re going to have to cut short the celebrations,” he says. “Declan’s had an accident. Apparently, he came off his bike a couple of junctions back. I need to go with him to the hospital, make sure he’s all right.”

  My hands shake and my heart instantly hurts. He can’t be dead…not Declan. Holy fuckcakes, I really care about him.

  “We’ll come with you,” offers Archer, seeing my expression and I don’t think he is happy about it.

  Romy hesitates for a moment before nodding. “Okay. I’ll get someone to take your bike back to your home. We’ll go in my car.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Ivy Archaic

  Romy’s driver is fast, and it isn’t long before we pull up outside the private hospital reserved for important members of the Houses and we hurry into reception.

  “I’m Romy Navarre,” he says like that should explain everything. “My friend Declan Dauphin and his girlfriend Ally were just brought in. I need to know how they’re doing.”

  “I’m afraid I can only talk to family members,” the receptionist started, stumbling over her words.

  “I’m. Romy. Navarre.” Romy leans towards her, menace dripping from every word. “This is Archer Knight and Ivy Archaic. I suggest you tell us about the current status of Declan Dauphin or you’ll have our fathers to deal with.”

  “Yes, sir. Of course.” The receptionist gulps, sweat pouring down her forehead as she types a few things on her screen. “They’re currently being assessed. If you’d like to go through those doors over there and follow the signs for family waiting, I’ll get someone in to update you as soon as there’s any news.”

  “Thank you very much…” Romy squints, making a big deal out of reading her name tag. “Hannah. I’ll be sure to tell my father how helpful you were. Eventually. Have his parents been told?”

  “Yes, sir, but they are currently not in the country. They are being kept up to date.” Hannah nods nervously, as we leave to go find the family room.

  I look at Romy with new eyes, seeing what Archer was warning about. I’m not used to seeing him being so forceful and commanding. Beneath his charming exterior lies a man who is going to be the head of a business empire one day.

  The playful king of the academy has a dark side I should have seen coming.

  The family room is clearly signposted and the three of us sit together on one of the comfortable sofas, Romy and Archer sitting on either side of me. There is something which felt right about having the two of them supporting me like this and all of us being here for Declan. And Ally, I suppose. They are so very different, but there is something about both of them which speaks to my soul.

  Archer takes my hand, squeezing it tightly.

  “It’s all my fucking fault,” Romy clears his throat. “If I hadn’t put in those turns at the end right after that final straight, we wouldn’t be here. Declan must have taken one of them too fast.”

  “It’s not your fault,” says Archer. “We’ve done more challenging routes. He was probably just showing off to his girlfriend.”

  “Or maybe he is so desperate to win he made a stupid mistake,” I added. “You can’t blame yourself, Romy. It was an accident. Accidents happen.”

  “Yeah, Romeo,” says Archer. “This isn’t your fault. It’s one of those things.”

  They nod at each other, but the guilt is still in Romy’s eyes.

  We fall into an awkward silence. There is nothing left to say until we know how Declan and Ally are doing.

  At last, the door opens and a doctor walks through to us.

  “I understand you’re representatives of the other Houses,” he asks and his eyes stay on me a second too long.

  “That’s right,” Romy nods, as the three of us stand up.

  “It is most unorthodox for me to be speaking to you like this, but I appreciate your position and the agreement the Houses have to share information when consent is given,” the doctor says. “Both Declan and Ally are awake and capable of giving said consent and they’ve asked me to tell you how they are.”

  “And? How are they?” I ask, anxious to know they are okay. Okay, well that Declan is okay.

  “We will be keeping the pair of them in overnight for observation,” the doctor says. “And Ally has fractured her arm, which will require setting. But it looks like they’ve got nothing more serious than cuts, scrapes and mild concussion. While I would advise all of you to stay off motorbikes, they should be back at school within a week or two.”

  “Thank goodness,” I breathe out. I can feel Archer relaxing his grip on my hand, as Romy lets out a sigh of relief.

  “Please send the bill for their treatment to my father,” Romy says with a wave of his hand. “House Navarre will cover all expenses.”

  “Of course,” the doctor nods. “Would you like to see your friends now?”

  The three of us exchange a glance.

  “That would be great,” Romy says, already moving towards the room.

  Declan is in a twin room, the other bed presumably set aside for Ally. He pulls himself up to sitting when we come in and my heart bangs in my chest when I see the dirt and dried blood on his cheek and forehead. Tiny scrapes cover his chest, which is bare, and I notice his six-pack and muscular body. Jesus Christ, looking like that under clothes should be illegal.

  “Any excuse to make up for
the fact you’re a loser,” joked Romy and he holds his hand out to Declan. He shakes it hard. “Did you really have to put yourself in the hospital to make yourself look better though?”

  “It was such a stupid fucking mistake,” Declan grumbles. “It was that first turn after the final straight. I went into it too fast and came off the bike into a bush which helped save us from really getting hurt.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up,” says Archer, his tone surprisingly gentle. “Mistakes happen. The important thing is you’re both okay.”

  “Yeah,” says Declan, looking at me as I awkwardly stand between Romy and Archer. “They’re just setting Ally’s arm now, but they say it’s a simple fracture and should heal pretty quickly. It could have been a lot worse.”

  “Good.” I smile at him, moving closer and placing my hand on his shoulder where there are no cuts. He covers my hand with his and my eyes burn with tears as I look down at him. “I’d hate to lose my favourite music partner without telling him I forgive him for everything.”

  The doors open as Declan is about to reply and a nurse comes in pushing Ally in a wheelchair, her arm in a cast.

  “Come to gloat, have you Ivy?” Ally scorns when she sees me and I drop my hand from Declan like it’s on fire. “I should have known.”

  “Actually, Ivy came to check on you,” Romy interrupts. “We all did. We were worried about you.”

  “More like worried that I don’t sue you,” says Ally. “What idiot chooses a course with a sharp turn right after a long straight? I’m going to make sure you pay for everything I’m suffering.”

  “No lawyer in town is going to represent you against me,” Romy coldly looks down on her. “And I’ll remind you that the Bomber Derby is a well-known tradition. Anyone who participates does so at their own risk. Try to sue me and you’ll find you’re no longer welcome in this town and neither will your parents or your sister.”

  “I’m not under Navarre protection. I’m an Archaic,” she holds her head up.

  Romy humourlessly laughs.

  I step closer to her and lean down. “And I am the heir to the house of Archaic. My family’s protection will not help you if Romy decides to kick you out. If anything, I will open the fucking door. Don’t. Fucking. Threaten. Him.”

  Ally opens her mouth to say something else, but the nurse interrupts and I step back.” I think that’s quite enough of all that,” she all but whispers nervously.

  I glance at Declan, Romy, and Archer to find them all looking at me in shock. I guess they never expected the heir of Archaic to claim her place. But I am now. I want my own crown. I will use it to protect whoever I want.

  “Ally’s had a nasty shock. She needs rest. I think the three of you should go.” The nurse looks as nervous as the one out in reception.

  “Yeah, Romy. Let’s go,” I say. “See you later, Declan.”

  On an impulse, I lean over and kiss him on the cheek. Ally’s face is black as thunder as I wave goodbye to her. Archer, Romy and I walk out of the room. The moment the door shut behind us, I can hear Ally having a go at Declan about letting us in to talk.

  “Poor guy.” Romy shakes his head. “Ally’s got a real temper.”

  “But it isn’t like anyone put a gun to her head and forced her to get on his bike,” Archer reminds him. “She chose to participate. We all know the risks. Just because this is the first time there’s been an accident for a while doesn’t mean there isn’t a chance of one. She should count herself lucky she isn’t badly injured.”

  “You’re right,” says Romy. “I guess I feel guilty because it was my turn to host.”

  “And it can just as easily happen when it’s my turn or Declan’s,” Archer says.

  “Or mine,” I put in.

  The two men look at me.

  “I’m a head of House too,” I point out. “So that means I should get a chance to host a race.”

  “I don’t know-”

  “You don’t want to race-”

  The two of them speak at once.

  “What–because I’m a girl?” I laugh in disbelief. “I’m an heir and one of those places belongs to me. I’m claiming it. Try to stop me. See what happens.”

  I stare them down.

  “No, Ivy.” Archer runs his hand over his closely shaved head. “Because nobody wants to see you get hurt.”

  “Let’s be honest, guys. I was never safe. I was cursed the second I got here and I might as well enjoy the perks that come with it,” I reply before turning around and walking away.

  Romy’s driver takes me and Archer back to his place where his bike is already waiting for us by the door.

  “I better take you home,” Archer says, after waving off the car. “I’m sorry tonight turned out to be such a downer.”

  “It’s not your fault,” I say for what seemed like the millionth time. I have spent most of the journey over here reassuring Romy and Archer that neither of them should feel guilty about what happened. “Anyway, I’m not due home for a while yet. Why don’t I come in for coffee? You look like you can do with the company.”

  “That would be good.” Archer smiles sadly, taking out his keys to letting us into his home.

  “Take a seat,” he invites, pointing over to one of the couches. “I’ll get some coffee on.”

  “Or we can leave the coffee for the moment,” I suggest. “I don’t know about you, but right now I can really do with a hug.”

  Archer’s stormy expression softens before he comes over and sits next to me, putting an arm around my shoulder. I rest my head against him. Putting my hand over his heart, I can feel him trembling underneath my touch.

  “Are you all right?” I softly ask.

  “I just can’t stop thinking about what might have happened,” Archer says. “It could have been us in that hospital. You could have been seriously hurt. If I had taken a corner too fast, hit a bump in the road at speed…”

  “But you didn’t,” I soothe, reaching up to cup his cheek in my hand. “You’re a good driver, Archer. I feel safe when I’m with you. You would never let anything happen to me.”

  “I never would have forgiven myself if I hurt you,” Archer vows. “You’re far too precious to me. I could have so easily fucked up the only light in my life.”

  He breaks off, looking away so I wouldn’t see the anguish on his face.

  Gently I pull him round to look at me and I kiss him, pushing everything I’m feeling into the kiss.

  “Shhh,” I whisper. “I’m here. I’m right here. And I’m fine.”

  I kiss him again, and he groans as he holds me tightly to his chest.

  Grabbing my thighs, he pulls me over so I am straddling him. His hands run up my back, coming round to the front to take off my jacket as we continue to kiss.

  I help him pull off my jacket before reaching forward to yank off his. I tug at his tee and Archer takes the hint, taking it off as I remove my top.

  “Wow.” I run a finger down his torso. He clearly works out on a regular basis–his six-pack is taut, while a tattoo of a knight on a horse gallops across his chest in beautiful detail.

  It’s official. He has the hottest body of anyone I have ever known, even better than Romy’s.

  “Wow yourself,” smiles Archer, reaching up to run his finger beneath my lacy red bra strap and making me shiver.

  I reach behind to undo my bra, holding it out to one side before deliberately letting go. It falls to the floor, leaving me topless.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Archer asks, as I step back to undo my trousers.

  “Very yes,” I reply. He needs no further invitation to undo his trousers and the pair of us scramble to see who can get naked first.

  The truth is that I am more shaken by Declan’s accident than I let on. I need the reassurance of knowing we are okay and I want nothing more than to feel Archer’s naked body against mine. Letting his hands, lips, and cock tell me that I am still alive. That I might be trapped, but this prison has everything I nee
d to feel alive.

  At last, Archer stands in front of me, completely naked. His cock is large, his erection impressive as he steps forward to embrace me. I jump up, wrapping my legs around him as he holds me in his arms. We kiss, Archer’s strong arms holding me as if I’m weightless.

  “You are so beautiful, Ivy,” he murmurs in between kisses. “I wanted you from the moment I saw you.”

  He turns and gently lays me down on the sofa. With his hands, he holds my legs apart as he knelt down in front of me. No one has ever done this to me before…my very short relationship a year back just couldn’t care less about me getting off, it was all about him.

  “Oh god,” I moan. “What are you doing?”

  Archer shoots me a brief, knowing smile before burying his face between my legs, his hands digging into my ass.

  “Oh god,” I moan again, as his tongue flicks out, dancing over my clit. I sink into the couch, letting myself relax into him. Archer knows exactly what he is doing, and he massages my ass with his hands while he lets his tongue work on me.

  I can feel myself heading towards orgasm, but Archer suddenly pulls away.

  “What are you doing?” I plead, “Don’t stop!”

  “Don’t worry,” he tells me, kissing up my stomach. “I’ll be right back.”

  Reaching into his trouser pocket, he takes out his wallet where he has some condoms. He swiftly puts one on, coming back to kiss me, cupping my chin as he kisses me. I moan into his mouth as he plunges his cock deep inside me. We fit together as if we’d been made for each other and this just makes it so much more real. He flips us over on the couch so I’m on top and I sink down on him, loving this position. Sex was always blah to me…and I never knew it could be like this.

  I’m officially ruined for all other men unless they can do it this well. Declan and Romy flicker over my mind as I ride Archer, and I feel guilty for even thinking of them.

  I throw my head back, enjoying the feel of him inside me as I ride him.


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